Steam controller bluetooth подключение

How to use Bluetooth on Steam Controller on your PC

Bluetooth on Steam Controller

The Steam Controller is all around decent controller with a very reasonable price tag, it takes some getting used to but the level of customization and various ways to use it are its strengths. Valve has now activated the Bluetooth functionality in their controllers, here’s how you can use Bluetooth on Steam Controller.

Turn on Bluetooth on Steam Controller

Having the option to connect your controller to various devices that support Bluetooth is a very useful feature, especially considering many people actually prefer having the option to play even mobile games with a controller.

Bluetooth on Steam Controller

Valve’s upcoming Steam Link service that will allow gamers to directly play their Steam games on their mobile devices, using the Steam Controller as well, which will make use of Bluetooth, below is how you can turn the Bluetooth on.

  • Get the Steam beta client, this is available for everyone, you can opt for it here.
  • Download the latest version, which it will automatically update.
  • Connect your Steam Controller.
  • Select “Update Firmware now”, when the dialog box appears.
  • This will update your controller and you can now use the Bluetooth on your controller, for PC, Mobile or any other device.
  • This will reset your current Controller pairing settings, so you’ll have to link it with your wireless receiver again.
  • Once you’re done with this, press A + the Steam button to use the original wireless mode or press B + the Steam button to use the original wireless mode.

The Steam Link service launches next week, and you’ll be able to play your Steam games on your mobile and tablet devices, which is very exciting since it makes the previous Steam Link feature of Steam pretty useless.

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That’s all you need to know about turning on your Bluetooth on Steam Controller, share your results in the comments below.


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