Terraria on linux steam

Terraria on linux steam

18 июл. 2014 в 15:30

There are a lot of us that use linux. We love terraria but without linux support, it becomes irritating. However, I have managed to get Terraria working in Linux under wine!

All you need is:
Wine 1.7.X
Microsoft .Net package 3.5 and 4
The Microsoft XNA package.

Make sure you have downloaded the complete wine from either Ubuntu Software Center or other alternatives.

Download wine, install it before hand. Then go and download the WINDOWS version of steam (Has a extension «.exe» or .msi) From there, log in verify all the things you need to and start downloading terraria.

While thats downloading you want to go to your «Configure Wine» and should come up with a XP or 98 looking window.

Click on graphics. Then check the first box (Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows.

Once Terraria has finished, Install .NET and XNA setups you have just downloaded. Terraria relies on these!

Run Terraria and everything should work!

This also works with games like CS:GO except they don’t need XNA or .NET!

2 сен. 2014 в 4:26

Many thanks for posting this, though I seem to be having trouble with it.
I added the ubuntu-wine PPA and updated to wine 1.7 yet for some reason when I type «wine —version» in a terminal, it reports version 1.6.2, though running the .deb file left in APT’s archives confirms that it is installed (somewhere). Do you have any idea what might cause that?

I’ve managed to install Steam and Terraria on Wine, plus the XNA framework, but when I try to install .NET 3.5 the installation encounters some unknown error and simply says it has failed at the end (after bringing up a couple of «. has enountered an error: send report to microsoft/close» type dialogs, which don’t actually close the installation).
On trying to install .NET 4.0 I’m simply told that the same or higher version is already installed, though looking at c:/windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/, a folder for v4.0.30319 shows up with almost nothing in it (3.5kb in size) and renaming it does not enable 4.0 to install either.

I know you may not have an answer, but any thoughts could help right now. I really hope re-logic will find time to give us some proper support though.

You might also want to include a step there to add application Steam in Configure Wine > Applications, then add an exception to disable dwrite under Configure Wine > Libraries, in order to get text working on Steam. Unless of course, that was fixed in 1.7.x, which would explain me needing that extra step.

2 сен. 2014 в 4:40

Many thanks for posting this, though I seem to be having trouble with it.
I added the ubuntu-wine PPA and updated to wine 1.7 yet for some reason when I type «wine —version» in a terminal, it reports version 1.6.2, though running the .deb file left in APT’s archives confirms that it is installed (somewhere). Do you have any idea what might cause that?

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What does ‘which -a wine’ say?
What does ‘aptitude show wine’ say?

I’ve managed to install Steam and Terraria on Wine, plus the XNA framework, but when I try to install .NET 3.5 the installation encounters some unknown error and simply says it has failed at the end (after bringing up a couple of «. has enountered an error: send report to microsoft/close» type dialogs, which don’t actually close the installation).
On trying to install .NET 4.0 I’m simply told that the same or higher version is already installed, though looking at c:/windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/, a folder for v4.0.30319 shows up with almost nothing in it (3.5kb in size) and renaming it does not enable 4.0 to install either.

Are you running a 64-bit Linux? If so, try setting a 32-bit prefix (i.e. Wine environment) for Steam and Terraria, as described in https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/wine#WINEARCH.
Also, you’d be better off using winetricks to install .NET/XNA, rather than doing it manually.

I know you may not have an answer, but any thoughts could help right now. I really hope re-logic will find time to give us some proper support though.

The sequel (if you can call it that) called Starbound supports Linux natively, you might want to give it a shot.

2 сен. 2014 в 10:08

Are you running a 64-bit Linux? If so, try setting a 32-bit prefix (i.e. Wine environment) for Steam and Terraria, as described in https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/wine#WINEARCH.
Also, you’d be better off using winetricks to install .NET/XNA, rather than doing it manually.

I’m running Mint 17 32-bit, and had actually forgotten about winetricks since upgrading to 17 a few months ago and not realising it wasn’t caught in the package list of Mint’s backup tool, so thanks for that.

When telling winetricks to install .NET 3.5 and 4.0, it installed just about every service pack leading up to them amongst a bunch of warnings about compatibility and bug workarounds, plus installing XPS Essentials for Gabe-knows-what stupid reason, but now Steam at least tries to run Terraria, only to give me the error:
«No suitable graphics card found.
Could not find a Direct3D device that supports the XNA Framework Reach profile.
Verify that a suitable graphics device is installed.
Make sure the desktop is not locked, and that no other application is running in full screen mode.
Avoid running under Remote Desktop or as a Windows service.
Check the display properties to make sure hardware acceleration is set to Full.»

Damn. This is on a laptop that has run Terraria fine under XP before, but I’m guessing that the lip-service graphics driver that Intel provided to Linux (with no options menu available to tweak) may be responsible.

I might try Starbound if it’s not in pre-release purgatory, else if I see it on a Humble Bundle.

2 сен. 2014 в 10:29

Hmm, you could pick the freshest wine version from «aptitude search wine» and install it, and remove the wine1.6 package, which apparently is on your computer. However, I don’t think it will change anything.

now Steam at least tries to run Terraria, only to give me the error:
«No suitable graphics card found.
Could not find a Direct3D device that supports the XNA Framework Reach profile.
Verify that a suitable graphics device is installed.
Make sure the desktop is not locked, and that no other application is running in full screen mode.
Avoid running under Remote Desktop or as a Windows service.
Check the display properties to make sure hardware acceleration is set to Full.»

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Damn. This is on a laptop that has run Terraria fine under XP before, but I’m guessing that the lip-service graphics driver that Intel provided to Linux (with no options menu available to tweak) may be responsible.

Are you sure that 3d acceleration works in wine or in general on your system? Have you tried running some other games or demos with Wine? What about some native games, or glxgears?

and see whether direct rendering is enabled and what device is used as the OpenGL renderer.

A couple of more general suggestions would be fiddling with the OS setting in Wine if you haven’t already (Windows 7 or XP should be fine though, I think), and checking the WineDB page with more thorough walkthroughs on how to get Terraria running: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=30494

I’m afraid I cannot think of anything more specific. ;_;


How to Play Terraria on Linux [Tutorial]

A tutorial for teaching you how to install Terraria on Linux. Computer users have different tastes regarding operating systems. Most of the users prefer Windows and others like Linux and MacOS. But, if we see All OS user’s common point of interest they love to play games.

Terraria on Linux

Gaming on Windows and MacOS is so easy. Both installation and playing on Windows and Mac are comparatively easier. But, when it comes to Linux the operating system users found a lot of barriers between their OS and games.

The installation of games on Linux is a bit difficult because it is a command-based OS. Most Linux beginners even don’t know the whole potential of their Operating systems. Well, they can enjoy the games too just like Windows and MacOS users not directly but indirectly. Today, we are going to guide you on how to install Terraria on Linux.

About Terraria

Terraria is a sandbox action-adventure packed game, just like Minecraft, it is a 2D game. This game was released in 2011 for Microsoft Windows, sold 35 million copies worldwide. Later the Re-Logic launched the game version for Mac, iOS, and Android.

Terraria on Linux

Linux users were desperately waiting to put their hands on this ancient theme legendary game. Unfortunately, they have to kill their hopes. Don’t worry we found a way through which Linux users can play Terraria on Linux.

What is the Role of Steam

The gamers already know what Steam is! A video game digital distribution service by Valve. This software is the gaming legend and guru for many gamers. Because through this software you can play such games on such software which are not compatible with each other. The good news is Steam is compatible with Linux. It means you can play Terraria on Linux through Steam.

Terraria on Linux

Get the commands to install Steam on Linux from the below section. Here we are covering all ongoing and old versions of Linux Flavors on which you install Steam through respective commands.

Steam for Flatpak

Here is the command to set up FlatPak.

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

The command to install Steam on Flatpak is given below.

flatpak install flathub com.valvesoftware.Steam

Steam for Ubuntu

Here is the APT Command to install Steam on Ubuntu. Copy and paste as it is.

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Steam for ArchLinux

  1. You’ll have to have the “multilib” software repository set up on the system to install Steam on Arch Linux.
  2. Open up the /etc/pacman.conf file in your favorite text editor. Once the file is open in your favorite text editor.
  3. Find the “multilib” line, and delete the # symbol from in front of it. Users also need to delete this symbol from the lines directly below it.
  4. Now Re-sync Arch Linux with the official software repos using the command below.

Here is the command to install Steam on your Arch Linux system.

Steam for Debian

You’ll need to download the DEB package to your computer.

  • Use the following wget download command down below. This command will result in the placement of the DEB package on your Linux Home folder.
wget https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steam.deb
  • you’ll need to install the DEB Package on your Linux computer. Command to install pkg is given below.

Finally, correct any dependency issues on your Linux PC that may have occurred during the installation with the apt-get install -f command.

Steam for Flatpak

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
flatpak install flathub com.valvesoftware.Steam

When the Flatpak runtime is configured, you’ll be able to install Steam. Using the two commands below, get the app set up on your system.

How to install Terraria on Linux through Steam

We are assuming that you had installed the Steam on Linux Flavor successfully. Now it’s time to install Terraria on Linux through the Steam video game digital distribution service by Valve.

  1. After installation, Launch Steam on your computer. Locate the “Store” button in the app. Afterward, Click on the “Store” button to access the Games Market of Steam.
  2. Type in “Terraria” at the search box, hit Enter. Look through and click on “Terraria” to access the game’s Steam storefront page.
  3. At the Terraria Steam Profile, you will have an option named “Add to Cart”, click on it. The Terraria game will be added to your Steam cart right after the click.
  4. Click on the cart icon and go through the process of buying the game. Once you went through the formalities, you are ready to install Terraria on Linux. The Terraria will be added to your Steam Account.
  5. Find the “Library” button, and click on it to access your Steam games library. Locate the Terraria among the games.
  6. At the Steam Library Page, you will see a Blue colored Install button aside from the Terraria game, click on it. The Steam will start installing the Terraria Game on Linux.
  7. You will see the blue Install button turns into a green “Play” button. Click on the play button and you are ready to play Terraria on Linux right now.

That’s how you install and Play Terraria for Linux. For any query, or in case of any complication regarding the procedure, you can ask our team for help freely anytime through the comment box below.

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