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BEGINNER’S GUIDE FOR LINUX – Start Learning Linux in Minutes

Welcome to the exclusive edition of “BEGINNER’S GUIDE FOR LINUX” by TecMint, this course module is specially designed and compiled for those beginners, who want to make their way into the Linux learning process and do the best in today’s IT organizations.

This courseware is created as per the requirements of the industrial environment with complete entrance to Linux, which will help you to build great success in Linux.

We have given special priority to Linux commands and switches, scripting, services, and applications, access control, process control, user management, database management, web services, etc.

Even though the Linux command line provides thousands of commands, but only a few basic commands you need to learn to perform day-to-day tasks in the Linux operating system.


All students must have a little understanding of computers and a passion to learn new technology.


This courseware is presently supported on the latest releases of Linux distributions like Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Rocky/Alma Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, etc.

Linux Course Objectives

Section 1: Introduction To Linux and OS Installations

Section 2: Essential Basic Linux Commands

  • ls Command – List Files and Directories in Linux
  • cd Command – Switch Between Directories in Linux
  • pwd Command – Check Current Working Directory in Linux
  • dir Command – List Contents of a Directory in Linux
  • mkdir Command – Create New Directories in Linux
  • rmdir Command – Delete Directories in Linux
  • mv Command – Rename or Move Files and Directories in Linux
  • cp Command – Copy Files and Directories in Linux
  • touch Command – Create New Files in Linux
  • find Command – Find Files and Directories in Linux
  • cat Command – List Contents of Files in Linux
  • df Command – Check Linux File System Disk Space Usage
  • du Command – Check Disk Usage of Files and Directories
  • tar Command – Create, Extract, and List Archive Files in Linux
  • grep Command – Find Patterns or Strings in Text Files
  • ln Command – Create Hard and Symbolic Links in Linux
  • alias Command – Create Alias (Shortcuts) in Linux
  • echo Command – How to Print Line of Text in Linux
  • tail Command – Print Last 10 Lines of File in Linux
  • top Command – List Running Processes in Linux
  • ps Command – List Running Processes with PIDs in Linux
  • kill Command – Kill Running Processes with PIDs in Linux
  • uniq Command – Remove Duplicate Lines in Linux
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Section 3: Essentials of Advance Linux Commands

Section 4: Some More Advanced Linux Commands

Section 5: User, Group, and File Permissions Management

Section 6: Linux Package Management

  • Yum Package Management – CentOS, RHEL and Fedora
  • RPM Package Management – CentOS, RHEL and Fedora
  • APT-GET and APT-CACHE Package Management – Debian, Ubuntu
  • DPKG Package Management – Debian, Ubuntu
  • Zypper Package Management – Suse and OpenSuse
  • Linux Package Management with Yum, RPM, Apt, Dpkg, Aptitude and Zypper – Advance Level
  • 27 ‘DNF’ (Fork of Yum) Commands for RPM Package Management – New Update

Section 7: System Monitoring & Cron Scheduling

  • Linux Process Monitoring with top Command
  • Linux Process Management with Kill, Pkill and Killall Commands
  • Linux File Process Management with lsof Commands
  • Linux Job Scheduling with Cron
  • 20 Command Line Tools to Monitor Linux Performance – Part 1
  • 13 Linux Performance Monitoring Tools – Part 2
  • Nagios Monitoring Tool for Linux – Advance Level
  • Zabbix Monitoring Tool for Linux – Advance Level
  • Shell Script to Monitor Network, Disk Usage, Uptime, Load Average and RAM – New Update

Section 8: Linux Archiving/Compression, Backup/Sync and Recovery

Archiving/Compression Files
Backup/Sync Files and Directories in Linux
Backup/Recovery Linux Filesystems

Section 9: Linux File System / Network Storage Management

  • What is Ext2, Ext3 & Ext4 and How to Create and Convert Linux File Systems
  • Understanding Linux File System Types
  • Linux File System Creation and Configurations – Advance Level
  • Setting Up Standard Linux File Systems and Configuring NFSv4 Server – Advance Level
  • How to Mount/Unmount Local and Network (Samba & NFS) Filesystems – Advance Level
  • How to Create and Manage Btrfs File System in Linux – Advance Level
  • Introduction to GlusterFS (File System) and Installation – Advance Level
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Section 10: Linux LVM Management

Section 11: Linux RAID Management

Section 12: Manage Services in Linux

Section 13: Linux System Security and Firewall

Linux Security and Tools
Linux Firewall and Tools

Section 14: LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB and PHP) Setup’s

  • Installing LAMP in RHEL/CentOS 6.0
  • Installing LAMP in RHEL/CentOS 7.0
  • Ubuntu 14.04 Server Installation Guide and Setup LAMP
  • Installing LAMP in Arch Linux
  • Setting Up LAMP in Ubuntu Server 14.10
  • Installing LAMP in Gentoo Linux
  • Creating Your Own Webserver and Hosting A Website from Your Linux Box
  • Apache Virtual Hosting: IP Based and Name Based Virtual Hosts in Linux
  • How to Setup Standalone Apache Server with Name-Based Virtual Hosting with SSL Certificate
  • Creating Apache Virtual Hosts with Enable/Disable Vhosts Options in RHEL/CentOS 7.0
  • Creating Virtual Hosts, Generate SSL Certificates & Keys and Enable CGI Gateway in Gentoo Linux
  • Protect Apache Against Brute Force or DDoS Attacks Using Mod_Security and Mod_evasive Modules
  • 13 Apache Web Server Security and Hardening Tips
  • How to Sync Two Apache Web Servers/Websites Using Rsync
  • How to Install ‘Varnish’ (HTTP Accelerator) and Perform Load Testing Using Apache Benchmark
  • Installing and Configuring LAMP/LEMP Stack on Debian 8 Jessie – New Update

Section 15: LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB and PHP) Setup’s

Section 16: MySQL/MariaDB Administration

Section 17: Basic Shell Scripting

  • Understand Linux Shell and Basic Shell Scripting Language Tips – Part I
  • 5 Shell Scripts for Linux Newbies to Learn Shell Programming – Part II
  • Sailing Through The World of Linux BASH Scripting – Part III
  • Mathematical Aspect of Linux Shell Programming – Part IV
  • Calculating Mathematical Expressions in Shell Scripting Language – Part V
  • Understanding and Writing functions in Shell Scripts – Part VI
  • Deeper into Function Complexities with Shell Scripting – Part VII
  • Working with Arrays in Linux Shell Scripting – Part 8
  • An Insight of Linux “Variables” in Shell Scripting Language – Part 9
  • Understanding and Writing ‘Linux Variables’ in Shell Scripting – Part 10
  • Nested Variable Substitution and Predefined BASH Variables in Linux – Part 11
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Section 18: Linux Interview Questions

  • 15 Interview Questions on Linux “ls” Command – Part 1
  • 10 Useful ‘ls’ Command Interview Questions – Part 2
  • Basic Linux Interview Questions and Answers – Part 1
  • Basic Linux Interview Questions and Answers – Part 2
  • Linux Interview Questions and Answers for Linux Beginners – Part 3
  • Core Linux Interview Questions and Answers
  • Useful Random Linux Interview Questions and Answers
  • Interview Questions and Answers on Various Commands in Linux
  • Useful Interview Questions on Linux Services and Daemons
  • Basic MySQL Interview Questions for Database Administrators
  • MySQL Database Interview Questions for Beginners and Intermediates
  • Advance MySQL Database “Interview Questions and Answers” for Linux Users
  • Apache Interview Questions for Beginners and Intermediates
  • VsFTP Interview Questions and Answers – Part 1
  • Advance VsFTP Interview Questions and Answers – Part 2
  • Useful SSH (Secure Shell) Interview Questions and Answers
  • Useful “Squid Proxy Server” Interview Questions and Answers in Linux
  • Linux Firewall Iptables Interview Questions – New Update
  • Basic Interview Questions on Linux Networking – Part 1 – New Update

Section 19: Shell Scripting Interview Questions

Section 20: Free Linux Books for Learning

  • Complete Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet
  • The GNU/Linux Advanced Administration Guide
  • Securing & Optimizing Linux Servers
  • Linux Patch Management: Keeping Linux Up To Date
  • Introduction to Linux – A Hands on Guide
  • Understanding the Linux® Virtual Memory Manager
  • Linux Bible – Packed with Updates and Exercises
  • A Newbie’s Getting Started Guide to Linux
  • Linux from Scratch – Create Your Own Linux OS
  • Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook, Second Edition
  • Securing & Optimizing Linux: The Hacking Solution
  • User Mode Linux – Understanding and Administration
  • Bash Guide for Linux Beginners – New Update

Section 21: Linux Certifications – Preparation Guides

Do let us know if you want to include any specific Linux howto, guides, or tips in this Linux learning guide. Don’t forget to join our social communities and subscribe to our Email newsletter for more such how-to’s.


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