- How can I see my mac address on Ubuntu?
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- How to Find Your MAC Address in Ubuntu 20.04 / Ubuntu 22.04
- Find MAC Address in Ubuntu or Other Linux with GNOME Desktop:
- Find MAC Address via single command (Universal way):
- ip command:
- ifconfig command:
- Как я могу узнать MAC-адрес моего WiFi адаптера на Ubuntu Linux?
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- Get MAC address of a network access point [duplicate]
- 2 Answers 2
How can I see my mac address on Ubuntu?
As described in the newer answer below, the modern solution is to run:
The MAC address is shown in the link/ether field.
Original Answer
Open a terminal and run ifconfig:
This answer needs to be deprecated given that the system doesn’t even come with ifconfig anymore. Someone like me looking for how to find the ip address without internet working can’t just intstall the obsolete utllity.
Use ip command instead of the outdated ifconfig
link/ether field of the output is the MAC address (Both for Wi-fi and ethernet connections, MAC address is represented by link/ether ). Mostly this will be present in the second line.
$ ip addr show 1: enp2s0: mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether a0:54:9f:53:b2:6e brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
In my case a0:54:9f:53:b2:6e is the MAC address.
On Ubuntu 20.04.02 LTS, there is no HWaddr in the output from ifconfig . Instead, look at ether :
Try ifconfig, and look at the «HWaddr».
okay, this is a very easy solution. 1/ Open a terminal 2/ ifconfig A list of network capable devices will be displayed. If you are using wireless, it usually is called wlan0, but can also be named pan0 wifi0 etc. A physical conection is most likely eth0. on the first line you will see your mac address. here is a sample of what you might see eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00
You can spoof your mac address too with macchanger (sudo aptitude install macchanger) just type man macchanger to learn more
You can also right-click on the GNOME Network Manager. There you choose connection information and the following window shows you the hardware address. See also NetworkManager at Ubuntus Wiki.
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How to Find Your MAC Address in Ubuntu 20.04 / Ubuntu 22.04
Sometimes you need to know the physical hardware address (aka MAC Address) of your network cards on Ubuntu or Debian Linux. Here are how to find it either in graphical way or by running command.
MAC Address, stands for media access control address, is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller for use as a network address in communications. Each network device has its own hardware address. Usually, desktop PC has only one MAC address for the wired network. While a notebook will have two: one for wireless card and another for the wired.
Find MAC Address in Ubuntu or Other Linux with GNOME Desktop:
For the Linux with GNOME Desktop, e.g., Ubuntu 18.04 +, Debian 11, Fedora Workstation, and CentOS 8, it’s easy to find it.
Firstly, go to upper-right corner system tray menu and click the option to open “Settings”.
If Wi-Fi connected, in the first tab click on the “gear” icon after the connected network will open the information page.
Or, go to the “Network” in the left pane and click on the “gear” button for the wired network. You can find the Mac address even the cable is not plugged.
Finally, you’ll see the “Hardware Address” (aka Mac address) in the pop-up dialog for either WiFi or Wired network, depends on which button you clicked. In my case, the address is “AC:E2:D3:6D:7A:AC”.
Find MAC Address via single command (Universal way):
For other Desktop or all Linux server, there are a few commands to tell the hardware address.
ip command:
Without installing anything, the built-in ip command line tool can tell the info via:
It will output something look like:
[email protected]:~$ ip link 1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 2: eno1: mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether ac:e2:d3:6d:7a:ac brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff altname enp2s0 3: wlo1: mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DORMANT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 40:9f:38:ee:52:7d brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff altname wlp3s0
Usually, the wireless device is one of “wlan0, wlan1, wlan2, wlo0, wlo1, wlo2” while the wired device name is “eth0“, “eth1“, “eno0“, or “eno1” depends on your machine.
And the addresses behind “link/ether” in the output are what you want to find:
ifconfig command:
Similar to Microsoft Windows “ipconfig“, Linux also has “ifconfig” command to do the similar job. However, it is not pre-installed out-of-the-box in some Linux. So, you may first install the tool via command:
sudo apt install net-tools
And then run it to tell the info:
Как я могу узнать MAC-адрес моего WiFi адаптера на Ubuntu Linux?
какую команду я могу ввести в терминале, чтобы узнать MAC-адрес моего WiFi адаптера?
09.05.2023 11:36 2805
5 ответов
скажет. ifconfig является инструментом, устаревшим с 2001 года.
/sbin/ifconfig | grep HWaddr
Вы можете добавить имя интерфейса вашей беспроводной карты (например, wlan0 ) после ifconfig, но это не обязательно.
вы хотите посмотреть iwconfig и ifconfig сведения о контроллерах ethernet. iwconfig направлена на беспроводной.
объединение ответа от @user562374 с небольшим скриптом:
ip addr show $(awk 'NR==3' /proc/net/wireless | tr -d :) | awk '/ether/'
беспроводной интерфейс отображается в /proc/net/wireless и используется для извлечения MAC-адреса из ip addr выход.
чтобы найти MAC-адрес, соответствующий определенному интерфейсу (т. е. wlan0), можно ввести следующую команду:
MAC-адрес-это тот, который имеет» link/ether», за которым следует 6-байтовое число. Это, вероятно, будет выглядеть примерно так:
link/ether e8:b1:fc:9c:a6:8a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
где MAC-адрес e8:b1:fc:9c:a6:8a
* * если вы не знаете имя интерфейса, просто введите ip link для вывода списка MAC-адресов и имена всех интерфейсов. *
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Get MAC address of a network access point [duplicate]
Though this question has been marked as a duplicate, the accepted answer here is what gave me the info I needed. The highest ranked answer on the linked question gives me more info than I need, which didn’t let me figure out which of the two MAC addresses my printer was listing belonged to the SSID my laptop is connected to. If there’s ever a cleanup of duplicates, perhaps the answers can be merged?
2 Answers 2
- arping Change the IP adress to whatever you use. The MAC address is in the reply between brackets.
- iwconfig | grep «Access Point» . Access point will be colored and behind it the MAC address.
- iwlist wlan0 scan | grep Address same as previous command (color etc).
The iwlist option gives me a message saying the interface doesn’t support scanning; the arping option gives me what is probably a cached version of the wired connection I unplugged. Happily, the iwconfig option gives me the info I needed.
If you are using a recent desktop version of Ubuntu (with interfaces managed by network-manager ) then nmcli is a more configurable option than nm-tool . For example, to list some common information including SSID, access point MAC (BSSID), channel frequency, signal strength etc. for all the access points seen by the active wifi device you can use
You can limit the output to specific fields e.g. to see just the access point MAC addresses (BSSIDs) and connection status, use
nmcli -f BSSID,ACTIVE dev wifi list
To return just the MAC address to which the wifi device is currently connected (i.e. the access point whose ACTIVE field is ‘yes’), you can use
nmcli -f BSSID,ACTIVE dev wifi list | awk '$2 ~ /yes/ '