Удалить полностью libreoffice linux mint

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To uninstall LibreOffice

Post by Ricardo Vieira » Sat Apr 21, 2018 12:41 pm

I want to uninstall my Libreoffice to replace it by WPS.

I read in the Forum the follow instructions:

sudo apt-get remove —purge libreoffice*
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get autoremove

Before that, I was seaching in Synaptic Package Manager. There I did type Libreoffice on Search button. By clicking in the «ure» package, it tells that LibreOffice will be uninstalled, but I think I must leave the package «libreoffice-style-mint» to avoid mess up my system, am I right?

The sudo command above would uninstall the «libreoffice-style-mint.»

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: To uninstall LibreOffice

Post by rickNS » Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:25 pm

It is not really recommended to remove anything that came as part of original install.If you want WPS just add it.

Re: To uninstall LibreOffice

Post by Sir Charles » Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:43 pm

sudo apt remove --purge libreoffice-core

For better control of the packages that will be removed open Synaptic and search for libreoffice-core, mark it and right-click on it and choose complete removal.

Tom739 Level 2
Posts: 59 Joined: Sun Dec 03, 2017 5:40 am Location: Germany

Re: To uninstall LibreOffice

Post by Tom739 » Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:46 pm

Yes Ricardo, selecting the «ure» package in synaptic will automatically select the entire LibreOffice suite to be removed, but you should keep «libreoffice-style-mint».
In fact, I use LibreOffice but I always install (and uninstall) it manually as Debian packages from the LibreOffice home page. In this way, I can give early releases a try.

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Re: To uninstall LibreOffice

Post by Ricardo Vieira » Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:52 pm

Thanks to all of you who promptly answered and gave me valuable tips. I will follow Tom739’s tip.

absque fenestris Level 12
Posts: 4110 Joined: Sat Nov 12, 2016 8:42 pm Location: Confoederatio Helvetica

Re: To uninstall LibreOffice

Post by absque fenestris » Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:56 pm

rickNS wrote: ⤴ Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:25 pm It is not really recommended to remove anything that came as part of original install.If you want WPS just add it.

keep LibreOffice, load WPS and maybe you will find FreeOffice interesting:

Re: To uninstall LibreOffice

Post by Ricardo Vieira » Sat Apr 21, 2018 2:12 pm

absque fenestris wrote: ⤴ Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:56 pm
keep LibreOffice, load WPS and maybe you will find FreeOffice interesting:

Many thanks for your tip, absque fenestris, but I will try WPS because of its MS Office resemblance. Anyway FreeOffice looks pretty!

absque fenestris Level 12
Posts: 4110 Joined: Sat Nov 12, 2016 8:42 pm Location: Confoederatio Helvetica

Re: To uninstall LibreOffice

Post by absque fenestris » Sat Apr 21, 2018 2:37 pm

FreeOffice has an excellent PDF generator — I use this program on my Android smartphone and in Linux Mint. To my knowledge, this is the only program where you can select fonts in the preferences.

Re: To uninstall LibreOffice

Post by Ricardo Vieira » Sat Apr 21, 2018 3:51 pm

absque fenestris wrote: ⤴ Sat Apr 21, 2018 2:37 pm FreeOffice has an excellent PDF generator — I use this program on my Android smartphone and in Linux Mint. To my knowledge, this is the only program where you can select fonts in the preferences.

Too much fonts is annoying to me. I just followed the tips on this Forum page: viewtopic.php?f=90&t=231796&p=1359565&h . s#p1359565

Re: To uninstall LibreOffice

Post by Cosmo. » Sat Apr 21, 2018 3:53 pm

There is absolutely no problem in removing LO; the system does not rely anywhere on this program.

If I do a test remove of the package ure, I do not get libreoffice-style-mint removed; it would be strange if it would be different, as there are no dependencies between both. Besides that there are no files in libreoffice-style-mint visible, which get used, if LO is not present.

Re: To uninstall LibreOffice

Post by I2k4 » Sat Apr 21, 2018 4:12 pm

I’ve recently uninstalled LO 5.x from both M17.3 and M18.3 (on live usb) in order to install the newest LO 6 — no problems — using this terminal sequence:

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sudo apt-get remove libreoffice-core
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libreoffice

[No —purge command because wanted to retain configuration. Install updated offline Help in language of choice from Synaptic PM]

Extra tip: Menu — Tools — Options — Advanced — unchecking the default «Use a Java runtime environmen» speeds up LO a lot — only use of Java I’m aware of is for Templates.

TRUST BUT VERIFY any advice from anybody, including me. Mint/Ubuntu user since 10.04 LTS. LM20 64 bit XFCE (Dell 1520). Dual boot LM20 XFCE / Win7 (Lenovo desktop and Acer netbook). Testing LM21.1 Cinnamon and XFCE Live for new Lenovo desktop.


Установка расширений

Дополнительно можно установить модули локализации, справку и расширения. Перечень доступных модулей можно увидеть, выполнив поиск в менеджере пакетов. Например, чтобы найти модули справки, выполните в терминале:

apt-cache search libreoffice-help

sudo apt install (расширение)

Проверка правописания, расстановка переносов и словари

Чтобы установить надлежащую поддержку языка, нужно установить соответствующий пакет. Название пакета будет строиться следующим образом: к ‘language-support-writing- ‘ добавляется нужный язык по спецификации ISO 639-1 1) .

Например, для проверки правописания русского, украинского и английского языков нужно установить следующие пакеты:

sudo apt remove --purge libreoffice* sudo apt clean sudo apt autoremove

2 комментария:

sudo apt remove —purge libreoffice*
[sudo] пароль для ******:
Чтение списков пакетов… Готово
Построение дерева зависимостей
Чтение информации о состоянии… Готово
E: Невозможно найти пакет libreoffice*
Ответить Удалить

Кстати, да.
Удаление офисного покета в Alt линух командой autoremove прошло успешно.
В нескольких версиях Debian так же удалялся сразу.

Сегодня решил посмотреть «что новенького» и установил Debian 11 net install. По дефолту установился и либроффис. Но удаляться отказывается: пишет: нет такого пакета, хотя пакет явно есть и занимет немало места. Ответить Удалить


How to uninstall LibreOffice?

Which package should I remove to completely remove libreoffice? I have no need for office tools. That’s the one gripe I have with package managers like apt, there’s no simple way to perform the essential task of removing unwanted software :S

Seriously. Why they assume that we all need office software when we install Gnome? There should be separate checkbox in tasksel.

This question cannot be upvoted enough! What a waste of hundreds of megabytes of space for something most people will never use.

12 Answers 12

Type the following in terminal to remove libreoffice:

sudo apt-get remove --purge ‘libreoffice*’ sudo apt-get clean sudo apt-get autoremove 

Note that some terminals (e.g. zsh) will require the wildcard to be escaped:

sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice\* 

@EliahKagan but clean wipes of the packages through which the software was downloaded. The unnecesary ones

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An especially thorough removal technique.

Suitable generally, but especially when removing LibreOffice to replace it with a manually installed LibreOffice or OpenOffice.

Assuming LibreOffice is provided by official Ubuntu packages on your system (which it generally is, unless you’ve installed it yourself from other packages or from the LibreOffice website), you can thoroughly remove it in the Terminal:

sudo apt-get remove fonts-opensymbol libreoffice libreoffice-\* openoffice.org-dtd-officedocument1.0 python\*-uno uno-libs3-\* ure ure-dbg 

If you want to remove global configuration files too (this does not affect per-user configuration in users’ home directories), replace remove with purge .

I think it’s unlikely that removing any of this will break other programs, because Lubuntu doesn’t come with LibreOffice, and Lubuntu users are able to run just about any Ubuntu program, without having to install LibreOffice.

Still, that is a legitimate concern and I cannot guarantee that nothing depends on your existing LibreOffice installation. Fortunately, the most serious breakages can be averted by making sure that nothing you need is removed with the LibreOffice packages. You can either be very careful while running the removal command (watch out for whatever else it says will be uninstalled), or simulate the removal first:

apt-get -s remove fonts-opensymbol libreoffice libreoffice-\* openoffice.org-dtd-officedocument1.0 python\*-uno uno-libs3-\* ure ure-dbg 

(That is, put -s right after apt-get , and, optionally, remove the sudo .)

I haven’t heard about any problems arising from removing fonts-opensymbol but those are fonts, and not enough people remove the package to know if problems viewing documents are common. So if the simulation reveals that a number of other packages you need or are unfamiliar with would be removed, try simulating without removing fonts-opensymbol and see what happens. And you might decide just not to remove that one at all.

The above technique uninstalls all LibreOffice packages provided in Ubuntu. I got the list of packages from here.

To shorten the command and avoiding having to type the name of every individual package, and also potentially to extend the life of this procedure in case differently named packages are provided in later versions of LibreOffice, I used the * wildcard to cover many packages at once. It is itself escaped with \ so that it won’t be expanded by the shell into the name of some unrelated file or directory, before it is passed on to apt-get .


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