Use wifi with bluetooth

Use wifi with bluetooth

Let us first start by addressing what the term Bluetooth tethering actually means. The feature, as you may have guessed, is quite similar to the Wi-Fi hotspot and USB tethering, where you can share the Internet connection used by the phone to be shared with any device that supports Bluetooth.

On older Android phones, the Bluetooth tethering feature only allowed sharing of mobile data with other devices. However, if you have a newer Android phone, you can actually use Bluetooth tethering to share (and extend) the range of your Wi-Fi connection to other devices.

Now, the question may arise as to why use Bluetooth tethering in the first place when you have the Wi-Fi hotspot feature, which is not only faster — but easier to use. Let us explain a couple of use cases.

When to use Bluetooth tethering?

As mentioned earlier, Bluetooth tethering is an objectively slower form of connectivity compared to traditional Wi-Fi hotspots. So why use it in the first place? Turns out, there are a couple of occasions when using Bluetooth tethering may actually make sense.

AndroidPIT huawei matebook x pro 6855

When your phone does not support Wi-Fi sharing over Wi-Fi hotspot

As of 2021, many low-end and mid-range smartphones (still) do not allow a Wi-Fi connection and a Wi-Fi hotspot to be enabled simultaneously. This means you will not be able to use Wi-Fi Hotspot to share your internet connection with other devices. In such scenarios, you are left with no other option but to use Bluetooth tethering since this method of tethering works even if you are connected to a Wi-Fi network.

As to why anyone would want to do this, hear me out.

Suppose your friend pops in for a couple of hours, and you do not really wish to share your Wi-Fi password with him. Instead of opening up the PC and creating a guest network on your router, you can simply create a Wi-Fi Hotspot on your phone (which is already connected to your router) and use it as an extender. And if that doesn’t work, you can use the Bluetooth tethering feature to do the exact same thing. The connection would be slower -, but hey, it would still work for him!

When you want to conserve battery

You might already know it — but the general consensus is that the Wi-Fi Hotspot feature is a massive battery hog. In case you plan to use keep your phone tethered to another device for several hours, the battery might conk faster than you would imagine. In such scenarios, it is wiser to switch to Bluetooth tethering since the battery drain is comparatively lower in this mode.

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Let us now move to the part where we actually set up and use Bluetooth tethering to share your Wi-Fi connection. This process is actually really easy. Here’s how to do it.

How to share Wi-Fi over Bluetooth

Step 1: Turn on your phone’s Bluetooth

First, ensure that your phone is already connected to the Wi-Fi network at your home/office. Then, make sure you turn on Bluetooth from within the settings menu.

bluetooth wifi settings

  1. To do this, go to Device connectivity > Bluetooth.
  2. Ensure Bluetooth is On.

Step 2: Turn on Bluetooth tethering on your phone

Now that you’re certain that Bluetooth is enabled on your device:

bluetooth wifi settings2

  1. Go to Wireless & networks.
  2. Select Tethering & portable hotspot.
  3. Enable Bluetooth tethering.

Step 3: Pair your device via Bluetooth and receive connectivity

With this done, you can then use Bluetooth on your laptop or PC, tablet, or another device to connect to your phone and make use of its internet connection.

  1. Simply pair your smartphone with the device you want to share the connection with under Device connectivity > Bluetooth.
  2. Once connected, make sure Internet access sharing is enabled in the device profile by tapping the settings icon next to the device name.
  3. Finally, set up the connected device to receive its network connection via Bluetooth in its network settings.

This is very straightforward with smartphones, but to connect a Windows PC, you have to go to Settings > Devices and printer, right-click the icon representing your phone, and select Connect using > Access point. Ta-Da! You’re ready to start browsing the internet.

bluetooth wifi settings3

Did you find this useful? Have you managed to connect your phone’s internet connection with other devices? Tell us in the comments.

This article was updated in July 2021. Older comments were retained.


Wi-Fi + Bluetooth адаптер для компьютера и не только: краткий обзор


Здравствуйте, уважаемы читатели нашего тихого и дружелюбного портала! В этой статье мы поговори о Bluetooth + Wi-Fi адаптерах на современном рынке. Подобного сейчас найти не так уж и легко, но многим ведь так хочется получить все в одном комплекте, чтобы не занимало место в компьютере или ноутбуке. Все что удалось найти по теме, публикую здесь.

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Комплекс или по раздельности?

На самом деле, возможно, у вас проблема от непонимания? Bluetooth – это отдельная технология. Ее удобно использовать дома для подключения, например, наушников к телефону или же сопряжения смартфона с фитнес-браслетом. Т.е. ее используют для ближних коммуникаций при связи устройств.

Wi-Fi же в основном применяют дома как альтернатива классической локальной сети по проводу. Т.е. это и соединения всех устройств через роутер между собой, а также предоставление им всем доступа в интернет через беспроводную сеть.

Проблема в том, что и для тех, и для тех целей существует очень много отдельных адаптеров. Вот некоторые наши актуальные подборки:

Т.е. по отдельности таких адаптеров гораздо больше, да и вероятность возможных проблем снижается – многие отмечают, что у совмещенных китайских изделий периодически всплывают проблемы с совместимостью драйверов. Нужно ли вам это? Мой выбор был однозначным – пойти по пути разделения. Так и проще, да и в случае поломки заменить не сложно. Тем более цены на эти изделия при их долгом сроке жизни не такие уж и большие.

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Но есть все-таки на рынке адаптеры, которые поддерживают обе эти функции. И Bluetooth, и Wi-fi. Рассмотрим некоторые из них.

Самый простой случай – набрать на Aliexpress что-то вроде «wifi bluetooth adapter». Здесь есть много хлама, но встречаются и готовые решения, которые могут вам подойти:

Wi-Fi + Bluetooth адаптер для компьютера и не только: краткий обзор

На что я хочу обратить внимание – не все адаптеры одинаково полезны. Очень внимательно читайте характеристики и отзывы покупателей. Это же Китай. А пока вы изучаете этот сайт, предлагаю вернуться к чему-то официальному.

А таких устройств с именем очень мало. В основном, это платы для персонального компьютера. Для примера посмотрим на GIGABYTE Bluetooth 4.0/WiFi:

Wi-Fi + Bluetooth адаптер для компьютера и не только: краткий обзор

И как по мне, это далеко не лучшее устройство, если сравнивать со взятыми по отдельности. Если нужно – идете по своим магазинам, и долго ищете. Как правило, никакой большой разницы от применения не получите – все работает в среднем одинаково.

Другие варианты – Ноутбуки

Гораздо проще найти совмещенный адаптер для ноутбука на разъеме mini PCI-E. В моем городе подобного не нашлось совсем, но тот же Алиэкспресс вам в помощь. Но одно дело, если вы подбираете адаптер для своего ноутбука на этой базе, но что делать если подходящего разъема нет? Как по мне, очередной плюс в сторону раздельных USB адаптеров. Лично я сомневаюсь, что многие наши читатели ежедневно пользуются Bluetooth. Так что если мешается – можно и вытащить, да и размеры их сейчас почти незаметны.

Другие варианты – Arduino

Некоторые же ищут модуль Wi-Fi + Bluetooth под Ардуино. В процессе поиска информации в основном они и попадались. Самая популярная модель – ESP-32S:

Wi-Fi + Bluetooth адаптер для компьютера и не только: краткий обзор

Вот и все. Как выяснилось, обзор оказался совсем маленьким. Мой конечный вывод – берите по отдельности. Это и удобнее, и практичнее, и выгоднее. За сим заканчиваю. Не забывайте, что комментарии ниже всегда открыты для обсуждений!


Can A WiFi Adapter Act As Bluetooth: (Explained)

Can A Wifi Adapter Act As Bluetooth

Wireless adapters and Bluetooth technology have surpassed the need for analog devices, urged on by the unending cycle of research and development in tech firms all over the world.

We now live in a wireless community, surrounded by the Internet of Things, where everything is virtually connected to us and to each other.

Wireless devices and their methods of transmission act as part and parcel of this digitally connected world.

And, in amongst this, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi have become our best digital friends. With so much going on in the world of tech and so much of it interconnected, it should come as no surprise that many users ask whether their Wi-Fi adapter can also act as Bluetooth.

The answer is “Yes” – but only partially.

Why? Because it cannot outright work like that. But with just a few simple changes, you can make this possible.

In this article, we have pinpointed the steps required to turn your Wi-Fi into Bluetooth.

Now, this is not for anyone who is new to tech, and you will need a reasonably good knowledge of USB Bluetooth Adapter and USB Wi-Fi Adapters. If that’s you, read on.

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Can A WiFi Adapter Act As Bluetooth?

USB Bluetooth Adapter:

usb bluetooth adaptor

Unlike many other devices which include a ready-made option for it, PCs and laptops do not come with built-in Bluetooth.

Instead, they have plug-in Bluetooth. So a Bluetooth adapter is a basic plug-and-play device that converts Bluetooth’s short-ranged Radio Frequency Signals wirelessly into its interface and USB.

USB Wi-Fi Adapter:

usb wifi adaptor

Factually, both the Wi-Fi signals and Bluetooth signals, despite being distant, communicate wirelessly.

However, Wi-Fi is simply a wireless technology that is used within a PC. Within given premises, a Wi-Fi adapter can be placed anywhere.

How Can Your Wi-Fi Adapter Act As Bluetooth?

Making a Wi-Fi adapter directly function as Bluetooth already sounds like something barely possible.

Therefore, to establish any digital connection or relationship between these two distinct technologies, you will need to make them compatible with each other.

How do you do this? By creating a network bridge between them to make them compatible with one another.

Moreover, you would be able to make them work even when their bandwidth and wireless signals are excessively different from each other.

Steps To Make Your Wi-Fi Adapter Work With Bluetooth:

By the process of bridging the two connections, you can make both the Wi-Fi adapter and Bluetooth adapter function and communicate with one another.

By creating such a network bridge, you are able to keep sharing your wireless internet connections and resources over a Bluetooth connection.

The network bridge lets you enable the connected devices and gain access to the web browser despite being compatible with Bluetooth but not Wi-Fi.

Isn’t it so flexible? It sure is.

Let us now look at how to create a network bridge:

Step 1: Select the Windows Logo Button

The first step is to click once on the “Windows Logo” icon in the lower-left corner of your desktop.

Step 2: Go To Control Panel

The second step requires you to click on the Control Panel, which is located in the option of the Windows logo of your PC.

Step 3: Go To Network And Sharing

Within the Control Panel, you will see the option “Network and Sharing.” Click on it.

Step 4: Manage Network Connections

Within the selected option, you will see the option “Manage Network Connections.” Click on it.

Step 5: Highlight Two Icons

In the fifth step, you will need to locate the icon representing your computer’s Bluetooth adapter along with the icon that gives access to your computer’s Wi-Fi adapter. Highlight both of them simultaneously by using your mouse.

Step 6: Create Bridge Connections

After highlighting the icons, quickly right-click on any one of the two highlighted icons. Go to the “Bridge Connections.” Click on it. Doing so will make your Wi-Fi adapter work with your Bluetooth adapter immediately.

Making two excessively distant technologies such as your Wi-Fi adapter and Bluetooth act as each other is not possible unless the proper connection has been established. This is why you must create a network bridge to make them work together.


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