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How to uninstall Opera browser completely?

Post by somelurker » Sat Oct 20, 2018 11:03 pm

I installed Opera browser a while ago via the .deb file from their website. The most recent version is called opera-stable_(version number here)_amd64.deb. This is most likely the same type of file I installed the browser from initially. I later found out that they track their users via a unique ID (see https://www.opera.com/privacy), and now I want to get rid of the browser; completely.

The problem with this is that I don’t know all the things the .deb file did when I installed it. The most likely candidates I can think of are the installation of a package and the addition of certain entries to my software sources. What else might it have done, and how can I get rid of everything?

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to uninstall Opera browser completely?

Post by xenopeek » Sat Oct 20, 2018 11:17 pm

  1. Uninstall the Opera package through Software Manager. That is all the software it has installed from Opera itself. You can also uninstall it more fully from terminal with command: apt purge opera-stable
  2. Open Software Sources from your menu. Go to the Additional repositories tab, click to select the line «Opera» and remove it. Go to the Authentication keys tab and do the same there.
  3. Delete the ~/.cache/opera and ~/.config/opera directories manually from your home directory. You can either do that from the terminal with command rm -vrf ~//opera or in your file manager. In your file manager press Ctrl+H to toggle showing hidden files (or do same through its View menu) which makes the .cache and .config directories visible. Then go into those directories and delete the opera directory there.


Re: How to uninstall Opera browser completely?

Post by somelurker » Sat Oct 20, 2018 11:24 pm

Thanks for the fast reply! Does it make a difference whether I use dpkg -r, apt-get purge, or apt purge?

Re: How to uninstall Opera browser completely?

Post by xenopeek » Sat Oct 20, 2018 11:34 pm

Yes. apt-get and apt do the same and account for dependencies. dpkg is a low level tool and does not account for dependencies. You should generally not use dpkg (you could remove something that something else depends on, while apt-get and apt will inform you of that).


Re: How to uninstall Opera browser completely?

Post by somelurker » Sat Oct 20, 2018 11:52 pm

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Thanks again! I did all the steps you mentioned. Unless anyone can think of something else we missed, I think it’s gone.

Re: How to uninstall Opera browser completely?

Post by gm10 » Sun Oct 21, 2018 3:18 am

somelurker wrote: ⤴ Sat Oct 20, 2018 11:24 pm Thanks for the fast reply! Does it make a difference whether I use dpkg -r, apt-get purge, or apt purge?

xenopeek wrote: ⤴ Sat Oct 20, 2018 11:34 pm Yes. apt-get and apt do the same and account for dependencies. dpkg is a low level tool and does not account for dependencies. You should generally not use dpkg (you could remove something that something else depends on, while apt-get and apt will inform you of that).

That’s not actually correct, I think xenopeek may have been thinking of another tool. In fact dpkg is safer than apt / apt-get as far as dependencies go, because dpkg will refuse to remove a package that others depend on, whereas apt and apt-get will offer to automatically remove those other packages as well (you’ll still be asked for confirmation but that’s all).

The actual difference between the commands you listed is that dpkg -r just instructs a removal — remove installation files but keep system configuration data — whereas the other two instructed a purge — remove installation files and associated system configuration data. The dpkg equivalent would be dpkg -P or dpkg —purge .

So you can really use all of the commands. My personal preference is apt because it’s shortest and needs no sudo prefix. So I’d do:

apt purge --autoremove packagename

The —autoremove means that all packages that were installed as dependencies of other packages but are no longer needed will get purged as well.

Re: How to uninstall Opera browser completely?

Post by xenopeek » Sun Oct 21, 2018 6:37 am

I’ve remembered incorrectly. Not clear to me from its manpage but after testing it indeed works as you say. In any case, Opera package is already removed and OP need not do anything further on that end.


Re: How to uninstall Opera browser completely?

Post by somelurker » Sun Oct 21, 2018 8:13 am

I used apt-get purge before I saw the second reply. For some reason, apt-get didn’t prompt me to confirm that packages that were no longer required (I assume Opera depended on those packages) would be removed. apt-get did tell me, however, that I could run apt-get autoremove to get rid of them, which I did.

The messy part was the follow-up. After using autoremove on the dependencies, I then purged the dependencies as well. Hopefully this got rid of everything. Yeah, I know. I’m not pleased that Opera is pulling these antics. They never even provided a link to their privacy policy during the installation process, or I would have stopped the installation right there. I found out about the unique ID by chance when I stumbled across their privacy policy months later. They never even clarified whether the privacy policy applied only to certain operating systems, so I assumed it applied to everyone, including Linux users.

Since you mentioned the command apt purge —autoremove packagename , I was wondering if the purge applies only to packagename or to the autoremoved packages as well? By autoremoved packages, I mean the packages that packagename depended on but are no longer necessary because packagename is getting removed.

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Re: How to uninstall Opera browser completely?

Post by gm10 » Sun Oct 21, 2018 8:39 am

somelurker wrote: ⤴ Sun Oct 21, 2018 8:13 am I’m not pleased that Opera is pulling these antics. They never even provided a link to their privacy policy during the installation process, or I would have stopped the installation right there. I found out about the unique ID by chance when I stumbled across their privacy policy months later. They never even clarified whether the privacy policy applied only to certain operating systems, so I assumed it applied to everyone, including Linux users.

Most browsers do that, including the pre-installed Firefox. If you’re not the customer, you’re the product. You can usually opt-out to some extent (thank the EU data protection laws).

somelurker wrote: ⤴ Sun Oct 21, 2018 8:13 am Since you mentioned the command apt purge —autoremove packagename , I was wondering if the purge applies only to packagename or to the autoremoved packages as well? By autoremoved packages, I mean the packages that packagename depended on but are no longer necessary because packagename is getting removed.

It will purge everything if you use the commands in combination.

You can also use the autoremove command separately, in which case no purge takes place

apt autoremove packagename

Re: How to uninstall Opera browser completely?

Post by somelurker » Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:24 pm

Before I knew about using autoremove and purge together, I removed and autoremoved many packages without purging them. Is there a way I can purge packages that were previously only removed but not purged?

Also, is this the right manpage for apt-get: https://manpages.debian.org/jessie/apt/ . .8.en.html? According to the manpage, shouldn’t it be apt-get purge —auto-remove instead of apt-get purge —autoremove ?

Edit: Never mind to the latter question. man apt-get shows that —auto-remove and —autoremove are equivalent. I guess the manpage I linked to is obsolete.

Re: How to uninstall Opera browser completely?

Post by gm10 » Sun Oct 21, 2018 8:03 pm

somelurker wrote: ⤴ Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:24 pm Is there a way I can purge packages that were previously only removed but not purged?

A few ways. For example, the Software Sources tool has a «Purge residual configuration» button on the Maintenance tab for this purpose. It executes this command:

Re: How to uninstall Opera browser completely?

Post by somelurker » Sun Oct 21, 2018 8:22 pm

This is probably a stupid question, but what does ~c mean in Linux? I thought ~ was the user’s home directory.

Re: How to uninstall Opera browser completely?

Post by gm10 » Sun Oct 21, 2018 8:27 pm

There’s no «in Linux» meaning. For the shell interpreter it’s a variable only if used as part of a path, which is not the case here. Instead for aptitude it denotes a search pattern.

phd21 Level 20
Posts: 10102 Joined: Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:42 pm Location: Florida

Re: How to uninstall Opera browser completely?

Post by phd21 » Sun Oct 21, 2018 8:50 pm

I just read your post and the good replies to it. Here are my thoughts on this as well.

I think the Opera browser is a great browser and I think you may have misinterpreted some of their privacy statements.

Opera wrote: When we collect your data, we associate it with a unique ID and a unique device ID that are generated when you install an Opera product or begin using one of our services. These identifiers are anonymized and cannot be linked to you as an individual person . We also take measures to remove any possible connections between these IDs and other types of personal data.

As for removing an application or software package completely, I always used the «sudo apt purge AppName» or from the «Synaptic Package Manager (SPM)» search for the application, right-click and select remove completely, then I bring up my file manager, show hidden files, and browse to see if there are any leftover configuration folders regarding that application and remove those if necessary; check under «~/.config/» too.

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You might consider installing and using the excellent «Slimjet» browser.
Slimjet — Fastest web browser that blocks all ads and protects your privacy

Phd21 : Mint 20 Cinnamon & xKDE (Mint Xfce + Kubuntu KDE) & KDE Neon 64-bit (new based on Ubuntu 20.04) Awesome OS’s , Dell Inspiron I5 7000 (7573) 2 in 1 touch screen, Dell OptiPlex 780 Core2Duo E8400 3GHz,4gb Ram, Intel 4 Graphics.

Re: How to uninstall Opera browser completely?

Post by somelurker » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:10 pm

Just personally, I don’t buy the claim that the identifiers can’t be linked to individual people. By itself, an identifier may not equate to a specific person, but if you build up a long web history and combine it with other factors, it might unmask some people or at least narrow down the possible candidates greatly.

It also bothers me that they have to «take measures» to remove connections between those IDs and other types of personal data. That tells me they do collect personal data they have no business collecting, and that if there’s ever a breakdown in the connection removal process, people could be de-anonymized.

In any case, whether the identifier is connected to me or not, Opera has no business building a profile that can be traced back to a unique identifier. I can understand some opt-in aggregate data collection, but uniquely identifying each user goes too far for my liking.

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