Tor browser удалить linux

How to Uninstall Tor browser. Step-by-Step on All devices.

How to Uninstall tor browser on Windows.

There are quite a number of ways to do this but don’t worry we shall go over each step-by-step so that you are able to use any to work for you no matter the Windows version you are running currently.

Using the Control Panel

  • Close all open Tor Browser windows and open up your Windows start menu
  • Navigate to the Settings and type in Control Panel. (You can also search for Control Panel directly in the Type Here to search box )
  • Once you are in the Control Panel, navigate to the Programs option.
  • You should be able to see the uninstall a program option under this very menu.
  • This will automatically open up a list of your currently installed programs, In that very list, look for Tor and Tor- applaication.
  • Double click on it to revela the uninstall option.
  • Follow the prompts an daccept windows to make changes to your PC.
  • Once we are done, we are off to remove all related files to TOr.
  • To do ths, it is simple, all you do is simply press the Windows key + R . This opens up the Run App.
  • Inside the prompt box, type in regedit , and press OK.
  • At the top next to File close the Edit tab and select Find (Can also use Ctrl+F)
  • In that very prompt enter the Tor name and it should reveal files that are related to the input.
  • If you see any go ahead and remove all of them, then empty the recycle bin too.

That is it, we are done. You have successfully uninstalled Tor Browser on your PC.

Best Uninstaller

How to uninstall tor browser in ubuntu

Here you will learn how to uninstall Tor Browser in Ubuntu. Compared to other operating systems Ubuntu comes with more complications and the way around it may seem surprising but, we believe you can do it so let’s start. You will need to know at least some basic coding skills such as executing lines of code in Ubuntu.

Launch the Ubuntu terminal Then, then follow us through these steps below.

  • Just like in paython execute the code here to help you uninstall Tor broswer >> “sudo apt-get remove tor
  • Add this code to delete the related tor Browser files and folders “sudo apt-get autoremove tor“. Thsi uninstalls the othere packages that come with Tor-Broswer for its proper functionality.
  • The next step is to go and delete all the configuration files and data files from Ubuntu related to Tor >>>”sudo apt-get purge tor
  • Finally we are almost done, all you should do is to excute the last coode again but modify it gain like so >>>>>: “sudo apt-get autoremove –purge tor” The purpose of this code is to go on and delete data files and configuration files related to Tor that may be hiding else where, and the last ones will all disappear if you exceute this last line of code

Remember you should execute these in the terminal of your Ubuntu operating system.

These codes will work on all Ubuntu versions so you don’t have to worry about the validity of the codes. If you have some coding knowledge go and modify your uninstallation to how you wish. If you are new to Ubuntu and you have no clue what I just gave you go and re-read it and it will start to make sense.

keysoff uninstaller

How to Uninstall tor browser Mac

  • On your Mac desktop you will need to close the Tor Browser if you had it open, or find its shortcut on your desktop.
  • Once you have found the Tor Browser application which can be in your applications folder. Hold it and move the Tor Browser application to Trash.
  • Navigate to your ~/Library/Application Support/ folder.
  • On ethe newer versions of mac you can navigate to this folder in Finder section, select “Go to Folder…” in the “Go” menu at the top.
  • In the pop Go to folder type in “~/Library/Application Support/” and then click on Go.
  • Here you will need to locate the Tor Browser-Data folder in the list of the folders and then move it to Trash.
  • Accept all prompts and go on to empty the trash can as well.

On a macOS if you had your Tor Browser outside the ~/Library/Application Support/ folder then go ahead and navigate to the folder where it is saved and follow the exact instructions but for your specific folder. You don’t necessarily have to look for it that way only.

You should look into these other folders to see if there may be some remaining files related to Tor.

  • /Library/Preferences/
  • /Library/Caches/
  • /Library/Application Support/

How to uninstall Tor Browser Using the Special Uninstaller.

Head on the official Special uninstaller website, download your copy, and follow along with these simple steps to get rid of any unwanted programs.

Open the Start menu or type in the search box next to the all programs tab, search for Special Uninstaller and it should show up in the All Programs tab.

After you have launched the Special Uninstaller, It should open up and you should be able to navigate it easily.

In the search, menu find Tor Browser in the list of programs. Here you should just check it and let the uninstaller do its magic.

Click on the Uninstall button and it should be on the way.

In just a few minutes if not seconds depending on the file size, you should have that file gone. It will go and head out to find all related files to the program you are looking to uninstall and then get rid of them together with the original file.

It deletes it for you as well in the recycle bin so you don’t have to worry about it anymore. Similar to all applications you will ever wish to uninstall…

How to Uninstall Tor Browser on Linux

  • In your files on Linux, navigate to the Tor Browser folder. Linux is kind of diffrenet in that it has no default folder but you should just look for a file named “tor-browser_en-US”for all English browsers. Other languages it will be “tor-browser_yourlanguage here+county)
  • Go ahead and delete the entire Tor Browser folder.
  • Empty your Trash as you would with other appliactions.
  • Congratulations you have uninstalled Tor-browswer on Linux.

Can’t find Tor browser uninstall

If you can’t find the Tor-browser application then check on the desktop for its shortcut. You can also find it the files explorer on Windows. Similarly to Windows, you can search the application in the all programs section.

Once you find the Tor-browser shortcut on your desktop, right-click it, and then, choose the Open file location option in the drop-down menu. This opens up the file folder and all you do is simply right-click on it then delete it.

On a Mac you can find the Tor- Browser from the macOS Finder, you can easily reach the applications folder by hitting Command+Shift+A. Once you are there navigate and search for all the applications you desire by scrolling through the menu, which in this case it would be Tor-browser.

Uninstall Tor Browser Using the Registry Cleanup.

The best decision to do this may be special external software, especially for casual users. Probably the most famous one is CCleaner – a quite simple and user-friendly app that can do the job in a few minutes. The alternative option is manual work with the Registry Editor. Here’s how:

Open the Registry Editor by hitting the Windows Key+R. you can also use the Windows Search Taskbar to search it up…

This is usually located near the windows start icon which is a logo of Windows in the bottom left corner of your Windows Pc. Inside that box, type in Regedit and run it as an administrator.

If you used the shortcut keys then just type in Regedit and hit Ok.

Disclaimer: This method can damage your PC, cause unexpected crashes and damage your Pc if you make the wrong adjustments. So please ensure you make a backup file for your entire registry folder before you edit anything each time.

To do this simply click on File in the left top corner and then choose the Export option. Once you have it downloaded you can make multiple copies of it or save it on your desktop.

On your registry editor screen type in Tor in the search field and press the Ok to continue. (You can also Press the Ctrl+F ). Here you should see more files related to Tor and this means it’s go time.

Go and delete Everything that has a Tor in it. Ensure you are staying in the Tor folder and nothing elsewhere.

When You should consider Uninstalling Tor Browser.

after any updates you may experience some glitches, slow response times, crashing, or even it stops working for you. Here you can try to uninstall tor browser and reinstall it again if at all you wish to keep using it.

If you wish to use Tor again go ahead and install it again.

Quick Facts About Tor Browser

This browser allows you to use the Internet enormously, without any website tracking your activity and searches. For those that are done using it, they go ahead and get rid of it since it is only for one-time use, just like some wants in life.

Well by the end of our ultimate guide on the Tor Browser you should be able to uninstall the application easily and even get more applications uninstalled using the same skills. if you go and delete the Tor browser you will lose all the information you used to browse websites. It is that easy for all your favorite operating systems.

Much like a VPN, you can fake your Geographical location using Tor Browser and this means you can be anywhere you want which is cool. You can see what users in other countries see when they search for certain queries. yes, it’s still 100% free and that is why it is one of the awesome browsers out there.

Unlike other web browsers, the Tor browser is a different type of internet browser. Generally, it hides your internet identity Google usually collects data about you, the websites you visit, and key queries you type in so that they make your search easier in the future.

However, Tor Browser doesn’t at all. They will never collect your information, nothing of that sort, so it is kind of similar to duckduckgo in a sense.


Как удалить Tor Browser с компьютера


Несомненно, Tor является полезным интернет-обозревателем, который позволяет серфить интернет безопасно и анонимно. Но иногда может возникнуть необходимость стереть бесследно все данные программы, саму утилиту, либо просто переустановить ее. В этой статье мы рассмотрим как удалить Тор браузер с компьютера полностью.

Особенности удаления Tor Browser

Главной особенностью этой программы является то, что она не встраивается в системные папки операционной системы и находится в одной папке на рабочем столе. Установка производится в портативном режиме. Тор-браузер не оставляет никаких следов в реестре или в любых других базах данных операционной системы.

Как удалить Тор Браузер с компьютера

Как удалить Tor Browser с разных операционных систем

Эта программа устанавливается на большинство операционных систем: Windows, Mac OS, Linux. Разберемся, как избавиться от программы, установленной на различные ОС.


Прежде чем начать удаление утилиты с этой операционной системы Виндовс, необходимо закрыть браузер и приостановить все его процессы. Разберем пошаговую инструкцию:

  1. Закройте интернет-обозреватель, если он открыт.
  2. Откройте «Диспетчер задач».
  3. В блоке «Журнал приложений», выберете Тор браузер и кликните на кнопку «Снять задачу», которая расположена в нижней части открывшегося окна;
  4. Также, перейдите во вкладку «Процессы» и убедитесь в том, что нет активных процессов, которые содержат в названии tor.exe. Если есть — снимайте задачу.

Тор браузер снять задачу

Теперь вы можете удалить браузер со своего компьютера бесследно. Чаще всего, папка с файлами приложения располагается на рабочем столе.

Удалить папку с Тор браузером

  1. Наведите на нее курсор и выберете пункт «Удалить».
  2. Подтвердите удаление.


Удаление данного анонимайзера с операционной системы Линукс является таким же простым процессом, как и удаление программы с Windows. Чтобы приступить к удалению Тор, завершите все его процессы:

  1. Закройте программу.
  2. Откройте «Системный монитор». Найти его можно в разделе «Меню».
  3. Завершите все процессы, связанные с Тор.
  4. Введите команду gnome-system-monitor .
  5. Переместите папку с анонимайзером в «Корзину».

Примечание: попасть в «Системный монитор» можно через комбинацию клавиш Ctrl + Alt + F1 . Очистить ПК от этого приложения можно также через команду sudo apt—get remove xxx , где xxx – название пакета приложения. Команду нужно ввести в командной строке.

Удаление Тор браузера в Линукс

Mac OS

Всего несколько шагов потребуется выполнить для того, чтобы удалить Тор-браузер со своего ПК на операционной системе Mac. Рассмотрим их:

  1. Закройте браузер.
  2. Перейдите в раздел «Приложения».
  3. Отыщите в открывшемся окне иконку Тор и перетащите ее в «Корзину» и очистите ее.

Удалить Тор браузер на Мак


Удаление Tor Browser не отнимет много времени, важно — перед удалением программы завершить все связанные с ней процессы. Если вы выполните предложенную нами инструкцию, то удалите данную программу бесследно.


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