There is no wifi on my ipod touch

No Wi-Fi

So on my ipod touch under settings the wi-fi bar says no wi-fi and its in gray. I cant use the internet at all or internet based apps. All i noticed that the same is with the bluetooth bar under settings/general which says unavailable. Could someone please help me.

Posted on May 4, 2010 8:32 AM

I as well have had the same problem.I’ve already looked on the other forums and tried the 1st solution of: Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings.I have done this and my iTOUCH wi-fi button is still showing gray and will not come on.Is there a possibility that Apple will honor the fact that we have paid for a product that is defective and will refund or send us a new iTOUCH that is in working shape?

I’m also having the same problem. It wasn’t like this yesterday or this morning for that matter cuz i checked myspace using it before I left for school. I don’t think apple gave us defective equipment, I just think somethin’s goin on with the iTouches

I just got my ipad touch tonight and I have been triing to setup the internet part of it now and it lists the connection i access here at home but when I enter my password for the connection i get the message unable to join the network so does anyone know what I can do to solve this?

Depending on how your router is setup, you may have to add your iPod’s MAC address to the access list on your router before it will be able to connect.

faceless-code and all the others with WiFi grayed out:

Start with this article: which address both problems.

Start with resetting your network settings. If that doesn’t do it, go right to step 3 and restore your iPod. To be on the safe side, I would «restore as new» to make sure you don’t drag anything over that is causing the problem.

If you still have a problem, you most likely have a hardware problem. If you are still in warranty you can have it repaired for no charge by Apple. If you are out of warranty, Google iPod touch repair for independent shops to fix it.


If your iPhone or iPad won’t connect to a Wi-Fi network

Make sure that your router is on and that you’re within range

If you’re too far from your Wi-Fi router, you can’t get a signal, so make sure that you’re within range.

Make sure that Wi-Fi is on and that you can see your network

An iPhone showing the Wi-Fi screen. There

Go to Settings > Wi-Fi and make sure that Wi-Fi is on. Tap the name of your Wi-Fi network to join. A blue checkmark beside a network name means that you’re connected. If you see Auto Join disabled under Settings > Wi-Fi > [Your Network], tap the More Info button and then tap Auto-Join.

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If asked, enter your Wi-Fi password

If asked, enter the password for your Wi-Fi network. Get help if you don’t know your password. Even if you enter the correct password, you might see an «unable to join the network» message or an «incorrect password» message. Restart all of your devices, then try to enter your password again.

Check for issues with your Wi-Fi network

An iPhone showing the Wi-Fi screen. There

If iOS or iPadOS detects an issue with your Wi-Fi connection, you might see a Wi-Fi recommendation under the name of the Wi-Fi network that you’re connected to. For example, you might see the alert «No Internet Connection.» To get more information, tap the Wi-Fi network.

Check your cables and connections

If you still can’t connect to your network or get online, make sure that your router is connected to the modem and turned on.


Restart your iOS or iPadOS device. Restart your router and cable or DSL modem by unplugging the device and then plugging it back in. After you restart each device, see if you fixed the issue.

Reset your network settings

An iPhone showing the Transfer or Reset iPhone screen.

If you’re using iOS or iPadOS 15 or later, tap Settings > General > Transfer or Reset [Device] > Reset > Reset Network Settings. If you’re using iOS or iPadOS 14 or earlier, tap Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings. This also resets Wi-Fi networks and passwords, cellular settings, and VPN and APN settings that you’ve used before.

Get more help

  • If you’re connected to a Wi-Fi network but you can’t get online, try to use your Wi-Fi network on other devices. If you can’t get online using your other devices, there might be a service outage. Call your cable company or internet provider for help.
  • Try connecting to a Wi-Fi network in a different location. If your device can connect, you need to get help with your Wi-Fi network. If your device can’t connect to any Wi-Fi networks, contact Apple.
  • Update your Wi-Fi router with the latest firmware and make sure that the router supports your Apple product. For more information, contact the router’s manufacturer.


iPod Touch 5th Gen: No Wifi Connection

Recently, there was a small update for the iPod touch, iPhone 4 and newer as most of you may know. It was just a bug fix, nothing more than just a few simple things Apple must have wanted to fix.

Just after this update, I noticed that my Wifi connection was REALLY bad, and then a day or two afterwards, my iPod would lose connection for a few minutes, connect again, and then lose the connection (It would repeat this all the time.)

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Yesterday, I lost wifi completely. When I swipe up from the bottom of the screen where you can access flashlight, camera, calculator, airplane mode etc. I saw that the Wifi icon was a dark grey, and could not be tapped on and wouldn’t respond. I know that it isn’t my Wifi router, because I went to my friends house (they have fully functional wifi) and it was the same there. My computer could access wifi just fine, and my friend had wifi on her iPod 4.

What is happening?! I’ve tried everything (resetting my iPod, resetting the Network, turning my iPod all the way off, iTunes and everything is fully updated) and I can’t seem to get it to work.

And when I reset my iPod, it froze and I had to reboot using my computer.

I can’t even check to see if there is a new update (7.1.2?) because I dont have wifi!

Is this a common bug? Or is it just my iPod. My dad has the iPhone 5 and his is working fine.

iPod touch, iOS 7.1.1, Im not sure if its 7.1.1 or 7.1.2

Posted on Jul 18, 2014 11:21 AM


iPod Touch «No Wifi» problem

I’ve got an iPod Touch, it’s been out of the box for about six hours. After not being able to connect it up to my wireless LAN I can’t even select the Wifi option now. The WiFi menu is greyed out and says «No Wifi». Resetting and restoring has made no difference. Is there a solution or does it need to go back?

Mac mini core duo, Mac OS X (10.4.8)

Posted on Oct 9, 2007 3:31 PM

Have you tried going to other places and checking for WiFi?

There’s also an option in the WiFi settings to «Reset Network Settings». I used that when I couldn’t join my own wireless router. Make sure Wi-Fi and «Ask to Join Networks» is selected, and if you still don’t see your Wireless on the list, it may be a hidden Wireless, and you need to choose «Other. » and put in the wireless info.

No there’s nothing wrong with my wireless lan or anything, I’ve got plenty of other things connected to it.

The problem is that the wireless settings are completely unavailable, the wireless menu is greyed out. So normally on the «Settings» page the top menu says «Wi-Fi» and pressing this takes you to a sub-menu, on my Touch, this menu is greyed out and just says «No WiFi».

Go to Settings > General > Reset Network Settings.

It should reset all your network options without erasing anything. If you’ve already tried that, or it doesn’t work, I’d suggest calling Apple on that, because it sounds like just your iTouch.

What I meant by if the wireless was working, was if the iPod Touch recognizes any other wireless networks.

Okay, yeah I’ve tried all of that, so I think it’ll have to go back to Apple, easier said than done in the UK.

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Hello I live in Sweden and I have/have had the same problem as you.

When I first got my machine I could not press any button after the initial sync. Got it to work sometimes but then i frooze again.:( I managed to solve by waiting for 12 hours and then resetting it from within the touch.

Happy i got to play with it finally but then the problem with the greyed out WIFI button turned up. I have managed to fix it by resetting the device (without erasing any data) and erasing the setting for wireless. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Apple has offered me a new one but right now it has been working for two days so I will probably wait for a firmware (hopefully) fix from Apple.

Have you called them first? They probably could fix it over the phone. I’d try that first, then ask for a new one.

Has it been synched at all?

Hello from Puerto Rico:
I received my iPod Touch last Friday October the 5th. and today Wednesday October 10, I have the same problem with the greyed out WI-FI Menu with the message of «NO WI-FI». I reset the iPod to factory settings, reset again and again and still I have the grey WI-FI Menu.

Hi everyone. Sorry, if I am in the wrong place . never have used these forums before. I am very lost on the wi-fi connection thingy. I use the desktop and my hubby uses the laptap via wi-fi. Itouch sees the wi-fi name and wants me to enter the password. PASSWORD. What password? How do i find this glorious password? Please, please, help. with lay details as I am not too literate at this. I am trying. so please. be patient. And thank you in advance; I am most appreciative.

Im assuming you have a router. When it says ENtER A PaSsWord its asking for the password to your wireless internet. You have a password on your router so people do not go on it unauthorized. If you had this set-up by a 3rd party, and they didn’t tell you the apssword then your screwed. The only thing I can tell you to do is, look on the back of your router, and see if there is a reset button. If there is then push it and then search for your defualy password. Its usally Name: admin and password: password. Really the password is password. Anyhow look that up regarding your router. To look at your router settings for me type this in : .If this doesnt work then you need to call firedog or get a nerd to help you. ( I had to do this because I forgot my password, and then after 3 hours found the password under my bed). Also, if you have a an Xbox360 you might have to reforward the ports since in makes everything back to the factory settings.


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