Stm32 bluetooth low energy

Introduction to Bluetooth ® LE with STM32

Bluetooth ® Low Energy is a low-power, short range, wireless personal area network technology designed and marketed by the Bluetooth ® Special Interest Group (Bluetooth ® SIG [1] ) to allow devices to communicate with each other.

The keys features are:

  • save battery consumption as few data need to be transmitted
  • create simultaneous connections as data packet are short
  • develop standardized applications specified by the Bluetooth ® SIG
  • develop Mesh network applications
  • develop proprietary applications due to the flexibility of the services and characteristics creation

Most smartphones and tablets built since 2012 support Bluetooth ® LE.

The STM32WB series [2] and the STM32WBA series [3] are the ideal MCUs families for developing connected accessories that control sensors and transmit information to central devices.

Regarding the technology specifications, more information is available with the STM32WBx BLE Programming Manual [4] .

2 Wiki Bluetooth ® LE: pages breakdown

For users aware of this wiki Bluetooth ® LE, see below the direct links to dedicated articles. For beginners, start reading the next chapter first.

  • Introduction to Bluetooth ® LE with STM32 (this current page)
    • STM32WBA Series
      • Bluetooth ® LE Hardware setup (Information regarding the configuration of the board to run the application)
      • Bluetooth ® LE Software setup — STM32CubeWBA (Information about the Bluetooth ® LE software development)
        • Several Bluetooth ® SIG specified applications
        • Several ST proprietary Bluetooth ® LE applications
        • Bluetooth ® LE Hardware setup (Information regarding the configuration of the board to run the application)
        • Bluetooth ® LE Software setup — STM32CubeWB (Information about the Bluetooth ® LE software development)
          • Several Bluetooth ® SIG specified applications
          • Several ST proprietary Bluetooth ® LE applications
          • STM32 Bluetooth ® LE sniffer setup (Information regarding the configuration Hardware and Software to run STM32WB Bluetooth ® LE sniffer application)

          3 Easy bring up with STM32WBA Series and Bluetooth ® LE

          From a hardware point of view, STMicroelectronics offers various boards to set up Bluetooth ® LE connectivity solution on STM32 MCUs. The device architecture leverage state-of-the art STM32 ultra-low-power process node and is available up to 1 MB Flash and 128KB of SRAM

          The first evaluation board is the NUCLEO-WBA52CG board with STM32WBA52CG UQFN48′ package

          On the software side, the STM32CubeWBA MCU Package [5] provides a software solution to allow customers to quickly and easily develop their own firmware thanks to:

          • several Bluetooth ® SIG specified applications
          • several ST proprietary Bluetooth ® LE applications

          For more information on how to use and develop Bluetooth ® LE applications see the Bluetooth ® LE Software setup — STM32CubeWBA page.

          3.1 STM32WBA software application notes and user manuals

          3.2 STM32WBA hardware guidance

          4 Easy bring up with STM32WB Series and Bluetooth ® LE

          From a hardware point of view, STMicroelectronics offers various boards to set up Bluetooth ® LE connectivity solution on STM32 MCUs. The device architecture leverage state-of-the art STM32 ultra-low-power process node and is available from 256 KB up to 1 MB of Flash memory and up to 256 KB of SRAM.

          Various packages are available: UQFN48, VQFN68, LGA86, WLCLSP100 and UFBGA129.

          The first evaluation board is the P-NUCLEO-WB55 pack including a USB dongle and a Nucleo-64 board with STM32WB55 MCU.

          NUCLEO-WB15CC is the newest entry-level development board for Bluetooth 5.2 applications running on the STM32WB15CC microcontroller. It offers 329 KB of Flash memory, 48 KB of RAM and necessary peripherals to suit engineers working on simple applications.

          STMicroelectronics has expanded the STM32WB portfolio of dual-core multi-protocol microcontrollers (MCUs) by introducing the first STM32WB5MMG module provided on the STM32WB5MM-DK Discovery kit. The module enriches the STM32WB ecosystem and offers customers an easy way to add this BLE feature for faster time-to-market for the product introduction.

          For more information on how to bring up the hardware to run simple Bluetooth ® LE application check the Bluetooth ® LE hardware setup page.

          On the software side, the STM32CubeWB MCU Package [6] provides a software solution to allow customers to quickly and easily develop their own firmware thanks to:

          • several Bluetooth ® SIG specified applications
          • several ST proprietary Bluetooth ® LE applications
          • STM32CubeMX Bluetooth ® LE application creation & configuration

          For more information on how to use and develop Bluetooth ® LE applications see the Bluetooth ® LE Software setup — STM32CubeWB page.


          Introduction to Bluetooth ® LE with STM32

          Bluetooth ® Low Energy is a low-power, short range, wireless personal area network technology designed and marketed by the Bluetooth ® Special Interest Group (Bluetooth ® SIG [1] ) to allow devices to communicate with each other.

          The keys features are:

          • save battery consumption as few data need to be transmitted
          • create simultaneous connections as data packet are short
          • develop standardized applications specified by the Bluetooth ® SIG
          • develop Mesh network applications
          • develop proprietary applications due to the flexibility of the services and characteristics creation

          Most smartphones and tablets built since 2012 support Bluetooth ® LE.

          The STM32WB series [2] and the STM32WBA series [3] are the ideal MCUs families for developing connected accessories that control sensors and transmit information to central devices.

          Regarding the technology specifications, more information is available with the STM32WBx BLE Programming Manual [4] .

          2 Wiki Bluetooth ® LE: pages breakdown

          For users aware of this wiki Bluetooth ® LE, see below the direct links to dedicated articles. For beginners, start reading the next chapter first.

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