Use mac software on linux

How can I install software (made for Mac OS) in Ubuntu? [duplicate]

I installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS in my HP Compaq 6910P notebook. Now I want to use Mac based software, since I can use Windows based software through Wine. But I do not know how to install and run Mac based application in my Ubuntu 14.04.

2 Answers 2

Wine can run windows applications, but there is no robust equivalent allowing Mac applications to run on Linux. Some projects that try to change this are:

  1. Mac-on-Linux
  2. Darling
  3. — not an ’emulator’ but provides the iOS/OSX kernels, licensed under free software licenses

There aren’t really any ways to run Mac-specific apps on Linux. You can run a large number of cross-platform apps; Gimp and MacVim come to mind. But if you must run mac apps, the most reliable answer is to buy a Mac. You’ll always have the latest versions and you can also run any other OS using Fusion, Virtual Box or Parallels.

The second best option is to run Hackintosh (aka, OSx86). I tried this years ago and had mixed results. You had to be willing to spend a bit of time tuning/tweaking and making sure your kext files worked. I know people who’ve done it, but I lacked the patience.


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How to run Mac Apps on Linux

Looking for a way to install and run your Mac apps on your Linux box? There are two possibilities here. Read on to discover them.

One downside of moving to Linux is that you miss some programs from your previous operating system. You sometimes wish they would run on your *nix box.

This is not much of a problem for Windows apps anymore, but what about Mac apps? Can you run them on Linux, and how easy is that?

The answer is: Yes, you can. There are two methods of running Mac apps in Linux and they are:

A. By using the Darling emulator
B. By using a virtual machine

Using the Darling Emulator

The Darling emulator aims to make using Mac apps on Linux as easy as Wine made using Windows apps. Darling is currently in the early stages of development though, so there is still a long way to go.

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Its major limitation is that you can only use it to run command-line programs at the moment. So, if you are planning on running a GUI (Graphic User Interface) app, then you must either wait for when and if, Darling supports GUI apps or use option 2 of this guide, which is guaranteed to work.

There are two parts of the Darling package and you need to download and install both to make it work. One is the emulator itself, while the other is the kernel module.

Following is a step by step guide for installing Darling on Ubuntu 18.04. It uses the gdebi command, which automatically satisfies and installs all the package dependencies for you.

Step 1: Download both the darling and darling-dkms files from

Step 2: Hit Ctrl + T to open a terminal

Step 3: cd to your downloads directory and enter the following command to install the kernel module. Answer yes to its prompt by typing ‘y’

sudo gdebi darling-dkms_0.1.20200331.testing_amd64.deb

Step 4: Then install darling using the following command:

sudo gdebi darling_0.1.20200331.testing_amd64.deb

Step 5: Once the installation is complete, you can now start the emulator with the following command:

You can then check to confirm that it is not a Bash shell by typing the uname command, to which it should print ‘Darwin’ and not ‘Linux’.

How to run Mac Apps on Linux using a Virtual Machine

You can also run Mac apps on a virtual machine such as Virtualbox, Vmware, or KVM. The caveat, however, is that you need to install the Mac operating system first, before installing the app on it. Apple also frowns on installing its Mac operating system on hardware that is not Apple Mac.

This means that you cannot download Mac OS without having a Mac computer. And although you could decide to download it from the internet, you cannot be sure of the integrity of the file you are downloading. Some people make a living from uploading malware-infected software and you could fall victim.

On the other hand, Macos-virtualbox is a promising Bash script, which downloads the files directly from Apple servers and creates a virtual machine for you. This guarantees you are using only genuine Apple software.

Another route is to borrow a Mac from a friend and use it to download an updated Mac version, which you can then turn into an ISO installation file.

Here is how to go about all 3 methods:

Method 1: Use Macos-virtualbox

Head over to GitHub and download the package. Also try and read the documentation to get a better understanding of how it works.


Open a terminal, then unzip and run the script using the following commands:

It will take you through the entire process of downloading the software and creating the virtual machine. All you need is to sit patiently and hit the “Enter” button when prompted.

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But if for some reason it does not work, then you can try out these other methods.

Method 2: Download from the internet

Step 1: You will have to find your own file from the web because Apple frowns on the distribution of Mac OS on devices other than the Mac computer. The next steps assume that you downloaded a virtual machine (vmdk) file.

Step 2: Install VirtualBox or any other virtualization software of choice. For VirtualBox, use the command below to install the package with all its extra additions at a go:

sudo apt install virtualbox virtualbox-dkms virtualbox-ext-pack virtualbox-guest-additions-iso virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-qt

Step 3: Start VirtualBox and create a new virtual machine, using the vmdk file you downloaded.

Step 4: Give it about 4G of RAM or more, 128 MB of graphics, and 2 CPU cores. Avoid spaces in your virtual machine name. You can give it something like “MyMacOS”.

Step 5: This is important. Quit VirtualBox first. Then download this shell script

VBox Mac Setup

Step 6: cd (Change Directory) to the directory you downloaded the script into and execute it, like this:

./ -v “MyMacOS” -r 1920×1080

Where MyMacOS is the name you gave your virtual machine and 1920×1080 is your full-screen resolution or the resolution you want to give the virtual machine.

Step 7: Launch VirtualBox again and start your new Mac OS virtual machine.

Method 3: Download from a borrowed Mac

If you have access to a real Mac computer that’s older than the Mac High Sierra, then you can use the steps below to also create a Mac virtual machine on your Linux box:

Step 1: Gain physical access to a Mac computer. It could be yours or you can borrow it from a friend. Just make sure it has internet access and you are good to go.

Step 2: Head for the Mac Store and search for High Sierra. Click Download.

Step 3: When it finishes and tries to start the installation, hit Ctrl + Q to exit.

Step 4: Open a terminal from Applications > Utilities and enter the following commands:

hdiutil create -o /tmp/HighSierra.cdr -size 7316m -layout SPUD -fs HFS+J

hdiutil attach /tmp/HighSierra.cdr.dmg -noverify -nobrowse -mountpoint /Volumes/install_build

asr restore -source /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ -target /Volumes/install_build -noprompt -noverify -erase

hdiutil detach /Volumes/OS\ X\ Base\ System

hdiutil convert /tmp/HighSierra.cdr.dmg -format UDTO -o /tmp/HighSierra.iso

mv /tmp/HighSierra.iso.cdr ~/Desktop/HighSierra.iso

That’s it. You now have a bootable ISO file on the desktop that you can install on your Virtual machine. Copy it into a thumb drive and move over to your Linux box to begin the installation.


You have seen the different methods out there to run Mac apps on Linux, despite Apple’s efforts to the contrary.

The Darling Emulator is best for little shell programs. Else, if you need to run a more serious GUI program use a Virtual machine.

Nnamdi Okeke is a computer enthusiast who loves to read a wide range of books. He has a preference for Linux over Windows/Mac and has been using
Ubuntu since its early days. You can catch him on twitter via bongotrax

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🍏 Как запускать приложения Mac на Linux

К сожалению, это не означает, что приложения могут плавно переходить между операционными системами.

Для запуска приложений Mac в Linux вам понадобится виртуальная машина или слой перехода.

Запустите виртуальную машину MacOS (все приложения)

Самый надежный способ запуска приложений Mac в Linux – через виртуальную машину.

С помощью бесплатного гипервизора с открытым исходным кодом, такого как VirtualBox, вы можете запускать macOS на виртуальном устройстве на вашем компьютере с Linux.

Правильно установленная виртуализированная среда MacOS без проблем запустит все приложения MacOS.

Подобная виртуализация рабочего стола требует значительного объема оперативной памяти, поэтому она может работать некорректно на устройствах с ограниченными ресурсами.

Для машин с техническими характеристиками наилучшим вариантом является виртуализация операционных систем через виртуальную машину VirtualBox.

Использование Darling Translation Layer (только CLI)

Вы также можете запустить слой перехода под названием Darling.

Он работает как WINE, которая создает среду перевода с Windows на Linux, которая позволяет вам запускать некоторые приложения Windows в системах Linux.

Darling пытается достичь той же цели между macOS и Linux.

Поскольку macOS и Linux совместно используют одну и ту же базу в стиле UNIX, Darling менее ресурсоемок, чем WINE, и в большинстве случаев дает лучшие результаты.

В настоящее время Darling может работать только с очень простыми приложениями с графическим интерфейсом и несколькими приложениями командной строки.

Хотя поддержка приложений с графическим интерфейсом является целью проекта, эта функция еще не реализована.

По сути, вы можете надежно запускать оболочку macOS в Терминале и, возможно, не сможете эффективно запускать другие приложения.

Он также содержит огромное количество кода, требующего около 12 гигабайт дискового пространства после сборки.

По сути, это дублирует функциональность операционной системы MacOS.

Поэтому, если вы беспокоитесь о том, что удаленные исполняемые файлы могут повредить вашу систему, вы можете избегать пакетов такого размера.

Сборка и установка дорогой Darling

1. Следуйте инструкциям по установке, чтобы загрузить правильные зависимости для вашего дистрибутива Linux со страницы установки Darling.

В зависимости от вашего дистрибутива вам может потребоваться выполнить длинную команду.

Например, для Ubuntu выполните следующую команду терминала, чтобы загрузить зависимости Darling:

sudo apt-get install cmake clang bison flex xz-utils libfuse-dev libudev-dev pkg-config libc6-dev:i386 linux-headers-generic gcc-multilib libcap2-bin libcairo2-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libtiff5-dev libfreetype6-dev libfreetype6-dev:i386 git libelf-dev libxml2-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libfontconfig1-dev libbsd-dev
git clone --recursive

3. Измените каталог на Darling:

5. Сконфигурируйте сборку с помощью cmake:

Процесс сборки может занять более одного часа, в зависимости от ресурсов вашего компьютера.


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