Sublime text linux лицензия


(opens new window) on the official site. Sublime Text is not free. However, you may evaluate it without a license.

Download links for all supported platforms can be found on the Download

The process of installing Sublime Text is different for each platform.

# 32 or 64 bits?

64 bit versions should be preferred. As of Sublime Text 4 there are no (officially supported) 32-bit versions any more. Only use a 32-bit version if you are having problems with the 64-bit version or you are running a 32-bit operating system. Note that some features, such as Git Integration

(opens new window) are only available in the 64-bit version.

# macOS

There is only one version of Sublime Text for macOS.

# Windows

You should be able to run the 64-bit version if you are using a modern and supported version Windows (read: anything older than Windows XP).

# Linux

Run the following command in your terminal to check your operating system’s type. x86_64 means you are on a 64-bit system.

# Portable or Not Portable?

Sublime Text comes in two flavors (for Windows specifically):

Most users should be better served by a normal installation. Use the portable version only if you know you need it.

Normal installations separate data between two folders: the installation folder proper, and the data directory (user-specific directory for data; explained later in this guide). Normal installations also integrate Sublime Text with the File Explorer.

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Portable installations keep all files needed by Sublime Text in a single folder. This folder can be moved around and the editor will still work.

# How to Install

# macOS and Windows

# Linux

The recommended way is to use the official Linux repositories

(opens new window) for commonly used Linux distributions and follow the corresponding steps to install Sublime Text using your system’s package manager.

If there is no repository for your system, you can look for a Sublime Text entry on your distro’s repository.

# Manual Installation

The following sequence of Bash commands can be used to install Sublime Text manually. Replace 3211 with the latest build available (or any older build number).

cd ~ wget tar vxjf sublime_text_3_build_*_x64.tar.bz2 # Move the uncompressed files to an appropriate location. sudo mv sublime_text_3 /opt/sublime_text # Create a symbolic link to use at the command line. sudo ln -s /opt/sublime_text_3/sublime_text /usr/local/bin/subl # Create a symbolic link for the desktop entry. sudo ln -s /opt/sublime_text_3/sublime_text.desktop /usr/share/applications/sublime_text.desktop 

# How to Install the Portable Version

The portable version is activated whenever a Data/ folder exists in the installation folder, i.e. the folder you extracted the portable archive to.

# Windows

  1. Download the compressed archive with the portable version.
  2. Unzip it to a folder of your choice.

You will find the sublime_text.exe executable inside that folder.

# Linux

The steps are similar to the manual installation steps above.

  1. Download the tarball.
  2. Unzip it to a folder of your choice.
  3. Create a Data/ folder inside that folder.

You will find the sublime_text executable inside that folder.

# macOS

  1. Download .dmg file.
  2. Open .dmg file.
  3. Drag the Sublime Text 3 bundle into the Applications folder
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To create a symbolic link to use at the command line, issue the following command at the terminal:

ln -s "/Applications/Sublime" /usr/local/bin/subl 

# Release Channels

Sublime Text currently has two release channels:

Stable releases are better tested and more reliable for everyday use. The majority of users should only use stable releases.

The dev channel is more unstable. Dev builds may contain bugs and not work reliably. They are updated more often than beta releases. Dev builds are only available to registered users.

# Older Versions

In the event you want to downgrade your Sublime Text, you can access binaries for any previously released version by replacing the build number in the download URL. For example, to retrieve the Windows release for Sublime Text 3.0, grab the latest download URL provided and replace it with the one from the Sublime Text 3.0 release.

Although discouraged, Sublime Text 2 can be found on its old download page

(opens new window) . Because it is unsupported, you will need to figure out on your own how to install it.


SublimeText 4 (build 4126 — 4143). license key. как получить лицензию на sublimetext 4

SublimeText 4 (build 4126 - 4143). license key. как получить лицензию на sublimetext 4

Друзья! Сегодня я вам расскажу, как за одну минуту сделать лицензию на программу SublimeText 4 для Linux абсолютно бесплатно. Отныне и навсегда Sublime Text ничем не отличается от бесплатной VSCode от жутко скупого M$. Пользуйтесь на здоровье!

Приступим к превращению SublimeText в приобретенную версию. Для этого делаем все пошагово:

Открываем SublimeText и закрываем возможность обновления лицензионного ключа

  1. Идем: “ Preferences -> Settings-User / Distraction Free “
  2. Добавляем: » update_check»: false,
  3. Готово!
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Открываем /etc/hosts и закрываем адреса:

Если хотите, чтобы работали плагины, то эти записи после лицензирования следует закомментировать!

Затем вводим заветный ключ (можно от любой третьей ветки):

Die Socialisten GmbH
10 User License
51311422 E45F49ED 3F0ADE0C E5B8A508
2F4D9B65 64E1E244 EDA11F0E F9D06110
B7B2E826 E6FDAA72 2C653693 5D80582F
09DCFFB5 113A940C 5045C0CD 5F8332F8
34356CC6 D96F6FDB 4DEC20EA 0A24D83A
2C82C329 E3290B29 A16109A7 EC198EB9
F28EBB17 9C07403F D44BA75A C23C6874
EBF11238 5546C3DD 737DC616 445C2941

Возможно ты получишь SublimeText со статусом лицензии LICENSE UPGRADE REQUIRED, но это не страшно, ведь обновление лицензии твое личное дело, а напоминалка о приобретении продукта вылетать уже не будет :).

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