Usb or bluetooth connection

Bluetooth, WLAN, or USB-PC connection for printing with Windows (11, 10, 8.1, 7)?

Wireless printers are available in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi or WLAN. Bluetooth is easy to set up and use, but it’s more suitable for small offices and a limited number of users, while the Wi-Fi printers take longer to set up, but the advantage is that it can be accessed by multiple users over a greater distance . A central wireless router needs to be set up and the wireless Wi-Fi printer added to the network. It’s really quick with WPS!

WiFi vs. USB cables

Connecting your printer with a USB cable will limit mobility and access to your printer, not to mention the cable. The advantage of wired connections is that printing can continue if the network fails. You can solve these problems by buying WiFi printers that support both WiFi and USB connections.

USB cable vs. bluetooth

To connect devices that are nearby, you can use Bluetooth, as this wireless network protocol has a low power consumption, but the range is ten meters. The disadvantage is that laptops come with Wi-Fi adapters, but since Bluetooth is often absent to keep manufacturing costs down. But there are small� USB Bluetooth adapters �that can be connected to a USB port if one is free. The main advantage of Bluetooth is that no routers, Fritz boxes or other network devices are required.

(Image-1) Bluetooth adapter!
Bluetooth Windows!

It is possible to establish a connection to your printer via the Internet, which means that almost any device can be accessed, even when you are on the move. The printer can be accessed via the Internet when you are not in the vicinity of the printer and still want to print something. However, the printer must be connected via a USB cable, PS2 cable, WLAN / WiFi, or wireless network.


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Keywords: system, general, bluetooth, wlan, usb, pc, connection, printing, with, windows, 11, 10, better, cable, wifi, printer, wireless, printers, Questions, Answers, Software

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USB или Bluetooth, что лучше использовать?


В связи с обилием многочисленного периферийного оборудования (сканеры, принтеры, сотовые телефоны и т.д.), которое непосредственно подключается к компьютеру, возникает необходимость в более быстрой передаче данных.
И поневоле каждый пользователь ПК начинает рассуждать, какой именно интерфейс предпочтительнее использовать — USB или Bluetooth?

Так что же такое Bluetooth, и как это работает?
Первые версии Bluetooth 1.0 были способны передавать данные со скоростью до 1 Мб/с. Этого было более чем достаточно для медленной передачи данных с сотового телефона на телефон или напрямую на компьютер. И когда появился этот современный интерфейс, то отпала необходимость в покупке дорогостоящих и неудобных кросс-кабелей, благодаря которым можно было обмениваться данными между компьютером и остальным периферийным оборудованием. Стало достаточно установить в USB порт специальную антенну Bluetooth и компьютер начинал уверенно принимать сигнал с любого гаджета, который имел к этому времени интерфейс Bluetooth.
Но в чем заключается ценность передачи данных через Bluetooth? Если периферийные устройства находятся на расстоянии 20 м от ближайшего компьютера, то можно будет быть уверенным, что они «увидят» ПК. Как уже было сказано выше, для соединения не требуются провода.
С появлением Bluetooth 3.0 скорость передачи данных возросла уже до 3 Мбс.

Теперь о том, как работает USB?
Но для продвинутых пользователей ПК даже такая высокая скорость может оказаться недостаточно быстрой.
В этом случае идеальным решением может оказаться использование новейшего беспроводного интерфейса USB (WUSB), благодаря которому можно будет передавать данные со скоростью от 480 (USB 2.0) Мб/с до 4.7 Гб/с! (USB 3.0) в радиусе до 5 метров от ближайшего ПК. Этой скорости в современных реалиях окажется более чем достаточно для любого пользователя ПК.
Как работает последняя система? Имеются ли трудности с подключением?
Ни малейших. Предварительно в системный блок инсталлируется специальный ключ-заглушка, затем USB-хаб подключается к электропитанию (это нужно для высокой скорости передачи данных, т.к. собственного электропитания ПК для этого окажется явно недостаточно), и только затем подключаются нужные гаджеты, которые могут поддерживать интерфейс WUSB. И теперь можно будет не сомневаться, что скорость передачи данных с гаджета на ПК окажется на достаточно высоком уровне.
Как быть в плане безопасности?
Если требуется большая безопасность при передаче данных, то здесь, определенно, потребуется интерфейс WUSB, если же нет, то вполне сгодится Bluetooth.

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USB-RF vs. Bluetooth for Mice and Keyboards: Which Is Better?

Josh Hendrickson

Josh Hendrickson
Staff Writer

Josh Hendrickson is the Editor-in-Chief of Review Geek. He has worked in IT for nearly a decade, including four years spent repairing and servicing computers for Microsoft. He’s also a smarthome enthusiast who built his own smart mirror with just a frame, some electronics, a Raspberry Pi, and open-source code. Read more.

A Microsoft Wedge Bluetooth mouse next to a Logitech M720 RF Mouse.

When you buy a wireless mouse or keyboard, you can choose either Bluetooth or wireless peripherals that communicate through a USB dongle over radio frequencies (RF.) USB-RF has less latency, in our experience, but Bluetooth has its advantages.

Which Is Faster?

Latency is critical with any keyboard or mouse. You want your input to be reflected onscreen as quickly as possible—especially if you play games dependent on twitch reflexes, like first-person shooters. According to Razer, USB-RF offers lower latency. The company told us while Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices can achieve latency as low as 1.3 ms, USB-RF beats that at a flat 1 ms. The Razer spokesperson even told us the difference in speed is why they only offer USB-RF devices. The company focuses on gaming, so it makes sense it would choose the fastest option.

Logitech promises a similar, 1 ms wireless speed with its Lightspeed mice, but it uses a proprietary form of 2.4 GHz communication. According to The Verge, this meant fewer interference issues than encountered with other wireless mice (like Razer) that use the standard form of 2.4 GHz communication.

It’s worth noting that wireless mice and keyboards aren’t using the same technology as your wireless Wi-Fi router, which operates over a completely different frequency. RELATED: The Best Mice of 2023

Which Is More Compatible?

Apple Magic Keyboard 2 with Numpad.

Latency isn’t everything. USB-RF mice require a USB dongle, and not all devices have those traditional, full-size USB (also called USB-A) ports. Bluetooth is more compatible with more devices because you can use its peripherals with devices that don’t have USB-A ports. As USB-C continues to grow, owning a wireless RF mouse or keyboard will become more complicated. You can buy a USB-C mouse, but what do you do when your laptop only has USB-C ports, and your desktop doesn’t have any? You can either get an adapter (which is one more part to lose) or a mouse that comes with both USB-C and USB-A. RELATED: The Best Keyboards of 2023 As for keyboards, we couldn’t find any wireless USB-C options from any well-known manufacturers. A Bluetooth peripheral doesn’t have that problem; it’s completely wireless. Even if your desktop doesn’t have Bluetooth, you can solve that problem with a Bluetooth dongle. And because it remains attached to your desktop, you don’t have to worry about losing it.

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Some devices, like the iPad Pro, don’t have traditional USB ports at all and either have, or are starting to adopt, mouse support. If you want to use a mouse on a tablet, a Bluetooth model will likely work best. Even tablets with USB ports, like the Surface Pro, typically work with Bluetooth peripherals. RELATED: 5 Awesome PC Accessories to Buy in 2023

Which Is Easier to Set Up?

Microsoft wireless sculpt, ergonomic keyboard, numpad, and mouse.

When it comes to simple set up, peripherals that use a wireless dongle are the clear winner. You plug the dongle in, and the operating system should detect the new device and add the driver automatically. Typically, you’re up and running in just a few seconds. One dongle can also connect both a keyboard and mouse if they’re purchased together or, in some cases, from the same manufacturer. A Bluetooth mouse or keyboard, on the other hand, requires more steps. First, you put everything in pairing mode, and then wait for your laptop or tablet to talk to the mouse or keyboard. You’ll have to pair the mouse and keyboard individually if you have both. And when you move to the next device, you’ll have to go through the whole process again.

After the initial set up, though, Bluetooth takes the crown for continuous ease of access. Ready to move from your PC to your tablet on the go? Just take your tablet and keyboard or mouse far enough away from your PC to lose the connection. The keyboard or mouse should automatically pair with your tablet. Alternatively, you can turn off Bluetooth on your PC to force the process.

With a USB-RF peripheral, you have to remove the dongle from your PC and plug it into the next device you want to use. If you’re traveling, it’s easy to lose. Sometimes, there’s a spot in the mouse to store a dongle, but that’s not always the case. And some keyboard mouse combos, like the Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Keyboard and Mouse set, are permanently associated with a single dongle. If you lose it or it fails, you have to replace the entire set. RELATED: The Best Bluetooth Speakers of 2023

Choose Both

Logitech M720 Triathalon mouse with dongle.

If you’re unsure what you need now or what you might need in the future, you can choose both! Logitech offers keyboards and mice, like the K375s Keyboard and M720 Triathalon Mouse, that are both Bluetooth and RF capable. Some of the mice even have a dedicated button to switch more easily between paired devices. Similarly, you can connect Razer’s Atheris Wireless Mouse either through a USB dongle or Bluetooth.

A mouse or keyboard capable of both RF and Bluetooth means you can use your peripherals with all your devices without needing to unplug a dongle. Plug the dongle into one device (preferably, one that isn’t Bluetooth capable) and pair your mouse or keyboard over Bluetooth with the rest.

Just keep in mind, when you use the Bluetooth connection, you won’t get the lower latency speeds of USB-RF. Similarly, when you connect over USB-RF, you lose Bluetooth’s advantages.


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