Удалить windows boot manager linux

Can I remove Windows Boot Manager from dedicated Ubuntu computer?

It appears that I stopped my Ubuntu-based system in mid-update. It later wouldn’t boot. Through the use of this excellent resource: Grub2/Troubleshooting
I got my system running again after running the command: configfile (hd0,2)/boot/grub/grub.cfg . My system immediately starting behaving OK. By advice I then installed and ran:

sudo update-grub sudo grub-install Installed and ran boot-repair, doing its default option 
  • I now have the grub menu instead of simply booting
  • My computer’s boot options list (on my Dell I hit the F12 on power on) now has two ubuntu options in addition to the Windows Boot Manager. Previously it had only a single ubuntu option and no Windows Boot Manager.

My issue with the Windows Boot Manager is that this hard disk has never seen a Windows install. The disk was bought for Linux.

I looked through the boot-repair advanced options and didn’t see things that would help me there. So, what must I do to remove the Windows Boot Manager from my computer’s boot manager, the extra Ubuntu boot option from the same, and the «boot to the Grub menu» choice?

(Yes, I know that a lot of this is computer-specific. But it is part of my Linux experience. Losing the ability to boot at all had me looking at ads for a new Windows laptop. )

UPDATE: Data from my PC by way of the boot-repair log file:

 ============================= Boot Info Summary: =============================== => No boot loader is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda. sda1: __________________________________________________________________________ File system: vfat Boot sector type: FAT32 Boot sector info: No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block. Operating System: Boot files: /EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi /EFI/ubuntu/MokManager.efi /EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootx64.efi sda2: _________________________________________________________________________ File system: ext4 Boot sector type: - Boot sector info: Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Boot files: /boot/grub/grub.cfg /etc/fstab sda3: _________________________________________________________________________ File system: swap Boot sector type: - Boot sector info: [SNIP] ================================ Mount points: ================================= Device Mount_Point Type Options /dev/sda1 /boot/efi vfat (rw) /dev/sda2 / ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro) 


Remove Windows Boot manager?

I have two drives an SSD boot drive and a storage drive. I needed a temporary install of windows so I put it on my storage drive while leaving Linux on my boot drive. When I installed it windows installed the boot code and boot manager onto my SSD(presumably because there was already an EFI partition there) while it put the core OS on my storage drive. I have since formatted my storage drive and removed the data Windows put into my EFI partition yet when I go to my boot menu in my UEFI the Windows boot manager is still an option I can select and when I do so I get an error stating there’s a problem preventing Windows from booting. How do I remove the Windows boot code without formatting my SSD and reinstalling Linux? Note: I did not use grub or the windows boot manager to handle the dual boot I just used my UEFI to select the boot device and had the OSes run in stand alone mode.

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1 Answer 1

If you read the man page for efibootmgr it’s pretty straight-forward. Basically if you run efibootmgr with no arguments, it will list the boot entries. Each one has a 4-digit hex number. Then run efibootmgr -b XXXX -B with the appropriate number to delete that entry.

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How do I remove Windows from the UEFI boot menu after custom installing Ubuntu?

I installed Ubuntu 18.04 using the «Something else. » option on a laptop with a single HDD that came with Windows 10. During installation I deleted all the partitions except the EFI partition. Then I created a / root file-system partition and a /home partition. All went well. Except now I have an extra Windows entry in the UEFI boot menu that gets picked up by Grub. I can manually edit /etc/default/grub to hide the now defunct Windows boot option, but I want to get rid of the entry in the EFI system as well. How do I get rid of this final vestigial remnants of Windows?

2 Answers 2

Find UEFI boot entries

To remove the now useless Windows boot entry in the UEFI, first you need to find it. This can be done directly from the main Ubuntu OS. There is no need to boot from a live USB/DVD. The installed Ubuntu already has the required commandline utility.

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Open a terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T and then enter:

Enter the password when prompted and hit Enter . The cursor won’t move and you won’t see any asterisks(*****). This is normal in Ubuntu terminal. You will see some output like:

BootCurrent: 0002 Timeout: 2 seconds BootOrder: 0002,0001,000 Boot0000* Dell Boot0001* Windows Boot Manager Boot0002* ubuntu 

Note, I got two entries other than windows, 0 for «Dell» and 1 for «Windows Boot Manager». Since I deleted all the original partitions except EFI, I can no longer boot «Dell» or «Windows Boot Manager.» I could delete both 0 and 1 . But for this answer I will show how to delete only the Windows Boot Manager entry.

Note: the entries you want to delete may be different than this example. Use the output you get from your own computer, not the above example, to decide which entries you want to delete.

Delete the obsolete boot entries

Now that you know you want to delete the entry 1 (in this example), In the terminal enter:

Note, the 1 in the command above. This command will delete the entry:

Boot0001* Windows Boot Manager 

Delete the corresponding folder from the EFI partition

We are almost done. This last step makes sure the UEFI does not regenerate the entries we just deleted. To do this you have delete a folder corresponding the entry you deleted in the previous steps.

If EFI partition is not mounted:

In some computers the EFI partition may not be mounted by default. If this is the case, find out which one is the EFI partition with this command:

and look for the Windows Boot Manager. It may be /dev/sda1 for example. Yours may be different.

Then mount the EFI partition with:

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /boot/efi 

End of «If»

Now you find the name and location of the folder to delete. Use the following command to list all the folders in the EFI subfolder in the partition:

You will see some output like:

To delete the Windows (it may be called Microsoft ) folder use the following command:

sudo rm -r /boot/efi/EFI/Windows 

To verify that the folder was deleted, use the sudo ls /boot/efi/EFI command again.

Finally update GRUB to hide the GRUB menu

At this stage when you boot the laptop, GRUB will still show the menu to choose various OSs, even though you have only Ubuntu installed. Edit the file /etc/default/grub with the following command. You may use any other editor if you want.

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Make the two lines look like this:


If the line GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden does not exist, add the line as above.

When done, save and exit the editor by Ctrl + X , followed by Y and Enter .

The final step is to update GRUB with the following command:

Now the laptop should directly boot Ubuntu without showing the GRUB menu. If you need to get to the recovery mode in the future, then hit Esc while the laptop boots to reveal the GRUB menu.


Я могу удалить Windows Boot Manager из выделенного компьютера Ubuntu?

Кажется, что я остановил свою основанную на Ubuntu систему в середине обновления. Это позже не загрузилось бы. С помощью этого превосходного ресурса: Grub2/Troubleshooting
Я получил свою систему, работающую снова за выполнением команды: configfile (hd0,2)/boot/grub/grub.cfg . Моя система, сразу запускающаяся ведущий себя хорошо.

Советом я затем установил и работал:

sudo update-grub sudo grub-install Installed and ran boot-repair, doing its default option 

Чтобы выполнение перезагрузок доказало, что система все еще загрузилась, я обратил внимание на следующие изменения в своей загрузочной конфигурации:

  • У меня теперь есть меню личинки вместо простой начальной загрузки
  • Список параметров загрузки моего компьютера (на моем Dell, в который я поразил F12 , включаются) теперь имеет две опции человечности в дополнение к Windows Boot Manager. Ранее это имело только единственную опцию человечности и никакой Windows Boot Manager.

Моя проблема с Windows Boot Manager — то, что этот жесткий диск никогда не видел установку Windows. Диск был куплен для Linux.

Я просмотрел расширенные настройки восстановления начальной загрузки и не видел вещи, которые помогут мне там. Так, что я должен сделать для удаления Windows Boot Manager из диспетчера начальной загрузки моего компьютера, дополнительного параметра загрузки Ubuntu от того же и «начальной загрузки к выбору» меню Grub?

(Да, я знаю, что многое из этого является определенным для компьютера. Но это — часть моего опыта Linux. Потеря способности загрузиться вообще имела меня смотрящий на рекламу для нового ноутбука Windows. ),

ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ: Данные из моего ПК посредством файла журнала восстановления начальной загрузки:

 ============================= Boot Info Summary: =============================== => No boot loader is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda. sda1: __________________________________________________________________________ File system: vfat Boot sector type: FAT32 Boot sector info: No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block. Operating System: Boot files: /EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi /EFI/ubuntu/MokManager.efi /EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootx64.efi sda2: _________________________________________________________________________ File system: ext4 Boot sector type: - Boot sector info: Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Boot files: /boot/grub/grub.cfg /etc/fstab sda3: _________________________________________________________________________ File system: swap Boot sector type: - Boot sector info: [SNIP] ================================ Mount points: ================================= Device Mount_Point Type Options /dev/sda1 /boot/efi vfat (rw) /dev/sda2 / ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro) 


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