View binary files in linux

Shell Commands for Reading Binary Files in Linux: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to read binary files in Linux using shell commands. Our comprehensive guide covers hexdump, endianness, file types, and more. Start reading now!

  • Hexdump and od Utilities
  • Endianness
  • How to read a binary file using unix / linux command line
  • Storing Binary Data in Shell Variables
  • Identifying Binary File Types
  • Executing Binary Files
  • Other helpful code examples for reading binary files in Linux using shell commands
  • Conclusion
  • How to read binary file in Linux?
  • How do I read a binary file?
  • How do I run a binary file in shell?
  • How to extract binary files in Linux?

Binary files are a fundamental component of modern computing systems. They are used to store data in an efficient and compact manner, and are essential for many applications, including operating systems, databases, and multimedia files. However, working with binary files can be challenging, especially when it comes to reading or interpreting their contents. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most useful shell commands and utilities for reading binary files in Linux, and provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to use them effectively.

Hexdump and od Utilities

Hexdump and od are two popular command-line utilities that allow you to view the contents of binary files in a human-readable format. Hexdump displays a file in hexadecimal and ASCII formats, while od displays a file in octal, decimal, hexadecimal, and ASCII formats.

To use hexdump, simply type the following command in your terminal:

This will display the contents of the file in hexadecimal and ASCII formats. You can also use the -n option to specify the number of bytes to display, and the -s option to specify the starting offset.

To use od, type the following command in your terminal:

This will display the contents of the file in hexadecimal format. You can also use the -c option to display the file in ASCII format, and the -A option to specify the output format.

While hexdump and od are useful for viewing binary files, they are not suitable for editing them. This is because they display the contents of a file in a read-only manner.


Endianness refers to the order in which bytes are stored in a binary file. There are two types of endianness: big-endian and little-endian. Big-endian systems store the most significant byte first, while little-endian systems store the least significant byte first.

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Understanding endianness is important when working with binary files, as it affects how two-byte representation of binary data is interpreted. For example, the hexadecimal value 0x1234 can be interpreted as either 4660 (in big-endian) or 13330 (in little-endian).

To convert endianness, you can use the dd utility. For example, to convert a file from big-endian to little-endian, you can type the following command in your terminal:

This will create a new file with the same contents as the original file, but with the byte order reversed.

How to read a binary file using unix / linux command line

unix / linux bash Command line using:od -cx to show formatted data inside binary filetr -d Duration: 4:01

Storing Binary Data in Shell Variables

While it is possible to store binary data in shell variables, it is not recommended. This is because shell variables are designed to store text data, and may corrupt binary data when used improperly.

To read binary files without using shell variables, you can use the cat utility. For example, to display the contents of a binary file, you can type the following command in your terminal:

You can also use the ReadAllBytes method in C# to read binary file s. This method reads the entire contents of a file into a byte array, which can then be manipulated as needed.

Identifying Binary File Types

The Linux file command can be used to identify the type of a binary file. This is useful when working with unfamiliar file formats, as it allows you to determine the appropriate tools and utilities to use.

To use the file command, type the following command in your terminal:

This will display the type of the file, as well as any additional information that may be relevant.

It is important to note that the file system handles binary files differently on DOS or Windows compared to Unix. This is because DOS and Windows use a different file format than Unix, which can cause compatibility issues when transferring files between systems.

Executing Binary Files

To execute a binary file in Linux, you can use the “./binary_name” command. This tells the shell to execute the file as a program, rather than simply displaying its contents.

Before you can execute a binary file, you must first mark it as executable using the chmod command. For example, to mark a file as executable, type the following command in your terminal:

This will give the owner of the file execute permission, allowing them to run the file as a program.

Other helpful code examples for reading binary files in Linux using shell commands

In shell, linux read binary file code example

hexdump file // man hexdump


In conclusion, reading binary files in Linux using shell commands and utilities is an essential skill for anyone working with computers. By understanding the commands and utilities outlined in this blog post, you will be able to view, manipulate, and execute binary files with ease. Remember to practice using these commands and utilities, and to always exercise caution when working with binary files.

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How to Edit and Convert Binary Files on Linux

If a file stores data in contiguous bytes format, a program trying to read this file will need to be instructed on how to read it since such files do not directly define a compatible method for reading their associated content.

This type of file is called a binary file. Opening such a file on a normal text editor program will only display unreadable characters. It is because binary data store data as bytes and not as textual characters.

The headers of a binary file are accompanied by an instruction set that reveals how its stored data should be read. Since binary files can store any data type, we can broadly classify all file types as either binary or text.

Create Binary File in Linux

We are going to create a sample binary file that we will try to edit. We will first create a text file with some data in it and then convert the text file to a binary file using the hexdump command.

$ echo "LinuxShellTips changed my Linux perspective!" > simple.txt $ hexdump simple.txt > simple.bin

The cat command should confirm to us that the binary conversion was a success.

Create Binary File in Linux

Editing Binary Files in Linux

We are going to use the xxd command associated with the vim editor package. We first need to open the file on Vim editor using the -b flag since we are dealing with a binary file.

Use keyboard key [i] to enter insert mode and edit the binary file where needed. For instance, we can remove the first-line hex entries 694c to see what happens.

Edit Binary File in Linux

Convert Binary File to Text in Linux

To convert the binary file to text mode to view the implemented changes, we will switch to command mode using the keyboard key [Esc] and then key in the vim command:

Convert Binary File to Text

Once we hit [Enter] on the keyboard, we should see the edits we made.

View Binary File in Linux

To save changes and quit vim use:

We have successfully demonstrated the possibility of editing a binary file in Linux using vim editor. Know of other cool ways of editing binary files? Feel free to leave a comment or feedback.


binary file linux

Binaries are files that contain compiled source code (or machine code). Binary files are the files which contain compiled source code (or machine code). They are also called executable files because they can be executed on the computer. Binary directory contains following directories: /bin.

How do I view a binary file in Linux?

  1. $ file /bin/ls. .
  2. $ ldd /bin/ls. .
  3. $ ltrace ls. .
  4. $ hexdump -C /bin/ls | head. .
  5. $ readelf -h /bin/ls. .
  6. $ objdump -d /bin/ls | head. .
  7. $ strace -f /bin/ls. .
  8. $ cat hello.c.

How do you write a binary file?

  1. address of data to be written in the disk.
  2. size of data to be written in the disk.
  3. number of such type of data.
  4. pointer to the file where you want to write.

How do I view a binary file?

  1. Go to menu Edit > Find.
  2. In the Find What box, select a previous search string from the drop-down list or type the data you want to find.
  3. Select any of the Find options and choose Find Next.
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Is PDF a binary file?

PDF files are either 8-bit binary files or 7-bit ASCII text files (using ASCII-85 encoding). Every line in a PDF can contain up to 255 characters.

What is a binary file and how do I open it?

Opening a binary file is very easy. For example, use any hex editor to open the file and view its contents in multiple formats such as hexadecimal and Ascii. Use Google to find a free hex editor for your operating system. Many programmer’s editors have this feature built in or as an optional plugin.

How do I run a binary executable in Linux?

To make the file executable first, right-click on the binary file and then properties and go to permissions. On Permissions thick the checkbox with the option allows executing the file as program close the program and double click on the binary.

How do you convert binary to words?

To convert binary numbers to letters, just grab a piece of paper and a pen or pencil and add up the binary values of all the 1s. Then look up your total number as an ASCII decimal in the chart above.

Where are binary commands stored?

Purpose. Utilities used for system administration (and other root-only commands) are stored in /sbin , /usr/sbin , and /usr/local/sbin . /sbin contains binaries essential for booting, restoring, recovering, and/or repairing the system in addition to the binaries in /bin .

Is .exe a binary file?

EXE files are different from BAT files since they contain executable binary data rather than plain text commands. They are stored in the Portable Executable (PE) format. The EXE file format includes various headers and sections that tell Windows how to run a program.

Is .dat a binary file?

BIN File : The BIN file type is primarily associated with ‘Binary File’. . DAT File : The DAT file type is primarily associated with ‘Data’. Can be just about anything: text, graphic, or general binary data. Data file in special format or ASCII.

What is a binary file used for?

A binary file is a file whose content must be interpreted by a program or a hardware processor that understands in advance exactly how it is formatted. That is, the file is not in any externally identifiable format so that any program that wanted to could look for certain data at a certain place within the file.

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