Vnc linux to mac

VNC from Mac to Linux

VNC allows you to remotely start a desktop environment on a computer, and interact with that desktop from your local machine. Unfortunately, VNC doesn’t have built-in encryption, which means that all information sent through VNC can be caught by dubious third parties. One solution to this problem comes from utilizing ssh (The Secure Shell) to encrypt the traffic between you and your remote host.

This tutorial will cover the basics of starting a VNC server, wrapping it in ssh, and connecting to your remote desktop securely. In the following examples we will be connecting to using display 44, which means my port number will be 5944 (VNC port numbers are equal to 5900 plus the display number). Where ever is mentioned, one could also use any Ubuntu or Redhat/Centos Linux machine in MCECS.

If you are attempting to make a VNC connection to a firewalled Linux computer, you will need to make sure that your Mac is connected to one of our VPNs. Popular Linux hosts that are firewalled include:

There are many other Linux computers that do not require you to use a VPN.

Step 1 – Starting the VNC Server on the remote computer

Before we can connect to the remote desktop, we need to start the VNC server on the remote machine. In order to do this, ssh in to the machine where you’ll be accessing the remote desktop. In a terminal, run the following command:

This will start the VNC server on the machine and tell it to only accept connections from the localhost, which is to say from users logged into the machine hosting the VNC server. You will be prompted for a password to log you into your VNC session (This is _not_ like logging in with your MCECS account. This password is arbitrarily chosen by you. It is _strongly_ advised that you not use your MCECS account password here!)

NOTE: This password must be at least 6 characters long!

It will also ask if you want to assign a view-only password. This would be a password you would give to someone if you wanted them to observe your VNC session without being able to interact the desktop. Afterwards, you should receive some output that looks like this:

New 'X' desktop is Starting applications specified in /u/cecsuser/.vnc/xstartup Log file is /u/cecsuser/.vnc/

NOTE: The display number is where your VNC session funneling your desktop. My server was started on display number 44, as it was the next display available. In theory, the display number can be anywhere from 1 to 9999. (for reference, :0 is considered the root display, for displays physically connected to the machine).

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Troubleshooting: If you have forgotten your vnc password, or wish to change it use the vncpasswd command. It will prompt you for a new vncpassword and immediately change the vncpassword.

Step 2 – Creating the SSH Tunnel from your computer

Now that we have the VNC server running, we need to create the ssh tunnel from your local machine to the remote host. Log out of your ssh session (don’t worry about vncserver dying when you quit, it’s backgrounded) and reconnect to the same machine with the following commands in a terminal window:

ssh -L 5944:localhost:5944

Where cecsuser would be replaced with your MCECS account username.

NOTE: The syntax -L 5944:localhost:5944 is what is responsible for creating the ssh tunnel VNC will be using between your local host and the remote host. In essence, what it’s saying is take everything that is being sent through the remote computer’s port 5944 (the second number) and funnel it into the local computer’s port 5944 (the first number).

Step 3 – Connecting to Linux with VNC

To connect to the VNC session we setup, follow these steps. First, click on the “Go” menu and choose connect to server.

Connect to server menu item on Go selection in Finder

MacOS has a VNC Viewer already built into it. For the Server Address, type vnc://localhost:5944 where 5944 was the port we forwarded above.

entering vnc server destination uri into server address box

If you set up a password for your VNC session (and you should!) it will prompt you to enter it now.

Remember again, this password should be at least 6 characters!

password box from VNC

That’s it! You are now connected to a Linux machine via VNC.

  • Mac
    • Getting Connected to Wi-Fi at PSU
    • Troubleshooting Wi-Fi at PSU
    • VPN Services at PSU >
    • Remote Access to MCECS Services
      • Using SSH From MacOS
      • Printing to MCECS Printers from MacOS >
      • Configuring Two-Sided Printing
      • Connecting to your Linux Home Directory
      • Connecting to your Windows Home Directory from MacOS
      • Connecting to your Stash from MacOS
      • Using SFTP for Remote File Transfer from MacOS
      • Using RDP to Connect to a Windows Computer from MacOS
      • File Sharing through RDP from MacOS
      • VNC from Mac to Linux
      • Remotely Connecting to Another Mac


      Can I remotely access my Mac from Linux using screen sharing?

      I like to access my Mac from work (Linux) and I wonder if it is possible without installing additional software like TeamViewer or ChickenVNC. I also noticed somewhere that it is possible to wake my Mac via WiFi. What is needed for that (Mac has to be plugged in? Do I have to be in the same Network?) and how do I do it?

      I will recommend some other solutions like GoToMyPC or LogMeIn. VNC works like, well, crap over Internet, at least for me. Also, your company might block or limit speed of VNC. Solutions like LogMeIn are more stable. Or if you’re a pro, SSH. Works like a charm!

      After disabling the firewall it worked for me. After that I found…

      2 Answers 2

      You can take either one of the following two approach:

      1. VNC

      This is pretty simple, you’ll need to go to System Preferences → Screen Sharing and then click on Computer Settings. From there you can select VNC viewers may control screen with password: and supply a password.

      enter image description here

      2. Wi-Fi Wakeup

      Go to System Preferences → Energy Saver. You can only do this with the Mac running on power (if it’s a portable). You’ll need to enable an option tick called Wake for Wi-Fi network access.

      enter image description here

      OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.2 Problem

      If you’re running this release of OS X Mountain Lion, you may find this doesn’t work.


      No Wake-on-LAN possible since updating to ML

      Hi everybody,

      since updating from OS X 10.7 to 10.8 (clean install), Wake-on-LAN does not work anymore. Setup: Mac mini (Early 2011) connected to Time Capsule (2nd gen) via devolo dLAN. Mac mini goes to sleep after 30 minutes and eventually disappears from the network. Sending Wake-On-LAN packets or using Back To My Mac fail, it simply won’t wake up.

      Wake-on-LAN worked smoothly under 10.7 after some problems. Any ideas?

      Thanks and regards


      However, OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.3 fixed this.


      Accessing Ubuntu 20.04 from Mac OS Catalina: which client to use?

      I have a clean install of Ubuntu 20.04 and have setup screen sharing. It gives me an URL to use to access the desktop, something like vnc://my-computer.local When I type this in a web browser on the MacBook, the browser offers to open it up in Screen Sharing, but if I select that, I get the following error message:

      I tried installing TigerVNC on the Mac, but without success — nothing installed, no error messages, nothing. Which VNC client should I try next? I need one that is compatible with Mac OS Catalina, and with the Ubuntu 20.04 VNC implementation?

      6 Answers 6

      I also had this problem earlier. [My original comment was just a «I have this too» post and was deleted. This comment does have a solution:]

      It looks like the two systems cannot negotiate an appropriate encryption level to use between them. It seems like it has happened in the past with earlier versions of Ubuntu and Mac OS X. the solution at the time was switching off encryption for the screen sharing and it has worked for me with Ubuntu 20.04.

      eg on the ubuntu 20.04 box from a terminal session.

      gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false

      I was then able to use Mac OS X Finder to Go to (in my case) vnc:// which failed before.

      Also Royal TSX worked as a screen sharing client on MacOSX where it did not before.

      Of course you may not wish to run screen sharing without encryption. In particular it might mean that the password used would be transported in plain text across the network. However, if this is an unacceptable risk for you then at least trying it out you will have identified the problem.


      Brain Writings

      OS X has a built in VNC (Screen Sharing) server, but it is a little known feature that it also has a built in VNC client. No additional software is necessary. To setup the server go to Preferences->Sharing and check the “On” checkbox next to “Screen Sharing”.

      How use VNC client Mac?

      On the client computer, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Sharing. If prompted, enter the user name and password. Select Remote Management in the list at the left, then click Computer Settings. Select “VNC viewers may control screen with password,” enter a VNC password, then click OK.

      How do I access VNC on Mac?

      On the client computer, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Sharing, then select Remote Management in the list at the left. Click Computer Settings, then select “VNC viewers may control screen with password.” Enter a VNC password, then click OK.

      How do I connect my Mac to Linux?

      Accessing Your Linux (UNIX) Home Directory on Mac OS X

      1. Step 1 – In Finder, click Go -> Connect to Server (Or hit Command + K)
      2. Step 2 – Enter “smb://” as the Server Address.
      3. Step 3 – Click Connect.

      Does Tight VNC work on Mac?

      If you need viewer part on Mac OS X, try TightVNC Java Viewer. It’s cross-platform and should work fine in any system where Java environment can be installed, including MacOS X. In other words, you can connect to any modern Mac OS X system with TightVNC Viewer.

      Does Apple Remote Desktop use VNC?

      Apple Remote Desktop is a proprietary commercial program made by Apple that uses the VNC protocol, but adds many Mac-specific and proprietary features designed specifically for Mac network administrators to manage multiple Macs.

      What ports need to be open for VNC?

      In short, the VNC ports to open are the default ports 5900 and 5800. In addition, for accessing VNC via a web interface we can use port 5800.

      How do I Remote Desktop from Mac to Linux?

      Connecting using VNC from a Mac computer to a Linux server

      1. Step 1 – Starting the VNC Server on the remote computer. Before we can connect to the remote desktop, we need to start the VNC server on the remote machine.
      2. Step 2 – Creating the SSH Tunnel from your computer.
      3. Step 3 – Connecting to Linux with VNC.

      How to access VNC client in Mac OS X?

      How to enable SSH and VNC access on Mac?

      How to connect from windows to Linux using VNC?

      Can a VNC server be run on a shared desktop?


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