Toshiba ac100 установка linux

Uboot installation

Ubuntu’s 3.1 kernel have issue with usb while booting with u-boot. This will case wi-fi not to work.

Don’t insert SD card too early (to avoid device enumeration issues). Folow this guide step by step.

Added by an Ac100 user . I have never modified a wiki before.

Some errors are about where/when you have to use mmcblk1 which is the external sd-card of the AC100 and about where/when you have to use mmcblk0 which is internal sd-card of the AC100. Then it would help to understand if this guide want to install both Android and Ubuntu on internal or external sd-card. I have been unable to install Ubuntu neither Android, so I’ll not make corrections to this guide, I’ll just point attention to some places where it was impossible to go on without change something respect to the guide, or where I have had doubts.To install android as said in this guide and pointing to we have a problem about re-partitioning, here in ac100.wikispaces guide we have partioned mmcblk0 (internal sd-card) , while in the install guide of we are installing in mmcblk1(external sd-card). an example from guide: Mount external SD card mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /tmp/sd while mmcblk0p1 is referred to the internal sd-card

To install ubuntu I can point attention about phase 1 ,just adding that it works and it simply goes in loop ,is this error in the errors mentioned ?? About Phase 2 it’s impossible to mount /dev/mmcblk1p7 cause it’s the external sd-card and in the external sd-card we have only a primary partition with fat filesystem. an example mount /dev/mmcblk1p7 /mnt/root Where are we installing ubuntu, in internal or external sd-card . —————————————————————————————————————————————————————— finishing this little adds about errors,I hope someone is able to correct them better then me.


Main idea is to get SOS partition (64 MB) with boot script and few auxiliary kernels/initrds. Boot script will contain boot menu.

On this step you will run SOS linux from ram. No modifications is made on AC100

On this step you will install u-boot and convert current linux/android installation for u-boot support. In most cases system is bootable after bootloader switch.

This step is needed for next reasons:

4) Install android and Install ubuntu


DEV NOTE contains kernel and initrd from .bootimg file and boot script.

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Start SOS uboot linux

1) Start AC100 in recovery mode ( ctrl + esc + power )

sudo nvflash --bl sos-uboot-r5-2013-11-10.bin --go
tegrarcm --bct=your.bct --bootloader=sos-uboot-r5-2013-11-10.bin --loadaddr=0x108000

AC100 will automatically boot to command prompt

u-boot installation

On this step you change ac100 bootloader to u-boot. Installation script will keep kernel/initrd from 6-th partition (LNX).

2) Run installation script and follow instructions


On this step you will form partition scheme for android and ubuntu dual boot.

1) Format first partition on SD cart to fat

2) Unpack to SD card

3) Safely remove SD card from PC


mkdir /mnt/sd mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/sd
/mnt/sd/ /mnt/sd/ac100_partitions.cfg /dev/mmcblk0

Setup boot configuration

On this step you will get bootmenu for sos/android/ubuntu, but only sos option will be usable.


mkdir /mnt/sd mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/sd
mkdir /mnt/sos mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/sos
umount /mnt/sd umount /mnt/sos

6) Power off AC100 (press power button for 8 seconds)

7) Remove SD card from AC100

8) Power on AC100. If you done all right, you will get boot menu

Install android

After this step «Android Recovery» in boot menu became usable.

1) Use Install CWM recovery for CM-10.1 section from with following changes:
Don’t copy all content of recovery-10.1.img. Copy only kernel and ramdisk:

mkdir /tmp/upacked unzip /tmp/sd/recovery-10.1.img -d /tmp/upacked cp /tmp/upacked/zImage* /tmp/p1/boot/zImage cp /tmp/upacked/initrd*.gz /tmp/p1/boot/initrd.gz

2) Unmount all
3) Powero off
3) Power on. To run recovery select Android Recovery in boot menu
Important: use this command to copy files

cp /tmp/upacked/zImage* /tmp/p1/boot/zImage cp /tmp/upacked/initrd*.gz /tmp/p1/boot/initrd.gz

otherwise file names will not match boot script and recovery will not boot.

Install ubuntu

Phase 1: rootfs installation

1) Format first partition on SD card to fat

3) Select installation from SD (fat), follow instructions, don’t pay much attantion to errors 😉

Phase 2: prepare for u-boot

1) Format first partition on SD card to fat

4) Safely remove SD card from PC

mkdir /mnt/sd mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/sd

4) Mount target partition (p7 a.k.a UDB)

mkdir /mnt/root mount /dev/mmcblk1p7 /mnt/root

5) Copy fixed database for flash-kernel

cp /mnt/sd/all.db.fixed /mnt/root/usr/share/flash-kernel/db/all.db

6) Install u-boot tools and update initramfs

cp /mnt/sd/u-boot-tools_2013.01.01-4_armhf.deb /mnt/root/tmp /mnt/sd/ mount_vfs chroot /mnt/root export PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin dpkg -i /tmp/u-boot-tools_2013.01.01-4_armhf.deb update-initramfs -u exit /mnt/sd/ umount_vfs
umount /mnt/sd umount /mnt/root

9) Power on. Choose «Ubuntu» in boot menu. Installation will continue.


Установка Ubuntu 14.04 на Toshiba AC100

Здарова, линуксоиды! Я обращаюсь к вам за помощью. Короче, у меня есть смартбук/нетбук — Toshiba AC100(или просто «Тошка») с arm-процом nvidia tegra, 512MB ОЗУ, и с предустановленной Android 2.x. Подробнее об этом смартбуке можно почитать тут. Проблема вот в чём. Все в основном прошивают тошку на ubuntu 12.04/12.10, но я нашёл кое-где идеальную убунту 14.04 со всеми нужными файлами для прошивки. Я уже начал прошивать, но возникла одна серьёзная проблема. Там нету файла rootfs, вернее я должен создать его сам 🙁 . Я не линуксоид, поэтому я не умею его создавать 🙁 . Вот я и обращаюсь к вам, чтобы вы мне помогли. Если вы создадите этот файл за меня и скинете его мне или скинете мне подробную инструкцию, как создать этот файл, то это будет очень кстати.
Заранее спасибо!
P.S. I also asked for some help in #ac100 channel at «» site.


[08:12] Hello! I need some help! I have Toshiba AC100 and I want to install ubuntu on my ac100. People usually install ubuntu 12.04/12.10, but I found ideal for me ubuntu 14.04 there: . But when I was installing it to my toshiba, I faced with one problem. I did not find «rootfs» file. Then I found out that I had had to build this file myself. But I am not a professional in GNU/Linux, like in Windows; so, I can not build this file =( .
[08:12] If someone build this file for me or gives me a detaled instruction, I will be VERY VERY happy.
[08:13] Thanks for attention!


[09:24] Unfortuately, I sometimes have to reconnect to the chat. So, I described my problem there: Установка Ubuntu 14.04 на Toshiba AC100 (in Russian and English)

P.P.S. Кстати, к каналу #ac100-ru я тоже обратился.


[09:32] Иногда мне приходится переподключаться к чату, так что я буду повторно отправлять это сообщение. Здарова линуксоиды! У меня есть одна проблема, и я надеюсь на вашу помощь. Подробнее о моей проблеме: Установка Ubuntu 14.04 на Toshiba AC100 (на Русском и Английском)


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Porting Ubuntu 14.04 to Toshiba AC100


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Porting Ubuntu 14.04 to Toshiba AC100

Ubuntu 14.04, designed and optimized for Toshiba AC100.

These scripts allows you to build up-to-date Ubuntu filesystem and install it to target device. Shipped with minimal GNOME Flashback, but you can build minimal text-mode OS if you want to.


This OS is stable enough for daily work. Battery should last for up to 8 hours, and suspend is fully supported. Sound works all the time, music is loud and not malformed.

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For web browsing, text processing and other simple tasks, this OS should work better than preinstalled Android.

Compared to official Ubuntu 12.04 port

  • Minimal, up-to-date operating system, without bloatware
  • (Optional) GNOME Flashback instead of Unity
  • Windows XP-like panel (main menu, quick launch, disk mounter, notifications)
  • Enhanced power management (up to 8h battery life!)
  • Brightness and output switch indicators
  • Working volume hotkeys (use with HOME key)
  • Swap (cache partition, reduced swappiness)
  • Disabled animations and sound effects
  • Disabled tap-to-click feature (makes touchpad more responsive)
  • Suspend if power button pressed
  • Many little tweaks
  • No proprietary graphics drivers — therefore no HDMI output or HW acceleration
  • Random kernel panics
  1. Make sure you’re running Ubuntu 14.04
  2. Install debootstrap and qemu-user-static packages
  3. Download this repository to your PC
  4. As root, execute ./

Tip: You can use time utility to display how much time the process took (less than 1 hour in most cases), or append 2>&1 | tee log.txt to save logs. Output file is called rootfs.tgz .

  1. Install nvflash DEB package provided here. Proprietary utility will be downloaded!
  2. If your device is using GPT, please revert to tegrapart.
  3. Connect AC100 to PC, press and hold Ctrl+Esc+Power.
  4. Execute nvflash —bl /usr/lib/nvflash/fastboot.bin —download 5 recovery.img —go
  1. Copy three files to FAT32-formatted flash memory
    • kernel.img
    • rootfs.tgz
  2. Boot device with HOME key pressed. If prompted, press 1.
  3. Mount USB device: mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt
  4. Start installer and follow instructions: sh /mnt/
  5. Reboot device, wait 1-2 minutes to see setup wizard and finish installation.

Without them, I wouldn’t be able to create this project

  • (Ubuntu 12.04 port)
  • (Debootstrap guide)
  • (Brightness indicator)
  • (Sound switcher indicator)
  • (Manuals, SOSBoot recovery environment)
  • (Example configuration files)
  • (DConf tutorial)
  • (Example panel config)
  • (oem-config tutorial)
  • and many others
  • Now mplayer will be used instead of mplayer2 , for better multimedia support
  • Now swappiness should be set up correctly. I’ve just forgotten 14.04 may not support sysctl.d yet.
  • Removed LibreOffice, because you may want to try AbiWord and Gnumeric instead. This can greatly reduce filesystem usage if you don’t use office suites at all.


Porting Ubuntu 14.04 to Toshiba AC100


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