Узнать модель ssd linux

How to see disk details like manufacturer in Linux

@jennifer: Install at least one of them! All the information they return is available elsewhere, but they have the advantage of collecting all that information from many different places.

Running the command lshw -class disk as a regular user does not display information on disk (Ubuntu 15.04). Hopefully the bottom printed line says «WARNING: output may be incomplete or inaccurate, you should run this program as super-user.» Running again using sudo fixes the issue 🙂

The name /dev/cciss/c0d0 indicates the OP’s system uses a HP SmartArray hardware RAID controller, and so any «disk» shown by it is actually a RAID set, which may or may not correspond directly to any single physical disk. In that specific situation, you’ll need a tool that knows how to talk to the RAID controller and get the information on actual physical drives from it. hwinfo , lshw or smartctl mentioned in other answers all understand some types of hardware RAID controllers; a vendor-specific RAID management tool will usually get the most information.

You could read the disk properties directly through sysfs, also check the other files/dirs in /sys/class/block/sda/device/ (replace sda with drive you need).

cat /sys/class/block/sda/device/

Use a recent kernel maybe, what distro are you using? try dmesg | less , should see the disks get probed.

@jennifer: cat /sys/block/sd?/device/ ( /sys/class/block only appeared fairly recently, and your distribution is a little old).

try running smartctl -a /dev/hda (could be sda in your case; cat /proc/partitions will show you the device type to use)

In your case it’s behind a cciss controller, so the option should be -d cciss,0 or similar.

lsblk (List Block)

You can use lsblk command:

$ lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,LABEL,MOUNTPOINT,SIZE,MODEL NAME FSTYPE LABEL MOUNTPOINT SIZE MODEL . nvme0n1 119.2G TS128GMTE110S ├─nvme0n1p1 vfat /boot/efi 512M └─nvme0n1p2 ext4 / 118.8G 

Perfectly informed, my NVMe SSD is a Transced 110S 128GB (TS128GMTE110S)

I know these answers are 3 years old, but for anyone looking around. In older versions you could find that under ( ? should be a number):

/sys/class/scsi_device/. /device/model 
cat /sys/class/scsi_device/0\:0\:0\:0/device/

(The backslashes next to zeros are for escaping special char : .)

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lsblk (List blocks) gives a list with device, size, type and mount_point

sudo lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 465.8G 0 disk └─sda1 8:1 0 465.8G 0 part /data sdb 8:16 0 1.8T 0 disk ├─sdb1 8:17 0 1002.3G 0 part │ └─lvmvolumeSda6-home 254:0 0 2.8T 0 lvm /home └─sdb2 8:18 0 860.7G 0 part sdc 8:32 0 232.9G 0 disk └─sdc1 8:33 0 232.9G 0 part sdd 8:48 1 3.7T 0 disk └─sdd1 8:49 1 3.7T 0 part /mnt/backups sde 8:64 1 1.8T 0 disk ├─sde1 8:65 1 864.5G 0 part │ └─lvmvolumeSda6-home 254:0 0 2.8T 0 lvm /home └─sde2 8:66 1 998.6G 0 part └─lvmvolumeSda6-home 254:0 0 2.8T 0 lvm /home sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom sr1 11:1 1 1024M 0 rom nvme0n1 259:0 0 465.8G 0 disk ├─nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 134.8G 0 part ├─nvme0n1p2 259:2 0 1.9G 0 part /boot ├─nvme0n1p3 259:3 0 1K 0 part ├─nvme0n1p4 259:4 0 87G 0 part / ├─nvme0n1p5 259:5 0 15G 0 part [SWAP] └─nvme0n1p6 259:6 0 227.2G 0 part /data_nvme 

lsblk -S gives model, vendor, etc.

sudo lsblk -S NAME HCTL TYPE VENDOR MODEL REV TRAN sda 0:0:0:0 disk ATA WDC WDS500G1B0A- 10WD sata sdb 1:0:0:0 disk ATA WDC WD20EFRX-68E 0A82 sata sdc 5:0:0:0 disk ATA Samsung SSD 850 1B6Q sata sdd 10:0:0:0 disk ATA WDC WD40EFRX-68W 0A82 sata sde 11:1:0:0 disk ATA WDC WD20EARS-00M AB51 sata sr0 9:0:0:0 rom ASUS BC-12D2HT 1.00 sata sr1 11:0:0:0 rom TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-222BB SB00 sata 


How can I check the NVME specs

How can I check the specs of the installed NVME other than lshw which only shows the brand. I am looking to know the model and voltage/power. Moreover, is there anything one should know before buying a new one to replace another (e.g. like SSDs, voltage and power)? CPU: i7-7700HQ

As far as I’m aware, NVMe is a standard, not a piece of hardware. So when you say «the installed NVMe», are you referring to the mobo/interface/connector, SSD, or something else?

2 Answers 2

lsblk (List Block)

You can use lsblk command:

$ lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,LABEL,MOUNTPOINT,SIZE,MODEL NAME FSTYPE LABEL MOUNTPOINT SIZE MODEL sdb 186.3G 2105 ├─sdb2 ntfs S3A6550D005 /media/rick/ 178.9G ├─sdb3 ntfs HDDRECOVERY 6G └─sdb1 ntfs TOSHIBA SYSTEM VOLUME 1.5G sda 931.5G HGST HTS721010A9 ├─sda4 ntfs WINRETOOLS 450M ├─sda2 128M ├─sda5 ntfs Image 11.4G ├─sda3 ntfs HGST_Win10 /mnt/d 919G └─sda1 vfat ESP 500M nvme0n1 477G Samsung SSD 960 PRO 512GB ├─nvme0n1p5 ext4 NVMe_Ubuntu_16.0 / 44.6G ├─nvme0n1p3 16M ├─nvme0n1p1 ntfs 450M ├─nvme0n1p6 swap Linux Swap [SWAP] 7.9G ├─nvme0n1p4 ntfs NVMe_Win10 /mnt/c 414.9G ├─nvme0n1p2 vfat /boot/efi 99M └─nvme0n1p7 ntfs Shared_WSL+Linux /mnt/e 9G 

You can see my NVMe SSD is a Samsung SSD 960 PRO 512GB

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Create an alias for arguments

As pointed out in comments a typo was made for MODEL and the output was incomplete. To avoid that in the future and more importantly so you don’t have to remember the arguments create an alias in ~/.bashrc called lsdrv which you can use all the time:

$ cat ~/.bashrc | grep lsdrv # Create lsdrv version of lsblk without UUID's alias lsdrv="lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,LABEL,MOUNTPOINT,SIZE,MODEL" 

Now in the terminal you can simply use lsdrv to see all your drives complete with model number and other useful information.

Voltage / Power

This is pretty much irrelevant. The deciding factor is M.2 22×80 mm size or a different size. Also whether if it is Gen 3 x 2 or Gen 3 x 4 speed (the second is twice as fast).

For example I have two M.2 SSD bays the first one supports Gen 3 x 4 speeds the second one only supports Gen 3 x 2 speeds because there are a limited number of PCIe lanes on the Skylake chipset.

There may be other issues but this is what I remember off the top of my head. You should of course do your own research.

Basically you need to know the make and model of your computer to know the make and models of the M.2 NVMe SSDs you can install in it.


how to find hard drive brand name or model?

I am using xubuntu 14.04. I need to know the manufacturer name of the internal hard drive or similar information. For example when using windows we can see the manufacturer information of the hard drives and other devices in the device manager. Is something similar available in Ubuntu for hard drives ?

4 Answers 4

Ubuntu comes with UDisks2 library, which provides udisks daemon and couple command-line tools to query disk information and otherwise manipulate the drives. In particular, udisksctl status command is useful if you want to find out the information without root privileges locally.

$ udisksctl status MODEL REVISION SERIAL DEVICE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHN 25SATA01M 030 P0527A 30CG09180078 sda Radeon R7 1.01 A22MD061520000172 sdb 

Udisk2 provides D-Bus interface, so if you ever want to use that in your own scripts or applications — it’s possible. An example of that would be my own disk usage indicator.

Another way is via udevadm management utility for udev subsystem.

$ udevadm info --query=all --name=/dev/sda1 | grep 'ID_MODEL=' E: ID_MODEL=CHN_25SATA01M_030 

Alternative and indirect way is to identify the filesystem stored on the drive by UUID:

$ lsblk -o NAME,UUID NAME UUID sda └─sda1 8e73e463-fef8-4119-b826-00e74eb4192c sdb └─sdb1 86df21bf-d95f-435c-9292-273bdbcba056 $ sudo blkid /dev/sda1 [sudo] password for user: /dev/sda1: UUID="8e73e463-fef8-4119-b826-00e74eb4192c" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="73e878a1-01" 

Other methods that contain such info:

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Как узнать информацию о жестких дисках (серийный номер, модель, интерфейс)

Как узнать информацию о жестких дисках (серийный номер, модель, интерфейс).

В теме «Как узнать информацию о жестких дисках (серийный номер, модель, интерфейс)» я расскажу как можно узнать серийный номер, модель или интерфейс вашего устройства на жестком диске. Существует довольно много решений, приведу несколько.

Первое что я сделаю, так это посмотрю какие у меня разделы имеются:

вывод имеющихся разделов программой lsblk

вывод имеющихся разделов программой lsblk

1. Первую утилиту что я могу порекомендовать Вам — это утилита hdparm.

Если вы используете RedHat/Centos/Fedora:

Если вы используете Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint для установки программы:

Чтобы использовать эту утилиту нужно запустить ее с опцией «-i» и добавить нужный нам раздел:

пример использования hdparm с ключем -i для раздела sdf

пример использования hdparm с ключем -i для раздела sdf

2. Советую так же утилиту lshw.

Эта программа показывает информацию не только о HDD, так же она выводит в удобно для вас формате (TXT-формате, HTML или XML).

Чтобы установить ее на CentOS/RedHat/Fedora, но если не стоит у вас эта программа, нужно выполнить:

Чтобы установить ее на Ubuntu/Linux Mint или Debian:

# sudo apt-get install lshw lshw-gtk

Чтобы получить нужную информацию с помощью утилиты lshw, выполните:

# lshw -class disk -class storage

пример использования lshw -class disk -class storage

пример использования lshw -class disk -class storage

Если вам нужно вывести информацию только об установленных дисках на вашей ОС, вы можете использовать:

пример использования команды lshw -short -C disk

пример использования команды lshw -short -C disk

3. Что еще за утилиту могу посоветовать для использования — так это smartctl.

При помощи программы smartctl можно выводить информацию о состоянии ваших устройств, которые поддерживают SMART. Вот пример использования команды для SATA-устройства:

# smartctl -d ata -a -i /dev/sda

Я использую просто вот так:

4. Напоследок, приведу я графическую утилиту — GNOME Disk Utility.

Чтобы установить ее для использования в Debian/Ubuntu/ Linux Mint, выполните:

# sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility

Если используете Fedora/CentOS или RedHat, то выполните:

# yum install gnome-disk-utility

Утилита эта удобна тем, что у нее есть графический интерфейс (GUI), после установки вы можете ее запустить через командную строку ( а можно и найти ее в меню):

Очень проста в использовании и очень простая.


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