Suse linux установка пакетов

Suse linux установка пакетов

Using YaST’s software management module, you can search for software packages as well as install and remove them. When installing packages, YaST automatically resolves all dependencies. To install packages that are not on the installation medium, you can add software repositories and YaST to manage them. You can also keep your system up to date by managing software updates using the update applet.

The YaST Software Manager makes it possible to manage software sources on your system. There are two versions of this YaST module: a graphical version for X Window and a text-based version to use with the command line. The graphical flavor is described below—for details on the text-based YaST, see Book “Reference”, Chapter 1 “YaST in text mode” .

Note: Confirmation and review of changes

When installing, updating, or removing packages, any changes in the Software Manager are only applied after clicking Accept or Apply . YaST maintains a list with all actions, allowing you to review and modify your changes before applying them to the system.

9.1 Definition of terms #Edit source

The following terms are important for understanding installing and removing software in openSUSE Leap .

A local or remote directory containing packages, plus additional information about these packages (package metadata).

(Repository) alias/repository name

A short name for a repository (called Alias within Zypper and Repository Name within YaST). It can be chosen by the user when adding a repository and must be unique.

Repository description files

Each repository provides files describing content of the repository (package names, versions, etc.). These repository description files are downloaded to a local cache that is used by YaST.

Represents a whole product, for example openSUSE® Leap .

A pattern is an installable group of packages dedicated to a certain purpose. For example, the Laptop pattern contains all packages that are needed in a mobile computing environment. Patterns define package dependencies (such as required or recommended packages) and come with a preselection of packages marked for installation. This ensures that the most important packages needed for a certain purpose are available on your system after installation of the pattern. If necessary, you can manually select or deselect packages within a pattern.

A package is a compressed file in rpm format that contains the files for a particular program.

A patch consists of one or more packages and may be applied by delta RPMs. It may also introduce dependencies to packages that are not installed yet.

A generic term for product, pattern, package or patch. The most commonly used type of resolvable is a package or a patch.

A delta RPM consists only of the binary diff between two defined versions of a package, and therefore has the smallest download size. Before being installed, the full RPM package is rebuilt on the local machine.

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Certain packages are dependent on other packages, such as shared libraries. In other terms, a package may require other packages—if the required packages are not available, the package cannot be installed. In addition to dependencies (package requirements) that must be fulfilled, certain packages recommend other packages. These recommended packages are only installed if they are actually available, otherwise they are ignored and the package recommending them is installed nevertheless.

9.2 Using the YaST software manager #Edit source

Start the software manager from the YaST Control Center by choosing Software › Software Management .

YaST software manager screen

9.2.1 Searching software #Edit source

The YaST software manager can install packages or patterns from all currently enabled repositories. It offers different views and filters to make it easier to find the software you are searching for. The Search view is the default view of the window. To change view, click View and select one of the following entries from the drop-down box. The selected view opens in a new tab.

Views for searching packages or patterns #

Lists all patterns available for installation on your system.

Lists all packages sorted by groups such as Graphics , Programming , or Security .

A filter to list all packages needed to add a new system language.

A filter to list packages by repository. To select more than one repository, hold the Ctrl key while clicking repository names. The “ pseudo repository ” @System lists all packages currently installed.

Shows which packages belong to a certain module or extension. Select an entry (for example, Basesystem or High Availability ) to display a list of packages that belong to this module or extension.

Lets you search for a package according to certain criteria. Enter a search term and press Enter . Refine your search by specifying where to Search In and by changing the Search Mode . For example, if you do not know the package name but only the name of the application that you are searching for, try including the package Description in the search process.

If you have already selected packages for installation, update or removal, this view shows the changes that will be applied to your system when you click Accept . To filter for packages with a certain status in this view, activate or deactivate the respective check boxes. Press Shift – F1 for details on the status flags.

Tip: Finding packages not belonging to an active repository

To list all packages that do not belong to an active repository, choose View › Repositories › @System and then choose Secondary Filter › Unmaintained Packages . This is useful, for example, if you have deleted a repository and want to make sure no packages from that repository remain installed.

9.2.2 Installing and removing packages or patterns #Edit source

Certain packages are dependent on other packages, such as shared libraries. Several packages cannot coexist with others on the system. If possible, YaST automatically resolves these dependencies or conflicts. If your choice results in a dependency conflict that cannot be automatically solved, you need to solve it manually as described in Section 9.2.4, “Package dependencies”.

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Note: Removal of packages

When removing any packages, by default YaST only removes the selected packages. If you want YaST to also remove any other packages that become unneeded after removal of the specified package, select Options › Cleanup when deleting packages from the main menu.

  1. Search for packages as described in Section 9.2.1, “Searching software”.
  2. The packages found are listed in the right pane. To install a package or remove it, right-click it and choose Install or Delete . If the relevant option is not available, check the package status indicated by the symbol in front of the package name—press Shift – F1 for help.
Tip: Applying an action to all packages listed

To apply an action to all packages listed in the right pane, go to the main menu and choose an action from Package › All in This List .

Note: Installing source packages

Installing source packages with YaST Software Manager is not possible at the moment. Use the command line tool zypper for this purpose. For more information, see Book “Reference”, Chapter 2 “Managing software with command line tools”, Section “Installing or downloading source packages” .

9.2.3 Updating packages #Edit source

Instead of updating individual packages, you can also update all installed packages or all packages from a certain repository. When mass updating packages, the following aspects are generally considered:

  • priorities of the repositories that provide the package,
  • architecture of the package (for example, AMD64/Intel 64),
  • version number of the package,
  • package vendor.

Which of the aspects has the highest importance for choosing the update candidates depends on the respective update option you choose.

  1. To update all installed packages to the latest version, choose Package › All Packages › Update if Newer Version Available from the main menu. All repositories are checked for possible update candidates, using the following policy: YaST first tries to restrict the search to packages with the same architecture and vendor as the installed one. If the search is positive, the “ best ” update candidate from those is selected according to the process below. However, if no comparable package of the same vendor can be found, the search is expanded to all packages with the same architecture. If still no comparable package can be found, all packages are considered and the “ best ” update candidate is selected according to the following criteria:
  1. Repository priority: prefer the package from the repository with the highest priority.
  2. If more than one package results from this selection, choose the one with the “ best ” architecture (best choice: matching the architecture of the installed one).

If the resulting package has a higher version number than the installed one, the installed package will be updated and replaced with the selected update candidate.

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This option tries to avoid changes in architecture and vendor for the installed packages, but under certain circumstances, they are tolerated.

Note: Update unconditionally

If you choose Package › All Packages › Update Unconditionally instead, the same criteria apply but any candidate package found is installed unconditionally. Thus, choosing this option may lead to downgrading certain packages.

  1. Choose the repository from which to update as described in Section 9.2.1, “Searching software” .
  2. On the right hand side of the window, click Switch system packages to the versions in this repository . This explicitly allows YaST to change the package vendor when replacing the packages. When you proceed with Accept , all installed packages are replaced by packages deriving from this repository, if available. This may lead to changes in vendor and architecture and even to downgrading certain packages.
  3. To refrain from this, click Cancel switching system packages to the versions in this repository . You can only cancel this until you click the Accept button.

9.2.4 Package dependencies #Edit source

Most packages are dependent on other packages. If a package, for example, uses a shared library, it is dependent on the package providing this library. Some packages cannot coexist, causing a conflict (for example, you can only install one mail transfer agent: sendmail or postfix). When installing or removing software, the Software Manager makes sure no dependencies or conflicts remain unsolved to ensure system integrity.

In case there exists only one solution to resolve a dependency or a conflict, it is resolved automatically. Multiple solutions always cause a conflict which needs to be resolved manually. If solving a conflict involves a vendor or architecture change, it also needs to be solved manually. When clicking Accept to apply any changes in the Software Manager, you get an overview of all actions triggered by the automatic resolver which you need to confirm.

By default, dependencies are automatically checked. A check is performed every time you change a package status (for example, by marking a package for installation or removal). This is generally useful, but can become exhausting when manually resolving a dependency conflict. To disable this function, go to the main menu and deactivate Dependencies › Autocheck . Manually perform a dependency check with Dependencies › Check Now . A consistency check is always performed when you confirm your selection with Accept .

To review a package’s dependencies, right-click it and choose Show Solver Information . A map showing the dependencies opens. Packages that are already installed are displayed in a green frame.

Note: Manually solving package conflicts

Unless you are experienced, follow the suggestions YaST makes when handling package conflicts, otherwise you may not be able to resolve them. Keep in mind that every change you make potentially triggers other conflicts, so you can easily end up with a steadily increasing number of conflicts. In case this happens, Cancel the Software Manager, Abandon all your changes and start again.


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