Virtualbox linux usb no devices

How to set up USB for Virtualbox?

I’m using Ubuntu Maverick and Virtual Box 3+. I have Windows 7 Ultimate. The problem is that it doesn’t detect USB drives in Windows 7, but USB peripherals (mouse + keybord) are working. I followed these instructions, but I can’t find the user group vboxusers . How can I continue? I would also like to upgrade to the latest version without any risk (without losing my virtual hard disk drive).

For your second question, the one about upgrading, you should probably have a look at this:…

10 Answers 10

1. Install Extension Pack

USB 1.0 is supported in the version installed from the Ubuntu repositories (from VirtualBox > 4.x).

For USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 we need to install the free (but closed source) VirtualBox Extension Pack (NOT the «platform packages») from the VirtualBox download page. If you had installed VirtualBox from the repositories you have to make sure to choose the extension pack for the right version of VirtualBox. You can see the version of your installed VirtualBox in the help > About VirtualBox menu. For regular updates and bug fixes, it is recommended to install the most recent VirtualBox version from the Oracle repository.

All virtual machines need to be powered off before installing the extension.

2. Become a «vboxuser» in Host machine (local machine)

To be able to get access to an attached USB device, the Ubuntu host user needs to be in the vboxusers group. Add your user to this group by running the following command

sudo usermod -aG vboxusers

and reboot or logout/login.

3. Activate USB support in VirtualBox Manager

Shut down your virtual machine and open USB settings in the VirtualBox Manager. Tick Enable USB Controller and USB 2.0 (EHCI) Controller or USB 3.0 (xHCI) Controller .

If these settings are greyed out, you need to shut down the virtual machine.

enter image description here

4. Select host USB device for access from the guest

To grant access to USB devices we need to select a device to disable in the host and to enable in the guest (this is a precaution to avoid simultaneous access from host and guest). This can be done from the panel Devices menu or by right mouse click in the bottom panel of the VirtualBox Manager on the USB icon:

enter image description here

Tick the device you need in the guest, untick it if you need it in the host. If you can’t see your USB device in that list, it means that VirtualBox cannot access your host USB devices. Make sure your user is added to the vboxusers group and that you restarted your host.

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The selected device will immediately be accessible from the guest. A Windows guest may need additional drivers.

  • Windows 7 needs an additional driver for USB 3.0 support.
  • Windows 10 does not accept an NTFS formatted USB pen drive.

enter image description here

[optional] Use USB filters for permanent access in the guest

By defining USB filters we can define USB devices that will automatically be presented to the guest when booting the guest OS.

enter image description here

Click on the green + symbol on the right to add a known device.

Note, that some devices may lead to a boot failure of the guest. We can not use these devices for filters.

Read more on USB support in the VirtualBox User Manual.

May be its late to comment but I’m using VirtualBox 4.3.14 in Ubuntu 14.04 and the command you have provided to add users to vboxusers ( sudo usermod -aG vboxusers ) was not working. instead a small change was required while providing options. I did give -a -G instead of giving -aG to make it work.

@learner That’s very strange, since -aG and -a -G should have the same effect when passed as options to usermod . Is it possible that instead you had not logged out and back in the first time, but had done so the second time?

@EliahKagan its been so many months so I have forgotten. But your explanation is the logical one so may be I have logged out and back the second time.

sudo apt-get install gnome-system-tools 

enter image description here

I had a host ubuntu and a guest ubuntu. Most importantly do this on host not guest and one also needs Virtualbox extension pack apart from the guest additions (and save yourself an hour and a frustration).

The vboxusers will be in the /etc/group file. You edit it with something like nano .

Add your user to the vboxusers line, or create one if necessary.

As Takkat has pointed out, to get full USB device support, you’ll need to install the full version of Virtualbox (not the OSE).

The ppa I have for the «official» virtualbox is here:

/etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox-offical-source.list: deb maverick contrib #VirtualBox Offical Source 

In Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, after the initial install with

sudo apt install virtualbox virtualbox-guest-additions-iso 
sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers $USER sudo apt install virtualbox-ext-pack 

Then I could enable USB 2/3 support in the machine settings.

What the virtualbox-ext-pack actually does, is download the required files from and prompt you to accept the license before installing.

I had the same problem. After trying all the other solutions I realised my problem.

I had downloaded virtualbox from the Ubuntu Software Center, which didn’t have the latest version of virtualbox, so I had accidently downloaded the wrong version of «Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack».

  1. open virtualbox, click help, click about, find your virtualbox version number.
  2. Goto (replace «4_3» with your version).
  3. Download the «Extension Pack» that matches your virtualbox version.
  4. Install that, and it might ask you if you would like to downgrade, click yes.

I had the same problem and fixed it by clicking in the VirtualBox group of my user. You can access it installing gnome-system-tools (it does not come with Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin), either via the Ubuntu Software Center, Synaptic or by typing in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install gnome-system-tools 

Remember that to paste in the terminal you have to use Ctrl + Shift + V , as opposed to Ctrl + V .

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You will probably have to enter your password to allow the installation and add a Y (as in yes) to finish installing the packages.

Then you head to your Dash home and type users. You will see two applications. The good one is Users and Groups.

You then have to click on Advanced settings for your user and enter your password.

Now you will be shown a window with three tabs. Click on User Privileges. Find the line that says Use Virtualbox virtualization solution and then OK.

Change user group privileges

You may be asked to enter your password again. Then click on Close and log-out and log-in again.

When you start VirtualBox, you should see a whole bunch of new USB devices.


How can I enable access to USB devices within VirtualBox guests?

ss of missing USB devices

I cannot see any USB devices within my VirtualBox guest VMs from my host. How do I enable access for my guest VMs?

5 Answers 5

In order to enable access to these devices you’ll need to add your username to the group vboxusers .

$ sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers


$ sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers saml 

You can confirm the change afterwards:

$ groups saml saml : saml wheel vboxusers wireshark 

After doing the above you’ll want to logout and log back in, so that for the newly added group to get picked up by your user account. Then from the VirtualBox GUI you’ll be able to right click on the USB icon in the lower right group of icons, and select whatever USB devices you want to give control over to your running guest VM.

ss of VB

Detecting USB devices

You can use VirtualBox’s little known command line tool VBoxManage to list out the USB devices that are accessible. This is a good way to also confirm that the group addition made above to your username are being picked up correctly.


$ VBoxManage list usbhost Host USB Devices:
$ VBoxManage list usbhost | head -19 Host USB Devices: UUID: abcd1234-123a-2345-b1e0-8a0b1c1f2511 VendorId: 0x046d (046D) ProductId: 0x0809 (0809) Revision: 0.9 (0009) SerialNumber: ABC34567 Address: sysfs:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:12.2/usb1/1-4//device:/dev/vboxusb/001/004 Current State: Busy UUID: d2abc46d-123-1234-b8c3-691a7ca551ce VendorId: 0x046d (046D) ProductId: 0xc504 (C504) Revision: 19.16 (1916) Manufacturer: Logitech Product: USB Receiver Address: sysfs:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:12.0/usb3/3-3//device:/dev/vboxusb/003/003 Current State: Busy . 


And before that you need to make sure that you have the host and guest support for USB. Do all distributions use a vboxusers group?

@Gilles — yes the group is specific to virtualbox. Ubuntu shows the same method here:

@Gilles — FYI, I just confirmed this on Ubuntu as well. When you say host/guest support for USB do you mean within the guest’s settings, enabling the USB controller?

Still perfectly working with Ubuntu LTS 14.04 and VirtualBox 4.3.36. Under Ubuntu (and not only I suppose) it is possible to do even sudo adduser USERNAME vboxusers to add USERNAME to the vboxusers group as suggested by the same second link slm provided. (Syntax adduser [options] user group ),

I changed the following and that worked for me

Make sure that the extension pack is installed In VirtualBox in the settings of the VM Go to Ports and then to USB (based on a Macbook) Enable USB controller Enable USB 2.0 controller And this did the trick: add an empty filter (on the right there’s a button for it)

Without the empty filter USB was not recognized in the VM But once I added an empty filter USB works fine now.

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This may be useful sometimes. Though not related directly to the question above, this may be a follow up issue once USB is detected in VirtualBox but not shown in guest os.

I followed many blogs to make my USB enabled on Virtual Box (~5.0.28?) on Mac for Windows 7 Pro.

Things that I did but USB not detected

1.I did install the same compatible extension pack for USB for virtualbox 2. Enabled USB 3.0 in Virtual Box Manager (Tried 2.0 though I was sure I had 3.0 port/usb) 3. Ejected USB from native OS (Mac OSX) 4. Tried with enabling filter from Virtual Box Manager (also tried to manually select the USB from the usb listed at the bottom of virtual box) 5. From Device Manager I tried to detect it but the driver search failed. (Network was working and no firewall)

What worked

  1. Downloaded a lot of intel USB 3.0 drivers. Some failed saying system requirement not met. but 1 of the drivers worked. Installed the driver successfully.

Now my usb was detected (given you did the first part above as well)

NOTE: I also installed VirtualBox Guest Additions for share between mac/windows but don’t think its related.


VirtualBox can’t find USB devices in Linux host

This is the common problem I have seen in almost every Linux distros (especially Debian based distros. Such as Linux Mint, Ubuntu, POP OS, etc), that VirtualBox unable to find USB devices connected to the host OS, even you installed the VirtualBox Extension Pack.

Usb List

What are the needs to have USB support for Virtual Machines?

  1. Data Transfer — Suppose you want to create a backup of your Virtual Machine, or just want to transfer data from your Pen drive to Virtual Machine (Vice versa), in that case, you must have an active USB connection.
  2. Wifi Adapters — If you want to connect your USB dongles, external Wifi adapter to your Virtual Machines, you need USB support.

How to enable USB support for your Virtual Machines?

Solution 1

Extensions Pack

Check if you already installed an extension pack or not?


Open VirtualBox —> Click on File menu —> Preferences (Ctrl+G) —> Extensions tab

VirtualBox Ext Pack

If you don’t find any installed extension pack, go to the VirtualBox download page ( and look for Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack, download and installed it. (Extension Pack must be the same version of your VirtualBox)
[If you don’t know what is your’s VirtualBox version, just click on Help menu —> About VirtualBox]

I hope at this point you have installed the VirtualBox Extension Pack successfully.

Now select your Virtual Machine —> Right-click on it and choose Settings (Ctrl+S). —> Come to the USB tab. Check on Enable USB controller and select USB 2.0 (EHCI) Controller or USB 3.0 (xHCI) Controller, any one of them (By default USB 1.1 (OHCI). Now click on Add USB icon.


***If you don’t find any active USB list, follow the Solution 2

Solution 2

Add user to the vboxusers group

i. Open your Linux host’s terminal, type sudo su , and enter your account password.


ii. Type the following command sudo usermod -aG vboxusers mir (In the last command, instead of mir use your account name such as nick, peter, etc.)

Add Vboxusers

iii. Finally, reboot your PC and check the USB settings again.

Watch on YouTube

Thank you very much for reading 🙂


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