Vmware workstation windows xp нет интернета
André, I’d like to add my $0.02 worth of information to add to this issue:
First, a brief configuration on the host:
- 32GB RAM
- 20.5TB Storage
- OS: Win 10 Pro x64 (current with all updates, and current build.)
- VM defined and used in both Admin profile and Standard User profile (proper security settings applied.)
- VM in use: VMware(r) Workstation 12 Pro (12.1.1 build-3770994; current VMWare Tools installed v10.0.6, build-3595377)
- Are you running XP with SP3? — Host: Win 10 Pro x64 (v1511 OS Build 10586.420)
- Do you have any Internet Security/endpoint protection software installed on the host? NO
- How did you setup the VM’s virtual networks (Bridged, NAT)? NAT CORRECTION: BRIDGED (*)
- Please provide the output of ipconfig /all for the host and one of the VM’s. See: 1) Win 10 Client.20160616.txt; 2) Win 10 Host.20160616.
(*) I misread the configuration settings. The BRIDGED connection is NOT able to access the internet. NAT is able. WiFi adapter remains as indicated — not able to connect to internet.
I have my VM configured with four clients: 1) Win 10 Master; 2) Win 10 Clone; 3) Win 7 Master; 4) Win 7 Clone. Both clones have same issue. The issue appeared to occur immediately following automatic MS update to Win 7 Clone and Win 10 Clone. The updates brought the clones up to current release levels as define by MS. All four clients are x64 running same version of VMWare Tools.
Correlation? Perhaps. Because internet connectivity was lost after the same exact event occurred (pushed update from MS); it is possible that something was included which has caused NAT (and bridge?) to fail. Also known is that if a WiFi adapter is connected via USB, the same event occurs. It connects to the router, and fails to provide outside internet connection.
Windows XP в VMWare Workstation нет интернета
использование Windows XP ISO в VMware Workstation Player 12. Независимо от того, что я делаю, я не могу подключиться к Интернету из виртуальной ОС.
- отключен брандмауэр Windows XP
- отключена и включена сеть
- пробовал соединение NAT, пробовал мостовое соединение
- слом виртуальной машины и переустановил Windows XP в VMWare Player
- может пинг www.google.com, но не удается перейти к www.google.com
кстати, у меня есть Kali Linux 2 ISO в том же VMware Workstation Player 12 и я могу подключиться к интернету.
попытался Windows VM, но получить ошибку
обновление 2
Я отключил брандмауэр на виртуальной машине Windows XP с помощью
netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable profile=all
Я могу получить доступ к некоторым веб-сайтам (CNN, FoxNews), но не другие (Google, Facebook).
Я даже открыл порты 80 и 443 в следующем. Как устранить неполадки?
Я закончил загрузку и установку Firefox. Теперь я могу получить доступ ко всем веб-сайты.
спасибо SuperUsers, вы, ребята, потрясающие.
15.03.2023 4:29 2729
2 ответа
5.Может пинг www.google.com, но не удается перейти к www.google.com
можете ли вы подключиться к любым другим веб-сайтам? Обычно это предполагает, что существует что-то блокирующее TCP 80 или TCP 443 соединения.
во-первых, попробуйте отключить брандмауэр на хосте.
Если это не работает, возможно, необходимо выполнить перехват сети на хосте, чтобы проверить, передает ли хост трафик для гостя правильно.
на Win8.1 хозяин
Рабочая станция 12
Относится к гостевой
я мог бы пинг , но не мог открыть http://www.google.com в IE.
на этой теме я нашел одну строку, которая решила проблему:
Я просто включил TLS в настройках IE и интернет начал работать. Я был в состоянии пинговать сайты, но IE не работает. Это помогло мне.
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Windows XP in VMWare Workstation has no Internet
By the way, I have Kali Linux 2 ISO in same VMWare Workstation Player 12 and can connect to Internet fine.
Tried the Windows VM, but get error
Update 2
I disabled firewall on Windows XP VM with
netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable profile=all
I can access some websites (CNN, FoxNews), but not others (Google, Facebook).
I even opened ports 80 and 443 per the following. How to troubleshoot?
Fixed it
I ended up downloading and installing Firefox. Now I can access all the websites.
Thank you SuperUsers, you guys are awesome.
Did you try with a pre-installed version of XP? It seems here there is an image with windows xp preinstalled. After you rise you defences, you may try to download one of the preinstalled vdi/images you can find on internet and run it. If it works it means you have to see what inside your XP stops the communication with internet. If not it’s probably outside. Good luck.
Can ping www.google.com which means has no Internet should be read as has a working connection to the Internet
Try to see (and update) what 1. the host (which is the system?), 2. the guest (xp) and 3. the second guest (kali) answer to host www.google.com (IP or 2a00:1450:4010:c06::68 ) and www.cnn.com ( ): one host that you reach and one that you cannot. Try to see when you put the IPV4 if you can see google for example. I’m starting to think there’s a problem with IPV6/IPV4. Under windows you may use nslookup www.google.com when under Linux you use host www.google.com .
Eventually you can install IPV6 under XP or to see for the specific problem under Virtualbox in NAT mode (I suppose). Let me know. Ps> I give that link to the iso just as example of the idea. You can search for other iso over the net..
2 Answers 2
5.Can ping www.google.com, but cannot browse to www.google.com
Are you able to connect to any other web sites? Normally, it suggests that there is something blocking the TCP 80 or TCP 443 connections.
First, please try to turn off the firewall on the host.
If it doesn’t work, you may need to perform a network capture on the host to check if the host forwards the traffic for the guest correctly.
@Rhonda Have you tried to turn off the firewall on host?(Hypervisor) Also, you may try to capture the network traffic on the host by using tools like wireshark.
I turned off firewall with command ‘netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable profile=all` I can access some websites and not others. I cannot access Google, Facebook, Hotmail. However I can access CNN, FoxNews, When I try to access nydailynews.com I get pop-up «Internet Explorer cannot open . Operation Aborted» Please help!
If you are able to access some of these sites, it suggests that your client gets the internet. Please try to flush the DNS cache on the client with command ipconfig /flushdns. Then try to reset the browser. If it still doesn’t work. You may need to perform a network capture on the client to check the detail process of the communication. From my point of view, there might be some firewall between your client and internet blocking some sites.