Установка roblox на linux

Tutorial : Using Roblox on Linux

This tutorial is outdated, and these methods do not work. As of May 2023, Roblox has intentionally blocked Wine and similar programs from launching Roblox [1] as part of the rollout of Hyperion.
This page is kept for legacy purposes at this time, and can be updated if Wine is ever officially unblocked by Roblox.

Roblox can be installed on Linux with Wine 6.11 or a more recent version.

The Grapejuice wrapper, though not necessary to run Roblox on Linux, fixes some issues. For help installing Roblox on Linux, the Grapejuice Discord server can be consulted. Users with some knowledge of the terminal and software compilation should not have much trouble with the install process.


Using Roblox on Linux [ ]

To build Roblox with the mouse patch on Linux, simply follow the guide below, if you have low end hardware, then it is recommended to scroll down to the «Fixing the mouse with prebuilt binaries» section.

Wine-tkg build process on pacman/makepkg distros (Arch-based distros) [ ]

To get started on building wine-tkg, simply read the guide below;

There are 2 ways to install the patched wine-tkg

wine-tkg-roblox AUR applies the patches automatically and builds wine-tkg.

  1. Clone the wine-tkg-roblox git repository: git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/wine-tkg-roblox.git
  2. Enter the just cloned directory: cd wine-tkg-roblox
  3. Install the patched wine: makepkg -si

Or install the wine-tkg-roblox AUR package using your preferred AUR package manager

Apply patches and compile manually:

  1. Clone the git repository: git clone —depth=1 https://github.com/Frogging-Family/wine-tkg-git.git
  2. CD into the cloned repository: cd wine-tkg-git
  3. Download the wine-tkg-git patch: curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NyanCatTW1/robloxWineBuildGuide/main/roblox-wine-staging-v2.5.patch —output roblox-wine-staging-v2.5.patch
  4. Apply the patch: git apply roblox-wine-staging-v2.5.patch
  5. CD into the directory with the PKGBUILD file: cd wine-tkg-git
  6. Start building: makepkg -si

If any message appears saying «be careful with that», simply respond with «y».

Wine-tkg build process on dpkg distros (Debian-based distros) [ ]

This will differ from the pacman build process due to a variety of reasons, but it’s mostly the same, let’s get started:

  1. Clone the git repository: git clone —depth=1 https://github.com/Frogging-Family/wine-tkg-git.git
  2. CD into the cloned repository: cd wine-tkg-git
  3. Download the wine-tkg-git patch: curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NyanCatTW1/robloxWineBuildGuide/main/roblox-wine-staging-v2.5.patch —output roblox-wine-staging-v2.5.patch
  4. Apply the patch: git apply roblox-wine-staging-v2.5.patch
  5. CD into the wine-tkg-git directory: cd wine-tkg-git
  6. Change the _nomakepkg_dep_resolution_distro line to _nomakepkg_dep_resolution_distro=»debuntu»
  7. Save and close customization.cfg
  8. On the terminal, run: sudo dpkg —add-architecture i386
  9. Afterwards, run: sudo apt update
  10. Now, you can start actually building wine-tkg, run this in your terminal: ./non-makepkg-build.sh
  11. Once the build finishes, CD into non-makepkg-builds: cd non-makepkg-builds
  12. Type «ls» in the terminal, and then cd into the directory it responds with
  13. Type «realpath» to get the path to the Wine program:
"name_on_disk": "player", "display_name": "Player", "wine_home": "/home/youruser/wine-tkg-git/wine-tkg-git/non-makepkg-builds/wine-tkg-git-whatever-blah", 
"name_on_disk": "studio", "display_name": "Studio", "wine_home": "/home/youruser/wine-tkg-git/wine-tkg-git/non-makepkg-builds/wine-tkg-git-whatever-blah", 

If any message appears saying «be careful with that», simply respond with «y».

Wine-tkg build process on Fedora [ ]

This is mostly similar to the dpkg guide, but some steps are gonna differ. This has a high probability of not working on other DNF-based distros:

  1. Clone the git repository: git clone —depth=1 https://github.com/Frogging-Family/wine-tkg-git.git
  2. CD into the cloned repository: cd wine-tkg-git
  3. Download the wine-tkg-git patch: curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NyanCatTW1/robloxWineBuildGuide/main/roblox-wine-staging-v2.5.patch —output roblox-wine-staging-v2.5.patch
  4. Apply the patch: git apply roblox-wine-staging-v2.5.patch
  5. Edit the customization.cfg file with an editor of your choice
  6. Change the _nomakepkg_dep_resolution_distro line to _nomakepkg_dep_resolution_distro=»fedora»
  7. Save and close customization.cfg
  8. Now, you can start actually building wine-tkg, run this in your terminal: ./non-makepkg-build.sh
  9. Once the build finishes, CD into non-makepkg-builds: cd non-makepkg-builds
  10. Type «ls» in the terminal, and then cd into the directory it responds with
  11. Type «realpath» to get the path to the WINE program:
"name_on_disk": "player", "display_name": "Player", "wine_home": "/home/youruser/wine-tkg-git/wine-tkg-git/non-makepkg-builds/wine-tkg-git-whatever-blah", 
"name_on_disk": "studio", "display_name": "Studio", "wine_home": "/home/youruser/wine-tkg-git/wine-tkg-git/non-makepkg-builds/wine-tkg-git-whatever-blah", 

Roblox Player and Roblox Studio can be launched like normal if the correct version is used. Roblox Studio has a gold rating in winedb. [2]

Setting up a FPS unlocker [ ]

The Roblox FPS Unlocker is also compatible and can be used to reach framerates above the 60 FPS limit, for use with high refresh rate monitors. Requires Grapejuice.

  1. Open Grapejuice
  2. Click either Player or Studio
  3. Find Third-party application integrations
  4. Toggle on for «Use Roblox FPS Unlocker»
  5. (Suggested), Click/Right-click on the tray icon and set FPS cap to your monitors refresh rate. (To check FPS in game use ⇧ Shift + F5 )

This will not ban your account, as it doesn’t inject anything into Roblox. [3]

Fixing the mouse with prebuilt binaries [ ]

There is an official python script that automatically installs a patched version of wine, and configures Grapejuice to use that wine version.

To get started, Run these two commands.

wget https://pastebin.com/raw/5SeVb005 -O /tmp/grapejuice-wine-tkg.py python3 /tmp/grapejuice-wine-tkg.py

Note: This installs a wine version pre-compiled by other internet people, which may or may not contain malware. If you are unsure about the script then you can look at the [1]source here, The script is made by Grapejuice’s creator (BrinkerVII). If you are unsure about the wine version then feel free to check the compilation guide above. Note that compiling wine is not recommended on low-end hardware as it’ll take a long time to do so.

Changing the graphical engine on the Roblox Player and Roblox Studio [ ]

Before starting the guide, make sure you can run the terminal command «vkcube», and make sure you have all Vulkan and OpenGL drivers. Requires Grapejuice version 4.0.0 or above.

  1. Open Grapejuice
  2. Select either Player or Studio by clicking on it
  3. Find Graphics Settings
  4. Click Roblox Renderer
  5. Change your options from there

To verify the Graphics engine being used, press ⇧ Shift + F2 in game. Text will appear on screen, look for the line starting with «GPU:» and at the end of the line will be the name of the graphics engine being used (Ex. D3D11 for DirectX 11, and OpenGL for OpenGL)

Using DXVK [ ]

Some report that DXVK runs better than OpenGL or Vulkan (it will generally run noticeably better than Wine’s built in DirectX implementation). Installing DXVK:

  1. Open Grapejuice
  2. Select either Player or Studio by clicking on it
  3. Find Third Party application integrations
  4. Toggle on for «Use DXVK D3D implementation»
  5. (Optional), but if you want to make sure that DXVK is running you can enable the DXVK HUD. Go to ~/.config/brinkervii/grapejuice/user_settings.json, and edit the env line to «env»:

Bugs [ ]

Running Roblox Player using Wine is not perfect, as it has some reported issues:

  • Using your distro’s default wine build may not have the mouse patch, Which may lead to the mouse getting stuck after doing any sort of clicking.
  • Recording with F12 cannot be stopped, or the frame’s stuck.
  • Graphical errors on maximum settings on some GPUs (citation needed)
  • Intense lag for some users (citation needed)
  • Roblox Player maxing out all CPU cores at 100% usage for some people (citation needed)
  • Roblox Player might not have working sound (this may be fixed by installing 32-bit audio packages, e.g. lib32-alsa-plugins, lib32-libpulse, lib32-openal on Arch)
  • Using Vulkan/OpenGL might tell you the drivers are outdated, this is fixable by installing your Vulkan or OpenGL drivers.
  • Sometimes, on Chromium and some other Chromium-based browsers, playing Roblox from the website might open a new Chromium instance, this won’t happen on Firefox

Running Roblox Studio using Wine is also not perfect, and you can encounter the following bugs:

  • Various Unicode characters (such as emojis, for example) cause Roblox Studio to crash (citation needed)
  • Login authentication errors (citation needed)
  • Anti-aliasing doesn’t work on graphics 8 and above when using DirectX 11 (citation needed)
  • Flickering occurs on plugin GUIs and recently updated UI elements (such as Toolbox, Game Settings and Publish to Roblox screen for example) when using OpenGL (citation needed)
  • Studio crashes on startup when using Vulkan, Can be fixed by having the childwindow patch.

When Roblox worked using Wine pre-2015, there were bugs present, including the following:

  • The Shift or Caps Lock keys do not work when using the chat window.
  • Sometimes after joining, you may get a lag spike and can only move in one direction.
  • Roblox Studio crashes when loading a game.
  • The sound may be unbearably glitchy on a few games.
  • When moving your camera while the player is moving, your mouse will be stuck moving the camera (this can be fixed by right-clicking a few times quickly)
  • Sometimes you can see a window saying «RobloxPlayerBeta.exe has encountered a serious error and must close!» message.

See also [ ]

References [ ]

  1. ↑https://devforum.roblox.com/t/the-new-roblox-64-bit-byfron-client-forbids-wine-users-from-using-it-most-likely-unintentional/2305528/2
  2. ↑ (n.d.) . Roblox Studio. Accessed June 14, 2021. Archived from the original on January 20, 2021.
  3. ↑ (n.d.) . axstin/rbxfpsunlocker README.md. Archived from the original on Januarary 3, 2022.


Как играть в Roblox на Linux (2022) — Гайд по установке


Вот все шаги, чтобы получить, установить и играть в Roblox на Linux!

Roblox — один из самых обсуждаемых и популярных в играх сообщество прямо сейчас. Но только с вариантами для Windows & Mac загружает, многие пользователи Linux чувствуют себя обделенными. Но пока разработчики не планируют выпустить официальную версию, есть несколько обходных путей, которые вы можете использовать, чтобы сделать это на данный момент. Итак, сегодня давайте посмотрим, как получить, установить и играть в Roblox на Linux Ubuntu.

Как получить, установить & Играть в Roblox на Linux?

Вот как получить, установить и играть в Roblox на Linux Ubuntu:

  1. Откройте Интернет-браузер в вашей системе Linux.
  2. Для этого процесса мы используем Mozilla Firefox.
  3. Перейдите на веб-страницу WineHQ.
  4. Нажмите “Ubuntu”.
  5. Выберите имеющуюся у вас версию Ubuntu.
  6. Сначала обязательно удалите все старые репозитории пакетов Wine.
  7. Эта страница поможет вам со всеми командами.
  8. Тем не менее, для вашего удобства мы приведем их здесь.
  9. Откройте терминал Ubuntu с помощью Ubuntu, используя Ctrl+Alt+ Т.
  10. Введите команду для 32-разрядной архитектуры:
    • sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386.
  11. Теперь загрузите ключ репозитория:
    • wget -nc https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key.
    • sudo apt- key add winehq.key
  12. Добавьте репозиторий в соответствии с вашей версией Ubuntu:
    • Ubuntu 21.10 – sudo add-apt- репозиторий ‘deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/impish main’
    • Ubuntu 21.04 – sudo add-apt-repository ‘deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/hirsute main’
    • Ubuntu 20.10 – sudo add-apt-repository ‘deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/groovy main’
    • Ubuntu 20.04 | Linux Mint 20.x – sudo add-apt-repository ‘deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/focal main’
  • sudo apt update
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