Urbackup linux client install

Urbackup Server And Client

Installing and configuring Urbackup server and client.

“UrBackup is an easy to setup Open Source client/server backup system, that through a combination of image and file backups accomplishes both data safety and a fast restoration time.”

Server Install

Installing the Urbackup Server

wget https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:uroni/CentOS_7/home:uroni.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/urbackup-server.repo
yum install urbackup-server
systemctl enable urbackup-server systemctl start urbackup-server

Install a Web Proxy Frontend

Installing a Nginx web proxy frontend.

vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/urbackup.conf server { server_name NAME.DOMAIN; # Redirect all requests to https return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri; } server { listen 443 ssl; server_name NAME.DOMAIN; # SSL Cert and Key ssl_certificate ssl/NAME.DOMAIN.crt; ssl_certificate_key ssl/NAME.DOMAIN.key; # SSL Protocols, Ciphers ssl_protocols TLSv1.2; ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; # HSTS header add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" always; location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:55414/; } }
systemctl enable nginx systemctl start nginx

Server Firewall Rules

Port Protocol In/Out Description
55413 tcp Incoming FastCG for web interface (needed if no web proxy)
55414 tcp Incoming HTTP web interface (needed if no web proxy)
55415 tcp Incoming Internet clients connect for backups
35623 udp Outgoing Broadcast for client discovery
35623 tcp Incoming Broadcast for client discovery (maybe needed?)
443 tcp Incoming HTTPS Web Proxy (if used)
80 tcp Incoming HTTP Web Proxy (if used)

Optional — Needed if not using web proxy

firewall-cmd --add-port=55413/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --add-port=55414/tcp --permanent

Optional — Support client backups over the internet

firewall-cmd --add-port=55415/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent firewall-cmd --add-service=https --permanent

Needed? — Incoming client discovery

firewall-cmd --add-port=35622/udp --permanent

I had trouble with client discovery until I added this to the server side incoming firewall rules. (even though the documentation says this is outgoing only on the server side)

firewall-cmd --reload firewall-cmd --list-all

Client Install

Installing the Urbackup client.

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Using a snapshot method, a block snapshot is made of your data and that is used for the backup. (This is typically more reliable than a straight up file copy operation)

Bad: Snapshots require free space in the same volume group as the logical volume being backed up, equal to the used size. (snapshots removed after backup completes)

Bad: Since it is essentially a rsync, if files are modified during backup, there could be inconsistencies.

systemctl enable urbackupclientbackend systemctl start urbackupclientbackend

Client Firewall Rules

Port Protocol In/Out Description
35621 tcp Incoming Transfers during file backups
35622 udp Incoming Broadcasts for discovery
35623 tcp Incoming Server commands and image backups
firewall-cmd --add-port=35621/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --add-port=35622/udp --permanent firewall-cmd --add-port=35623/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload firewall-cmd --list-all

Client Uninstall


Urbackup Administration

Administrative tasks for Urbackup server and clients.


How to Install UrBackup [Server/Client] Backup System in Ubuntu

Backups are an integral part of any operating system. They ensure that critical copies of data are always available in the unfortunate event that the system crashes or something goes wrong.

Urbackup is an efficient and easy-to-use Client-Server backup system for Linux and Windows Systems. It’s a fast and reliable Linux backup tool that provides a web interface that allows you to add clients whose files and directories need to be backed up.

Urbackup employs deduplication to store backups on either Windows or Linux servers. Backups are created quietly without interrupting other running processes in the system. Once backed up, files can be restored through a web interface while drive volumes can be restored with a bootable USB-Stick.

In this guide, we walk you through how to install Urbackup and perform a backup on Ubuntu-based distributions.

Testing Environment Setup

To illustrate Urbackup in action, we are going to have a setup of two nodes as you can see below.

  • Urbackup Server (Ubuntu 20.04) with IP
  • Client System (Linux Mint 20.03) with IP
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Installing Urbackup Server on Ubuntu 20.04

The first step is to install Urbackup on the server. So, log into the server and refresh the repositories.

Next, install the following dependencies that will be required along the way during the installation.

$ sudo apt install curl gnupg2 software-properties-common -y

The urbackup server is not provided by default on Ubuntu repositories. As such, we are going to install it from the PPA provided by the developer.

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:uroni/urbackup

Once the PPA is added to the system, refresh the repositories once more and install the urbackup server.

$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install urbackup-server -y

Install Urbackup Server on Ubuntu

Along the way, you will be required to provide a path where your backups will be saved. A default path will be provided for at /media/BACKUP/urbackup. This works just fine, and you can as well specify your own path. In this case, we will go with the default path and press the TAB key and hit ENTER.

Set Urbackup Location

Once installed, the Urbackup service starts automatically. You can confirm this run by running the following command.

$ sudo systemctl status urbackupsrv

Check Urbackup Status

The output above shows that the service is up and running. You can also enable it to start on system startup as follows.

$ sudo systemctl enable urbackupsrv

The Urbackup server listens on ports 55414 and 55413. You can confirm this using the ss commands:

$ ss -antpl | grep 55414 $ ss -antpl | grep 55413

Check Urbackup Ports

You can now access the Urbackup web UI by browsing your server’s IP address.

Access Urbackup Dashboard

Step 2: Create Admin User on Urbackup Server

Urbackup has successfully been installed, but it is accessible to everyone since there’s no authentication required. In this step, we will create an administrative user in order to provide authentication.

On the WebUI, click on Settings –> Create User.

Access Urbackup Settings

Provide the username and password and click ‘Create’ to add the user.

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Create Urbackup Admin

Thereafter, the user will be listed on the dashboard as shown.

Urbackup Admin Account

Step 3: Add a New Backup Client in Urbackup

After successfully installing the UrBackup server, the next item on the list is to add a client whose files and directories will be backed up on the server.

To do this, click the ‘Add New Client‘ button.

Urbackup Add New Client

On the page that appears, click ‘Add new internet/active client‘ and provide your preferred name for the client. Then provide the IP address of the client system and click ‘Add Client‘.

Urbackup Client Details

A command to be executed on the remote client system will be displayed as shown.

Install Urbackup on Client System

So, head over to the client system and execute the command. In this case, we are running the command on the Linux Mint system which is our client system.

Install Urbackup Client on Linux Mint

Running the command starts the Urbackup client service. You can verify its status as shown.

$ sudo systemctl status urbackupclientbackend

Check Urbackup Client Status

Step 4: Configure Client Backups on Urbackup

The next step is to configure backups. On the client system, we are going to back up the home directory by running the following command. Feel free to provide your own preferred directory.

# /usr/local/bin/urbackupclientctl add-backupdir -x -f -d /home

Now head back to your Urbackup server and you will notice that the client system has been listed as online. You can now run the backup manually otherwise, the backup will run as per the default schedule.

Take Client Backup on Urbackup

Soon after that, you will get an ‘Ok’ status showing that the backup was complete.

Urbackup Client Backup Status

To confirm that the backup was created, click the ‘Activities’ tab and you will see details of the backup.

Urbackup Client Backup Details

Alternatively, you can click ‘Backups‘ to see details of the file backup.

Check Client Backup File

In this tutorial, we have installed and configured Urbackup on Ubuntu-based distributions and installed a client service to our client machine whose home directory we backed up.

Visit the Urbackup documentation page for more information about the Ubackup utility.


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