Установка google chrome arch linux

Arch Linux User Repository

When reporting this package as outdated make sure there is indeed a new version for Linux Desktop. You can have a look at the «Stable updates» tag in Release blog for this.

You can also run this command to obtain the version string for the latest chrome version:

$ curl -sSf https://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/main/binary-amd64/Packages | \ grep -A1 "Package: google-chrome-stable" | \ awk '/Version/' | \ cut -d '-' -f1 

Do not report updates for ChromeOS, Android or other platforms stable versions as updates here.

Latest Comments

georgewoodall82 commented on 2023-07-09 14:34 (UTC)

I think trusted should be removed from the description

joaobrlt commented on 2023-06-26 19:45 (UTC) (edited on 2023-06-26 19:45 (UTC) by joaobrlt)

Can confirm the behavior described by dr1fter. Since the last update, google-chrome is unresponsive after resuming from standby.

Existing web pages are displayed properly but the GUI is completely unresponsive (change tab, add a tab, etc.).

I use Manjaro, linux-61 (6.1.31-2), gnome-shell (1:44.1-3) and linux61-nvidia (530.41.03-13).

I will try to find the logs next time it happens.

vikrend commented on 2023-06-08 17:50 (UTC)

Dark mode is not working in last update

ollosh commented on 2023-06-08 17:01 (UTC)

Did anything happen recently with forcing dark theme in chrome? Every time I start chrome now all of the pages are dark when following system theme. I do have a light/dark theme switcher script for my setup, but when I check the flags with chrom://version they are correctly passed. Any ideas?

dr1fter commented on 2023-06-08 06:02 (UTC)

Since recently (I do not track google-chrome versions), google-chrome will be frozen for ~1m after resuming from standby ( systemctl suspend ). I saw this behaviour for many months (started about one year ago); then about two months ago, the bug was gone (now it’s there again).

The displayed webcontents are shown w/o any errors, however the GUI is fully unresponsive. If e.g. opening a new tab, this will happen after the application «thaws» after the mentioned ca. 1m. As a workaround, I tend to killall chrome (aka restart).

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I run full system updates (pacman -Syu) daily, and update my AUR-packages about once a week. I use an NVIDIA graphics card w/ the non-free nvidia package.

xxxxp commented on 2023-06-06 03:17 (UTC)

hardware acceleration works again, thanks

juangiordana commented on 2023-06-02 11:18 (UTC) (edited on 2023-06-02 11:39 (UTC) by juangiordana)

Thanks for fixing it that quickly.

gromit commented on 2023-06-02 10:22 (UTC)

@juangiordana thanks for the suggestion, could you check that comments are respected with the latest version I just pushed?

I modified your diff a bit so that only lines are ignored where the # is at the start of the line 🙂

juangiordana commented on 2023-06-02 10:00 (UTC)

/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable does not strip commented lines as suggested in the Arch Wiki. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Chromium#Making_flags_persistent

-CHROME_USER_FLAGS="$(cat $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/chrome-flags.conf)" +CHROME_USER_FLAGS="$(grep -v '#' $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/chrome-flags.conf)" 

Ildar commented on 2023-05-24 07:43 (UTC) (edited on 2023-05-24 07:46 (UTC) by Ildar)

Here is my changes in ~/.config/chrome-flags.conf to get working GPU acceleration again
— —use-gl=egl
+ —enable-gpu
Source: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1412653

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AUR packages are user produced content. Any use of the provided files is at your own risk.


Как установить Google Chrome в Arch Linux

Google Chrome пользуется авторитетом в разработке, и он был запущен еще в 2008 году. В настоящее время Google является наиболее популярным и предпочтительным браузером среди большинства пользователей. Итак, Google Chrome — самый известный интернет-браузер. Это не программа с открытым исходным кодом, которая представляет собой тип источника, в котором любой пользователь может вносить изменения или обновлять. Итак, это основная причина, по которой вы не увидите его предустановленным в используемых вами дистрибутивах Linux. Вы не найдете Chrome на месте продукта.

Обычно представить Google Chrome в Ubuntu или Fedora очень просто и несложно. Это очень просто. Вы можете просто перейти на сайт Chrome и оттуда; вы можете скачать записи установщика DEB или RPM. А потом без проблем внедрите его. Файлы DEB фактически являются производными от дистрибутивов на основе Debian, которыми в данном случае является Ubuntu. С другой стороны, файлы RPM — это дистрибутивы на основе Redhat, связанные с Fedora. Пользователи Linux могут столкнуться с проблемами отсутствия необходимого пакета в Chrome, и это может быть возможно.

Но не стоит расстраиваться, поскольку пользовательский репозиторий Arch для Arch, Manjaro и многих других Arch продукты на базе Linux обеспечивают легкий доступ к Google. Два возможных способа установки Google:

  • Используя пользовательский репозиторий Arch.
  • Используя Git (тип управления системой), если у него нет AUR.

Здесь, в этом полезном руководстве, в котором я расскажу о двух вариантах в этом учебном упражнении.

Метод 1: установка Chrome с помощью AUR.

Пользовательский репозиторий Arch содержит информацию об описании пакета (который является PKGBUILDS), и после этого он называется ведущим хранилищем сообщества. Он позволяет пользователям собирать пакет из его источника или происхождения. Для этой цели вы можете использовать makepkg. Затем пакет устанавливается через pacman. Тем не менее, если что-то необъяснимо, настоятельно рекомендуется прочитать другие статьи о том, что такое AUR или что такое AUR-помощники и как их вводить. Вы должны быть хорошо информированы, чтобы не столкнуться с какими-либо трудностями при установке.

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Этап 1: Установите партнера AUR (на случай, если у вас его еще нет)

Есть несколько помощников AUR, которые вы можете выбрать. Однако в этом учебном упражнении я буду использовать помощник AUR с именем yay, который я представил на своей машине. Вам следует установить его, если он недоступен в вашей системе, используйте следующие команды:


Install Google Chrome on Arch Linux

Google Chrome is one of the fastest and most popular web browsers in the world. On distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, SUSE, OpenSUSE, Fedora, you can go to the official website of Google Chrome, download an rpm or deb package file for your distribution, and install it with package managers like YUM, APT, DNF, etc. But the official website of Google Chrome doesn’t have any package for Arch Linux. So getting Google Chrome installed on Arch Linux is a little bit harder than usual. You need to perform a lot of additional steps that you won’t have to on other popular Linux distributions.

In this article, I will show you how to install the latest version of Google Chrome on Arch Linux. Let’s get started.

Table of Contents:

Cloning Google Chrome AUR Repository:

Though Google Chrome is not available for download on the official website of Google Chrome, the good news is that Google chrome is available on AUR (Arch User Repository). But to install Google Chrome from AUR, you must have Git installed.

Git is available in the official Arch Linux repository. To install Git on Arch Linux, run the following command:

Press Y and then press to continue.

Git and all the required dependencies will be downloaded and installed.

Git should be installed at this point.

Now, visit the official Google Chrome AUR repository at the URL https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/google-chrome/ from your favorite browser, and you should see the following page.

Right-click (RMB) on the Git Clone URL as marked in the screenshot below.

Click on Copy Link from the menu, as shown in the screenshot below.

Now, open a Terminal and navigate to the ~/Downloads/ directory as follows:

You have to clone the Google Chrome AUR repository with Git.

Run the following command to clone the Google Chrome AUR repository with Git:

The Google Chrome AUR repository should be cloned, as shown below.

A new directory google-chrome/ should be created in the ~/Downloads directory, as you can see in the screenshot below.

Navigate to the google-chrome/ directory with the following command:

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You will find the following files in the google-chrome/ directory.

Building Google Chrome for Arch Linux:

Now, you have to build the Google Chrome package file for Arch Linux so that the Pacman package manager can install it. Arch Linux provides a command-line utility called makepkg for that purpose.

To build a Google Chrome package for Arch Linux, run the following command:

Press Y and press to continue.

makepkg will download all the required files from the internet. It will take a while to complete depending on your internet connection.

At the time of this writing, makepkg downloaded google-chrome-stable version 98, as you can see in the screenshot below. By the time you read this article, it will probably download a later version of Google Chrome.

The package building process is running. It will take a while to complete.

At this point, the package build process is complete.

A new file google-chrome-98.0.4758.102-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst will be created in the google-chrome/ directory, as you can see in the screenshot below. This is the Google Chrome Arch Linux package that makepkg had built.

NOTE: By the time you read this article, the generated Google Chrome package file name will be different. Make sure to replace the filename with yours from now on.

Installing Google Chrome:

Now, run the following command to install the google-chrome-98.0.4758.102-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst package file with the Pacman package manager:

Press Y and then press to continue.

Google Chrome should be installed.

Starting Google Chrome for the First Time:

Click on the Google Chrome icon from the Application Menu as marked in the screenshot below to start Google Chrome.

As you’re running Google Chrome for the first time, you should see the following window.

If you wish to make Google Chrome your default browser, leave the Make Google Chrome the default browser checkbox checked 1 .

If you don’t want to send anonymous usage statistics and crash reports to Google, uncheck the Automatically send usage statistics and crash reports to Google checkbox 2 .

Once you’re done, just click on OK 3 .

Google Chrome should be ready to use. Enjoy the internet as much as you like with Google Chrome.


In this article, I have shown you how to download the latest version of Google Chrome from AUR (Arch User Repository) and build a Google Chrome Arch Linux package file. I have also shown you how to install Google Chrome on Arch Linux. I have shown you how to start Google Chrome for the first time as well.


About the author

Shahriar Shovon

Freelancer & Linux System Administrator. Also loves Web API development with Node.js and JavaScript. I was born in Bangladesh. I am currently studying Electronics and Communication Engineering at Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), one of the demanding public engineering universities of Bangladesh.


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