Unable to execute linux

Unable to execute bash scripts even as root?

That can happen if you have mounted the file system with the «noexec» option. You should remove it.

Also, to know quickly if your filesystem has been mounted with the ‘noexec’ option, use: mount And to remove the ‘noexec’ option, simply delete it from the list of options against the filesystem in the following file: /etc/fstab . Or alternatively add the ‘exec’ option to the end of the options.

The user option can cause this issue, as well. Removing it allowed me to execute the binary in question.

Another possible reason in Ubuntu can be the default file manager behavior. Go to filemanager->edit->prefferences->behavior and check execute on double click

Script needs be executable. Use this:

This duplicates another answer from several years back. It’s probably a common beginner problem, but this particular instance of this answer shouldn’t deserve more upvotes than the original, especially since the question already mentions the original OP had already made sure the permissions were correct.

Although not directly pertinent to this particular thread; if a file has come form a Windows system there may be a CR/LF at the end of the line. This would affect all lines in the file, including the initial execution line, and would not be visible if you are viewing the file.

$ ./test.sh -bash: ./test.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory 

To see this, you could cat -A the file: $ cat -A ./test.sh #!/bin/bash^M$ echo «me»^M$

to see the actual rights and ownership of the file. To see if the chmod command actually worked. You might want to change the ownership along with the mod of the file check : http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fileowner.html

Use chmod +x ./test.sh this should allow you to run it.

Also, check to see if the directory/filesystem containing the script is nfs-mounted. root won’t run scripts from nfs-mounted locations.

In macOS this can occur if a com.apple.quarantine flag exists. If you see a @ suffix on the permissions after running a ls -l on the script’s path, execute ls -l@ *script_path* to confirm. Then run a xattred -d com.apple.quarantine *script_path* to remove the quarantine flag.

you need use ./test.sh when you in the directory of that file,if you don’t,try PATH TO THE SCRIPT .or you can copy it to some directory of /data and chmod it for shell,then do the above steeps.if you still fail,it’s ok because i have a same problem,i just did it success for once time.

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if you are root user and still have that problem,so your shell is broken.i know that because i couldn’t execute many commands of the sh shell(similar to bash) even i tried as root and it said permission denied like your,i couldn’t change the permission.then i tried to copy them to my directory in /data ,change permission and i could use commands again.but when i try to execute the script,it’s no such file or directory.


Unable to execute a file in linux

No such file or directory More on how to run 32-bit executables on 64-bit systems: https://askubuntu.com/questions/454253/how-to-run-32-bit-app-in-ubuntu-64-bit Solution 2: As stated by VOR73X, the reason in this case is that the file is a 32-bit executable on a 64-bit architecture . I think the problem may be: You don’t have permission to access or no such file or that file doesn’t have read permission. etc.

Unable to execute a file in linux

Try adding perror(«fopen») to the main function and please share the output. It is difficult to answer this question without the output.

I think the problem may be: You don’t have permission to access /mnt or no such file or that file doesn’t have read permission. etc.

Linux — Unable to execute bash scripts even as root?, This would affect all lines in the file, including the initial execution line, and would not be visible if you are viewing the file. To see this, you could cat -A the file: $ cat -A ./test.sh #!/bin/bash^M$ echo «me»^M$. To remove, use dos2unix. Use chmod +x ./test.sh this should allow you to run it.

Unable to execute command in the Linux with an user

Try adding the full path to the binary in your script; execute it with: /bin/mkdir You can find the full paths to commands using which followed by the command. It will then return the full path of the command e.g:

You could also set PATH for the environment in which the script is run by using export . To do this in the script add a line similar to this: export PATH=$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/path/to/whateverelse in the beginning of your script.

See http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/unix-linux-adding-path/ for details.

Personally I would recommend just using the full path to binaries though.

Linux — Unable to execute a script from another shell, There is another file (B) which doesn’t begin with #!/bin/sh; it has some environment variables which I need to set for A to work. In this case you should source you script B in script A. To source a script in sh, the command is: . /path/to/B.sh. Note that the . is not the beginning of a relative path to script B.

Permission Denied when executing python file in linux

You will get this error because you do not have the execute permission on your file. There are two ways to solve it:

  1. Not executing the file in the first place. By running python gpio.py python will load the file by reading it, so you don’t need to have execute permission.
  2. Granting yourself execute permission. You do this by running chmod u+x yourfile.py . However, doing so will not work unless you add a shebang at the top of your python program. It will let your linux know which interpreter it should start. For instance:

This would try to run python using your current $PATH settings. If you know which python you want, put it here instead.

cd /home/pi/Desktop/control/ python gpio.py 

Because gpio.py is not a executable file, you should run it by python instead

Bash — Problem when trying to run shell script, When you use ./ to execute a file, it will look in the current folder (.) for a folder named home instead of starting from the root ( /) directory. Using the bash command explicitly like in bolzano’s answer starts from the root directory instead of the one you’re in. To use the command without bash you could enter

Executable is in current directory but can’t be run [duplicate]

You’re trying to run a 32-bit executable on a 64-bit system. Bash doesn’t differentiate between this case and «no such file or directory» case.

More about this topic: Executing 32 bit code under Ubundu 64 bit installation error- No such file or directory

More on how to run 32-bit executables on 64-bit systems: https://askubuntu.com/questions/454253/how-to-run-32-bit-app-in-ubuntu-64-bit

As stated by VOR73X, the reason in this case is that the file is a 32-bit executable on a 64-bit architecture . You can run it, but you need a compatibility layer to do so. If you have it:

mintaka:/home/lserni # file ansi ansi: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, not stripped mintaka:/home/lserni # uname -a Linux mintaka 4.0.1-1-default #1 SMP Wed Apr 29 15:04:53 UTC 2015 (e3a374a) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux mintaka:/home/lserni # ./ansi Syntax: ansi [file|-] 

. and otherwise you get ‘no such file or directory’.

However, there might be other reasons to be unable to run a file that «seems» to be there (or even is ).

Missing dynamic libraries would give a distinctive error (at least they do on my system, Linux OpenSuSE 13.2):

./test: error while loading shared libraries: libcap.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 

Another possibility.

. is that the file is not named as you think it is. The file you asked for is really not there!

For example (using the same obsolete file as before)

mintaka:/home/lserni # mv ansi 'ansi ' mintaka:/home/lserni # ls -la ansi* -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14268 Sep 17 23:29 ansi 

The file seems to be there but its name now ends with a space , so as you would expect.

mintaka:/home/lserni # ./ansi bash: ./ansi: No such file or directory 

Of course if the file is called correctly, escaping the space.

mintaka:/home/lserni # ./ansi\ Syntax: ansi [file|-] mintaka:/home/lserni # 

Other tricks are possible (I did it to myself once by mistake and have seen some worm using this trick to hide from a casual ‘ls’). For example UTF8 invisible characters.

to verify that the name is indeed what it ought to be.

Bash — How to run binary file in Linux, To execute a binary or .run file in Linux from the shell, use the dot forward slash friend. ./binary_file_name. and if it fails say because of permissions, you could try this before executing it. chmod +x binary_file_name # then execute it ./binary_file_name. Hope it helps. Code samplechmod +x binary_file_name# then execute it./binary_file_nameFeedback


sudo: unable to execute ./script.sh: no such file or directory

[user@server ~]$ ll total 4 -rwx------ 1 user user 2608 Jul 15 18:23 qa.sh 
[user@server ~]$ sudo ./qa.sh [sudo] password for user: sudo: unable to execute ./qa.sh: No such file or directory 

This is on a fresh build. No changes have been made which would cause problems. In fact, the point of the script is to ensure that it is actually built according to our policies. Perhaps maybe it isn’t and sudo is actually being broken during the build? I should also note that I can run sudo with other commands in other directories. EDIT: The script ( I didn’t write it so don’t /bin/bash me over it, please 😉 )

#! /bin/bash . /root/.bash_profile customer=$1 if [ -z "$customer" ]; then echo "Customer not provided. Exiting. " exit 1 fi space () < echo echo '###########################################################################' echo '###########################################################################' echo '###########################################################################' echo >g=/bin/egrep $g ^Listen /etc/ssh/sshd_config $g ^PermitR /etc/ssh/sshd_config $g ^LogL /etc/ssh/sshd_config $g ^PubkeyA /etc/ssh/sshd_config $g ^HostbasedA /etc/ssh/sshd_config $g ^IgnoreR /etc/ssh/sshd_config $g ^PermitE /etc/ssh/sshd_config $g ^ClientA /etc/ssh/sshd_config space $g 'snyder|rsch|bream|shud|mweb|dam|kng|cdu|dpr|aro|pvya' /etc/passwd ; echo ; echo ; $g 'snyder|rsch|bream|shud|mweb|dam|kng|cdu|dpr|aro|pvya' /etc/shadow space $g 'dsu|scan' /etc/passwd ; echo ; echo ; $g 'dsu|scan' /etc/shadow space $g $admin /etc/passwd space chage -l $admin space $g 'urs|cust|dsu' /etc/sudoers space $g dsu /etc/security/access.conf space $g account /etc/pam.d/login space /sbin/ifconfig -a | $g addr | $g -v inet6 space echo "||||||" echo $g '||||||' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth1 space cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth2 space netstat -rn | tail -1 space cat /etc/sysconfig/iptables space cat /etc/hosts space ##file /usr/local/groundwork ; echo ; echo ; /sbin/service gdma status ##space cat /etc/resolv.conf space HOSTNAME=`echo $HOSTNAME | awk -F. '< print $1 >'` nslookup $ echo echo nslookup $-mgt echo echo nslookup $-bkp space /sbin/service rhnsd status ; echo ; echo ; /sbin/chkconfig --list rhnsd ; echo ; echo ; yum update --security space /sbin/service osad status ; echo ; echo ; /sbin/chkconfig --list osad space /sbin/service sshd status ; echo ; echo ; /sbin/chkconfig --list sshd space /sbin/service snmpd status ; echo ; echo ; /sbin/chkconfig --list snmpd ; echo ; echo ; echo ; cat /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf space df -h space cat /proc/cpuinfo | $g ^processor space free -g space if [ -f /etc/rsyslog.conf ]; then tail -3 /etc/rsyslog.conf else echo "This system is not running rsyslog." fi rm -f $0 


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