Toshiba bluetooth stack установка

Toshiba Stack Installation

The Installation process of the Toshiba Bluetooth stack can vary depending on your Bluetooth hardware and operating system. In this tutorial we will cover the necessary steps to take for each scenario as we go. You may want to open this tutorial on your phone or another device to keep following along for steps that involve restarting your computer.

Disabling Device Driver Signature Enforcement

In order to install the drivers you may need to disable device driver signature enforcement. Not every setup will need to do this but I will go ahead and cover this now so you can refer back to it if needed. There are many ways to do this depending on your version of Windows, I will just cover the most common two but if you need more options you can find those here:

  1. When your computer is booting up press F8
  2. Select Disable Driver Signature Enforcement at the bottom
  1. Open the main settings page
  2. Search for startup
  3. Select Change advanced startup options
  4. (Windows 10: Update & security -> Recovery)
  5. (Windows 8: Change PC Settings -> Update & recovery)
  6. Under the Advanced startup section select Restart now
  7. After Windows restarts select the Troubleshoot option
  8. Now select Advanced options
  9. Select Startup Settings
  10. Then press the Restart button
  11. When your computer restarts you will be presented with a list of options. Press F7 to select Disable driver signature enforcement

Note that with these two methods the device driver signature enforcement will only remain disabled until the next time Windows reboots.

Obtaining Bluetooth Device Info & Uninstalling the Default Driver

Before we go through the installation process, it is a good idea to first get the necessary info from your Bluetooth device in case it is needed later in the process.

  1. If you are using a Bluetooth dongle, plug it in.
  2. Open the Device Manager simply by searching for it
  3. — OR —
  4. Right click your computer icon (This PC, Computer, My Computer) from an explorer window or the start menu and choose Properties and then select Device Manager from the right hand side
  5. Expand the Bluetooth section
  6. Right click your Bluetooth device and choose Properties
  7. Select the Details tab
  8. Select Hardware Ids from the drop down
  9. Right Click the ID without «REV» (usually the 2nd) and choose Copy
  10. Paste this ID into a text file or sticky not to save for later
  11. Close the Properties window
  12. Right click your device in the Device Manager and choose Uninstall then click OK on the confirmation
  13. If the uninstall was successful you can unplug your Bluetooth dongle now if you were using one.

Disabling Automatic Device Driver Installation

This step is mainly for built-in Bluetooth hardware. If you have trouble with Windows automatically reinstating the default Bluetooth stack whenever you uninstall the current driver (as you probably would experience with built-in Bluetooth hardware), then you will need to temporarily disable the automatic installation of device drivers.

  1. Right click This PC/Computer and choose Properties
  2. Select Change Settings
  3. Choose the Hardware tab
  4. Select Device Installation Settings
  5. Select the No, let me choose radio button, and then select the Never radio button and click Save Changes
  6. Now uninstall your device in the device manager, you may need to check the box Delete the driver software for this device if it re-installs again.
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Downloading the Toshiba Bluetooth Stack

At the time of this writing, the current version of the Toshiba Bluetooth stack is 9.10.34T from 2015-07-28. Follow these steps to download the latest version:

  1. Visit
  2. Accept the License Agreement
  3. Look under PC Bluetooth Stack at the top of the page.
  4. Download the x32 or x64 version depending on your OS

[Note] if the above doesn’t work there are newer versions here

Installing the Toshiba Bluetooth Stack

Time for the big part. There are a few possible paths that you might encounter. Just follow the steps listed here based on what happens during installation as noted in the applicable steps. Sometimes the device driver signature enforcement needs to be disabled to install the drivers so it is a good idea to do so before continuing, or you can run through these steps and check for success now and then try again if it fails.

  1. Run the executable downloaded in the previous steps.
  2. Click on Options and select an easy file path (like the desktop)
  3. Click on Next and then click on Start
  4. After extraction, open the destination folder and run Setup.exe
  5. Walk-through the setup and start Installing
  6. A few different things might occur, choose then next step based on a, b, or c.
  7. a) A prompt for plugging in your device is displayed
  8. b) The Installer succeeds but there is no new BT tray icon
  9. c) Installer may simply succeed and you will see a new BT tray icon
  10. Follow the steps according to your scenario:
    1. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Toshiba\Bluetooth Toshiba Stack\Drivers\tosrfusb
    2. Copy tosrfusb.inf (~36KB) to your desktop
    3. Open the file in Notepad or any other text editor
    4. Scroll down until you see the [Standard] tag
    5. Add your DeviceId that you retrieved from the device manager to this list. You can simply paste yours over the first entry or copy the last line in the list and increment the number after DeviceDesc and then use your Id.
    6. Scroll down until you see the [Standard.NTamd64] tag
    7. Add your DeviceId in the same manner as you did previously.
    8. Scroll down until you see the [Strings] tag
    9. Change or Add the name of your device (whatever you want) depending if you changed or added a DeviceId
    10. Save the file and close it
    11. Copy it back into the Drivers\tosrfusb\ folder and overwrite the existing file.
    12. Plug in your Bluetooth dongle
    13. A Red window should appear and another plug in device prompt may appear
    14. (Device Driver Signature Enforcement would have needed to be disabled)
    15. First, click Install this driver software anyway
    16. The plug in device prompt should close eventually, if not you can click OK just wait some time first
    17. The installer should finish and after it does restart your computer
    18. You should now have a Toshiba Bluetooth Icon on your system tray!
    1. When prompted to restart, don’t just yet
    2. Open the Device Manager
    3. Right click on your uninstalled device and choose Update Driver Software
    4. Choose Browse my computer for driver software
    5. Choose Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer
    6. Select the Bluetooth icon lighter in color that is from the Toshiba Stack (should be the second one) and click Next
    7. Select a model from the list (shouldn’t matter) and click Next
    8. Note: You could follow the steps 1 — 11 in option (a) if you want your device name to appear, but it does require disabling device driver signature enforcement.
    9. When the warning pops up, click Yes
    10. The driver should have been updated successfully
    11. Restart your computer
    12. After Windows loads you should see a Bluetooth icon from the Toshiba stack in red. Double click it to enable Bluetooth and it should finish installing and then turn white and you will be good to go!
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Removing the 30 Day Evaluation Period

If the Bluetooth hardware you are using wasn’t meant to be used with the Toshiba Bluetooth stack, the Toshiba Bluetooth stack will say it’s the Evaluation version and you will have 30 days remaining. Apparently this 30 evaluation period was meant for developers to make sure their hardware works with the Toshiba Bluetooth stack and there isn’t an actual paid version you can buy. Follow these steps to bypass the evaluation period.

  1. Download from the Downloads/Extras page
  2. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Toshiba\Bluetooth Toshiba Stack\
  3. Extract TosBtChk.dll from the archive into this folder and overwrite the existing file
  4. If you get a prompt saying that the file is in use, right click the Bluetooth tray icon and choose Exit
  5. Start the Toshiba Bluetooth stack again either by restarting or by opening any item with the Bluetooth icon under Toshiba in the program files list in the start menu
  6. The limitation should now be lifted!

— OR — if you prefer to edit your registry:

  1. Open the registry editor (search regedit on the start menu and press enter)
  2. Navigate to the following location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Toshiba\BluetoothStack\v1.0\Mng
  3. Add a new DWORD value named TestVersion
  4. Double click the key and set the value to 1

Special thanks to Holedigger999 and NeatNit for their help in forming this tutorial.


Toshiba Bluetooth Stack 9.10.32T (x64, x32)

Toshiba Bluetooth Stack

Toshiba Bluetooth Stack — программное обеспечение для подключения различных девайсов к ноутбуку и ПК с использованием технологии Bluetooth. Программа совместима со всеми версиями Windows (включая Win 10 и 7) и поддерживает различные профили, включая HDP, FTP, FAX, A2DP, SPP, LAP и др. Благодаря этому Вы сможете подключать всевозможные виды устройств: от беспроводных наушников до серьезного медицинского оборудования.

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Изначально Toshiba Bluetooth Stack разрабатывался для ноутбуков и ПК одноименного японского производителя. Однако продукт получился настолько удачным, что его стали использовать и на компьютерах других производителей. Это также объясняется тем, что Bluetooth технологии, разработанные Toshiba, применяют другие создатели беспроводного оборудования.

В программе Toshiba Bluetooth Stack предусмотрено 2 режима поиска устройств: автоматический (экспресс) и ручной. Первый способ подразумевает автоматическое распознавание модели и типа оборудования с последующей установкой драйверов. Наиболее стабильно данный способ работает с лицензированными устройствами от компании Toshiba. Если экспресс-поиск не удался, необходимо вводить параметры девайса вручную.

Функции и особенности программы Toshiba Bluetooth Stack 9.10.32T:

  • Установка драйверов и подключение различных типов устройств по Bluetooth;
  • Автоматический и ручной режим поиска девайса;
  • Совместимость не только с оборудованием Toshiba, но и с моделями других производителей;
  • Поддержка большого количества профилей Bluetooth;
  • Совместимость с Windows от XP и выше (x32, x64).

Для полного комплекта мы рекомендуем вам также скачать Steam Inventory Helper (расширение, которое добавляет кучу функции и фишек в стандартный магазин Steam).

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TOSHIBA Bluetooth Stack 9.20.02

TOSHIBA Bluetooth Stack


Данное приложение несёт в себе различные инструменты для управления подключёнными устройствами Bluetooth. Сами устройства должны быть именно от TOSHIBA. Кроме этого устанавливается и нужный для корректной работы драйвер.

Что это за программа

Если разобраться, это даже не программа, а специальный драйвер, разбавленный несколькими диагностическими и сервисными инструментами. Сразу после установки можете открыть меню «Пуск» и посмотреть, какие ярлыки там появились.

Как пользоваться

Мы же, не теряя времени, будем переходить к основному вопросу и в виде пошаговой инструкции разбирать правильный процесс установки драйвера:

  1. Сначала необходимо обратиться к соответствующему разделу, воспользоваться прямой ссылкой и дождаться завершения загрузки архива со всеми нужными файлами.
  2. Затем производим распаковку. Для этого воспользуйтесь текстовым документам, содержащим специальный пароль. Поместите установочный файл в любое удобное место.
  3. Запустите процесс инсталляции от имени администратора, примите лицензионное соглашение, перейдите к следующему шагу и таким образом завершите установку.

Установка TOSHIBA Bluetooth Stack

Обратите внимание: в некоторых случаях необходима перезагрузка компьютера сразу после окончания инсталляции.


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Лицензия: Бесплатно
Платформа: Windows 7, 10, 11
Язык: Русский


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