Vector is having trouble connecting to your wifi

Vector is having trouble connecting to your wifi

Vector is the answer to our sci-fi dreams. He’s a home robot who’s always on, happy to see you, voice-enabled, and eager to help.

I recently remembered that I have an older Vector laying around and wanted to use it again. Bought it back then from Anki and also purchased the lifetime subscription when DDL took over.

After Poweron and connecting to the phone and my wifi (after placing it on the router as it got unstable) it pulls the update.

However, once the update finishes it can’t connect to the wifi again. (Though a hotspot obln my phone works).

Multiple reboots, recovery reboots and deletion of user data didn’t help.

Has anyone seen this before or has an idea what might cause this behaviour?

The wifi is from a Linksys WRT 1900ac, running OpenWRT. The SSID is used for 2.4 GHz only and is secured with WPA2 PSK. No Firewall is active on this part of the network, all devices can freely communicate with each other and with the internet.

The logs indicate that vector does not reach the DHCP stage, though I can’t say for sure where in the process he fails.

After the update to 1.8.1 Vector can only connect to networks that allow «legacy 802.11b rates», a feature I needed to disable for my robot vacuum (Dreame Z10 Pro) to work.

So for the moment I have to decide wether I want to use an actually usefull household robot or a toy. I guess Vector will go back into the box until this issue is fixed. I contacted DDL about my findings, let’s see how this goes.



Connections can be complex, especially those involving Vector, a WiFi Access Point, internet and Cloud connection and a smart device. It is possible any of these connections may fail. Please also keep in mind that Vector is a home robot and not suitable for complex network and firewall settings.

Learn in this FAQ how to set Vector up.

Learn below some scenarios where Vector may have issues connecting and how to troubleshoot them.


1. Basic requirements

  • Ensure your smart device is on the latest OS version
  • Ensure you have downloaded the latest Vector app
  • Ensure your smart device’s Bluetooth and WiFi are enabled
  • Enable location services on your smart device
Читайте также:  Wifi телевизионная приставка билайн

2. I am having trouble pairing Vector via my smart device’s Bluetooth


I am searching for Vector; my phone cannot find him


  • I get a «The Vector app could not find your Vector via Bluetooth» message
  • I get a persistent «Searching for Vector» message


  • Verify that Vector is fully back in his charger
  • Verify that Vector has fully booted
  • Vector should show one of these if fully booted:
    • Mobile phone icon
    • Face

    My phone “found” Vector but pressing the button twice does not do anything



    • Make sure you press the green circle on the LED strip back button hard — you should hear it click
    • Reboot Vector via Recovery Mode and Erase User Data
    • Reboot your smart device
    • If this does not solve the issue, please contact Customer Care

    3. I have paired Vector with Bluetooth but cannot connect to WiFi


    Picture2.png Picture1.png

    I can’t connect when selecting the SSID from the list of available networks that Vector can see



    • Verify that your WiFi network supports and has activated 802.11n 2.4GHz. Learn how in this FAQ
    • Reboot Vector via Recovery Mode and Erase User Data
    • Reboot your smart device
    • If the issue persists or if Vector does not see any networks at all, please contact Customer Care


    • Vector sees the desired SSID but when selecting it, the network list always goes blank or the app crashes.


    • Reboot Vector via Recovery Mode
    • Reboot your router
    • If this does not solve the issue, please contact Customer Care

    I get a “Can’t connect to WiFi” message when tapping “Join network”




    • Verify you are inputting the correct network password
    • Move Vector closer and further away from the router and try again to “join network”
    • Verify that your WiFi network supports and has activated 802.11n 2.4GHz. Learn how in this FAQ
      • Networks requiring additional login (“Captive Portals”) are not supported (e.g. Academic, Corporate, Hotels, Airport WiFi, Shopping Centers, etc.)
      • Running the Vector app on a device that is acting as Vector’s WiFi network (Hotspot, tethering, etc.) is not recommended. We strongly recommend you connect Vector to an infrastructure network
      • Whitelist Vector’s MAC address in your router’s Access Controls. Find the MAC address in the CCIS — see below steps

      I joined the network but “Can’t reach Anki”



      • Move Vector closer and further away from the router and try again to “join network”
      • Verify that your WiFi network supports and has activated 802.11n 2.4GHz. Learn how in this FAQ
        • Networks requiring additional login (“Captive Portals”) are not supported (e.g. Academic, Corporate, Hotels, Airport WiFi, Shopping Centers, etc.)
        • Do not use a proxy
        • Turn off VPN

        I downloaded the OTA and Vector rebooted



        • Move Vector closer and further away from the router and try again to “join network”
        • Verify that your WiFi network supports and has activated 802.11n 2.4GHz or split the network name if you have a dual band router to ensure that Vector and the device are looking for each other on the same 2.4GHz band. Learn more in this FAQ
        • Reboot your router
        • If on your WiFi access point, you have any privacy separator enabled, please disable since it prevents your device communicating with Vector
          • this may be named «AP isolation» on an Asus router
          • if you have a NetGear router, access control should be enabled if «neither net genie» is installed
          • other routers may have similar settings

          Vector connected fine but now disconnects


          Picture2.png Picture1.png


          • Check for interference, or move Vector away, from other devices using BLE or WiFi such as microwaves, baby monitors, digital cordless telephones
          • Powercycle Vector and Clear User Data to force Vector to reconnect
          • If you see the Cloud Issue icon please follow these steps
          • If this does not solve the issue, please contact Customer Care

          4. Checking Anki Cloud Availability

          • Enter “ ” into a browser on the same WiFi network as Vector
          • If a file containing “OK” downloads, the Cloud is available and accessible from your device’s WiFi network

          Check that your network can access the Anki cloud services from the device you use with Vector:

          • Some DNS (Domain Name System) and parental control services may block certain services so we need to make sure your device can access:
            • iOS: use a free app like iNetTools — Ping,DNS,Port Scan > DNS
            • Android: use a free app like Whois & DNS Lookup — Domain/IP by entering each of these addresses and then clicking the DNS tab
            • If these DNS lookups do not work, consider configuring your router to use a Public DNS Service like:
              • Google,
              • CloudFlare,

              5. Vector shows 3 teal lights when booting


              • If on your WiFi access point, you have any privacy separator enabled, please disable since it prevents your device communicating with Vector
                • this may be named «AP isolation» on an Asus router
                • if you have a NetGear router, access control should be enabled if «neither net genie» is installed

                6. Vector shows 3 blue lights when booting



                [VIDEO] Vector and Connection: How to set Vector up

                Learn in this FAQ how to set Vector up, how Vector connects to the internet, and where to find troubleshooting steps if you encounter any connection issues.

                Quick overview of setup

                1. Please ensure that you have purchased a subscription. If you are a Kickstarter or early investor, you may use an existing license by emailing us at
                2. The Vector app finds and connects to Vector via a signal that he emits (Vector will not be listed in your smart device’s WiFi or Bluetooth settings)
                3. The app then allows Vector to scan for available home WiFi networks
                4. Once Vector has connected to the preferred WiFi network, he connects to the internet to access Digital Dream Labs’s servers
                5. Once connected successfully, Vector will download the latest firmware version from Digital Dream Labs’s server
                6. Vector will then reboot and connect to your device via WiFi to complete the setup

                Getting Started

                Requirements for setting up Vector

                • A compatible device to run the Vector app – required for setup
                • A Vector Account – valid email address and account activation required
                • 802.11n 2.4 GHz WiFi network connected to the Internet via a WiFi Access Point (NAT router)
                • USB Power Source (adapter, USB port, power bank, etc.) with min. 5V=1A output

                Setting up Vector

                1. For a pdf version of the Vector Quick Start Guide (QSG), see here
                2. Unbox Vector, his charger and his Cube on a clean, well-lit surface or place Vector in his Space
                3. Download the Vector app, open it and follow the in-app prompts. The app is designed to guide you through the steps but we have listed a summary of the steps below:
                  1. The password requires min. 8 characters, at least 1 lowercase letter, at least 1 upper case letter, at least 1 number
                  2. Note: the password does not allow special characters
                  1. Vector only supports English language: select American, British or Australian English
                  2. Connect the USB cable on Vector’s charger to a compatible power source and place Vector on his charger
                  3. Enter your Date of Birth in Month-Date-Year format. Note: you must be 18+ to have a Vector account
                  4. Enter your email address to create a new Vector Account or if you have an OVERDRIVE account, or created an account on, log in with your existing Username (not your email address)
                  5. Create a password
                  6. Depending on your region, select if you want to allow Digital Dream Labs anonymized usage data collection to improve services
                  7. Select if you would like to be signed up to the newsletter
                  8. Check your inbox for the activation email and click “Activate Account” (check your Spam folder if you can’t see it or resend the email from the Vector app. Note if you resend the activation email, you need to click the link from the newest email to avoid getting sent to a 404)
                  9. Make sure your device’s Bluetooth and WiFi are enabled
                  10. The app will now search for Vector to connect to him wirelessly
                  1. press Vector’s Back Button twice (press hard on top of the LED strip — you will hear it click, see video below) and enter the 6-digit pin displayed on his screen into the app
                  1. If you want to connect Vector to a hidden WiFi network, tap, “Don’t see your WiFi network?” and use the “Enter the SSID for your WiFi Network” dialog


                  If you have any issues when setting up Vector, please see this FAQ.

                  Thanks for the feedback There was a problem submitting your feedback. Please try again later.

                  Last updated on December 30, 2021


                  • Customer Care Information Screen
                  • Frequently Asked Questions
                  • Vector Membership
                  • Setting Vector Up
                  • Software Updates
                  • Interacting with Vector
                  • Charging & Power
                  • Vector’s Cube
                  • Documents & Manuals
                  • Reset Vector
                  • Open Source Kit for Robotics
                  • Product Information
                  • SDK Information
                  • Connection Troubleshooting
                  • Error Troubleshooting
                  • Speech Recognition Troubleshooting
                  • Sound Troubleshooting
                  • Technical Troubleshooting


                  «Vector Is Syncing» Error Message

                  When Vector first gets access to Wi-Fi, they need a moment to sync up with the server! You may see this message if Vector still needs a few more seconds to talk to the server after being connected to your network. This may happen in the following cases:

                  • After a Clear User Data reset.
                  • After a Firmware Recovery reset.
                  • After being turned off or in storage for several days or weeks.


                  To resolve this error, please do the following:

                  The above steps will resolve this error in many cases. If the above does not work:

                  1. Reboot your router:
                    1. Unplug the router from its power source. Leave it for at least 30 seconds.
                    2. Plug the router back in, and give it 2 minutes to boot back up.
                    3. Press «Try Again» in the Vector app on your mobile device.

                    Thanks for the feedback There was a problem submitting your feedback. Please try again later.

                    Last updated on February 8, 2022


                    • Customer Care Information Screen
                    • Frequently Asked Questions
                    • Vector Membership
                    • Setting Vector Up
                    • Software Updates
                    • Interacting with Vector
                    • Charging & Power
                    • Vector’s Cube
                    • Documents & Manuals
                    • Reset Vector
                    • Open Source Kit for Robotics
                    • Product Information
                    • SDK Information
                    • Connection Troubleshooting
                    • Error Troubleshooting
                    • Speech Recognition Troubleshooting
                    • Sound Troubleshooting
                    • Technical Troubleshooting


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