Установка арч линукс wifi

Как подключить WiFi сеть при установке Arch Linux

Казалось бы — есть руководство по установке данной версии «Линуха», но почему-то оно написано непонятным языком. Я долго искал как подключить из под консоли мою домашнюю сеть к ноутбуку.

Были разные методы подключения типа с помощью netctl, но в установочном образе «Арча» нету данной программы. Или вообще кто-то предлагал СКАЧАТЬ ту или иную программу. Вы серьёзно?! У меня сети нет.

В итоге где-то как-то, в интернетах, по кусочкам нашел информацию как это делается в консоли с помощью тех средств что есть в установочном образе.

С помощью команды iwconfig можно посмотреть беспроводные интерфейсы нашего компьютера. Узнав интерфейс, можно вывести список доступных сетей wifi, с помощью команды:
ip link set up

Затем я нашел как подключается нужная нам сеть, только почему-т о в том руководстве использовался знак доллара $, с ним команда не работает. Но как оказалось нужно было вводить без $. В общем формат команды такой:

Мы сохраняем имя сети и пароль в переменную, в директории /tmp/wpa дабы использовать в команде подключения к сети:

wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /tmp/wpa

После чего пошло подключение к сети, но после строки CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED не было никакой реакции, я было даже подумал что зависло, но нет — интернет в компе появился:

Я нажал CTRL+Z, дабы снова вернуться в консоль. Сервер яндекса пингуется — интернет есть!

Ну вот как-то так, надеюсь информация была полезна.

ЗЫ. Может кто-то знает как из под консоли вести запись экрана? А то приходится телефоном экран ноута фоткать — не красиво!


How to Setup a WiFi network in Arch Linux?

arch linux wifi

Linux distributions and flavors are well known for their use in several areas, including web hosting and client/server environments. However, Arch Linux defies this perception by allowing users to customize everything while maintaining functionality. This can make Arch Linux more difficult for beginners, but it’s the icing for advanced users.

What Is Arch Linux?

Arch Linux is an open-source Linux flavor where you can customize the Arch Linux according to your needs. Arch’s lightweight and minimalist nature is the main reason for its popularity in the tech community.

The x86-64-based Linux distribution follows the principle of KISS (keep it simple, stupid). As the name suggests, installing Arch lets you start with a blank slate and allow the user to make all the decisions. Juniper has no distribution-specific changes, making switching from other Linux distributions simple.

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How to Configure a WiFi network in Arch Linux?

This article will show you how to set up and configure a wifi network on Arch Linux, assuming you have a basic understanding of networking concepts and know how to use Linux.

Scanning Network

To start the process, we’ll first scan our network. For this purpose, run the following command. It will show you the interface name of your network.

Now, run the following command to find the available Wifi network.

Now, run the following command. It will help you to find available WiFi networks.

iwlist interface scan | less

After that, run the ip link set interface down command.

Use netctl to setup a Wi-Fi Connection

You can set up a wifi network on Arch using multiple ways. One of them is to apply the netctl utility. The netctl utility allows you to configure and manage network configuration in Arch Linux.

To use the netctl in Arch Linux, create a configuration file to install and configure the wifi network. This configuration file should have the service set identifier (SSID), wireless interface, security key, IP address, and key management scheme.

Once the configuration file containing the abovementioned parameters is created, you can use the netctl start command to connect to your network management.

After that, verify the wireless card’s compatibility with Arch Linux. For this, run lspci –k command.

That command allows the kernel to load the wireless card’s driver. Once you run the lspci –k, the output should look like the following screenshot.

If your installed wireless card and Arch Linux are compatible with watch other, you may start the configuration of netctl.

The netctl utility will work with a profile. It’s a file that contains the network configuration’s information. You can create a profile easily (using the WiFi menu) or hard (creating a network profile manually).

WiFi Menu: The Easy Way

You can create a profile using a wifi-menu. For this, run the wifi-menu command, choose your network, and click OK.

Enter the password and click OK.

Type the following command to confirm the internet connectivity.

If it pings, your internet connection via the wifi network is configured successfully.

Create a Profile Manually: The Hard Way

Using this method, you can set up the profile (manually) for a wireless connection.

First, find the wireless interface’s name, wlan0/wlp2s0. To find the wifi interface name, type the iwconfig command.

Then, run the cd /etc/netctl/examples command using a command-line tool. It will show the subdirectory with different examples of the profile. Copy your example profile to /etc/netctl/your_profile_name using cp /etc/netctl/examples/wireless-wpa /etc/netctl/your_profile_name command where your_profile_name will be your actual profile.

​Use the cat /etc/netctl/your_profile_name command to see your profile content.

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Now, open the nano or vi editor using the nano /etc/netctl/your_profile_name command and edit the following fields of your profile.

Interface = wlan0

ESSID = My Network (your Internet connection’s name)

Key = The password of the internet connection

Running netctl

To run the netctl, run the following command:

Your profile has been created. Type netctl start your_profile_name command.

Test your network connection by typing the ping -c 3 www.bing.com command.

Now, run the netctl enable your_profile_name command to enable your profile.

By doing this, you’ll enable a system service. This service will start whenever your computer (PC)/laptop boots.

Congratulations! Your wireless network is configured in Arch Linux.

Setup Wi-Fi using Network Manager

Using Network Manager, you can now set up a wifi network configuration in Arch Linux. The network manager allows network administrators to detect, connect, and manage a server with internet connectivity.

Network manager utility also safeguards your system against unknown vulnerabilities. Arch Linux distro is a bit complex OS compared to other Linux distributions, so it needs a comprehensive defense system. The following procedure elaborates on the network manager’s installation and configuration in Arch Linux.

Installation of Network Manager comprises two steps: installation and configuration.

Installing a Network Manager

You’ll need a Pacman package manager and a sudo user to install a Network Manager. Once installed, you can use several command-line utilities to ease the operation.

Supply sudo pacman –Syu command to sync and update any existing packages in the system.

You can easily install a network manager with the help of the Arch repository packages. Then, using the above-mentioned command, sync, update, and refresh available packages in Arch Linux.

$ sudo pacman -S wpa_supplicant wireless_tools NetworkManager

Use pacman -S rp-pppoe command that will obtain the PPPoE support package.

Using pacman -S nm-connection-editor network-manager-applet command lets you use relevant packages for user interface (UI) support.

Configuring Network Manager

After installing a network manager on Arch Linux, you must reboot the system. Once the system is rebooted, with systemctl enable NetworkManager.service command, you can configure a network manager to manage network connectivity.

Use the systemctl disable dhcpcd.service command. This command will avoid conflict in the IP network.

You can enable some essential services that need to work efficiently. For example, run the systemctl enable wpa_supplicant.service command to enable essential services on Arch Linux.

Now, use the systemctl start NetworkManager.service command. This command will also restart the system and bring necessary changes.

How to Use the Network Manager?

After installing and configuring the network manager, you may use it on Arch Linux OS with netctl or any other CLI tool. The primary purpose of using this is to find nearby available networks. To see the wifi device list use the following command.

if you’re using netctl utility, you may use the netctl-auto list command to find the wifi devices.

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Once the wifi device is selected from the list of devices, you can proceed with network connectivity using the nmcli device wifi connect password command, supply the SSID, and correct password where required.

To visualize all hidden networks available to your Arch Linux OS, use the nmcli device wifi connect password hidden yes command.

If you want to see the details of a connected network, use the nmcli connection show command to show connected networks.

Once the list of available devices is found, you can further verify which device is connected to your network.

If you want to disconnect the wifi device, simply use the nmcli device disconnect command by providing the particular interface.

Use the ls /etc/NetworkManager/system-connection command to save settings.

Particular changes which have already been done can be altered whenever you want. Type the nano /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/.nmconnection command to do this.

You can restart the Arch Linux to ensure the necessary changes are done correctly. To do this, use the following command.

Using Network Manager nmtui

The nmti utility is a CLI tool that helps you to navigate the network manager. With the help of nmtui, you can choose the options using UI rather than running specific commands. To view and work on the possibilities of network manager, simply type nmtui. It will display some relevant options.

Choose Edit a connection from the list, and click OK to continue.

Then, choose the appropriate network connection, then click on Edit.

Wrapping Up

In this article, we’ve learned how to set up a wifi adapter in Arch Linux using netctl and Network Manager. Netctl is a command-line utility that helps you to install and configure a wifi device on your Arch Linux OS.

You may also configure your wifi network with the help of a network manager. It will save you from worries. Network manager not only helps you to configure your wifi network but also secures your wifi devices and provides comprehensive information about the encrypted network.

Using network manager, you can automatically connect with your desired networks. Once you connect with your server, a network manager lets you use mobile networking.

Nisar Ahmed

Being a Sr. System Engineer (virtualization, cloud) and having a computer science background, Nisar loves in writing technical articles and blogs on virtualization, cloud computing, hyper-convergence (HCI), Cyber Security, Blockchain, backup & replication solutions, and Cryptocurrency related niches.

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