Ubuntu bluetooth pairing failed

Не цепляется bluetooth мышь к ubuntu 20.04

Очень похожая ситуация с этой темой Не получается сделать pairing для bluetooth наушников. (комментарий) В т.ч я поставил ControllerMode = bredr И у меня работает связь с bluetooth колонкой, но мышь почему-то не находится.

Походу сыро еще все с bluetooth у нас, что-то работает, что-то нет.

Подробностей полные штаны просто. УМВ — всё, что можно тебе на это ответить.

Подробности.. убрал ControllerMode = bredr, т.к. из-за этого мышь вообще не находилась (а проблем со звуком у меня и не было).

Controller D8:12:65:5E:59:EE (public) Name: huawei Alias: huawei Class: 0x000c010c Powered: yes Discoverable: yes DiscoverableTimeout: 0x00000000 Pairable: yes UUID: A/V Remote Control (0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb) UUID: Audio Source (0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb) UUID: PnP Information (00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb) UUID: Headset AG (00001112-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb) UUID: Audio Sink (0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb) UUID: A/V Remote Control Target (0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb) UUID: Generic Access Profile (00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb) UUID: Headset (00001108-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb) UUID: Generic Attribute Profile (00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb) Modalias: usb:v1D6Bp0246d0535 Discovering: no Advertising Features: ActiveInstances: 0x00 SupportedInstances: 0x05 SupportedIncludes: tx-power SupportedIncludes: appearance SupportedIncludes: local-name SupportedSecondaryChannels: 1M SupportedSecondaryChannels: 2M SupportedSecondaryChannels: Coded 
[DEL] Device D0:E5:A7:04:1A:26 HUAWEI Mouse [NEW] Device D0:E5:A7:04:1A:25 D0-E5-A7-04-1A-25 - тут тыкаю окне на мышь [CHG] Device D0:E5:A7:04:1A:26 Connected: yes [CHG] Device D0:E5:A7:04:1A:26 Connected: no 

Т.е. тут не произшло приветствие, которое, например происходит с колонками. Дабавляю в доверенные вручную

[HUAWEI CM510]# trust D0:E5:A7:04:1A:26 [CHG] Device D0:E5:A7:04:1A:26 Trusted: yes Changing D0:E5:A7:04:1A:26 trust succeeded 

Теперь в настройках появлется диалог включения мыши. Но при включении то же самое. Тогда вручную

[HUAWEI CM510]# connect D0:E5:A7:04:1A:26 Attempting to connect to D0:E5:A7:04:1A:26 [CHG] Device D0:E5:A7:04:1A:26 Connected: yes [CHG] Device D0:E5:A7:04:1A:26 Connected: no Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed [HUAWEI CM510]# pair D0:E5:A7:04:1A:26 Attempting to pair with D0:E5:A7:04:1A:26 [CHG] Device D0:E5:A7:04:1A:26 Connected: yes [CHG] Device D0:E5:A7:04:1A:26 Connected: no Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationCanceled 

special-k ★★★ ( 28.05.20 09:16:46 MSK )
Последнее исправление: special-k 28.05.20 09:22:33 MSK (всего исправлений: 3)

Читайте также:  Bluetooth устройства своими руками


Ubuntu 18.04 «Bluetooth not set up»


I am trying to connect airpods and my other pair of headphones to xps13 Ubuntu 18.04. My laptop can find Bluetooth devices; however, I always get that not set up status. I tried setting it up by clicking on the not set up, but it won’t. How do I fix this?

1 Answer 1

Installing package «blueman» will help you.

First launch the terminal by pressing ctrl + alt + T

Then run the command in terminal:

sudo service bluetooth start 

Install blueman by typing to terminal:

sudo apt-get install blueman bluez-utils bluez bluetooth 

Now again type to terminal:

sudo service bluetooth restart 

If not installed, install blueman:

sudo apt-get install blueman 

Now launch Blueman and then connect your devices from the blueman window by searching followed by pairing.

Saved the Christmas! You will need to have lots of patience, even delete the pairing and pair again. But it’ll work.

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Common Bluetooth Problems in Ubuntu and How to Fix Them

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From time to time when you are using Ubuntu Linux and you want to use your Bluetooth headset to watch Netflix or YouTube videos you may experience some problems with the Bluetooth connection on Linux. The Bluetooth in Linux functions thanks to the interaction of different modules like the Linux kernel, the drivers, client apps, pulseaudio and Bluez. To learn more about Bluetooth please refer to this article. Problem #1 Bluetooth isn’t available when you wake up the system When you put your system to sleep, there are chances Bluetooth won’t be available when you wake it up. In order to make everything work fine as before in most cases you will need to restart the system. On the other hand, sometimes you will need to disconnect the device and pair it up again with your system. One of the main reasons for such behavior was a bug in the Bluez version 4.48. The bug was responsible for the situation described above and other common actions like connecting, disconnecting and pairing. Luckily. Most bugs including this one were fixed in the next versions of Bluez. Quick Fix In order to fix this issue, we need to launch the Terminal and check whether we have the 4.48 version of Bluez. You can easily do that with this command:
dpkg —status bluez | grep ‘^Version:’
When you see the results, use the following commands to update to the latest version:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bluetooth/bluez
sudo apt-get update
After these commands, you will be able to update the Buez using:
sudo apt upgrade
A new version of Bluez will provide better behavior during the actions mentioned above and you should still have access to your Bluetooth connection when you wake up the system. Problem #2 Bluetooth headset won’t play in A2DP (High Fidelity) Quick Fix In order to fix this issue, you will need to make your system detect the right type of Bluetooth device by adding a simple configuration file. First, let’s check whether we have all the dependencies installed:
sudo apt install pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils pavucontrol pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
When we verify it, we need to create or edit this audio config file:
sudo gedit /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf
Include the next lines:
This section contains general options
Now it’s time to save the file and start the Bluetooth service again.
sudo service bluetooth restart
You are good to go. Now you will be able to listen to your Bluetooth audio at a2dp (high fidelity) mode. Enjoy! Problem #3 After automatic pairing when the system booths Bluetooth won’t play sounds in Bluetooth headset In most cases the first thing we do after we boot up our system is turning on the Bluetooth headset. Sometimes the system and the device pair up well but no sound. If you use the command journalctl -f you will receive the next message:
pulseaudio[1148]: [pulseaudio] module-bluez5-device.c: Profile a2dp_sink has no transport
pulseaudio[1148]: [pulseaudio] module-bluez5-device.c: Refused to switch profile to a2dp_sink: Not connected
Connecting the device again will usually resolve the issue, but this isn’t something we would like to do often. The reason for that is that the Bluetooth device must work immediately after the system boots up. Quick Fix One of the solutions is to press the Play/Pause button after you pair the system and the device. This will make the gnome sound manager have the A2DP available. With this option on you can easily set the audio output in the menu. Although this solution isn’t ideal, it does the job. To make the process easier you can add a shortcut to set this output when the pairing completes and the Play/Pause button is pressed. Here is the command:
nano .bashrcThen add the following line at the end:
alias soundon = ‘pacmd set-card-profile device_name a2dp_sink’
Please note that you can replace the “Device_name”. Once the pairing completes you can identify your device with this command:
pacmd list-cards
This will appear as a result: As you can see the device is identified as “bluez_card.00_16_94_0B_5F_DE”. So, you need to replace the device_name with bluez_card.00_16_94_0B_5F_DE. This is just an example, replace the device name with the result you receive after you use the command.

Читайте также:  Отменить сопряжение bluetooth наушники


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