Vmware tools linux arch

VMware tools installations in Arch Linux

Starting VMware Workstation Pro 14 Now go to the Application Menu and search for VMware Workstation. In this article, I will show you how to install and configure VMware Workstation Pro 14 on Arch Linux.

VMware tools installations in Arch Linux

I want to install VMware Tools on Arch Linux , but when I click to install VMware tools and when I try to find it in «/media/cdrom» , I do not find it.

Try installing the VMware tools using Pacman.

A list of the various packages is in the Package Database, VMware.

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How to install VMware tools in Arch Linux

How to install VMware tools in Arch Linux 1,894 views Aug 2, 2020 14 Dislike Share Save SoftDat CLS 1.11K subscribers Subscribe Commands: # pacman -S …

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VMware tools installation (Shared Folders) on Arch Linux

I’m using VMware Workstation 10.0.1 and Windows 7 32 bit . I’m trying to install VMware Tools on Arch Linux to Share Folder between Windows host and Arch Linux guest.

Here is the details of my machine uname -a

Linux archlinux 3.18.2-2-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jan 9 07:23:08 CET 2015 i686 GNU/Linux 

I’ve tried to install VMware tools in various ways. Every time it installs successfully but only the Shared Folder feature didn’t work. Neither the vmware supplied hgfs module nor the hgfs module from the open-vm-tools compiles on my machine.

I’ve tried both Official VMware Tools and Open-VM-Tools from Installing Arch Linux in VMware. But no luck.

I’ve also tried the patch from GitHub here to automate the process. But nothing changed.

I’ve also tried this patch got from another question on StackOverflow here

Here is in brief what I’ve done,

I’ve tried to install all the dependencies needed for Official VMware Tools and Open-VM-Tools. For this reason I’ve installed

# pacman -S base-devel net-tools linux-headers 

and also installed aurget to install community packages. Then,

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For installing Open-VM-Tools

# pacman -S open-vm-tools $ aurget -S open-vm-tools-dkms // installed as regular user not root # cat /proc/version > /etc/arch-release # systemctl enable vmtoolsd.service # reboot 

For installing Official VMware Tools

# cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/include/linux # ln -sv ../generated/uapi/linux/version.h # for x in ; do mkdir -pv /etc/init.d/rc$x.d; done # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt # cd /root # tar zxf /mnt/VMwareTools*.tar.gz # cd vmware-tools-distrib # ./vmware-install.pl # systemctl reboot 

After rebooting and logging in,

# /etc/init.d/rc6.d/K99vmware-tools start 

Then I’ve created a folder on my D:\xshare and added this to the machine by menu

VM --> Settings. --> Options --> Shared Folders 

Then created a directory on the system

After that trying to share the folder between host and guest temporarily running this command

# mount -t vmhgfs .host:/xshare /home/archuser/xshare Error: cannot mount filesystem: No such device 

There is an instruction on the Arch installation page to solve this by running this but I’m also getting error here

# modprobe vmhgfs modprobe: FATAL: Module vmhgfs not found. 

Please help me to solve this issue. Thanks in advance.

I had the same issue. I solved applying a patch to the official VM tools. I was on a Mint (debian-based distro) box, so I don’t know if you can use the same procedure on Arch, but I think that you can easily adapt it.

I followed the steps suggested here, and in particular those indicated in Jorge’s comment, that is:

$ git clone https://github.com/rasa/vmware-tools-patches.git $ cd vmware-tools-patches $ ./patched-open-vm-tools.sh 

I use VMware on a Windows 8 64Bit. The guest is Debian Wheezy.

# modprobe vmhgfs FATAL: Module vmhgfs not found. 

I suppose you set the Shared Folder in the configuration of the virtual machine:

Options —> Shared folders —> Add folders

I have set mine to German, so the names are only guessed.

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How to Install VMware Workstation Pro 14 on Arch Linux

VMware Workstation is one of the best Virtualization Tool. It is a little bit more complicated to install on Arch Linux than any other Linux distribution like Ubuntu/Debian. In this article, I will show you how to install and configure VMware Workstation Pro 14 on Arch Linux. Let’s get started.

Installing VMware Workstation Pro 14

First update the pacman package repository cache with the following command:

The pacman package repository cache should be updated.

Now install Git version control system with the following command:

Press y and then press to continue.

Now navigate to the ~/Downloads directory with the following command:

Now clone the AUR Git repository of vmware-workstation with the following command:

The vmware-workstation AUR Git repository should be cloned.

VMware Workstation text based installer depends on ncurses5-compat-libs . So you will have to install that from AUR as well as it is not available in the official package repository of Arch Linux.

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Clone the ncurses5-compat-libs AUR Git repository with the following command:

The ncurses5-compat-libs AUR Git repository should be cloned.

Now if you list the contents of the ~/Downloads directory, there should be 2 directories as you can see in the screenshot below.

First you have to install ncurses5-compat-libs package as vmware-workstation depends on it.

Navigate to the ncurses5-compat-libs/ directory with the following command:

NOTE: I tried the makepkg -s command for ncurses5-compat-libs but it throws the following errors.

I tried to add the GPG keys, but for some reason it did not work for me as you can see in the screenshot below. I skipped GPG check in the end. It may work for you, so feel free to try.

$ gpg —keyserver «http:// pgp.mit.edu /» —recv-keys «702353E0F7E48EDB»
$ gpg —lsign 702353E0F7E48EDB

Now run the following command to make a pacman package of ncurses5-compat-libs :

The pacman package build process for ncurses5-compat-libs .

ncurses5-compat-libs pacman package should be created at this point.

Now install ncurses5-compat-libs with the following command:

Now press y and then press .

ncurses5-compat-libs should be installed.

Now navigate to the vmware-workstation/ directory with the following command:

Now run the following command to make a pacman package of vmware-workstation :

Press y and then press to continue.

The pacman package is being created.

It is created at this point.

Now install vmware-workstation package with the following command:

Now press y and then press to continue.

vmware-workstation should be installed. You may see an error as marked in the screenshot below. Don’t fear, it is easy to solve. It means you have to perform a kernel update and install the kernel headers.

Run the following command to update the kernel and install the kernel headers:

Now press y and then press to continue.

As you can see in the marked section of the screenshot below, the DKMS kernel modules of VMware Workstation is being installed.

The kernel should be updated and the kernel headers along with VMware DKMS modules should be installed.

Now restart your computer with the following command:

Once your computer starts, you can check whether you kernel was updated with the following command:

Now load the VMware kernel modules with the following command:

Now start vmware-networks service with the following command:

Now add vmware-networks service to the system startup with the following command:

vmware-networks should be added to the system startup.

Now start the vmware-usbarbitrator service with the following command:

Now add vmware-usbarbitrator service to the system startup with the following command:

vmware-usbarbitrator should be added to the system startup.

Now start the vmware-hostd service with the following command:

Now add vmware-hostd service to the system startup with the following command:

vmware-hostd should be added to the system startup.

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Starting VMware Workstation Pro 14

Now go to the Application Menu and search for VMware Workstation. Once you find it, click on the VMware Workstation icon as shown in the screenshot below.

You should see the following window. Enter you license key for VMware Workstation 14 and click on OK . If you want to try it out, click on I want to try VMware Workstation 14 for 30 days. and click on OK .

Now enter your root password and click on OK .

You should see the following window. Click on OK .

This is the main window of VMware Workstation Pro 14.

If you want to see more information, then go to Help and then click on About VMware Workstation .

You should see some more information about it.

As you can see, I can create Virtual Machines now.

That’s how you Install VMware Workstation Pro 14 on Arch Linux. Thanks for reading this article.

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How to Install VMware Tools in Arch Linux

VMware Tools incorporates many features that enhance the operation of VMware Workstation. For example, you can activate copy and pasting from documents on the host to the guest computer, or vice versa. Or you can create a shared folder to make files accessible from either the guest or the host machine. It is therefore prudent, if not necessary, to install VMware Tools in Arch Linux right after installing VMware Workstation.

In Arch Linux, VMware Tools does not install as easily as it does on Windows and other Linux distributions. One of the problem is the absence of “init directory” that the installer needs for it’s proper installation. A google search will point you the official Arch Linux website and a github vmware-tools-patches. Both articles are about making patches to make VMware Tools.

The procedure outlined below does not make any patches and only entails creating the systemd service file to start the VMware Tools service daemon.

Step 1 – Dowload VMware Tools

Download the VMware Tools package by clicking the “Install Tools” button at the bottom of the VMware Workstation’s window. You may also start the download process by using the menu at the top of the window by selecting VM/Install VMware Tools.

Step 2 – Unpack VMware Tools

If the VMware Tools download in Step 1 was successful, the installer ISO image would be automatically mounted on the file system, as shown in the screenshot below. The installer is mounted at /run/media/root/’VMware Tools’.

Let us unpack the compressed installer file to our home directory. Note that I am logged in as the user “root” and my home folder is “/root”.


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