Установка unity на linux

Installing the Unity Hub

The Unity Hub is a management tool that you can use to manage all of your Unity Projects and installations. Use the Hub to manage multiple installations of the Unity Editor along with their associated components, create new Projects, and open existing Projects.

To install the Unity Hub for Windows, macOS, and Linux visit Download Unity on the Unity website.

Unity officially supports the following Linux distributions:

Note: If Unity Hub fails to launch while you are using Linux, you might need to give UnityHub.AppImage executable permissions. To do this:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Go to the directory where UnityHub.AppImage is. This will be the Unity Hub directory.
  3. Run chmod +x UnityHub.AppImage .

To install and use the Unity Editor, you must have a Unity Developer Network (UDN) account. If you already have an account, sign in, choose your licenses type, and proceed to the Installing the Unity Editor section.

If you do not have an account, follow the prompts to create one. You can choose to create a Unity ID or use one of the social sign-ins. For more information on accounts and subscriptions, see Unity Organizations.

Installing the Unity Editor

    Click the Installs tab. The default install locations are: Windows:

C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor 

Note: If you want to change the default installation location, follow these steps:

  1. From the top right corner of the Hub window, click the Gear icon.
  2. In the Editor Folder Location dialog box, enter the new installation location and click Done.
  • Click the Add button and select a specific version of the Editor. Hub install screen
  • Click the Next button and select the modules you want to install with the Editor. If you don’t install a component now, you can add it later if you need to. When you’ve selected all the modules you need, click Done. Modules install
  • If you are installing multiple Editor versions, the first installation starts as soon as the download is complete. Other selected versions download simultaneously and queue to start when the current installation finishes.

    The Hub displays the installation location of each Editor under the corresponding version label.

    To add modules to an Editor, locate its files, or uninstall it, click the three dots next to that Editor version.

    Modifying an existing Editor install

    Adding existing instances of the Editor to the Hub

    You can add instances of the Editor to the Hub that you installed outside of the Hub.

    1. Click the Installs tab.
    2. Click the Locate button to find existing installations of the Editor.
    3. In the file dialog, navigate to the location of the Editor installation and select the Unity executable. On MacOS this is Unity.app. On Windows this is Unity.exe. On Windows, the typical location of the Unity.exe is:
    C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe 
    C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe 

    To remove the Editor from the Hub, click the three dots next to the Editor version. Removing an Editor that you added in this manner does not uninstall it or modify it in any way.

    Troubleshooting for Linux

    If Unity fails to start, you might need to install a missing dependency In the context of the Package Manager, a dependency is a specific package version (expressed in the form package_name@package_version ) that a project or another package requires in order to work. Projects and packages use the dependencies attribute in their manifests to define the set of packages they require. For projects, these are considered direct dependencies; for packages, these are indirect, or transitive, dependencies. More info
    See in Glossary . On Ubuntu-based distributions, use:

    sudo apt install libgconf-2-4 

    On CentOS, you might need to install the mesa-libGLU dependency. Use:

    sudo yum install mesa-libGLU 

    Support for Editor versions prior to 2017.1

    Sign-in status is not shared for pre–2017.1 versions of the Editor opened through the Hub. Performing tasks such as Manage License, Open Project, Create Project, and Sign in opens the Unity Launcher instead of the Hub.

    If you attempt to use the Unity Hub to open an Editor version 5 or earlier and you do not have an appropriate license file, the Editor will hang on the splash screen.

    To avoid this issue, run the Editor directly, external to the Unity Hub, and the Editor will load correctly even if the license file is not detected.

    Using the Unity Installer to install the Unity Editor

    The Unity installer is a small executable program (approximately 1 MB in size) that lets you select which components of the Unity Editor you want to download and install.

    To install previous versions of the Unity Editor using the Installer, visit the Unity download archive. The archive page provides Unity Installer download links for all released versions of the Editor.

    For additional information on installing the Editor using the Installer, see the 2018.3 version of the Unity Manual.

    • Hub design updated in Unity 2019.1 NewIn20191
    • Linux now available from the Hub in Unity 2019.1 onwards


    Unity на Linux? Да без проблем


    Думаю долго мучает эта идея многих из нас: А не перейти ка мне полностью на Linux? Так было и со мной. Много дней раздумий, много за и против.

    Все кто открыл эту статью, не раз сталкивались с этим родом ОС, но мало кто оставался на ней надолго. Тоже происходило и со мной. Очень часто. В один день я решился. Поставил Mint 18, так как по мне, самый удобный, настроил драйвера и пошло поехало.

    Думал как ставить Unity так, чтобы не через Wine. И о чудо. Unity уже давно ведут ветку Linux пакетов, готовых к установке. Есть у них как и .sh скрипт, так и готовый .deb пакет(ссылки внизу).
    Каждая выпускаемая версия Unity собирается и для нашей OC. Есть косяки иногда, но они малозаметны и, в принципе, для комфортной разработки есть всё что нужно и всё хорошо работает.
    И так. Unity ставится просто и легко

    1. С помощью готового .deb пакета через менеджер
    2. Или через терминал

    Дальше начинается неразбериха. Думаю вы знаете, что Unity использует свой компилятор. Ему нежен .Net версии 3.5.

    Я пробовал для работы Rider от JB(на окнах всё хорошо, в Ubuntu,Mint ругается на отсутствие .Net 3.5), VSCode(тоже самое и ещё чуть чуть) и новый MonoDevelop, который поставляется через flatpack. Но с ним оказалась куча проблем, главной из которых является неполное, а с моей стороны даже некорректное чтение файловой системы. Лезет не в те разделы, не видя при этом то, что надо. В итоге нарушается линковка и вы вряд ли захотите каждый раз мучаться с настройкой библиотек. Поэтому я пришёл к простому решению — поставить Mono из стандартных репозиториев через apt. Приступим.

    Советую сделать перед началом всего

    Дальше ставится Mono версии 5.9.6\

    sudo apt-get install monodevelop

    И так. Нам нужна сама программа. Мы её получили. Указываем на неё в Unity.
    В Unity идём Edit->Preferences->External Tools->External Script Editor выбираем пункт monodevelop

    Запускаем. Всё хорошо. Но линковщик ругается: чувак, а где .Net 3.5? И многие тут стопорятся. У mono есть так называемые mono-reference-assemblies. Нам то оно и нужно

    sudo apt-get install mono-reference-assemblies-3.5

    В итоге: Unity замечательно дружит с Linux, не создавая проблем при разработке. Так же всё ПО, которое было у меня на Windows, я смог заменить аналогами на Linux Mint.


    How to install unity game engine for ubuntu

    Unity3d - How to install it on ubuntu without hack

    How to install unity game engine on any linux based ubuntu without unnecessary hack and headache with whine. Here is the ultimate guide.

    You have certainly heard of Unity3d software which is widely used to create video games and 3d apps.

    For a long time it was believed that this software was only intended for owners of Windows PCs and Macs. The ideal alternative for linux game creators was Unreal engine.

    Today, it is now possible to install Unity3d on linux without going through wine or any hacking technique. In this tutorial we will install the game engine on ubuntu.

    How to install unity game engine for ubuntu

    How to install unity game engine for ubuntu

    Unity3d software has been long awaited by the linux community. In this post I am including the easiest way to install it on ubuntu.

    No more hacking, complex or dubious installation of simulation tools to make it work. Now we can create cross-platform games on linux. To start, you need to install Unityhub.

    How to install Unity Hub on ubuntu

    The installation of this tool under linux can be done simply in the terminal. Follow these instructions to the letter to succeed

    1 – We will add the unityhub repository on ubuntu. Type the following commands

    sudo sh -c 'echo "deb https://hub.unity3d.com/linux/repos/deb stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unityhub.list'
    wget -qO - https://hub.unity3d.com/linux/keys/public | sudo apt-key add -

    This last command saves the public encrypted key.

    2- Now that the repository is installed, we can now install the tool in question. Write these instructions:

    sudo apt update sudo apt-get install unityhub

    If you were able to install UnityHub by this method, you can skip the next section to continue with the installation of Unity 3d. If that ever fails you can always try to install it the old way.

    How to install Unity Hub the old fashioned way

    This section of the post was written before Unity Hub was officially ported to ubuntu. I don’t know if this method still works.

    The easiest way to install the game engine is through Unity hub. Here are the instructions on how to do it.

    1- Download unity-hub on unity3d.com. On the page you will have to click on the link Unity Hub

    2 — The download file should be called UnityHub.AppImage . Copy it to the Desktop or any folder you want. We will often use it to start an unity project on ubuntu. The next instruction will be to make the file executable by changing its permission. Open your terminal and type:

    chmod + x UnityHub.AppImage

    The name UnityHub.AppImage can be replaced by the path to the file with that name.

    3- start unity-hub to install your game development tools. It can be started in two ways under linux.

    • The first way is to double click on the file UnityHub.AppImage. I will not recommend it personally because if the start can take time. It is impossible to know if your click is taken into account or not in this case. Suddenly we want to repeat the action and we end up with several windows that open at different intervals.
    • The second way and which is also my favorite is to launch Unity Hub via the terminal. For novices just type the path to the file ./UnityHub.AppImage in your terminal then click Enter . In this way it is possible to see the startup errors (if there are any) in the terminal. If all goes well the window should be displayed with the information log on the terminal. You can very quickly stop the process with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + c.

    4- If all goes well after a few minutes of waiting (at most 2 min in our case at the first start). For this tutorial, I worked with the beta version of Unity Hub for linux. The window that appeared to me is this one:

    How to install unity3d on ubuntu

    All you have to do is log in and follow the instructions.

    Unity game engine installation for ubuntu

    Now that you’ve installed your Unity Hub brilliantly, it’s time to install the Unity 3d game engine. To achieve this, you must log into your Unity 3d account. If you have not yet registered, registration can be done in two ways:

    • By application UnityHub where you can click on the link create accounts . (to connect it is the button Sign in of course ).
    • Directly through the unity3d.com website. You will need to come back to your Unity Hub to connect.

    Once registration is complete, we can proceed to the next step. For this I will use my Unity Hub already installed as an example.

    Unity3d - How to install it on ubuntu

    1 — When you click on the button installs located on the left of your window you will have a page which should look like the one in the image above. The only difference from mine is that it’s going to be empty. Unless a ghost has already installed unity3d in your absence.

    2 — Then click on the big button ADD blue located at the far right — top of your window.

    Unity3d - How to install it on ubuntu

    3 — We’re almost there. You will need to be on the page shown in the image above where you can choose between the different versions of Unity 3d software. Leave the default settings then press the buttons NEXT.

    4 — From this step follow the instructions to install unity3d. The download may take a long time, so plan for a good internet connection and other offline activity while you wait for the download and installation process.

    We have come to the end of the mini tutorial showing How to install Unity3d on ubuntu without using Hack.


    I hope everything went well with you, I installed the application while writing the mini tutorial. The first time (a few months ago) was like a fairly experimental version. I haven’t yet created a 100% Unity ubuntu game to confirm that it’s possible, so we’re only moving forward. You may be interested in Gimp — How to install the latest version on ubuntu et Web scraping — practice and techniques to start — Tutorial (2021)


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