There are suspended jobs linux

There are stopped jobs (on bash exit)

Bash did not exit, I must exit again to exit the bash shell.

  • Q: What is a ‘stopped job’, or what does this mean?
  • Q: Can a stopped process be resumed?
  • Q: Does the first exit kill the stopped jobs?
  • Q: Is there a way to exit the shell the first time? (without entering exit twice)

2 Answers 2

A stopped job is one that has been temporarily put into the background and is no longer running, but is still using resources (i.e. system memory). Because that job is not attached to the current terminal, it cannot produce output and is not receiving input from the user.

You can see jobs you have running using the jobs builtin command in bash, probably other shells as well. Example:

user@mysystem:~$ jobs [1] + Stopped python user@mysystem:~$ 

You can resume a stopped job by using the fg (foreground) bash built-in command. If you have multiple commands that have been stopped you must specify which one to resume by passing jobspec number on the command line with fg . If only one program is stopped, you may use fg alone:

At this point you are back in the python interpreter and may exit by using control-D.

Conversely, you may kill the command with either it’s jobspec or PID. For instance:

user@mysystem:~$ ps PID TTY TIME CMD 16174 pts/3 00:00:00 bash 17781 pts/3 00:00:00 python 18276 pts/3 00:00:00 ps user@mysystem:~$ kill 17781 [1]+ Killed python user@mysystem:~$ 

To use the jobspec, precede the number with the percent (%) key:

user@mysystem:~$ kill %1 [1]+ Terminated python 

If you issue an exit command with stopped jobs, the warning you saw will be given. The jobs will be left running for safety. That’s to make sure you are aware you are attempting to kill jobs you might have forgotten you stopped. The second time you use the exit command the jobs are terminated and the shell exits. This may cause problems for some programs that aren’t intended to be killed in this fashion.

In bash it seems you can use the logout command which will kill stopped processes and exit. This may cause unwanted results.

Also note that some programs may not exit when terminated in this way, and your system could end up with a lot of orphaned processes using up resources if you make a habit of doing that.

Note that you can create background process that will stop if they require user input:

user@mysystem:~$ python & [1] 19028 user@mysystem:~$ jobs [1]+ Stopped python 

You can resume and kill these jobs in the same way you did jobs that you stopped with the Ctrl-z interrupt.


Encountering ‘Stopped Jobs’ Message Upon Attempting to Quit Terminal

Typically, such behavior is desirable; however, occasionally applications read from or modify terminal settings not to elicit user input for progression, but to determine whether the user is attempting to provide input. One potential solution involves swiftly terminating all halted jobs in bash by using the command «jobs -l» to list the process IDs of stopped jobs and then sending SIGKILL signals to each.

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«There are stopped jobs» when I try to quit terminal

On my MacBookPro running Lion, I utilize However, whenever I attempt to execute exit , an error message pops up saying «There are stopped jobs,» and as a result, the exit fails.

Can you explain the meaning of this error message and suggest a solution?

The occurrence of this situation is due to the presence of an active stopped job in the terminal window. This usually takes place when a program is executed and then paused using the keyboard shortcut of ctrl+z.

Use the command jobs on the terminal to obtain a list of relevant jobs. To properly terminate each job, use fg . After completing this task, the terminal can be exit ed normally.

Ignoring any warning messages, one could opt for a simpler solution (though not recommended) of closing the terminal with the mouse.

How to Cancel or Delete a Stuck Print Job in Windows, Click Start, type “services,” and then click the Services app. In the right-hand pane of the Services window, find and double-click the “Print Spooler” service to open its properties window. In the properties window, on the “General” tab, click the “Stop” button. You’ll be restarting the service a bit later, so go ahead …

Unix & Linux: There are stopped jobs (on bash exit) (2

Unix & Linux: There are stopped jobs (on bash exit)Helpful? Please support me on Patreon: thanks & …

Ubuntu: What should I do when I get ‘There are stopped

Ubuntu: What should I do when I get ‘ There are stopped jobs ‘ error? (3 solutions!)Helpful? Please support me on Patreon:

Ubuntu: there are stopped jobs, cannot logout

Ubuntu: there are stopped jobs , cannot logoutHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: thanks & praise to …

What happens to suspended jobs in unix?

In Unix, suspending jobs can be done using CTRL+Z, and later, they can be resumed using fg or bg . I am curious about the fate of the suspended jobs. Do they get terminated or killed? Essentially, what distinguishes killing a process from suspending it?

When a job is suspended, it is not terminated, but rather put on hold without any processing until it is resumed. During suspension, the job retains its original state, including memory mapping, open files, and threads. This is similar to pausing a movie, where the process is like a dormant one that the scheduler refuses to allocate CPU time to. However, the process state is recorded as suspended instead of running.

When a job is paused from a user’s perspective, it stops using CPU but still consumes the same amount of RAM. To resume the job from where it left off, you can bring it back to the foreground using fg .

When a job is terminated and subsequently restarted, it commences anew without any prior progress.

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The kernel excludes the suspended process from processor queue and the stack (memory is freed when the process is terminated.

How can I kill all stopped jobs?

Upon attempting to logout from my Linux server, a notification appears indicating the following.

Is there a command that can eliminate all of them at once?

To promptly terminate all halted tasks within bash, input the following command:

The process IDs ( -p ) of halted ( -s ) jobs are listed in jobs -ps . To terminate all of them, kill -9 `jobs -ps` sends SIGKILL signals.

The provided solution would terminate all jobs, which is adequate in this scenario, instead of only stopping the ones that are already paused. If you wish to stop only the stopped jobs, execute:

kill $(jobs -l | grep Stopped | cut -d' ' -f3) 

To quickly exit, one can retry the exit without delay, which will prompt bash to terminate all halted jobs and exit.

Kill All Stopped Jobs Linux, For us to kill all stopped jobs, we need to tie two commands together. The first will get the PIDs of all stopped jobs, and the next will kill all the jobs provided. To view the stopped jobs, we use the command jobs -s This command shows all the stopped jobs. Having this, we can get the PIDs of the stopped jobs and pipe …

Linux process in background

At the moment, I have initiated a procedure that bears the symbol of & .

As a Linux novice, I discovered that moments after executing the command, I receive a notification that my process has received a stopped signal.

I’ll obtain the checklist for my sample method along with a brief remark of «Stopped». However, I’m uncertain if it’s genuinely inactive and not functioning in the background. I’m receiving conflicting information regarding its operation on the internet.

When a job is executed on Linux or Unix systems, it may run in the background, yet still be associated with its controlling terminal, also known as the window it was launched from. If this is the case, the program will receive a signal, either stdin or std::cin , which will cause it to stop running completely, until the user brings it back to the foreground using fg %job or a similar command. To prevent this interruption, you have two options.

  1. Ensure that the program’s stdin channel is disengaged from the terminal. This can be achieved by redirecting it to a file containing the necessary input for the program, or by directing it to /dev/null if no input is required, such as in the case of myprogram < /dev/null & .
  2. Upon initiating the program, exiting the terminal will result in the disconnection of its association with stdin . Nevertheless, the program will receive SIGHUP due to the «hangup» experienced by the input/output channel. Typically, this would cause the program to terminate, but it can be prevented by utilizing nohup , such as nohup myprogram & .

To avoid the signals mentioned earlier and to analyze any execution issues with the program, capturing its output is the optimal choice, particularly if you have an interest in it. This approach also records the output for future reference.

nohup myprogram < /dev/null >$/myprogram.log 2>&1 & 

The background operation of fg has ceased, and to reactivate it, input the job number.

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Background jobs cannot access the user’s terminal for reading. If attempted, the job will be put on hold until the user brings it to the foreground and provides input. The term «reading from the user’s terminal» refers to attempting to read directly from the terminal or accessing changing terminal settings.

Typically, this is desirable, however, on occasions, programs access the terminal and/or modify its settings not because they require user input to proceed, but to verify if the user is attempting to input something.

For a detailed analysis of Linux, including technical intricacies, visit -sigttou -deep-dive-linux.

To resolve the error when exiting, simply input fg .


What should I do when I get ‘There are stopped jobs’ error?

enter image description here

I face this type of situation many times. For example, whenever I try to open some file in emacs with sudo rights using: sudo emacs tet.c & Instead of asking me for the password Ubuntu just starts emacs process without any emacs window or any output on terminal (except for the pid) see the image (if I don’t use ‘&’ then it will ask me for the password): I have two questions related with this:

  1. What should I do when I get error that ‘There are stopped jobs’? How do I identify all such stopped jobs and kill them? Once I clear the terminal I won’t have pids of these stopped processes.
  2. Why is Ubuntu/emacs behaving like this? Why doesn’t it ask me for the password?

3 Answers 3

There are stopped jobs message is far, far away to be an error. It’s just a notification telling you that you attempt to exit from the shell, but you have one or more suspended jobs/programs (in your case emacs which you putted in background using & at the end of your command). The system doesn’t let you to exit from the shell and kill the jobs unless you mean to. You can do a couple of things in response to this message:

  • use jobs command to tell you what job(s) you have suspended
  • you can choose to add the job(s) in the foreground using fg command
  • if you don’t care if the job(s) will terminate, you can just type exit again; typing exit a second time with or without an intervening jobs command will result in the termination of all suspended jobs.

To answer the second question, I will tell you that not Ubuntu or emacs behaving like this. This is a normal behavior when you put an application to run in background. In this case sudo is asking for password, but is asking in background, so you can’t see this fact. To see it, you should bring back the job in foreground using fg command:

radu@Radu: ~ $ sudo emacs tet.c & [1] 7732 radu@Radu: ~ $ # now sudo emacs run in background so you can't see nothing about what's happening radu@Radu: ~ $ fg [sudo] password for radu: 

After this you can type Ctrl + Z to put again the job in background if you want. Then you can run again ‘fg’ command to bring back the job in foreground and so on.


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