Временная ошибка при разрешении linux

Ubuntu Server 18.04 Temporary failure in name resolution

Ok, so I had determined that it is, in fact, some sort of DNS issue, but all the “answers” I’ve tried have not worked for me. I’ve tried editing /etc/resolv.conf without luck as it appears to be a symbolic link. I found an answer here which only works if I run from root, ie:

rm /etc/resolv.conf ln -s /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf 
  • Should I just leave it the way I had it or something else?
  • Can this be a permanent solution?
  • And is the cause of the problem the fact that /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf doesn’t actually exist?

Well, if /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf doesn’t exist there is no point in creating a symlink from /etc/resolv.conf to it. So until you found out why that file doesn’t exist I would recommend to use your working, manual resolv.conf . Can you add the output of dpkg -l resolvconf to your question?

The resolvconf program doesn’t appear to be installed; if I type ‘dpkg -l resolvconf’ I get ‘un resolvconf (no description available)

4 Answers 4

In ubuntu server 18-04, with xorg lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter and xfce4 GUI installed, when booting into the system, the only way I figured out to get the wired network going is this:

works great, however, this has to be done manually after every boot and after every network disconnect/reconnect, so it works but it is a manual solution, not the permanent solution;

to get the wireless network going automatically, simply:

 sudo apt-get install nm-tray network-manager 

you probably have to reboot; then you will be able to use the wireless network icon that appears in the notification area in your control panel (make sure the notification area is added to the panel) to select a wireless network; after that, it will reconnect automatically;

however, to get the wired network to reconnect automatically, I tried installing avahi-daemon and avahi-autoipd but apparently, it is not helping; even tried:

 sudo systemctl start NetworkManager sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager 

basically, if you install a distro such as Xubuntu desktop, the proper tool(s)/daemon/config is installed and the network is detected automatically when it is plugged in without any user configuration; would be nice to know which tool/daemon/config/setting does that.

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Как решить проблему «Временный сбой в разрешении имен»

Иногда, когда вы пытаетесь пропинговать веб-сайт, обновить систему или выполнить любую задачу, требующую активного подключения к Интернету, вы можете получить сообщение об ошибке «временная ошибка в разрешении имени» на вашем терминале.

Например, когда вы пытаетесь пропинговать веб-сайт, вы можете столкнуться с показанной ошибкой:

:~$ ping google.com ping: linux-console.net: Temporary failure in name resolution

Обычно это ошибка разрешения имен, которая показывает, что ваш DNS-сервер не может преобразовать доменные имена в соответствующие IP-адреса. Это может представлять собой серьезную проблему, поскольку вы не сможете обновлять, модернизировать или даже устанавливать какие-либо программные пакеты в своей системе Linux.

В этой статье мы рассмотрим некоторые причины ошибки «временный сбой в разрешении имен» и пути решения этой проблемы.

1. Отсутствует или неправильно настроен файл resolv.conf

Файл /etc/resolv.conf — это файл конфигурации преобразователя в системах Linux. Он содержит записи DNS, которые помогают вашей системе Linux преобразовывать доменные имена в IP-адреса.

Если этот файл отсутствует или есть, но ошибка разрешения имени по-прежнему возникает, создайте его и добавьте общедоступный DNS-сервер Google, как показано ниже.

Сохраните изменения и перезапустите службу systemd-resolved, как показано ниже.

$ sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service

Также разумно проверить состояние распознавателя и убедиться, что он активен и работает должным образом:

$ sudo systemctl status systemd-resolved.service

Затем попробуйте пропинговать любой веб-сайт, и проблема должна быть решена.

2. Ограничения брандмауэра

Если первое решение вам не помогло, возможно, ограничения брандмауэра мешают успешно выполнять DNS-запросы. Проверьте брандмауэр и убедитесь, что порт 53 (используется для DNS — разрешение доменных имен) и порт 43 (используется для поиска whois). Если порты заблокированы, откройте их следующим образом:

Для брандмауэра UFW (Ubuntu/Debian и Mint)

Чтобы открыть порты 53 и 43 в брандмауэре UFW, выполните следующие команды:

$ sudo ufw allow 53/tcp $ sudo ufw allow 43/tcp $ sudo ufw reload
Для firewalld (RHEL/CentOS/Fedora)

Для систем на базе Redhat, таких как CentOS, вызовите следующие команды:

$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=53/tcp --permanent $ sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=43/tcp --permanent $ sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Мы надеемся, что теперь у вас есть представление об ошибке «временный сбой в разрешении имен» и о том, как ее исправить, выполнив несколько простых шагов. Как всегда, ваши отзывы очень ценятся.


Ubuntu 20.04 temporary failure in name resolution for wired

I am getting the following error from ubuntu 20.04 terminal, connected via wired ethernet connection: When I type the following command which I am using in a bash script: ping -c 1 google.com for a health check to ensure it has access, I get the following error: ping: google.com: Temporary failure in name resolution Some background I overwrote my older gaming rig to be a ubuntu multi purpose server (including smart home automation) in my home network. It used to be windows 10, but I formatted the drive and installed ubuntu on it. I have not yet been able to access the internet with ubuntu, however, I do know that the equipment works because I left the internet wired in, I actually downloaded ubuntu via that machine onto the usb before installing. Now I cannot see or connect to the ubuntu server from other devices and cannot reach the internet to download even basic tools like netstat. At this point, I feel like I’ve bashed my head against a wall and scoured the internet (and lots of other stack overflow threads) and tried a bunch of things that didn’t work. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Edit: As requested in comments, I am attaching a screenshot, since I am not able access the computer via any network. Only via hdmi. enter image description here Edit 2: Second screenshot as requested. enter image description here

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Pease edit your question to show the result of these terminal commands: ip addr show and also: cat /etc/netplan/*.yaml

I don’t have access to it, so i took a pic with my phone and just commented out some personal naming stuff


How to Resolve the «Temporary failure in name resolution» Error

The «Temporary failure in name resolution» error occurs when the system cannot translate a website name into an IP address. While the error sometimes appears due to a lost internet connection, there are multiple reasons why it may show up on your system.

This tutorial will guide you through troubleshooting and fixing the «Temporary failure in name resolution» error.

How to resolve the

The error appears when a user attempts to communicate with a website using a command such as ping:

The system cannot communicate with the DNS server and returns the error.

Pinging a website unsuccessfully.

The most common cause of this error are the resolv.conf network configuration file and a misconfigured firewall. The steps to fix the error in both cases are given below.

Method 1: Badly Configured resolv.conf File

resolv.conf is a file for configuring DNS servers on Linux systems.

To start, open the file in a text editor such as nano.

Make sure the resolv.conf file contains at least one nameserver. The lines listing nameservers should look like this:

If you do not have a nameserver listed in the file, add at least one. and are the popular nameservers owned by Google, but you can add any functional DNS server to this list.

The /etc/resolv.conf file in nano editor.

Save the file and exit.

Then, restart the DNS resolver service.

sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service

If successful, the command above returns no output. Test that your new nameservers are correctly configured by pinging a website:

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If you see the ping command transmitting and receiving data, your DNS server is working properly.

Successfully pinging a website.

Misconfigured Permissions

If your resolv.conf file contains valid DNS servers, but the error persists, it may be due to misconfigured file permissions. Change ownership of the file to the root user with the following command:

sudo chown root:root /etc/resolv.conf

Modify the user permissions to allow everybody on the system to read the file:

sudo chmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf

If wrong file permissions caused the error, the commands above successfully resolve it.

Method 2: Firewall Restrictions

Another reason for the «Temporary failure in name resolution» error may be a firewall blocking one or both of the following ports:

Open the ports in UFW Firewall

Type the following command to allow traffic on port 43 using UFW firewall:

UFW confirms the rule is successfully updated.

Allowing port 43 in UFW.

Repeat the command for port 53.

Reload UFW with the following command:

The output confirms the operation was successful.

Reloading UFW firewall.

Open the ports in firewalld

Some Linux distributions such as CentOS use firewalld as their default firewall. The syntax to open port 43 in firewalld is:

sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=43/tcp --permanent

firewalld outputs the word success .

Allowing port 43 in firewalld.

Repeat the command for port 53.

sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=53/tcp --permanent 

Reloading firewalld firewall.

Test the connection by pinging a website.

Note: Check out our post on DNS troubleshooting as well.

This article provided ways to troubleshoot and fix the «Temporary failure in name resolution» error on Linux. To learn more about diagnosing DNS-related problems, read How to Use Linux dig Command.

Marko Aleksić is a Technical Writer at phoenixNAP. His innate curiosity regarding all things IT, combined with over a decade long background in writing, teaching and working in IT-related fields, led him to technical writing, where he has an opportunity to employ his skills and make technology less daunting to everyone.

There are situations when admins need to disable firewalld for testing or switching to another firewall tool, like iptables. This tutorial will show you how to disable and stop the firewall on CentOS 7.

UFW firewall is an easy to use solution for server firewall settings management. This tutorial shows you how to disable and enable an Ubuntu UFW firewall using the command line.

By default, most networks are configured to work with DNS servers supplied by the internet service provider. This tutorial will show you how to change DNS nameservers on your Ubuntu machine.

DNS first emerged in the early 1980s. It represents a system of interconnected servers that store registered domain names and IP addresses.


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