Установка manjaro xfce linux

Installation of Manjaro 21 (XFCE Edition) Desktop

Manjaro is a modern and user-friendly Arch-based Linux distribution that comes highly recommended for desktop lovers given its intuitive and elegant UI design.

It is free and open source and comes with three officially supported editions namely Xfce, KDE Plasma, and GNOME. All the editions are fully customizable and you can configure them to suit your own taste. Manjaro is versatile and can be used for home, office, and gaming.

In this guide, we demonstrate how to install Manjaro 21 XFCE Edition, which is a lightweight desktop environment that handles well with low system resources and is recommended for older PCs.


Before setting sail, ensure that you have the following requirements:

  • A 16 GB USB drive for the installation medium.
  • Broadband internet connection for downloading the ISO image.

Additionally, ensure that your system meets the following minimum recommended requirements.

  • Minimum of 2GB of RAM
  • Minimum of 1 GHz Dual core processor
  • 30 GB of free hard disk space
  • HD graphics card and monitor

Step 1: Download Manjaro 21 XFCE ISO Image

The first step is to download the Manjaro ISO image. So head over to the Official download page and download the Manjaro Xfce ISO image. Once downloaded, create a bootable USB drive using one of the free useful tools for creating a bootable USB.

Once done, plug the bootable USB drive into your PC and reboot. Be sure to configure the BIOS to boot from the USB installation medium.

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Upon reboot, the Manjaro Linux installer will display a list of installation options as shown. Select ‘Boot with opensource drivers’ and hit ENTER.

Manjaro Linux Installer

Thereafter, you will see a stream of boot messages on the screen.

Booting Manjaro Linux

A few seconds later, you will be ushered to the live installation environment and a welcome window will pop open presenting you with an array of useful links for Documentation, and Support.

Welcome Manjaro Linux

Step 2: Begin the Installation of Manjaro Linux

Since our objective is to install Manjaro, close this window and click the ‘Install Manjaro’ icon as shown.

Install Manjaro Linux

The installation will walk you through a series of steps. First up, select the installation language and click ‘Next’.

Manjaro Language

Next, select your preferred geographical location and hit ‘Next’.

Manjaro Timezone

Next, select your preferred keyboard layout and hit ‘Next’.

Manjaro Keyboard

Step 3: Configure Manjaro Partitioning

In this section, you will be required to configure your hard drive. Two options are provided – ‘Erase disk’ which completely wipes out your hard disk and automatically partitions your disk and ‘Manual partitioning’ for advanced users who prefer to manually partition the disk.

Manjaro Partitioning

In this guide, we will go with the first option. So, click ‘Erase disk’ and click ‘Next’.

Manjaro Erase Disk

Next, create a login user and specify the password for the Administrator account. Once done, click ‘Next’.

Manjaro User Account

Step 4: Review Settings and Install Manjaro

Finally, you will get a summary of all the settings that you have chosen to apply. So take time and review them, and if everything is okay, click ‘Install’. Otherwise, click ‘back’ and make the required changes.

Manjaro Installation Summary

On the pop-up that appears, click ‘Install now’ to continue with the installation.

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Install Manajro Linux

From this point, the installer will create the disk partitions and copy all the files and packages required by Manjaro to the disk. This is a process that takes roughly 20 – 30 minutes, and this would be an ideal time to grab some coffee and relax.

Manjaro Installation Process

Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart the system in order to boot into Manjaro. So, check the ‘Restart Now’ button and click ‘Done’.

Manjaro Installation Completes

Once the system reboot, provide your password to login into the Xfce environment.

Manjaro Login

This ushers you to the Elegant Manjaro Xfce environment as shown.

Manjaro XFCE Desktop

This concludes our walkthrough on the installation of Manjaro Xfce Edition. Have fun as you get started out.


Install Xfce on Manjaro Linux

Manjaro Linux is such an awesome Linux distro that brings the Arch Linux into a more user-friendly manner to the community. It dramatically releases the learning curve of Arch Linux. With intuitive and modern design, Manjaro Linux is suitable for home to professional usage on any level. In the case of any Linux distro, the desktop environment is one of the most important parts. Desktop environment is largely responsible for the user experience of that specific Linux distro. Keeping that in mind, there are already tons of available desktop environments for the Linux community, for example, GNOME, Xfce, KDE Plasma, LXDE etc. As of now, Manjaro Linux is available in 4 different variants – Xfce, KDE, Gnome, and Manjaro-architect.

Why Xfce?

I personally like the XFCE more than the others because of its lightweight nature and simplicity. XFCE features the blended look and feel of the classic computing systems and modern interfaces. It also comes up with a pretty basic set of powerful tools for everyday usage. Yet, it hogs less hardware resource (only 400MB of system memory) than most other desktop environments like KDE or GNOME.

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Xfce is open-source and available on almost all the Linux distros. Are you a fan of Xfce? Let’s enjoy the awesome desktop environment on Manjaro Linux – an Arch-based distro targeting novice and new users into the world of Arch.

XFCE on Manjaro Linux

There are 2 different ways you can enjoy XFCE on Manjaro Linux.

Method 1

Method 2

If you already have Manjaro Linux installed and willing to switch to Xfce, then follow the guides. Note that the installation will take about 400MB of additional HDD space.

At first, make sure that all your system components are up-to-date.

Now, it’s time to install Xfce. Run the following command –

Optional steps

These next steps are optional but I recommend using them for the complete Xfce experience.

Run the following commands –

This will install and use LightDM as the default display manager for Xfce.

Manjaro Linux officially offers predefined configurations and theming for Xfce.

Edit the “lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf” and replace the existing content with the following –

Change the following lines –

[ greeter ]
background = / usr / share / backgrounds / breath.png
font-name = Cantarell 10
xft-antialias = true
icon-theme-name = Vertex-Maia
screensaver-timeout = 60
theme-name = Vertex-Maia
cursor-theme-name = xcursor-breeze
show-clock = false
default-user-image = #avatar-default
xft-hintstyle = hintfull
position = 50 % ,center 50 % ,center
clock-format =
panel-position = bottom
indicators = ~host;~spacer;~clock;~spacer;~language;~session;~a11y;~power

After everything is complete, restart your system.

Enjoying Xfce

Voila! Your system is now using Xfce!

For more information see the wikipage from Manjaro, that helped us write this article.

About the author

Sidratul Muntaha

Student of CSE. I love Linux and playing with tech and gadgets. I use both Ubuntu and Linux Mint.


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