Telegram desktop linux mint

Telegram desktop linux mint

Установка популярного инстант-мессенджера Telegram — в Линукс минт производится следующим образом.
Добавляем репозиторий и устанавливаем программу:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/telegram apt update apt install telegram

По кнопке Start Messaging — первым делом запросят наш номер телефона, если он окажется если на него еще не заведена учетка — нам это покажут:

Зарегистрировать новый аккауни можно по не очень говорящей ссылке «Here», где нам пришлют в смс код проверки для дальнейшей регистрации.

На этом почти всё, осталось приучить программу к великому и могучему. Для русификации перейдем к списку локализаций на сайте проекта

Теперь еще одно чудо со стороны юзабилити, чтоб подсунуть новый фалик локализаций необходимо перейти в настройки (Settings) в разделе General и кликнуть на «Change Language» c зажатой комбинацией Alt+Shift Не самое логичное и распространенное решение, мягко говоря. Ну да ладно, по этим действиям откроется окно выбора файла (если файл прислан ботом он попадет в ~/Загрузки/Telegram Descktop/)



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How to Install Telegram on Linux Mint 21/20


Telegram is a popular, cloud-based instant messaging service that has gained immense popularity due to its security features, user-friendly interface, and wide range of functionalities. For Linux Mint users, Telegram can be a great alternative to other messaging apps, such as Signal Messenger, offering a unique combination of features that cater to various communication needs. In this introduction, we will delve into the key aspects of Telegram and explore its advantages and disadvantages compared to Signal Messenger.

Key Differences between Telegram and Signal Messenger:

  1. Encryption and Security: Telegram and Signal Messenger prioritize user security and privacy, offering end-to-end message encryption. However, Signal’s encryption is considered more robust and is enabled by default for all conversations, while Telegram only provides it for “secret chats.”
  2. Message Storage: Telegram leverages the cloud to store messages, making accessing chats across multiple devices easy. In contrast, Signal stores message locally on the user’s device, which can be more secure but less convenient for those who frequently switch between devices.
  3. Features and Functionalities: Telegram boasts an extensive range of features, such as bots, channels, and groups, with up to 200,000 members. Additionally, it supports file sharing of up to 2GB and allows users to edit sent messages. Signal focuses on simplicity and security, offering fewer features, smaller group sizes, and no support for bots or channels.
  4. Open Source and Third-party Clients: Telegram and Signal Messenger have open-source code, but Telegram’s API allows for third-party clients and customizations, leading to a more diverse ecosystem for developers and users alike.
  5. Privacy Policy and Business Model: Signal is a non-profit organization that operates on donations and grants. Their commitment to privacy is evident in their minimal data collection practices. On the other hand, Telegram is a for-profit company, but it also maintains a strong stance on user privacy, promising not to share data with third parties or use it for targeted ads.
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To summarize, Telegram and Signal Messenger cater to different user needs, with Telegram providing a feature-rich experience and greater flexibility, while Signal focuses on simplicity and enhanced privacy. Depending on your priorities, either platform could be an excellent choice for Linux Mint users. The following guide will demonstrate how to install Telegram on Linux Mint 21 or 20 using various methods, from a dedicated apt with the default repository or Launchpad PPA to Flatpak with Flathub, using the command-line terminal.

Section 1: Install Telegram with APT

Step 1: Update Linux Mint

Before you begin, update your system to ensure all packages are up-to-date, avoiding any conflicts during the installation. First, update the package lists for upgrades and new package installations:

Proceed to upgrade any outdated packages using the following command:

Step 2: Choose Your Installation Method with APT

Option 1: Install Telegram with APT Default Repository

The first option is to use the default APT repository. This is a stable and secure version and is most recommended to install over any other package manager, but it can be outdated compared to Flatpak’s alternative, which is usually up-to-date.

First, execute the following apt install command:

sudo apt install telegram-desktop

For users who would prefer a much more updated version package, use the APT PPA that is next.

Option 2: Install Telegram with PPA

The following method to install Telegram, but this time an updated version, while still using the APT package manager, is to install Telegram from the PPA maintained by the “atareao-team” team. To add this PPA to your system, execute the following command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/telegram -y

Before running the installation command, run an apt update to reflect the newly imported PPA and rebuild the cache:

Install the software using the following command:

sudo apt install telegram

Section 2: Install Telegram with Flatpak and Flathub

The next option is to use the Flatpak package manager. Flatpak comes pre-installed on Linux Mint unless you remove it. It’s another popular option, similar to Snap, and is featured across many distributions as an alternative third-party installation package manager for the latest packages.

Step 1: Enable Flathub

Flathub should be enabled by default, but it’s always handy to run this command quickly to ensure it is:

sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

This command checks if Flathub is already added as a remote repository, and if not, it adds Flathub as a source for Flatpak applications.

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Step 2: Install Telegram with Flatpak

Now run the installation using the following flatpak command:

flatpak install flathub org.telegram.desktop -y

This command fetches the Telegram package from Flathub and installs it on your system.

Section 3: Launch Telegram

Launching Telegram can be done in a few ways now that you have the software installed.

Option 1: Launch Telegram from Terminal

First, you can launch the application immediately by typing the following command in your terminal:

For Flatpak users, you can run the application from the terminal using the following command:

flatpak run org.telegram.desktop

Option 2: Launch Telegram from Taskbar

Most desktop users will not always have a terminal open, so use the following path using your taskbar to open the Telegram client:

Taskbar > Internet > Telegram

Example of Telegram application icon in the taskbar on Linux Mint desktop:

launch telegram on linux mint 21 or linux mint 20

Section 4: Getting Started with Telegram on Linux Mint

Once you have installed and launched Telegram on your Linux Mint system, there are several tips and tricks to enhance your experience, customize the application, and make the most of its features. In this section, we will cover general tips, customization, and other useful suggestions to get you started with Telegram on Linux Mint.

General Tips

  1. Notifications: To avoid getting distracted by constant notifications, you can customize the notification settings for individual chats or groups. To do so, right-click on the chat or group name, and select “Mute notifications” or “Notification settings.”
  2. Text Formatting: Telegram allows you to format your text using bold, italics, code , and hyperlinks. To format your text, use the following syntax:
    • Bold: **text**
    • Italics: *text*
    • Code : `text`
    • Hyperlink: [text](URL)
  3. Replying to Messages: To reply to a specific message, right-click on the message and choose “Reply.” This way, your reply will be linked to the original message, making it easier to follow the conversation.
  4. Secret Chats: Secret chats offer end-to-end encryption, self-destructing messages, and screenshot protection. To start a secret chat, click on the hamburger menu in the top-left corner, select “New Secret Chat,” and choose a contact.


  1. Themes: Telegram supports custom themes, allowing you to personalize the appearance of your chat window. To change the theme, go to “Settings” > “Chat settings” > “Choose a theme.”
  2. Chat Background: Customize your chat background by going to “Settings” > “Chat settings” > “Change Chat Background.” You can choose from the default options or upload your own image.
  3. Auto-Night Mode: Enable Auto-Night Mode to automatically switch to a dark theme at night or in low-light conditions. Go to “Settings” > “Chat settings” > “Auto-Night Mode” and choose your preferred settings.
  4. Font Scaling: Adjust the font size to suit your preferences by going to “Settings” > “Chat settings” > “Font scaling.”

Other Tips

  1. File Sharing: Telegram allows you to share files up to 2GB in size. To share a file, click on the attachment icon in the chat window, and choose “File.”
  2. Voice and Video Calls: Make voice and video calls by clicking on the contact’s name and selecting the phone or camera icon at the top of the chat window.
  3. Using Bots: Bots are automated accounts that can perform various tasks, such as sending weather updates, setting reminders, or even playing games. To add a bot, use the search bar to find the bot you want and click on “Start.”
  4. Creating Channels and Groups: Channels and groups provide an excellent way to broadcast messages to a large audience or collaborate with others. To create a channel or group, click on the hamburger menu in the top-left corner, and choose “New Channel” or “New Group.”
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Following these tips and customizations can enhance your Telegram experience on Linux Mint, making it more personalized and efficient. Remember to explore and experiment with the various features and settings to find the perfect setup that suits your needs.

Example of Telegram ready to sign in on Linux Mint:

successfully installed telegram on linux mint 21 or linux mint 20

change appearance example for telegram on linux mint 21 or linux mint 20

Section 5: Additional Commands & Tips

How to Update Telegram

Updates should appear in notifications, but if these fail to show up sometimes, checking for updates manually using the terminal is recommended. Follow the appropriate commands to check for updates depending on your installation method.

APT Method

For users who installed Telegram with APT, use the standard update and upgrade commands as you did at the start of the tutorial. This will check all installed packages on your system, including Telegram.

If updates are available, use the upgrade command:

Flatpak Method

For Flatpak users, use the following command to check for new updates on installed Flatpak packages:

How to Remove (Uninstall) Telegram

To uninstall Telegram, use the appropriate command depending on your original installation method.

APT Installation

For APT installations, use the following command:

sudo apt remove telegram-desktop

PPA Installation

First, remove the Telegram PPA client version using the following command:

For users who installed Telegram using the PPA and are not going to utilize this any further, remove the PPA with the following command:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:atareao/telegram -y

Flatpak Installation

If you installed the Flatpak version, use the following command:

flatpak remove --delete-data org.telegram.desktop -y


In conclusion, installing Telegram on Linux Mint is straightforward, offering various installation methods to suit your preferences. Following this guide, you can choose the best installation method for your needs, whether using the APT default repository, a PPA, or Flatpak with Flathub. Once installed, you can explore the numerous features, customizations, and options; Telegram offers to enhance your messaging experience on Linux Mint.

Here are some helpful resources and official links to further your understanding of Telegram and its features:

  • Telegram Official Website: Visit the official website to learn more about Telegram, its features, and the latest news.
  • Telegram FAQ: Find answers to frequently asked questions about Telegram and its functionality.
  • Telegram Official Blog: Stay updated with the latest announcements, updates, and changes to Telegram.
  • Telegram GitHub Repository: Explore the Telegram Desktop source code and contribute to its development.


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