Unity for arch linux

Arch Linux User Repository

@ulnar I don’t know if it really fixes your problem, but I had a similar issue and was able to work around it by adding the line MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 to ~/.conf/environment.d/envvars.conf.

ulnar commented on 2023-04-30 18:18 (UTC)

Installed with yaourt, following archlinux wiki Loads fine, even though shows following error: libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)

But when I try to login — it throws APPIMAGE env is not defined, current application is not an AppImage

While not doing anything(KDE shows firefox loading icon though for a couple of seconds).

sinasio commented on 2023-04-19 07:55 (UTC)

I release UnityHub 3.4.2 this morning. The issue with unityhub:// URIs should also be fixed.

sticmac commented on 2023-04-08 14:41 (UTC) (edited on 2023-04-08 14:41 (UTC) by sticmac)

@naginipython Yes this problem is fairly common, I also have it on Manjaro and latest kernel. The workaround I have is to (while having Unity Hub opened):

  1. Open the source code of the page opened by trying to log in and find a link in unityhub://
  2. Open a terminal and run unityhub «»

This usually logs me in on Unity Hub.

naginipython commented on 2023-04-08 13:04 (UTC) (edited on 2023-04-09 13:34 (UTC) by naginipython)

Having issue logging into Unity initially, the website opens and I can see a link to some API, but nothing happens afterwards. I’m fairly certain it’s supposed to open something to Unity, to log me in, but it currently is not on Firefox and Chromium. I am running Manjaro KDE, Kernel 6.1.22 with an Intel i7 4790k & Nvidia 1070-ti, if this helps.
Edit: I’ve noticed that the Flatpak version of Unity does not have this issue, but Flatpak I would very much like not to use the Flatpak of this application. When I have the AUR and Flatpak version, the website API opens on the Flatpak, but when uninstalled it shows nothing on the website API
Edit2: It’s suddenly working for reasons beyond me. I tested getting stuff from the Package Manager on Windows, and the next day in Linux, I’m logged in and the Package Manager works atm. Weird.

felicia commented on 2023-04-08 07:12 (UTC)

An optional dependency: appmenu-gtk-module; I saw it from the stdout when launching the unityhub from terminal

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shawnsg commented on 2022-12-17 07:26 (UTC)

FWIW I was able to compile & run with 3.0.7-2 just fine, no libssl issues like some of the previous issues imply. Maybe the bug @sinasio @attishno1 @Lexito are referencing has been fixed?

Gert-dev commented on 2022-11-30 19:38 (UTC)

I don’t recall having this with older Unity versions, but with 2021.3 UI elements with TextMeshPro text tend to not render their text at all. This seems to happen because the default font is «Arial», which is supposedly a «Built-in resource» in Unity. If you set the font explicitly to a font in your project or on your system, it works fine.

I also found that actually installing Arial separately (e.g. AUR package ttf-ms-fonts) fixes the issue without making changes to your project, in case this helps someone. Maybe it’s worth adding this package as optional dependency?

This still smells like a Unity issue though — they should provide a font so it’s always available, or use or fallback to one that is.

aellul27 commented on 2022-11-28 06:09 (UTC)

Hi @sinasio, I was having an issue with unity on Arch. Using the Online Unity Asset Store (https://assetstore.unity.com/) appears to not work. After the Open in Unity button is clicked, the following message is printed to the browser logs: «»kf.service.services: KApplicationTrader: mimeType «x-scheme-handler/com.unity3d.kharma» not found».

Joelius300 commented on 2022-11-09 07:26 (UTC)

@BujuArena I see, thank you for your insights.


Unity3D (Русский)

Состояние перевода: На этой странице представлен перевод статьи Unity3D. Дата последней синхронизации: 9 мая 2018. Вы можете помочь синхронизировать перевод, если в английской версии произошли изменения.

Редактор Unity — это общее место для творчества художников, дизайнеров, разработчиков и многих других. Редактор доступен для Windows, Mac, Linux; в него входят инструменты для создания 2D- и 3D-сцен, режим мгновенного тестирования для ускорения работы и проверки версий, а также мощная система анимации.

Не путать с Canonical’s Unity.

Примечание: Редактор для Linux в настоящее время является экспериментальным. Пожалуйста, сообщайте обо всех ошибках на форуме Unity!


Важно: Пакет Unity — огромный. Для успешной установки вам понадобится около 17 ГБ свободного места для сборки пакета и еще 8 ГБ для его установки.

Примечание: По умолчанию PKGBUILD перенаправляет весь вывод установщика, который загружает и обрабатывает около 2 ГБ данных. Поскольку этот процесс может быть очень долгим, его может быть полезно контролировать, используя tail -f /tmp/Unity.log

Android Remote

Unity Remote — приложение для Android, которое позволяет получить хорошее представление о том, как ваша игра действительно выглядит и обрабатывается на целевом Android устройстве. Это достигается благодаря отправки визуального вывода из редактора на экран устройства, а при этом входные данные с устройства отправляются обратно в запущенный проект в Unity.

Подготовка компьютера

Установка пакетов

Установите пакет android-udev , который обеспечит правильные правила udev для вашего устройства.

Настройка редактора

Откройте редактор, перейдите к Edit -> Preferences и установите правильные пути к Android SDK и JDK.

  • Android SDK обычно находится в /opt/android-sdk .
  • Местоположение JDK зависит от используемой вами версии, если вы хотите использовать значение установленное по умолчанию, тогда смотрите его в /usr/lib/jvm/default .

Перейдите в Edit -> Project Settings -> Editor и установите Unity Remote Device на любое устройство Android .

Дополнительную информацию можно найти в документации Unity.

Подготовка Android

Установите Unity Remote 5 [устаревшая ссылка 2021-05-17 ⓘ] из Play Маркета. Также вы можете загрузить и собрать его самостоятельно из Asset Store.

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Также рекомендуется[1] установить Android-устройство в режим PTP.

Примечание: Не забудьте включить “USB-отладку” на вашем устройстве. Перейдите в раздел Настройки -> Для разработчиков, затем включите USB-отладку. Начиная с Android Jelly Bean 4.2 раздел «Для разработчиков» скрыт по умолчанию. Чтобы показать его, нажмите Найстройки -> Об устройстве -> Номер сборки несколько раз. Затем вы сможете получить доступ к параметрам Настройки -> Для разработчиков.

Для получения дополнительной информации смотрите документацию Unity.


Если у вас открыт Unity, закройте его.

Подключите телефон к компьютеру и запустите Unity Remote.

Откройте редактор и нажмите кнопку воспроизведения. Теперь вы должны увидеть, как ваша игра передается на ваше Android-устройство.

Если он не работает или у вас есть вопросы, смотрите документацию Unity.

Решение проблем

Unity падает при первом запуске до/при входа(е) в систему

Это редкая ошибка, когда конфигурация Unity создается неправильно. Вы можете попробовать выполнить сброс:

Unity падает при попытке загрузить проект

Пользователи сообщают, что отключение GTK_IM_MODULE предотвращает сбой.

Unity падает, если отсутствует ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs

Посмотрите, как сгенерировать файлы xdg здесь: Каталоги пользователей XDG

Незначительные зависания во время тестирования игры (NVIDIA)

Вертикальная синхронизация кажется не работает корректно с видеокартами / драйверами NVIDIA. Решение: В приложении nvidia-settings перейдите в «OpenGL Settings» и отключите «Sync to VBlank».

Такое поведение происходит/обнаруживается, когда используется «transform.Rotate» в комбинации с «Input.GetKey».


How to Install Unity Desktop on Arch Linux

As you may know, the classic desktop environment Unity Desktop was dropped by Canonical in favour of the GNOME desktop in 2017. Those who missed the beauty of Unity can now get back on their nostalgic journey as the Unity desktop has finally been revived.

Though not officially, by a young developer Rudra Saraswat, who is also the creator of the official Ubuntu flavor Ubuntu Unity, Ubuntu Web, UbuntuEd, and Gamebuntu.

The latest Unity 7.6 is now available for Arch Linux with important Unity packages like unity-control-center, unity-settings-daemon, compiz with the Ubuntu patches, nux, unity-greeter, and unity-tweak-tool.

In this article, we will see how to remove the current desktop environment and install Unity Desktop on Arch Linux step by step.


Before we head to install Unity, you should also make sure Arch Linux is already set up. It is also recommended that you have a clean base Arch Linux system, or else you might encounter problems while installing Unity desktop owing to a conflict between arch-unity repository packages and packages in the community repository.

If you already running other desktop environments such as Xfce, and GNOME on your Arch system, then you should first uninstall your current desktop along with packages belonging to it to minimize the conflicts.

Also, you don’t have to worry about installing or building any packages from Arch User Repository (AUR) as the installation image itself adds an unofficial repository required to run Unity on Arch Linux.

Install Unity Desktop on Arch Linux

Pacman package manager on Arch Linux uses GnuPG keys in a web of trust model to determine the authenticity of packages. Hence, you first need to add the repository key to your system pacman keyring, which you will use to sign packages and authenticate them.

1. Add Arch-Unity Repository on Arch Linux

To install the arch-unity repository, run the following curl command as shown.

$ curl https://unity.ruds.io/repo.key | sudo pacman-key --add - sudo pacman-key --lsign-key 3FB6809130A5DB7F

Add Aarch Unity Repository

Next, you also need to edit the /etc/pacman.conf file to add the repository location to know where all Unity7 packages need to be retrieved from.

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Open the file in your favorite editor and scroll down till you see the [community] repo section. Add the following lines at the end:

[arch-unity] SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional Server = https://unity.ruds.io/arch-unity

Configure Aarch Unity Repository

Here, the SigLevel option in /etc/pacman.conf determines the level of trust required to install a remote package with pacman -S.

2. Remove Desktop Environment On Arch Linux

In case, you are performing these steps on your Arch Linux system which is already running some desktop environment, then you first need to uninstall it or else Unity will not install and run properly.

So, now first reboot or log out from the system and switch to TTY mode using shortcut keys CTRL+ALT+F3 and remove current desktop packages along with their dependencies by running:

Remove GNOME on Arch Linux
$ sudo pacman -Rns gnome gnome-extra
Remove XFCE on Arch Linux
$ sudo pacman -Rns xfce4 xfce4-goodies
Remove KDE on Arch Linux
$ sudo pacman -Rns plasma plasma-wayland-session kde-applications

3. Install Unity 7 Desktop On Arch Linux

Now, it’s time to finally install Unity Desktop on Arch Linux without downloading any helper packages. Run the below command in your TTY mode to download unity-meta packages that contain almost all packages required for Unity on Arch:

$ sudo sh -c "pacman -Syyu; pacman -S unity-meta"

Install Unity Desktop in Arch Linux

As you’ll proceed, you’ll be prompted to discard existing packages on your system to resolve conflict with Unity7 packages.

This step might take time as the meta packages include a lot of important applications like Login Manager, Office suite, and Web browser which replace your current already existing applications.

4. Enable LightDM Display Manager on Arch Linux

Once you download Unity Desktop successfully, you also require to first disable your current display manager and switch to LightDM as the default display manager, which is downloaded and installed along with Unity meta-packages.

Though you can also go for any other display manager for Unity desktop, the installed meta package already includes a default Unity theme/greeter for LightDM.

If you want to check the current running display manager in your system, use the command:

$ sudo systemctl status display-manager.service

In the above screenshot, you can see in the first line, it is displaying lightdm as a display manager running.

Now run the below command to start the LightDM display manager at all reboots and make it default:

$ sudo systemctl enable -f lightdm

Reboot your system by running the command:

5. Login to Unity Desktop on Arch Linux

And in the next login, you should see the LightDM prompt in the session list where you can log in to enjoy your Unity desktop environment version 7.6 on Arch Linux.

Unity Desktop on Arch Linux


Being an Arch Linux user, I hope you would not have found these steps difficult to get along with. You first need to completely purge your current desktop environment in order to get Unity on Arch in replace.

But it’s totally worth it if you want to combine and get the best out of the rolling Arch Linux with classic Unity desktop.


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