Vpn windscribe при включении пропадает интернет

Vpn windscribe при включении пропадает интернет

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There could be many reasons why you’re unable to connect to a server or it disconnects randomly, these may include but are not limited to:

  1. Software on your computer preventing Windscribe from connecting. This may include anti-virus, anti-malware or personal firewalls.
  2. Network that you’re on is blocking or interfering with VPN connections. This may include school and corporate networks.
  3. Your Internet may be too slow.
  4. It’s the full moon.

Try the following solutions to see if you can fix your connection issues.

1a. Connect to the closest location

To get the best performance, you should connect to the closest location to you, geographically. Keep in mind that you can expand each location to reveal a list of cities by clicking the arrow to the right of the location name in the drop down menu.

1b. Connect to different locations

Try to connect to several other Windscribe servers as well. Sometimes the routing to the server you are trying to use or some other particular issue might be causing problems with you connection. This is why we have hundreds of servers all over the world, so that you can try and get connected even when some servers are not working properly for you.

2. Try a different port or protocol

Go to Preferences > Connection and change the Connection Mode to Manual. Then change the Port and Protocol combinations to see if any of them will work better for you. Some ports may work better than others on highly restrictive networks. Make sure you try to reconnect each time you change these settings.

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The standard protocols to use are IKEv2, WireGuard and UDP/TCP. If none of these work, the protocols might be blocked so try to use the secondary protocols that help you get around VPN blocks. These are Stealth and WStunnel.

3. Disable anti-virus/firewall

A lot of modern anti-virus/firewall software does a lot more than just protect you from malware. Products like Avast, Avira, Malwarebytes and others others inspect your network traffic in order to do their job. This can sometimes cause the connection to our servers to be slowed down or interrupted entirely, which will result in slow speeds and frequent disconnects. You should try quitting out of this type of software entirely, as even pausing protection will sometimes have no effect.

4. Enable VPN pass-through

If you have access to the router on your network, look for «IPSec/IKEv2/VPN pass-through» option on the router configuration page. Make sure it’s enabled.


Vpn windscribe при включении пропадает интернет

Features Plans Help My Account

If the VPN app connects to our servers but you can’t actually access the internet, you might be running into a couple of issues.

This first thing to always try is to connect to various other servers to see if the issue is related to the specific server you connected to. If this issue is only happening on that server, using a different one is your best solution.

Bad DNS Setting

Another thing to check would be Custom DNS configuration within the Windscribe app itself (in case you’ve changed this incorrectly), as well as your web browser’s DNS settings.

Anti-virus or Firewall Software Block

Anti-virus/Anti-Malware/Firewall software can offer you «protections» that end up affecting the VPN. It might be scanning your traffic or blocking connections through our VPN interfaces or doing a variety of other things that cause the VPN connection to fail.

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In this case, try completely quitting out of the anti-virus/anti-malware/firewall software (even using Task Manager if you must), and then reconnecting the VPN to see if that fixes the issues for you.

Network-level Restrictions

Some networks, especially public ones like at a school, office, or even in a country with internet restrictions might implement blocks on VPNs that would cause issues after connecting. If this is the case, try switching around to different Protocol and Port combinations to see if any of them work better than others.

You can find these settings by going to Preferences > Connection and setting the Connection Mode to Manual. Then change the Protocol and Port. Reconnect to several VPN locations to see if the new Protocol/Port combinations work.

If you are using the extension, we recommend you try using desktop application instead as there are not really any settings in the extension to get around network restrictions. The only thing to do in the extension is try various other servers.


Vpn windscribe при включении пропадает интернет

Features Plans Help My Account

If Windscribe cannot connect, there are a few things we can do as the initial troubleshooting, as connection issues can be complex and require some investigation by our Support Team.

  1. The first step would be to make sure you have internet connectivity. Be sure that you are connected to WiFi, Ethernet or Mobile Data and that the base internet connection is working. Please note that Windscribe is NOT an ISP, so you need to have an existing internet connection to connect to our VPN.
  2. Try connecting to different Windscribe servers. Sometimes the connection to a specific location will not work due to a variety of reasons so trying to connect to some other locations will tell you if the problem is with the specific VPN server or more wide-spread.
  3. Try changing protocols/ports in the Windscribe app. Sometimes the network you are connected to can be restricted. Places like schools, office buildings, public WiFi hotspots or even entire countries with restrictions on the internet will enable blocks against VPNs and you might be running into these blocks. While we can’t promise that this will work, changing the ports and protocols can certainly increase your chances of connecting. You can do this by going to Preferences > Connection and setting the Connection Mode to Manual. From there, cycle through the different Protocols to see if one will work. If that doesn’t help, try using different Ports with each protocol as well. Make sure you try to connect to several VPN servers on each protocol/port combination to ensure a thorough test.
  4. Check for software on your computer preventing Windscribe from connecting. This may include anti-virus, anti-malware or personal firewalls. Try completely quitting out of this software (even using Task Manager if you need to) in order to see if that will resolve the issue for you. If it does, you might need to set up some whitelisting rules in your anti-virus, anti-malware or firewall software to allow Windscribe to connect. Or simply remove that software from your computer (as it is often invasive to your privacy and impacts your device’s overall performance).
  5. Restart your computer and router. This is a simple step but can often fix many issues. Even ISP support will usually get you to start with a router restart as it will resolve a lot of problems right away.
  6. Contact Support. If all else fails, please make a connection attempt, wait 2 minutes, make sure you have Internet connectivity (disconnect if you don’t) and then go into Preferences, in the Help tab, click «Send Debug Log«. Then create a support ticket so we can have a look. If the log fails to send, click View Debug Log >Export to File and attach the log file to your ticket.
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