Unetbootin linux manjaro linux

Как установить unetbootin на manjaro linux?

Описание процесса установки UNetbootin в Linux Mint
В стандартных репозиториях Linux Mint пакет UNetbootin отсутствует, поэтому мы сначала будем подключать необходимый PPA репозиторий, а затем устанавливать UNetbootin.

Кстати, в Windows устанавливать UNetbootin не требуется, необходимо просто скачать исполняемый файл. О том, где скачать UNetbootin для Windows, и как использовать эту программу в операционной системе Windows, я рассказывал в статье — Как записать ISO образ диска дистрибутива Linux на USB флешку в Windows?.

Установить UNetbootin в Linux Mint можно двумя способами: с помощью менеджера программ и с помощью терминала Linux, мы рассмотрим оба.

Примечание! Установка UNetbootin, которая описана в статье, производилась в версии Linux Mint 19 с графической оболочкой MATE, в случае с Cinnamon у Вас немного будет отличаться меню Mint, в остальном процесс установки UNetbootin не отличается.

Установка UNetbootin с помощью менеджера программ
Сначала давайте рассмотрим способ, который предполагает использование менеджера программ – это стандартный компонент системы с графическим интерфейсом, с помощью которого осуществляется установка и удаление программ в Linux Mint.

Данный способ подойдет пользователям, которые привыкли кликать мышкой, хотя, на мой взгляд, использование терминала немного быстрее и даже проще.

На заметку! Новичкам рекомендую почитать мою книгу «Linux для обычных пользователей» – в ней я подробно рассказываю про основы операционной системы Linux и как пользоваться этой системой без командной строки


Arch Linux User Repository

Tried doing the usual find /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ -iname «*.part» -exec rm <> \; and pacman-key —refresh-keys to no avail.

xyproto commented on 2021-03-07 18:20 (UTC)

multibootusb-git can be a nice alternative to unetbootin

gardenappl commented on 2020-09-29 18:35 (UTC)

Just FYI, the Qt5 fork of Unetbootin has finally been merged into the Git repository. So at some point you’ll have to update your dependencies.

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gardenappl commented on 2020-08-02 21:02 (UTC)

For those of you who want to avoid Qt4, I made this package: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/unetbootin-qt5-git/

The last commit on that fork is from 2017, but unfortunately the Unetbootin guys still haven’t merged it: https://github.com/unetbootin/unetbootin/pull/137

es_18 commented on 2018-11-06 22:30 (UTC)

If you get something like this:

X Error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied) 10 Extension: 130 (MIT-SHM) Minor opcode: 1 (X_ShmAttach) Resource id: 0x147 X Error: BadShmSeg (invalid shared segment parameter) 128 Extension: 130 (MIT-SHM) Minor opcode: 5 (X_ShmCreatePixmap) Resource id: 0x600000c X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) 9 Major opcode: 62 (X_CopyArea) Resource id: 0x600000d X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) 9 Major opcode: 62 (X_CopyArea) Resource id: 0x600000d 
Any of these work for me: sudo QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 unetbootin.elf sudo QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM=native unetbootin.elf su -c 'QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 unetbootin.elf' su -c 'QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM=native unetbootin.elf' 

nostalgix commented on 2018-10-13 13:21 (UTC)

+1 for fixing the setconf dependency

homerhsing commented on 2018-07-16 00:33 (UTC)

note: if unetbootin starts with a blank window, the solution is directly run /usr/bin/unetbootin.elf 🙂

R3GT1C commented on 2018-06-17 16:30 (UTC) (edited on 2018-06-17 16:31 (UTC) by R3GT1C)

/usr/bin/pacman: unrecognized option ‘—color never’

Resolved by commenting out the ‘Color’ line in /etc/pacman.conf

I also had the same experience as the previous commenter (setconf is not installed as a dependency, even though it is listed)

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UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for Ubuntu and other Linux distributions without burning a CD.

You can either let UNetbootin download one of the many distributions supported out-of-the-box for you, or supply your own Linux .iso file.


UNetbootin can create a bootable Live USB drive

It loads distributions either by downloading a ISO (CD image) files for you, or by using an ISO file you’ve already downloaded.


Using UNetbootin

Select an ISO file or a distribution to download, select a target drive (USB Drive or Hard Disk), then reboot once done. If your USB drive doesn’t show up, reformat it as FAT32.




If you used the «USB Drive» install mode: After rebooting, boot from the USB drive. On PCs, this usually involves pressing a button such as Esc or F12 immediately after you turn on your computer, while on Macs, you should hold the Option key before OSX boots.

If you used the «Hard Disk» install mode: After rebooting, select the UNetbootin entry from the Windows Boot Menu.

Supported Distributions

UNetbootin has built-in support for automatically downloading and loading the following distributions, though installing other distributions is also supported:

UNetbootin can also be used to load various system utilities, including:

Installing Other Distributions Using UNetbootin

Download and run UNetbootin, then select the «disk image» option and supply it with an ISO (CD image).

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UNetbootin doesn’t use distribution-specific rules for making your live USB drive, so most Linux ISO files should load correctly using this option. However, not all distributions support booting from USB, and some others require extra boot options or other modifications before they can boot from USB drives, so these ISO files will not work as-is. Also, ISO files for non-Linux operating systems have a different boot mechanism, so don’t expect them to work either.


Distribution X isn’t on the list of supported distributions, will it work?

UNetbootin isn’t able to download the distribution, what should I do?

Download the ISO straight from the website, then provide it to UNetbootin via the diskimage option.

My USB stick isn’t booting, what should I do?

Reformat the USB drive as FAT32, then use UNetbootin again to put your distribution on the USB stick.

My USB stick/hard drive isn’t detected, what should I do?

Reformat the USB drive as FAT32, then use UNetbootin again. If it still isn’t showing up, use the targetdrive command line option.

How do I use UNetbootin from the command line?

How does UNetbootin work, and what does it do?

Where can I report bugs, submit patches, etc?

First, make sure you are using the latest version available on this website.

» See Github Issues to file a bug report.

Does UNetbootin have any spyware, viruses, trojans, or other malware?

No; though some anti-virus products may raise «Trojan.generic» warnings due to the auto-uninstall feature, these are false positives. Just make sure you obtain UNetbootin from this site, not some shady third-party source. If you’re absolutely paranoid, you can check the source code and compile it yourself.

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What translations are available, and how can I use them?

A number of translations are included in the latest UNetbootin release. See the Translations Page for the status of each.

If a translation corresponding to your system’s native language has already been included into UNetbootin, it should automatically load the corresponding translation. Alternatively, you can force the language to use via the lang=es command-line option, where you substitute es with the the 2-letter ISO 639-1 code for your language.

Can I help translate?

If you’d like to help translate this website, join the project on Transifex, then edit translations either on this website or on Transifex.

If you’d like to help translate the UNetbootin program itself, please use Launchpad Translations. If you are new to Launchpad, you will first have to join the corresponding Ubuntu Translators group for the language you intend to translate. For information on using the Launchpad Translations system, see the translations help page.

Removal Instructions (Applicable only to Hard Disk installs)

If using Windows, UNetbootin should prompt you to remove it the next time you boot into Windows. Alternatively, you can remove it via Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel.

If using Linux, re-run the UNetbootin executable (with root priveledges), and press OK when prompted to uninstall.

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Removal is only required if you used the «Hard Drive» installation mode; to remove the bootloader from a USB drive, back up its contents and reformat it.

Uninstalling UNetbootin simply removes the UNetbootin entry from your boot menu; if you installed an operating system to a partition using UNetbootin, removing UNetbootin will not remove the OS.

To manually remove a Linux installation, you will have to restore the Windows bootloader using «fixmbr» from a recovery CD, and use Parted Magic to delete the Linux partition and expand the Windows partition.

Where’s the source code, and how can I compile or modify it?

Source code is on Github, though you may prefer a tarball of the latest release.


UNetbootin was created and written by Geza Kovacs (Github: gkovacs, Launchpad: gezakovacs, contact info).

Translators are listed on the translations page.

UNetbootin is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2 or above. Site materials, documentation, screenshots, and logos are licensed as Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 3.0.

Other open-source projects from the creators of UNetbootin



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unetbootin manjaro

Open Rufus and select your USB under the «Device» setting. Also, click on «SELECT» to show Rufus where your Manjaro ISO file is located. Once you have your USB stick and ISO file selected, click the Start button near the bottom to begin copying the contents of the ISO file to your USB. Rufus begins its process.

How do I create a Live USB in manjaro?

  1. Step 1: Download Manjaro Linux ISO. .
  2. Step 2: Download ISO burning tool. .
  3. Step 3: Prepare the USB. .
  4. Step 4: Write the ISO image to the USB. .
  5. I recommend you use Etcher to create live USBs. .
  6. Click on ‘Flash from file. .
  7. Now, click on ‘Select target’ in the second column to select your USB drive.

How install Unetbootin Arch Linux?

Create Live USB using unetbootin

Run unetbootin as administrator in windows, or as root in linux. Choose Diskimage then select your linux iso, then choose drive and select your usb flash disk drive, then click OK. Wait until finish or Installation Complete.

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