Unix and linux essentials

UNIX and Linux Essentials Student Guide

2 Authors Uma Sannasi Pardeep Sharma Technical Contributor and Reviewer Harald van Breederode Editors Anwesha Ray Raj Kumar Vijayalakshmi Narasimhan Graphic Designer Rajiv Chandrabhanu Publishers Jobi Varghese Revathi Ramamoorthy Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Disclaimer This document contains proprietary information and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may copy and print this document solely for your own use in an Oracle training course. The document may not be modified or altered in any way. Except where your use constitutes «fair use» under copyright law, you may not use, share, download, upload, copy, print, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, post, transmit, or distribute this document in whole or in part without the express authorization of Oracle. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the document, please report them in writing to: Oracle University, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, California USA. This document is not warranted to be error-free. Restricted Rights Notice If this documentation is delivered to the United States Government or anyone using the documentation on behalf of the United States Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS The U.S. Government s rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose these training materials are restricted by the terms of the applicable Oracle license agreement and/or the applicable U.S. Government contract. Trademark Notice Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

3 Contents 1 Introduction Overview 1-2 Course Goals 1-3 Course Agenda: Day Course Agenda: Day Course Agenda: Day Introductions 1-7 Your Learning Center 1-8 Your Practice Environment Introduction to UNIX Workflow Orientation 2-2 Objectives 2-3 Lesson Agenda 2-4 Introducing UNIX 2-5 UNIX OS Structure 2-6 UNIX OS Structure: The Kernel 2-7 UNIX OS Structure: The File System 2-8 File System 2-9 Directory 2-10 Files 2-11 UNIX OS Structure: Processes 2-12 UNIX OS Structure: The Shell 2-13 Default Shells 2-14 Additional Shells 2-15 Quiz 2-16 User Accounts 2-17 Components of a User Account 2-18 Roles and Rights Profile 2-20 User s Home Directory 2-21 Quiz 2-22 UNIX Variants 2-23 Solaris 2-24 Linux 2-25 The Desktop Environment 2-26 iii

4 Oracle Solaris Desktop 2-27 Oracle Linux Desktop 2-28 Logging In to Oracle Solaris Using the Desktop Login Screen 2-29 Logging In to Oracle Linux Using the Desktop Login Screen 2-30 Logging Out 2-32 Lesson Agenda 2-33 Executing Commands from the Command Line 2-34 Command-Line Syntax 2-35 Using UNIX Commands 2-36 Using Commands with Options 2-37 Using Commands with Arguments 2-39 Using Commands with Options and Arguments 2-40 Using Multiple Commands on the Command Line 2-41 Quiz 2-42 Using the Man Pages 2-43 Scrolling Through the Man Pages 2-45 Searching the Man Pages 2-46 Accessing Online Product Documentation 2-49 Quiz 2-50 Summary 2-51 Practice 2 Overview: Introduction to UNIX Working with Files and Directories Workflow Orientation 3-2 Objectives 3-3 Lesson Agenda 3-4 Viewing Directories 3-5 Determining the Current Directory 3-6 Displaying the Directory Content 3-7 Displaying the Directory Content With Options 3-8 Quiz 3-11 Displaying File Types 3-12 Changing Directories 3-14 Relative and Absolute Path Name 3-16 Quiz 3-19 Lesson Agenda 3-20 Viewing Files 3-21 Viewing Files: more Command 3-23 Viewing File Content: head Command 3-25 Viewing File Content: tail Command 3-26 Viewing File Content: wc Command 3-27 iv

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5 Quiz 3-28 Lesson Agenda 3-29 Copying Files and Directories 3-30 Copying Multiple Files 3-31 Copying Files: cp Command Options 3-32 Copying Files Recursively: -r Option 3-33 Moving and Renaming Files and Directories 3-35 Moving a File to Another Directory 3-36 Moving a Directory and Its Content 3-37 Renaming Files and Directories 3-38 Quiz 3-39 Lesson Agenda 3-40 Creating Files 3-41 Creating Directories 3-42 Removing Files 3-44 Removing Directories 3-46 Symbolic Links 3-48 Creating Symbolic Links 3-49 Removing Symbolic Links 3-51 Quiz 3-52 Lesson Agenda 3-54 Searching Files and Directories 3-55 Searching Files and Directories: find Command 3-56 Searching Within Files: grep Command 3-57 Quiz 3-58 Summary 3-59 Practice 3 Overview: Working with Files and Directories Using the vi Editor Workflow Orientation 4-2 Objectives 4-3 Agenda 4-4 Introduction to the vi Editor 4-5 The vi Editor 4-7 The vi Editor Modes 4-8 Agenda 4-10 Viewing Files in the Read-Only Mode 4-11 Moving the Cursor Within the vi Editor 4-12 Inserting and Appending Text 4-14 Text-Deletion Commands 4-15 Edit Commands 4-16 v

6 Quiz 4-17 Search and Replace Commands 4-18 Copy and Paste Commands 4-19 Save and Quit Commands 4-20 Session Customization 4-21 Session Customization Commands 4-22 Quiz 4-23 Summary 4-25 Practice 4 Overview: Using the vi Editor Using Commands Within the Default Shell Workflow Orientation 5-2 Objectives 5-3 Lesson Agenda 5-4 Shell Expansions 5-5 Path Name Expansion 5-6 File Name Expansion 5-8 Asterisk (*) Character 5-9 Question Mark (?) Character 5-10 Square Bracket ([]) Characters 5-11 The Brace Expansion 5-12 Quiz 5-13 Lesson Agenda 5-14 Shell Metacharacters 5-15 Redirection Metacharacters 5-16 The File Descriptors 5-17 Command Redirection 5-18 Redirecting Standard Input 5-19 Redirecting Standard Output 5-20 Redirecting Standard Error 5-21 The Pipe Character 5-22 Quoting Characters 5-24 Quiz 5-25 Lesson Agenda 5-26 Introduction to Variables 5-27 Displaying Shell Variables 5-28 Setting and Unsetting Shell Variables 5-29 Default Bash Shell Variables 5-30 Customizing Shell Variables: PS Lesson Agenda 5-34 Introducing Command History 5-35 vi

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7 Displaying Previously Executed Commands 5-36 Using the r Command 5-38 Editing Commands on the Command Line 5-39 Invoking File Name Completion 5-40 Lesson Agenda 5-42 User Initialization Files 5-43 Default User Initialization Files for the Bash Shell 5-44 Configuring the.bash_profile File 5-45 Quiz 5-46 Summary 5-48 Practice 5 Overview: Using Commands Within the Default Shell Using Basic File Permissions Workflow Orientation 6-2 Objectives 6-3 Lesson Agenda 6-4 File and Directory Permissions 6-6 Viewing Permission Categories 6-7 Permission Groups 6-8 Permission Set 6-9 Interpreting File and Directory Permissions 6-11 Determining File or Directory Access 6-12 Interpreting the ls n Command 6-13 Determining Permissions 6-14 Quiz 6-15 Lesson Agenda 6-16 Changing the Permissions 6-17 Changing Permissions: Symbolic Mode 6-19 Changing Permissions: Octal Mode 6-20 Quiz 6-24 Lesson Agenda 6-26 The umask Command 6-27 Determining umask Value 6-28 Applying the umask Value 6-29 Changing the umask Value 6-30 Summary 6-31 Practice 6 Overview: Using Basic File Permissions Performing Basic Process Control Workflow Orientation 7-2 Objectives 7-3 vii

8 Agenda 7-4 A Process 7-5 Attributes of a Process 7-6 Process States 7-7 Process Subsystems 7-8 Agenda 7-9 Listing System Processes 7-10 Listing All Processes 7-12 Quiz 7-13 Terminating a Process 7-14 Terminating a Process: kill Command 7-15 Terminating a Process: pkill Command 7-17 Quiz 7-20 Summary 7-21 Practice 7 Overview: Performing Basic Process Control Using Advanced Shell Features in Shell Scripts Workflow Orientation 8-2 Objectives 8-3 Agenda 8-4 Jobs in the Bash Shell 8-5 Job Control Commands 8-6 Running a Job in the Background 8-7 Quiz 8-9 The Alias Command 8-10 User-Defined Aliases 8-13 Deactivating an Alias 8-14 Quiz 8-16 Shell Functions 8-17 Invoking a Function 8-19 Shell Options 8-20 Example of Shell Options: Deactivating the noclobber Option 8-22 Quiz 8-23 Agenda 8-24 Shell Scripts 8-25 Determining the Shell to Run a Shell Script 8-26 Creating a Shell Script 8-27 Executing a Shell Script 8-28 Comments in a Shell Script 8-29 Positional Parameters in a Shell Script 8-30 Shifting the Positional Parameters 8-31 viii

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9 Quiz 8-32 Checking the Exit Status 8-33 The test Command 8-34 Using the test Command 8-35 Conditional Expressions 8-36 The && Operator 8-37 The Operator 8-38 The If Statement 8-39 The while Statement 8-40 The case Statement 8-41 Quiz 8-42 Summary Archiving Files and Performing Remote Transfer Workflow Orientation 9-2 Objectives 9-3 Agenda 9-4 Introduction to File Archival 9-5 The tar Command 9-6 The tar Command Options 9-7 Viewing a tar Archive 9-9 Extracting a tar Archive 9-10 The jar Command 9-11 The jar Command Options 9-12 Viewing a jar Archive 9-14 Extracting a jar Archive 9-15 Quiz 9-16 Agenda 9-18 File Compression 9-19 The compress Command 9-20 Viewing a Compressed File: zcat Command 9-22 Uncompressing a File: uncompress Command 9-23 Compressing a File: gzip Command 9-24 Viewing a Compressed File: gzcat Command 9-25 Uncompressing a File: gunzip Command 9-26 Compressing and Archiving Multiple Files: zip Command 9-27 Quiz 9-29 Agenda 9-31 Introduction to Networking 9-32 Layout of a Basic Network 9-33 Remote Login 9-34 ix

10 SSH for Remote Login 9-35 Copying Files and Directories Between Remote Systems: scp Command 9-36 Copying Files and Directories 9-37 Quiz 9-40 Introducing FTP 9-41 FTP Commands 9-42 Transferring Files Using ASCII Mode 9-44 Transferring Files Using Binary Mode 9-46 Transferring Multiple Files 9-48 SFTP 9-50 Quiz 9-51 Summary 9-53 Practice 9 Overview: Archiving Files and Performing Remote Transfer 9-54 x


UNIX and Linux Essentials

Данный курс представляет собой введение в основные возможности и особенности операционных систем Oracle Solaris 11 и Oracle Linux.

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Все материалы по курсу предоставляются вендором на английском языке.

Введение в UNIX
Обзор UNIX. Выполнение команд из командной строки.

Работа с файлами и каталогами
Определение текущего местоположения в структуре каталогов. Просмотр содержимого файлов. Копирование файлов и каталогов. Создание и удаление файлов и каталогов. Поиск файлов и каталогов.

Использование текстового редактора vi
Введение в редактор vi. Редактирование файлов при помощи vi.

Использование команд оболочки
Использование метасимволов оболочки. Использование переменных в Bash. Просмотр истории команд. Перенаправление команд. Работа с пользовательскими инициализационными файлами.

Использование основных прав доступа к файлам
Просмотр прав доступа к файлам и каталогам. Изменение прав доступа. Изменение прав доступа по умолчанию.

Управление процессами
Просмотр информации о процессе. Управление процессами.

Использование дополнительных возможностей оболочки в сценариях
Дополнительные возможности оболочки. Создание сценариев оболочки.

Архивирование файлов и обмен файлами
Архивирование и разархивирование файлов. Сжатие, просмотр и декомпрессия файлов. Копирование файлов или каталогов с одной системы на другую.

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