Sub directory in linux

Creating multiple nested directories with one command

@user3142695 End of options (e.g. -s / —some-thing ) and only (positional) arguments from now on. See also It’s not strictly necessary here, I just added it to signify further that those are multiple positional arguments.

To add to the above answers you can also do (in csh , tcsh , ksh , bash , zsh , fish , yash -o brace-expand ):

On bash and similar shells supporting that particular feature (brace expansion) that is. For more information, see

@phk, you mean in csh and similar shells supporting that particular feature (that comes from csh (late 70s)).

@StéphaneChazelas Oops. BTW, does something like for shells exist? (BTW, I should have added to my previous comment «For more information on its implementation in bash ,»)

Reading the man page is always a good place to start.

The -p flag will create the required intermediate directories on the path.

You know even though it doesn’t ‘technically answer’ the particular it’s a very good point; you have to read the man pages as well as do — and type it out yourself helps you memorise it — if you really want to learn. Otherwise it’s just a custom can of scripts for you (and in that case it may very well be a can of worms).

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How to create a new subdirectory with a single command on Linux

What command will create a new subdirectory? For example I would like to create a new subdirectory called TEMP of a parent directory /tmp/.


Creating directories on a linux system is done by use of mkdir command. Please note that Linux shell is case sensitive, therefore, temp and TEMP are two distinct directories. Below you can find a basic usage of the mkdir command. Visit the following link for more advanced mkdir command usage.

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Let’s start be creating a single directory within a current working directory:

The command above will create a directory called TEMP within your current working directory. The following linux command will create test directory inside /tmp/ . Here the command assumes that /tmp/ directory already exists:

The last command example will create a new TEMP directory as a subdirectory of /tmp/test even if test does not exists.

The above -p will instruct mkdir directory to create any parent directory if it does not exist. Executing mkdir command without -p option will result in error message:

$ mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/tmp/test/TEMP’: No such file or directory

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Making Nested Directories in Linux

Learn to make nested directories so that if a directory in the given path doesn’t exist, it is created automatically.

Creating nested directories when the parent directory does not exist is. impossible. But that also does not mean that you need to create the parent directory first and invoke mkdir again.

There is a faster way to achieve this; you can use the -p flag with mkdir command.

mkdir -p parent_dir/child_dir/nested_child_dir

Using the -p flag will let mkdir know that it is okay to make a parent directory if it does not exist yet, and then create a nested child directory.

mkdir syntax

The method for creating directories in UNIX-like systems is to use the mkdir command.

Below is the syntax of mkdir:

Create nested directories with the ‘-p’ flag

Just as an example, I want to create a directory structure where the parent directory’s name is ‘songs’ and the child directory’s name is ‘artists.’

The typical way to achieve this is by the following set of commands:

$ mkdir -v songs mkdir: created directory 'songs' $ mkdir -v songs/artists mkdir: created directory 'songs/artists' # I only included the '-v' flag for verbosity, you need not use it

This can be achieved in a single line like so:

$ mkdir -p -v songs/artists mkdir: created directory 'songs' mkdir: created directory 'songs/artists'

But. you said, «it is impossible.» Technically, you can not create a child directory if the parent does not exist. Yes, that still holds true.

So, let us understand what happened here.

The mkdir command has a ‘-p’ flag, and its descriptor is «no error if existing, make parent directories as needed». The second part of that statement says that mkdir will create a parent directory if the need be.

If you look at the output of mkdir in the second example, you will notice that mkdir created the ‘songs’ directory first and then created ‘artists’ under the ‘songs’ directory.

This indicates that mkdir will first make the necessary parent directories and then the child directory if you use the ‘-p’ flag.

Create multiple child directories under a not-yet-existing parent directory

Let’s try to create multiple child directories when the parent directory does not exist.

There are two ways to achieve this. Have a look:

$ mkdir -vp songs/artists songs/albums songs/genres songs/genres/classical songs/genres/pop mkdir: created directory 'songs' mkdir: created directory 'songs/artists' mkdir: created directory 'songs/albums' mkdir: created directory 'songs/genres' mkdir: created directory 'songs/genres/classical' mkdir: created directory 'songs/genres/pop'

Or, you can use the following command:

$ mkdir -vp songs/> mkdir: created directory 'songs' mkdir: created directory 'songs/artists' mkdir: created directory 'songs/albums' mkdir: created directory 'songs/genres' mkdir: created directory 'songs/genres/classical' mkdir: created directory 'songs/genres/pop'

As you can see, both commands have the same output, but the latter one is faster to type.

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The ‘<>‘ curly brackets are used to specify a list, in this case, a list of directory names.

In this example, the parent directory ‘songs’ does not exist, so it was created. Then, the child directories ‘artists’, ‘albums’, and ‘genres’ are created. The directories ‘classical’ and ‘pop’ are listed under genres, so these two are the child directory of ‘genres,’ and they are created as I expected.


You can learn more about the mkdir command in the article below.

So, now you know how you can create a child directory when a parent directory does not exist — without creating each directory manually.



Illustration of a directory with several subdirectories.

Computer Hope

In a computer file system, a subdirectory is a directory that is contained another directory, called a parent directory. A parent directory may have multiple subdirectories.

In operating systems with a GUI (graphical user interface) such as Microsoft Windows, a directory is called a folder, and a subdirectory is called a subfolder.


Every directory except for the top-level root directory is a subdirectory of at least one directory. The list of parent directories of a directory or file is called its path.

In Windows

The following is an example of a file’s path, including its parent directories, in Microsoft Windows.

In Linux

In the following example path in a Linux operating system, public_html is a subdirectory of computerhope, a subdirectory of c, etc. The special root folder / is the only directory that is not a subdirectory, because it has no parent directory.



Like a subdirectory, a subfolder is any folder that is a child of another folder. In the example below, Fonts and System32 are subfolders of the Windows folder.

How do I create a subdirectory or subfolder?

You can create a subfolder from Microsoft Windows or another GUI by opening the folder containing the subfolder and creating a new folder. For example, if you had a folder called «Games» and you wanted to create a subfolder named «Doom» in the Games folder, move into the Games folder and then create a new folder called «Doom.»

To create a subdirectory from a command line, change to the directory that will be holding the subdirectory and create a new one (similar to above example). Alternatively, you could create a subdirectory in another directory using the full path. For example, using the Windows command line mkdir command, you could create the subdirectory «doom» in the «games» directory by typing «mkdir games\doom» at the command line.


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