Suse linux enterprise service

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

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1 Product Overview #

SUSE® Linux Enterprise Point of Service is a secure and reliable Linux platform optimized for enterprise retail organizations. Built on the solid foundation of SUSE® Linux Enterprise, it is the only enterprise-class Linux operating system tailored specifically for retail Point of Service terminals, kiosks, self-service systems, and reverse-vending systems.

This section provides an architectural overview of the SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service product, along with an overview of server types, images, and the deployment process.

1.1 Architecture #

The SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service architecture consists of one centralized Administration Server, one or more Branch Servers, and Point of Service terminals. These can be standard PCs running retail check-out applications or specialized point-of-sale machines such as cash registers and customer kiosks (see Figure 1.1, “SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service System Architecture”). Find a list of system requirements for the individual components in Section 1.2, “System Requirements” and an overview of the different server types and their functions in Section 1.3, “Server Types”.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service System Architecture

Figure 1.1: SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service System Architecture #

All system information (system structure, image information, the configuration and deployment method for each Branch Server and Point of Service terminal, etc.) is stored in an LDAP database on the Administration Server and may be replicated on Branch Servers. The Administration Server usually also holds the master repository for the images required to boot and configure Point of Service terminals and provides the utilities required to build those images.


Note: Creating a Dedicated Image Building Server

However, if you have a large system and want to offload the image building function from the Administration Server, you can also set up a dedicated Image Building Server. For more information, see Chapter 4, Setting Up the Administration Server and Chapter 3, Setting Up an Image Building Server.

Triggered by the possyncimages command (see Section B.3.9, “possyncimages”, each Branch Server downloads the system information and images required for its local Point of Service terminals from the Administration Server. The Point of Service terminals, in turn, download their respective images from the Branch Server when they boot.

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Warning: Protecting the Branch Servers

Because Branch Servers contain sensitive information, they must be secured against unauthorized access. Close all unused ports and allow only the root user access to the server console. Refer to Section 10.5, “Securing Your Setup” for more details on how to protect your SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service setup.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service is broadly scalable. A small shop with five Point of Service terminals can be managed as well as a large chain with a thousand branches. For organizations with several Branch Servers, the link between the Branch and Administration Server is maintained over WAN. During execution of administrative tasks, such as the installation of new Point of Service terminals in a branch, steps must be taken to ensure that the WAN link to the Administration Server is available.

The SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service architecture is highly centralized. However, administrative tasks can also be performed on subunits for role-based administration. The Branch Server provides all the services necessary for the operation and management of the Point of Service terminals and the LDAP database can be replicated on the Branch Server. Consequently, the Branch Server and Point of Service terminals can function independently of the Administration Server if the server fails or the connection is down.

1.2 System Requirements #

This section provides a list of minimal hardware requirements for SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) is a secure, adaptable and easy-to-manage Linux server platform that allows developers and administrators to deploy business-critical workloads on-premises, in the cloud and at the edge.


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Innovation without disruption

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is an operating system that is adaptable to any environment – optimized for performance, security and reliability.


Stay ahead of cyberattacks with advanced supply chain security and confidential computing. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is certified and compliant at the highest levels.

Foster developer agility with solutions that are built to increase productivity. This includes an expanding library of Base Container Images and KubeVirt for VM management with Kubernetes.

Innovate everywhere from cutting-edge hardware to the public cloud. This includes cloud innovations like support for Arm64 server instances in Microsoft Azure, chipset innovations like NVIDIA open GPU kernel module, and hardware platforms from Dell, Fujitsu and HPE.

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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server recognized by G2 as a Leader & Higher Performer.

» SUSE has a rich history as an open source pioneer around the world, giving you the freedom to innovate everywhere. SUSE is driven by the power of many, drawing on the skills, creativity and vision of its employees, partners customers and community. «


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