Using dll in linux

Something like .dll on Linux

(dynamic linking don’t have the same meaning on Windows & Linux) Solution 3: You can write simple sh script to start your program: and put so libraries to /path/to/intall/directory Question: I’m a Windows developer I was wondering if anyone had any advice or general articles that could help me build a project on Linux and compile it into a library or DLL for use in a Windows environment.

Something like .dll on Linux

I have program using gtkmm, gtkglextmm and exiv2.

I want to include these libraries with the executable, because the app will not work if user doesn’t has them on his/her system. On Windows .dll files solved the matter (I put them in the same directory as output file).

How to attached similar libraries on Linux? Is there any tool helping with that? I cannot force user to install dependencies.

Standard practice on Linux is not to redistribute your dependencies. Doing so just creates large amounts of duplication. You should instead specify the dependencies in your installation package and let the package manager resolve them.

Better yet, use the package system of the distribution[s] you want to target, e.g. .deb packaging on Debian/Ubuntu/Mint (with aptitude or apt-get , themselves using dpkg ), Yum/Rpm on Redhat/Fedora, etc etc.

DLL-s are called shared libraries (files named *.so ) on Linux (in ELF format, use objdump , nm . to explore them, and gcc -fPIC -shared to build them). They can be programmatically loaded with dlopen & dlsym . Beware that there are important differences between windows DLL -s & Linux *.so (dynamic linking don’t have the same meaning on Windows & Linux)

You can write simple sh script to start your program:

#!/bin/sh LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/intall/directory path/to/your/exe 

and put so libraries to /path/to/ intall /directory

C++ — MFC app to Linux dll, That is simply not possible, because of the different object formats. So, the only option is to rewrite or port it in some form. A guide for porting your application might be Porting MFC applications to Linux, which uses wxWidgets. Another one using Qt, could be MFC to Qt Migration — Walkthrough. Share.

Create a library or DLL in Linux and using them on Windows

I’m a Windows developer so I’m new to the Linux environment. I was wondering if anyone had any advice or general articles that could help me build a project on Linux and compile it into a library or DLL for use in a Windows environment.

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Any help is greatly appreciated.

You could use a cross-compiler , or simply install Windows and the necessary build tools inside a virtual machine (e.g. using VirtualBox).

When using dotnet on Linux, should DllImport reference, Have setup dotnet on Linux / Centos8. Have compiled simple .NET Core C# HelloWorld with Visual Studio on Windows, transferred .NET Core C# DLL to Linux / Centos8, and can run, see «Hello, world» output. Now need to have .NET Core C# program call functions in Linux / Centos8 file, which of course …

Building a Win32 DLL from a Linux library source

I’m trying to build a Win32 DLL from an audio-DSP related Linux library ( There are makefiles and config scripts for Linux, but no help for Windows. The author provides a Win32 binary of a sample app using the library, and I see a number of «#ifdef MSVC» and «# ifdef win32 » scattered around, so I don’t think I’m starting completely from scratch but I’m stuck nevertheless.

As my programming knowledge in either platform is rather limited, I’d appreciate any help.

First of all, what is the right way to get started here? Visual Studio ? Cygwin? Initially I started off creating a Win32 DLL project in Visual Studio, adding the source files , thinking about adding a .def file, etc, but at some point I felt like this was going nowhere.

As for Cygwin, this was the first time using it, and I don’t even know if this is the sort of thing that Cygwin is designed for. Is it?

On Cygwin, I ran ./configure and got stuck at something like this:

«checking for SRC. configure: error: Package requirements (samplerate) were not met: No package ‘samplerate’ found»

After looking through the log, it appears that pkg-config is looking for samplerate.pc. How do I handle packages in Windows? libsamplerate is just an open source library, and I have source and a DLL for this. But I’m not sure how to use them to satisfy the dependency requirements for librubberband (which is what I’m trying to build)

I’m completely lost at this point and if anyone can give me a nudge in the right direction. and, is there an easier way to do this?

If you’re still stuck on this I can throw a little light.

You may have to build everything from sources (or have the libraries installed in your environment). You’re using Cygwin, I would recommend MinGW and MSYS too, but sometimes it’s just not possible to use this combination to build the program or library.

So if using Cygwin, first ensure that you have a proper environment installed. This is that you have the correct development headers installed.

Then download libsndfile. Extract the sources to a directory and from the Cygwin bash shell navigate to that directory. There perform:

./configure make make install prefix=/cygdrive/c/cygwin 

Notice that I use a prefix, that prefix should point to the directory Cygwin is installed in order to correctly install the libraries (the same happens to MinGW and MSYS, the prefix should point to the MinGW installation directory). Maybe using the usr directory in the prefix works too, I’ve never tried it.

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Now download FFTW, as it will be needed for libsamplerate and rubberband. Same procedure as with libsndfile: extract, configure, make & make install using the prefix. Now copy the header files of FFTW (in the example they’d be in /cygdrive/c/cygwin/include ) to the include directory in the usr directory (in the example /cygdrive/c/cygwin/usr/include ).

Next SRC (libsamplerate), same procedure.

Then the Vamp plugin SDK. In order to compile the it you may need to edit the file src\vamp-hostsdk\PluginLoader.cpp , deleting RTLD_LOCAL from a dlopen() call (it’s safe, it’s already the default behaviour).

Also, you may need to install it by hand (in my experiences it didn’t like the prefix). Or set the environmental variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH pointing to the paths of pkgconfig, e.g.:

set PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/cygdrive/c/cygwin/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig 

Now, create a file called ladspa.h in the include directory with the contents of the LADSPA header

Finally, configure and build rubberband, it should find everything it needs.

To build in MSYS using MinGW follow the same procedure, using the according prefix. Using Visual Studio is another alternative, but you may need to use some of the pre-built libraries (for example for libsndfile) as building Linux libraries natively in Windows may be complicated or even impossible (without hacking the source code) in VS.

Anyway, the autor of rubberband provides binaries; I think you should consider use them instead of going through all of this.

Linux to w32 is mostly a tricky thing.
For each of your dependencies, download the source and:

./configure make sudo make install 

Also, I recommend you to use MinGW + msys in place of CygWin (as the latter produces executables that depend on its libraries). However in your situtation, use the VS approach — ‘t will save you a lot of time.

Something like .dll on Linux, DLL-s are called shared libraries (files named *.so) on Linux (in ELF format, use objdump, nm to explore them, and gcc -fPIC -shared to build them). They can be programmatically loaded with dlopen & dlsym. Beware that there are important differences between windows DLL-s & Linux *.so (dynamic linking …

Use dll win32 in linux platforms [duplicate]

I want to use a DLL library for Win32 in Linux.

Can I use a library of Wine to do that?

You should be able to do that using winelib. Here is an interview with Ulrich Weigand a prominent WINE developer:

  • I managed one to get WineLIB to use a windows dll for VQF playing. Do you forsee people using WineLIB to write applications in Linux that need a closed source windows dll?
    Sure. IMO that’s one of the main features of WineLib: you can use it to link native Windows DLLs into Linux apps. I think there are lots of examples where this could be useful; think of ODBC drivers, video codecs, etc. (That’s why I recently added support for executing even 16-bit DLLs inside WineLib apps, because Win95 drivers tend to thunk down to 16-bit . )
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You can use win32 dll in WINE subsystem only if your invoking application is win32 executable too. Otherwise you should have dll sources and try to adapt them for linux compiler of according programming language.

Importing a dll in python on Ubuntu, First, check if your DLL is a .NET Assembly file. An «Assembly DLL file» has nothing to do with the assembler. It’s simply a way the .NET framework stores its bytecode inside a DLL file! Do file library.dll in Linux. If it says something like this: PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS …


Using .lib and .dll files in Linux

I have to make a project to run successfully on a Linux machine. Right now my project works very well on windows machine. On Windows machine it is compiling and working fine. My project is using one «.lib» and one «.dll» file to do the tasks successfully on Windows. Can i use the same .lib file and .dll file on linux machine to build the project successfully? I am compiling the project with G++ and using GNU Makefile to do the task. What should i do in the case that i can not use the .LIB and .DLL file on Linux machine.

2 Answers 2

The best thing would be to get the DLL compiled on Linux as a .so and use that instead. Linux does not need the equivalent of a .lib to access shared objects.

I suggest you look at the Wine project, which allows you to port Windows programs to Linux (and other Unixes) generally without code modification

The Wine project has a toolkit that allows you to take your existing Windows source and compile it to work on Linux, linking against winelib

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