Ubuntu and linux difference

Ubuntu vs Linux: Difference and Comparison

Technology is the one major thing that keeps on changing daily.

Well, it should be because things are getting updated very fast, and so is the technology, whether it is the electronics or the software that the electronics use.

There are more than just Mac and Android operating systems because some people prefer software like Ubuntu and Linux.

Both these software is quite reputed in the technological world and is free.

Key Takeaways

  1. Linux is a free and open-source operating system widely used in servers, desktops, and embedded systems. At the same time, Ubuntu is a specific distribution of Linux based on Debian and designed for desktop and server use.
  2. Linux is highly customizable and allows users to modify the kernel and other system components, while Ubuntu is designed to be user-friendly and easy to install and use.
  3. Linux has many different distributions, each with its features and characteristics, while Ubuntu has a large community and extensive documentation to support its users.

Ubuntu vs Linux

Ubuntu vs

The difference between Ubuntu and Linux is that Ubuntu is a distribution of Linux. Ubuntu is also a desktop-based operating system that is quite secure, and the software does not need an anti-virus.

Linux and Ubuntu are free, open-source software; however, Ubuntu was based on the Debian Linux distribution. There are several others in the distribution of Linux, and Ubuntu is just one of them.

Comparison Table

What is Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is operating software that is a Linux distribution on Debian. The Ubuntu software was developed by Canonical Ltd back in the year 2004.

This free, open-source software is used for personal computers, servers, cloud computing, and IoT.

Ubuntu can also be used in smartphones too and also in network servers.

Ubuntu operating system is one of the most popular OS and the most used type of Linux-based operating system in desktop installations.

The name ‘Ubuntu’ originated from a South African ideology of humanity towards others.

The free operating system is easy to use, quite user-friendly, and most suitable for personal computers.

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The Ubuntu software is known for its free service and also because of its simplicity level. The installation process of this operating software is easy; therefore, most people love and use the OS more than other distributions of Linux.

Ubuntu software came in 2004 with a new distro, and people soon became interested in the operating system.

The popularity grew each day, leading to further improvement of the operating system and becoming a vital competitor in the market.

Ubuntu gained huge popularity because of its user-friendly interface, and its starting gave the users a huge boost to opt for their product in the market more than the others.

It is also said that Ubuntu CDs are delivered to their interested customers free of charge.

So, Ubuntu had done extremely well in penetrating the market when Microsoft, MAC, and other operating systems were at their peak.

ubuntu 1

Well, people still loved Ubuntu because it had something the users wanted: the user-friendly interface and free software in the market.

What is Linux?

On the other hand, Linux is also one of the most popular Operating systems in the world. Linux, too, impacted the people and impressed most people when it was released in 1991.

The operating system gave people a free open source for several uses.

Linux was introduced before Ubuntu, so it was difficult for Linux to penetrate the market then, as Microsoft had total control of it.

Linux was less popular, but the system was developed in such a way that it became a direct competitor to Microsoft.

Linux is a generic name that is used to refer to Unix-like OS. Linux could also be installed on most devices, even on smartphones too.

Linux is used for gaming consoles, PCs, servers, embedded systems, and desktops. Linux became an important use in the servers then.

Linux became the largest provider of servers worldwide at that point in time. Linux had perfect popularity then, gaining more attention soon after it released its Ubuntu distribution.

Linux is supported on most computer platforms and is the most widely supported operating system in the world.

Linux, too, became popular because of its user-friendly interface, as it could be very easy to use for customers. This was the major reason that Linux made its customers happy and satisfied.

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linux 1

And also Linux provides free services and comes in a modified version.

Main Differences Between Ubuntu and Linux

Difference Between Ubuntu and

  1. Ubuntu was initially released back in the year 2004, whereas Linux was initially released back in the year 1991.
  2. Ubuntu was one of the most popular distributions of Linux and was able to penetrate the market.
  3. It was because of the release of Ubuntu that made people used Linux’s services because, before the release of Ubuntu, Linux was famous for web servers.
  4. The programming languages used by Ubuntu are Python, Java, C, C++, and C#, whereas the programming languages used by Linux are C and Assembly Language.
  5. Some of the other distributions of Linux include Debian, Suse, Mandriva, and Fedora.
  6. Both these operating software are free and can be used on any device.

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Difference Between Ubuntu and Linux

This question is often asked among personal computer users. Both are tremendously popular Operating Systems (OS), but true techies have knowledge of other systems, or at least take other systems into consideration. Linux is a less known operating system, but nevertheless threatens Windows and MAC manufacturers, mainly because they are free.

Linux is actually a generic name used to refer Unix-like operating systems. However, it is distinct due to its use of the ‘Linux Kernel’, which was originated by Linus Torvalds in 1991. Linux is the foremost example of an ‘open source software’. The programming or source code is freely used, modified and redistributed.

Linux systems can be installed in various computer hardware, such as smartphones, laptops, PDA, and so forth. The use of Linux is very prevalent in servers. It is even reported that in 2008, at least 60 percent of web servers worldwide was run on Linux operating systems. Although Linux may not match the popularity of MAC and Windows in the desktop market, Linux has been steadily increasing its popularity in the area. The reason for the increasing awareness of Linux operating systems for personal computing use, is mainly due to the Ubuntu distribution.

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Ubuntu is based on Linux, a project initiated by the South African, Mark Shuttleworth. It is in fact just one of the Linux distributions, or ‘distros, along with Fedora, Suse, Mandriva and Debian. To date, it is perhaps the most popular one, as it was claimed to be most used type of Linux based OS in desktop installations. The name ‘Ubuntu’ was from an African ideology, which means ‘Humanity towards others’. Ubuntu provides a user friendly and stable OS which is targeted towards the average computer user. It boasts simplicity, and ease of installation as well.

Linux had already been around for quite some time when Ubuntu was announced in 2004. The reception of Ubuntu as a new distro was like no other before it. A lot of users and developers took interest in it, and from that very good take off, it has become the most popular desktop distribution of Linux. This popularity even boosted its improvement and development to become a very fierce competitor of proprietary systems in the market today. Due to the funding of the extremely wealthy Ubuntu originator, the project started the right way, and was followed up in an even better manner. Ubuntu CDs are actually shipped for free to interested users, and this is probably one of the things that helped boost its prominence.

1. Linux is a generic term referring to Unix-like operating systems, and it has various types of distributions; Ubuntu is just one of them.

2. Linux started in 1991, while Ubuntu took off in 2004.

3. At first, Linux use was predominant in servers, and it was the release of Ubuntu that made a lot of people consider using the Linux system on their desktops.

4. Linux is based on the Linux Kernel, which was written by Linus Torvalds. Ubuntu, on the other hand, was based on the Linux system, and this project was initiated by a multimillionaire named Mark Shuttleworth.

5. Other Linux distributions include Fedora, Debian, Suse, Mandriva, and so on. The most popular of all, particularly in desktop installations, is Ubuntu.


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