Update google chrome linux

How to update Google chrome in Ubuntu?

First download and install the key from Google Linux Repository. Or run the following commands in the terminal, type the password for the user when prompted.

wget -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key add - sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list' sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install google-chrome-beta 
sudo apt-get --only-upgrade install google-chrome-stable 

Then update (if available) the Network Security Service libraries (libnss), or Chrome will behave weird

sudo apt-get install libnss3-1d 

In Ubuntu 18.04 or later libnss3-1d — Network Security Service libraries — transitional package is depreciated and incorporated in generic libnss3 library. (Thanks Bishoy Melek)

sudo apt-get install libnss3 

Now you have to kill all instances (may be hidden) of old Google Chrome.

sudo pkill -15 google-chrome sudo pkill -15 chrome 

Then start google-chrome as you start it.

Says google-chrome-stable is in the latest version available . But I’m on Chrome 30.0.1599.101 and apparently version 32 exists now. Is the debian package regularly updated as well?

There is a simpler way to restart Chrome. Just open this link — chrome://restart . Source — plus.google.com/+FrancoisBeaufort/posts/VVv36sA79Mu.

@IliaBarahovski .. Yeah. You can. But I’ll prefer the bash line approach, it’s the unix way of life 🙂

Note: Installing Google Chrome will add the Google repository so your system will automatically keep Google Chrome up to date. If you don’t want Google’s repository, do «sudo touch /etc/default/google-chrome» before installing the package.

So, as mgpyone indicated Ubuntu’s update-manager should take care of that for you.

Here are the contents of my /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list

deb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable main 


How to Update Google Chrome on Ubuntu 22.04

Google Chrome is an internet browser that is used for internet surfing and visiting different URLs with a high browsing speed due to its optimized coding by the developers of Google. It is freely available to download and install on different operating systems. Moreover, it allows you to add different plugins in the browser, which helps you to do different tasks online more efficiently.

It is supposed that you have already installed Google Chrome on your machine, but if you have not, then there is no need to worry because you can install it by following our dedicated article.

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In this write-up, we will find out the method by which we can update Google Chrome to the latest version available on Ubuntu.

How to update Google Chrome on Ubuntu

We are supposed that Google Chrome is already installed on the machine, which can be verified by displaying the version of Google Chrome:

Now, in order to update the Google Chrome, we will update all the packages of the Ubuntu firstt:

After updating all the packages, its time to upgrade them using the command:

As we can see that 11 packages are present which can be upgraded, once you type the “Y” and press the ENTER key the upgradation of the packages will start.

However, if we want to upgrade only the package of Google Chrome, then we will run the command:

After the execution of this command, Google Chrome will be updated to the newest stable version.


Update and upgrade all installed packages using “sudo apt update” and “sudo apt upgrade -y” commands, and it will upgrade google chrome as well on Ubuntu 22.04. Two methods are discussed, either by updating all the packages or only the Google Chome package using the apt package manager.

About the author

Hammad Zahid

I’m an Engineering graduate and my passion for IT has brought me to Linux. Now here I’m learning and sharing my knowledge with the world.


How to Update Google Chrome on Ubuntu

Despite the strong competition over the years, Google Chrome has effortlessly surpassed the list of internet browsers to become one of the most popular and widely used search engines online. Its ease of use, availability and compatibility with several operating systems alongside various notable features has made it adept in the field of browsing.

Whether you are using it on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS, Google Chrome is free, easily available, and comes along with many development tools for software developers.

It is not just a web browser but also a complete package for both your desktop and phone. The simple yet fascinating interface is fast, secure and includes Google’s smart built-in extensions and themes, making your working experience a cut above the other browsers.

Google Chrome Latest version.

With the recent release of its 95.0.4638 stable version, Google Chrome’s new update is now thoroughly tested and enhanced with various features and continues to attract any audience introduced to the browser surfing experience.

Install Google Chrome.

You can easily get google chrome on Ubuntu 20.04 by using the following command.

Afterward, you can look for the stable chrome file in the “Files” section or download the directory. Running it will install Google Chrome on your Linux system.

What’s new in the new Google Chrome?

Google standout features have always been on point. While the previous version featured a built-in dark mode, media key support, and tab grouping, which focused on productivity and visual comfort, the latest version is set to beat all its previous versions as it introduces ease of routing, customizable API, and other enhancements alongside issue fixes and focuses more on the back-end of things.

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How to Update your Chrome Browser?

The new version will be available for mobile operating systems such as Apple and Android, and Desktop OS including Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04 and the above versions.

To update Google Chrome on any of your Ubuntu versions from the above, follow the steps provided below:

Option 1: Using the auto-update command via the command line.

This is the most convenient method to get your job done without much hassle. Using the cat command, we can verify the file content and enable our system such that it will automatically update our chrome to the latest version via the update tool software.

Simply type the following command in the Terminal.

Alternatively, you can update your chrome manually by typing in the following set of instructions.


How to Update Google Chrome on Ubuntu Linux

Wondering how to update Google Chrome in Ubuntu? It’s done from software center, not from the browser it self. Read in details.

chrome edge update ubuntu

So, you managed to install Google Chrome browser on your Ubuntu system. And now you wonder how to keep the browser updated. On Windows and macOS, when there is an update available on Chrome, you are notified in the browser itself and you can hit the update option from the browser. Things are different in Linux. You don’t update Chrome from the browser. You update it with the system updates. Yes. When a new update is available on Chrome, Ubuntu notifies you via the system updater tool. You just have to click on the Install Now button, enter your account’s password when asked for it and have Chrome updated to a new version. Let me tell you why you see the updates on the system level and how you can update Google Chrome in the command line.

Method 1: Updating Google Chrome with system updates

How did you install Chrome in the first place? You got the deb installer file from the Chrome website and used it to install Chrome on Ubuntu. The thing is that when you do that, Google adds a repository entry into your system’s sources list. This way, your system trusts the packages coming from the Google repository. google chrome repo ubuntuThe package updates are centralized through the Ubuntu Updater for all such entries added to your system. And this is why when an update is available to Google Chrome (and other installed applications), your Ubuntu system sends you a notification. chrome edge update ubuntuClick the “Install Now” button and enter your password when asked for it. Soon, the system will install all the upgradeable packages. Depending on the update preference, the notification may not be immediate. You can manually run the updater tool and see what updates are available for your Ubuntu system. software updater ubuntu 22 04

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Method 2: Updating Chrome in the Ubuntu command line

If you prefer the terminal over the graphical interface, you can also update Chrome with commands. Open a terminal and run the following commands one by one:

sudo apt update sudo apt --only-upgrade install google-chrome-stable

The first command updates the package cache so that your system is aware of what packages can be upgraded. The second command only updates the single package which is Google Chrome (installed as google-chrome-stable).


As you can see, things are more streamlined in Ubuntu than in Windows. You get Chrome updated along with other system updates. On a related note, you may learn about removing google Chrome from Ubuntu if you are unhappy with it. Chrome is a fine browser. You can experiment with it by using shortcuts in Chrome as it makes the browsing experience even smoother. Enjoy Chrome on Ubuntu!


Chrome обновляется автоматически

Chrome автоматически устанавливает обновления в фоновом режиме – вы будете всегда под надежной защитой новейших функций безопасности.

Как узнать свою версию Chrome

Шаг 1

Шаг 2

Шаг 3

Как обновить Chrome

Автоматические обновления

Chrome следит за появлением обновлений. Если выпущено очередное обновление, оно установится автоматически после того, как браузер будет закрыт и снова открыт.

Окно Chrome со значком запланированного обновления

Как установить запланированное обновление

Если вы давно не закрывали Chrome, возможно, ваша версия устарела. Это легко проверить.

Цвет индикатора зависит от того, как давно вам доступно обновление:

Запланированное обновление выпущено меньше двух дней назад.

Запланированное обновление выпущено примерно четыре дня назад.

Запланированное обновление выпущено неделю назад или раньше.

Чтобы установить обновление, закройте и снова откройте Chrome.

Chrome сообщает, что вам нужно установить обновление

Зачем обновлять Chrome

Благодаря новым функциям и исправлениям для системы безопасности в регулярных обновлениях Chrome, вы сможете эффективно работать в интернете и при этом будете всегда надежно защищены.


Надежная защита


Новейшие функции Google


Повышение скорости работы

Нужна помощь?

Остались вопросы? Обращайтесь в наш Справочный центр. Там вы найдете подробную информацию об обновлениях и дополнительных возможностях Chrome.

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Скачайте Chrome для Windows

Для 32-разрядной версии Windows 10

Для 64-разрядной версии Windows 10 или 11

Для 32-разрядной версии Windows 8.1/8/7

Для 64-разрядной версии Windows 8.1/8/7

Скачайте Chrome для macOS

Для macOS 10.13 или более поздняя версия.

Google Chrome больше не будет обновляться на этом компьютере, так как поддержка macOS 10.6 – 10.12 прекращена.

Google Chrome больше не будет обновляться на этом компьютере, так как поддержка macOS 10.6 – 10.12 прекращена.

Google Chrome больше не будет обновляться на этом компьютере, так как поддержка macOS 10.6 – 10.12 прекращена.

Google Chrome больше не будет обновляться на этом компьютере, так как поддержка macOS 10.6 – 10.12 прекращена.

Скачайте Chrome для Linux

Выберите пакет для скачивания:

Not Debian/Ubuntu or Fedora/openSUSE? There may be a community-supported version for your distribution here.

Скачайте Chrome для iOS


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