Use windows key in linux

Configure the Windows key on Linux

In Gnome there is a utility called «gconf-editor» which is a tool that allows us to access the Gnome configuration, and that is where we can change the combination of keys used to access the panel quickly and through the keyboard.

To open this tool we will press «Alt + F2» and in the window that is shown we will write «gconf-editor» without the quotes, and we will press «Execute»:

The configuration editor will be shown where we will have to navigate through the folders until we reach the following path:

/ apps / metacity / global_keybindings

And there we will look for the entry called «panel_main_menu» we right click on it and choose «Edit Key» and we will replace the value it has (usually Alt + F1) for «Super_L» without quotes.

Ready! We close the window and we can now use the Windows key in Ubuntu or in any distribution that uses Gnome as a desktop.

Now, if you want to save yourself all those steps and opt for a faster way to do it although in a less graphical way, you just have to open a terminal and use the following command:

gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_main_menu "Super_L"

I hope it has been useful to you, it is important to remember that if you used the «Windows» key for another function then it will no longer serve that purpose, but it will always open the panel menu.

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This small guide explains how to map the Windows key in order to use it as a modifier, under Ubuntu. This guide also shows how to map common Windows Key shortcuts so that the behavior is similar to default Windows functionality. This whole process is accomplished using the ‘xmodmap’ utility.

First, we will need to edit or create the .xstartup file. This file is run when the GUI is started, and will give persistence to this modification. If the file exists, open your favorite text editor then edit to include the following commands. If the file does not exist, add the following to a new file and save it to «/home/user/.xstartup».

# Make the Windows key a useable mod key: xmodmap -e "remove mod4 = F13" xmodmap -e "keycode 115 = Super_L" xmodmap -e "add mod4 = Super_L"

Note: You can type these three commands directly in a terminal window to test them. If the first command returns commandline:1: bad remove modifier keysym list (empty), then simply delete it or add a # before it to comment it out.

Map Keys

In order to create your key shortcuts, you will need to open the Keyboard Shortcuts window from the System > Preferences menu. Click on the shortcut you want to create, then assign your key combination.

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For example, if you want to copy the «Run» dialog box functionality from Windows (Win+R), just click on Show the panel run application dialog, then press Win+R at the same time.


Windows Key while using Unix/ Linux?

alt text

Ever since I moved to Ubuntu Linux, the windows key on the lower left hand corner of my keyboard doesn’t has any utility. Can there be any possible utility of this key in Unix/ Linux systems ?. I am sure there are many innovative enthusiasts who can suggest some use of this lame windows key ! UPDATE : Guys thanks for your replies — is there any sure fire method for Ubuntu 9.10 (with Gnome desktop environment)?

@badp : Yes, but then I thought that this question is more suitable for superuser than askubuntu ! . 🙂

to answer this question you have to tell us which desktopenvironment (gnome, kde, xfce) or which windowmanager (fluxbox, openbox, icewm, awesome) you use.

@akira : Gnome ! . I use Ubuntu as it is ! . I do not need to tweak Ubuntu (that is one of the WOW things about it) . 😀

4 Answers 4

A shortcut I often use is win + s , it shows your shutdown menu.

You can define your own custom actions under Systrem -> Preferences -> Keyboard shortcuts, and use the super key (known as mod4) to hotkey your actions globally.

See this post for a list of useful Ubuntu shortcuts, including some with the super key!

You cannot make it have the dual role it has in Windows, but you can definitely use it.

One thing you could use for is to bring up the Gnome Applications menu; just use System -> Preferences -> Keyboard shortcuts and select a «new accelerator» for «Show the panel menu».

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Alternatively, you can use it as a modifier key, like Alt and Ctrl to expand your range of available keyboard shortcuts; it is a bit involved so I’ll just give a link.

(The point of the dual role in Windows is that the key can be used both on its own to bring up the «Start» menu or as a modifier in shortcuts such as Win+E to start Windows Explorer. This isn’t, or rather wasn’t the last time I looked, possible in Linux.)

Edit: the method of using the Windows key to bring up the Applications menu has changed; you also don’t need to change anything to use it as a modifier any more: just go into the keyboard shortcut thing and use it.


What is the «Win» key used for on Linux? [duplicate]

I have a Windows PC, but I installed Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) on it. I have the Win key which displays the Start menu on Windows, but on Ubuntu I think it’s useless. Can it be used for something interesting?

3 Answers 3

I have the Win key [. ] can it be used for something interesting?

Yes, this is called the Super or Meta key in Linux. You can use it in custom key shortcuts, and in Unity it should bring up the Dash.

Below is an example on how to configure a shortcut using the Windows key in KDE. This should be similar in other desktop environments.

Enter image description here

@nerof61 Is he running Unity? The question does not mention this. «Ubuntu» may refer to any DE. Anyway, I think this isn’t overly relevant for the question itself. Feel free to improve the answer by including a screenshot of the Unity-way or by referring to a question for configuring key shortcuts in Unity.

In a default installation of Ubuntu, you can press shortly on the windows key to make the dash visible, which is a great tool for searching applications and/or files.

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But there are many more useful key combinations enabled by default! Just press the windows key for a little while longer and a cheat sheet with the most useful combinations will be shown. The windows key is there called «Super».

Another very useful combination not mentioned there is [Super] + [W], which shows all open windows of the active workspace nicely arranged. You can then bring one of these windows to the front by clicking on it.


How can I use the Windows (Super) key?

The Windows key seems to not have any use in Ubuntu, but since I’m just coming from Windows I’m used to this key having some function.
How can I make good use of the Windows key in Ubuntu? I’ve seen that I can remap keys in System>Preferences>Keyboard>Layout>Options> Alt / Super key behavior, but I have no idea what the choices meta, super, hyper mean. The help button in this dialog doesn’t give any specifics about them. I’ve experimented a little and found that meta seems to have some use, like Super + M = Me menu, or Super + S is the shutdown menu, but for some keys (B, I) it’s more like Ctrl (bold, italic). Haven’t found any further. What would a useful setting be for a Linux newbie?

5 Answers 5

If you want to use it like in windows, to trigger the menu, go to System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. Scroll down to and click on ‘Show the panel’s main menu’. Click on the right hand cell, which should change to ‘New shortcut. ‘ and press the Windows key.

EDIT: turns out this doesn’t work but you can make it work by pressing Alt + F2 then entering

gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_main_menu --type string "Super_L" 

You can bind it to other things as well. You can use it as part of a key combination in for another shortcut or for an action in compiz. For example, I have my Windows key bound to the Initiate Window Resize action (because this is easier than trying to grab the sides of the window) which can be found in Compiz Config Settings Manager under Window Management -> Resize Window.


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