Узнать версию wxwidgets linux

Узнать версию wxwidgets linux

wxVersionInfo contains version information.

This class is used by wxWidgets to provide version information about the libraries it uses and itself, but you can also apply it in user space, to provide version information about your own libraries, or other libraries that you use.

Public Member Functions

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ wxVersionInfo()

wxVersionInfo::wxVersionInfo ( const wxString & name = wxString() ,
int major = 0 ,
int minor = 0 ,
int micro = 0 ,
int revision = 0 ,
const wxString & description = wxString() ,
const wxString & copyright = wxString()

The version information objects need to be initialized with this constructor and are immutable once they are created.


name The name of the library or other entity that this object pertains to.
major The major version component.
minor The minor version component.
micro The micro version component, 0 by default.
revision The revision version component, also known as «build number». This component is also 0 by default and is only available since wxWidgets 3.2.0.
description Free form description of this version, none by default.
copyright Copyright string, none by default.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetCopyright()

The copyright string may be empty.

Returns The copyright string.

◆ GetDescription()

Get the description string.

The description may be empty.

Returns The description string, free-form.

◆ GetMajor()

Get the major version number.

Returns Major version number.

◆ GetMicro()

Get the micro version, or release number.

This is the third component of the version.

Returns Micro version, or release number.

◆ GetMinor()

Get the minor version number.

Returns Minor version number.

◆ GetName()

Get the name of the object (library).

◆ GetRevision()

Get the revision version, or build number.

This is the fourth component of the version.

Returns Revision version, or build number. Since 3.2.0

◆ GetVersionString()

Get the string representation.

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The micro and revision components of the version are ignored/not used if they are both zero. If the revision component is non-zero all four parts will be used even if the micro component is zero.

Returns The version string in the form «name major.minor[.micro[.revision]]».

◆ HasCopyright()

Returns true if a copyright string has been specified.

◆ HasDescription()

Return true if a description string has been specified.

◆ ToString()

Get the string representation of this version object.

This function returns the description if it is non-empty or GetVersionString() if there is no description.


Using Binaries

Additionally, some third-party C++ package managers also provide wxWidgets binaries. For example, please see this post for the instructions about using vcpkg C++ package manager for installing wxWidgets.

Building from Source

Getting the sources

To build the library you need to get its sources first. The recommended way to do it is to use Git to check them out from the official wxWidgets repository using the following command:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/wxWidgets/wxWidgets.git

Alternatively, you can download the sources from the downloads page. Please note that all the source archives in different formats (ZIP, 7z, tar.bz2) contain the same files, but use different line ending formats: Unix («LF») for the latter one and DOS («CR LF») for the two other ones, and it is usually preferable to choose the format corresponding to the current platform. When downloading the sources with DOS ends of lines, prefer 7z format for much smaller file size.

Selecting the build system

wxWidgets can be built using CMake under all platforms. Please follow CMake build instructions if you prefer to use it.

Otherwise, please use the appropriate instructions depending on your platform:

The wxWidgets ports mentioned above are the main ones, however other variants also exist, see platform details page for the full list.

Building Your Application

After installing wxWidgets, you need to set up your application to be built using it.

As previously, if you’re using CMake, please follow the instructions for building your applications with CMake.

Note that you can use the provided samples/minimal/CMakeLists.txt file to test building the minimal sample using CMake to verify your installation.

Otherwise, choose the appropriate method for your platform and build system:

Unix, command line

On any Unix-like system, including macOS and Unix-like environments such as Cygwin or MSYS2 under MSW, very simple applications consisting of a single source file hello.cpp can be built directly from the command line using the following command:

$ c++ -o hello hello.cpp `wx-config --cxxflags --libs`

Please note that you must use wx-config to obtain the compiler and linker flags in this case. Using this method with samples/minimal/minimal.cpp is a simple way of checking that wxWidgets is installed correctly and can be used and it is recommended to try building it, especially if you are new to wxWidgets.

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Unix, with GNU Make

For more realistic applications under Unix, a makefile is traditionally used for building. For a program consisting of the files hello.cpp and bye.cpp a minimal makefile could look like the following:


Узнать версию wxwidgets linux

wxVersionInfo contains version information.

This class is used by wxWidgets to provide version information about the libraries it uses and itself, but you can also apply it in user space, to provide version information about your own libraries, or other libraries that you use.

Public Member Functions

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ wxVersionInfo()

wxVersionInfo::wxVersionInfo ( const wxString & name = wxString() ,
int major = 0 ,
int minor = 0 ,
int micro = 0 ,
int revision = 0 ,
const wxString & description = wxString() ,
const wxString & copyright = wxString()

The version information objects need to be initialized with this constructor and are immutable once they are created.


name The name of the library or other entity that this object pertains to.
major The major version component.
minor The minor version component.
micro The micro version component, 0 by default.
revision The revision version component, also known as «build number». This component is also 0 by default and is only available since wxWidgets 3.2.0.
description Free form description of this version, none by default.
copyright Copyright string, none by default.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetCopyright()

The copyright string may be empty.

Returns The copyright string.

◆ GetDescription()

Get the description string.

The description may be empty.

Returns The description string, free-form.

◆ GetMajor()

Get the major version number.

Returns Major version number.

◆ GetMicro()

Get the micro version, or release number.

This is the third component of the version.

Returns Micro version, or release number.

◆ GetMinor()

Get the minor version number.

Returns Minor version number.

◆ GetName()

Get the name of the object (library).

◆ GetRevision()

Get the revision version, or build number.

This is the fourth component of the version.

Returns Revision version, or build number. Since 3.2.0

◆ GetVersionString()

Get the string representation.

The micro and revision components of the version are ignored/not used if they are both zero. If the revision component is non-zero all four parts will be used even if the micro component is zero.

Returns The version string in the form «name major.minor[.micro[.revision]]».

◆ HasCopyright()

Returns true if a copyright string has been specified.

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◆ HasDescription()

Return true if a description string has been specified.

◆ ToString()

Get the string representation of this version object.

This function returns the description if it is non-empty or GetVersionString() if there is no description.


Узнать версию wxwidgets linux

wxVersionInfo contains version information.

This class is used by wxWidgets to provide version information about the libraries it uses and itself, but you can also apply it in user space, to provide version information about your own libraries, or other libraries that you use.

Public Member Functions

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ wxVersionInfo()

wxVersionInfo::wxVersionInfo ( const wxString & name = wxString() ,
int major = 0 ,
int minor = 0 ,
int micro = 0 ,
int revision = 0 ,
const wxString & description = wxString() ,
const wxString & copyright = wxString()

The version information objects need to be initialized with this constructor and are immutable once they are created.


name The name of the library or other entity that this object pertains to.
major The major version component.
minor The minor version component.
micro The micro version component, 0 by default.
revision The revision version component, also known as «build number». This component is also 0 by default and is only available since wxWidgets 3.2.0.
description Free form description of this version, none by default.
copyright Copyright string, none by default.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetCopyright()

The copyright string may be empty.

Returns The copyright string.

◆ GetDescription()

Get the description string.

The description may be empty.

Returns The description string, free-form.

◆ GetMajor()

Get the major version number.

Returns Major version number.

◆ GetMicro()

Get the micro version, or release number.

This is the third component of the version.

Returns Micro version, or release number.

◆ GetMinor()

Get the minor version number.

Returns Minor version number.

◆ GetName()

Get the name of the object (library).

◆ GetRevision()

Get the revision version, or build number.

This is the fourth component of the version.

Returns Revision version, or build number. Since 3.2.0

◆ GetVersionString()

Get the string representation.

The micro and revision components of the version are ignored/not used if they are both zero. If the revision component is non-zero all four parts will be used even if the micro component is zero.

Returns The version string in the form «name major.minor[.micro[.revision]]».

◆ HasCopyright()

Returns true if a copyright string has been specified.

◆ HasDescription()

Return true if a description string has been specified.

◆ ToString()

Get the string representation of this version object.

This function returns the description if it is non-empty or GetVersionString() if there is no description.


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