System requirement puppy linux

Puppy Linux – операционная система, которая спасет старый ноутбук

Старый компьютер выбрасывать не хочется. ПК занимает место и пылится, не принося пользы. К счастью, возможность сделать его нужным инструментом есть.

Какой компьютер считать старым

Машина выпущена в начале 21 века и уже не подходит для современных операционных систем:

ОС, которая ему подойдет

Попробуйте дистрибутив Puppy Linux, первая версия которого вышла в 2003 году. Преимущества сборки:

— Необходимые программные инструменты включены

— Небольшой размер: 300 мегабайт и менее

— Чтобы настроить систему, хватит десяти минут

— Оптимизирован для поддержки слабых компьютеров

Puppy Linux — не один дистрибутив, а множество версий. Существуют три категории сборок:

1. Официальные дистрибутивы поддерживаются разработчиками Puppy Linux. Ориентированы на широкий круг пользователей. Как правило, создаются с применением сборщика систем Puppy Linux (Woof-CE)

2. Сборки Puppy Linux, разработанные для решения определенных задач и удовлетворения предпочтений в отношении дизайна. Собраны с использованием Woof-CE. Включают в себя дополнительные или модифицированные пакеты

3. Неофициальные дистрибутивы создаются энтузиастами ОС. Предназначены для определенных целей

Woof-CE адаптирует пакеты, независимо от их источника, к принципам компактной системы.

Официальные дистрибутивы можно скачать с главной страницы проекта .

Система не предназначена для установки на жесткий диск. Загружается и работает:

Установка на HDD возможна, но не рекомендована.

Системные требования Puppy Linux

Минимальные требования к железу компьютера:

— Центральный процессор с тактовой частотой 333 мегагерца и более

Этих характеристик компьютера достаточно для выполнения базового набора задач. Оптимальные параметры основных компонентов ПК:

— 1-гигагерцевая тактовая частота ЦП

— 512-мегабайтный объем оперативной памяти

Повышенные требования для комфортной работы обусловлены требованиями обновленного программного обеспечения.

Запуск операционной системы

Чтобы начать использование Linux вам необходимо:

— Установить USB-накопитель в качестве приоритетного источника загрузки в BIOS

— Дождаться загрузки системы

На компьютере, которому 10 и более лет время загрузки системы составляет менее двух минут.

Пользователь может менять параметры системы и добавлять приложения с использованием менеджера пакетов Puppy Package Manager. Изменения будут сохранены в предназначенном для этого файле 3FS на выбранном носителе.

Программное обеспечение

В легкий дистрибутив не включаются тяжелые инструменты, привычные пользователям более мощных систем семейства Linux:

— Для создания и редактирования текстовых файлов: AbiWord


System requirements for Puppy Linux

Puppy Linux is a lightweight Linux operating system distribution that can be downloaded and run from USB drives, CD/DVD drives or hard drives. It was created for use on old and slow computers, as well as for installation on smartphones and tablets. The main features of Puppy Linux are low system requirements, fast startup and operation, small size (less than 300 MB), as well as an easily customizable user interface. Puppy Linux also has many tools for working with networking, multimedia and office applications.

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System requirements

Official system Requirements for Puppy Linux:

  • Processor with a clock frequency of at least 300 MHz
  • RAM not less than 128 MB
  • 512 MB of free space on a hard disk or USB drive
  • Video card with support for a screen resolution of at least 1024×768 pixels
  • CD/DVD drive or USB port for booting the system

uppy Linux is known for its lightweight architecture and can run on a smaller configuration if you don’t use resource-intensive applications. This makes it a good choice for old or slow computers.

How to install the distribution

To install Puppy Linux, follow these steps:

  1. Download the disk image from the official website of the Puppy Linux project.Create a bootable USB flash drive or CD/DVD using the image recording utility on the media.
  2. Connect a USB flash drive or insert a disk into the computer on which you plan to install Puppy Linux.
  3. Restart your computer and go to BIOS to select boot from USB flash drive/CD/DVD.
  4. The Puppy Linux boot menu will start. You need to select the «Install» option to install Puppy Linux on your computer’s hard drive.
  5. Follow the instructions of the installer by selecting the installation parameters (partition size, file system type, etc.).
  6. Complete the installation and restart the computer.

After the reboot, you can start using Puppy Linux.


Selecting your hardware for a Puppy Linux installation

Selecting your hardware for a Puppy Linux installation

Puppy Linux is truly amazing in its ability to run on just about any computer system still in operation today. While this may be a generalization, of sorts, it is not an overstatement. In fact, Puppy Linux runs in such a massive variety of hardware configurations that even their minimum hardware requirements makes owning a fully functional PC possible for any budget. And while these are “minimum” requirements, there are numerous documented installations on systems that most would consider obsolete by today’s standards.

So what exactly does it take to run Puppy Linux? How about a PC with a Pentium 166MMX processor, 128 MB of RAM, and a 20x CD-ROM drive. Right about now, you may be so distracted by these minimum hardware requirements that the fact I did not even mention a hard drive may have possibly slipped your attention. Yet, it is no mistake, because Puppy Linux can run on any PC without a hard drive. But, personally, I do recommend one to make things easier and more efficient. So, to complete the minimum hardware requirements, I would recommend nothing smaller than a 6 GB hard drive. As far as video and sound cards are concerned, just about anything mainstream will work just fine with the extensive collection of drivers incorporated into the Puppy Linux distribution.

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I personally recommend a 10 GB hard drive for the sole purpose of accommodating files and future additional programs that can be obtained from the Puppy Package Manager for free. Puppy Linux is so versatile and powerful, that you will want to enhance its already feature-packed distribution with a number of additional applications to fit your needs.

While the current Puppy 4.1.1 release requires the above posted minimum requirements, previous versions have been known to run on PCs sporting processors as slow as 75MHz with only 40 MB of RAM. While minimum hardware requirements such as these have not been seen since the introduction of Windows 98 a decade ago, what sets Puppy Linux aside from all other distributions is its size of less than 100 MB.

The Puppy Project

Desktop PC Installation

As part of this multi-part series, I will provide a step-by-step tutorial on the installation of Puppy Linux and its use. The process will employ the use of my donor system with the following specifications:

  • Intel Pentium III 1GHz processor
  • 128 MG RAM
  • 10 GB hard drive
  • 24x CD-ROM drive

Additional hardware includes integrated video, audio and networking. The system is a Small Form Factor PC that can be easily purchased on-line for approximately $40 to $80, depending on the vendor and condition of the unit. Add to that a keyboard, mouse and monitor, and for less than $200 you can have a fully functional computer system that can be put to use at home or in the office.

The compatibility of your computer hardware with Puppy Linux is really no different than mainstream operating systems: sometimes the OS installation detects your hardware and installs the appropriate drivers; and sometimes it is not able to detect an appropriate driver for it. For this reason Puppy Linux provides a comprehensive list of compatible and incompatible hardware you can cross-reference with prior to commencing your Puppy Linux installation.

Portability Options

Puppy Linux may be small and heavily used on older desktop PCs, but don’t let its power fool you. Many users have taken Puppy Linux on the road by installing it on laptop PCs as well. The list of laptop make and models where Puppy Linux has made its home is vast, and growing.

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And for the ultimate in true portability, you can install Puppy Linux, complete with additional applications and personal files, on a USB flash drive and take it along in your pocket. All you will need is a PC that can boot directly from it’s USB port and you have your entire PC environment on a flash drive. Just make sure that if this is the type of portability you truly desire, that there is sufficient space on your flash drive to accommodate additional files on the go. I run mine from a 4 GB USB flash drive, which offers more than enough room.

This post is part of the series: Puppy Linux — Comprehensive User Guide

What do you get when a Linux-based operating system distribution is designed for all user levels, from beginner to pros; is feature-packed with every essential application you need; runs on just about any PC; takes less than 100 megs of space; and is absolutely free? A Puppy: Puppy Linux, that is.


What are Puppy Linux requirements for PC to install

Puppy Linux is the lightweight operating system that can be installed on configuration PCs. It means the Puppy Linux requirements for hardware system needed to install the Puppy Linux is fairly low as compared to the other mainstream regular Unix operating systems such as Ubuntu, CentOS, Windows or MacOS. The Puppy Linux is available in three favours one is based on Ubuntu Xenial called Xenialpup, the next one is on Slackware named Slacko Puppy Linux and the last one known as Tahrpup 6.0.5 based on Ubuntu tahr. It is available in both 32-bit and 62-bit versions.

Puppy Linux requirements

The Puppy Linux requirements depend upon which flavour of Puppy you have downloaded and planning to install.

If you want to try out, the minimum hardware system requirements for Puppy Linux are:

  • A 233MHZ processor or Pentium III processor or above.
  • 128MB RAM (512 recommended for smoother operations)
  • 512MB free hard drive space to create an optional save file. (recommended 1GB)
  • If you want to test without a hard drive, the Live boot option is also available.
  • CD-ROM or USB port for the installation.

Which Puppy Linux Version you need?

As we mentioned above the Puppy Linux comes in various versions now which version is suitable for you. AS the system requirements of different Puppy Linux are also distinct.

Puppy Linux Xenialpup 7.5 System requirements:

If you are using modern systems then you should go for the Puppy Linux Xenial 7.5 which is based on Ubuntu Xenial and also support Ubuntu repository.


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