Vs code linux proxy

How to specify a user id and password for Visual Studio Code with an authenticating proxy?

How to specify a user id and password for Visual Studio Code with an authenticating proxy? I’ve seen the Proxy Server Support on the main VS Code site, but this only mentions two settings .

"http.proxy": "" "http.proxyStrictSSL": false 

I’ve set these, but still no luck, e.g. I can’t install extensions . can’t even get a list of them I suspect it’s our proxy, as it needs a user id and password 🙁 So how can you set these values?

The answer below does not work anymore. Instead they introduced a new configuration parameter named «http.proxyAuthorization» but this does not work. Refused to set unsafe header «Proxy-Authorization» . It is already reported: github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/17502

Reported doesn’t mean fixed. or even acknowledged. Still waiting for the fix after more than 4 months.

9 Answers 9

Set credentials inside the proxy url:


WARNING: Setting your password in plaintext in a file can easily lead to your account being compromised. Further it might violate your companies data security guidelines. https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/256.html

@SteveC I suppose because this is an standard procedure of basic access authentication, named url encoding, but you could make them a suggestion to include it in the docs. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication

Apart from it not working it’s probably not good to have your username and password in cleartext in your settings. Using CNTLM you can save the hash and do without this.

Adding proxy url with port alone is enough in latest vscode 1.78.2 No need to enter user credentials.

If you don’t want to store your credentials in the settings file, fiddler can be used to proxy the call to the proxy. Furthermore, I believe the above only works for proxy servers using basic authentication, the following should work for NTLM.

VSCode Open Settings File:

Fiddler Confirm fiddler settings:

enter image description here enter image description here

Fiddler Ensure Fiddler set to automatically authenticate:

enter image description here

VSCode Extensions should now be online:

enter image description here

This is now no longer required following implementation of PR #22369 which was implemented in version 1.15 Proxy server authentication.

In my case I still needed to add:

It would be nice, if vs code provides a setting to specify a ca like npm does, so we don’t have to set strictssl to false. See issue on github here

My favorite response here is David Martin’s suggestion of using Fiddler. But in case that is not something you want to undertake, below is how to set your credentials for the proxy.

To specify DOMAIN + username + password: (It will likely not work with a slash, so use %5C in the place of the slash as shown below)

// The proxy setting to use. If not set will be taken from the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables "http.proxy": "http://DOMAIN%5Cusername:password@proxy_name_or_ip:port", "https.proxy": "http://DOMAIN%5Cusername:password@proxy_name_or_ip:port", // Whether the proxy server certificate should be verified against the list of supplied CAs. "http.proxyStrictSSL": false, 

To specify just username + password:

// The proxy setting to use. If not set will be taken from the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables "http.proxy": "http://username:password@proxy_name_or_ip:port", "https.proxy": "http://username:password@proxy_name_or_ip:port", // Whether the proxy server certificate should be verified against the list of supplied CAs. "http.proxyStrictSSL": false, 


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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

How to setup Proxy settings in Visual Studio Code?

I ran into problem that when I try to find extensions in the VS Code, it does not display anything and even not able to check for updates. In this scenario, I have downloaded newer version of VS Code but it was not the permanent solution to solve this problem.

In such type of issues, I found that our enterprise proxy block the request which sent to the respective software vendors. Finally I decided to get to know that how can I setup proxy settings in VS Code as I did with tortoiseSVN and other tools.

I found reference in VS Code documentation — Proxy server support

Many enterprises require that their computers run behind a proxy server and don’t allow direct access to the Internet. A proxy server intermediary can limit access to the VS Code Extension Marketplace and prevent installing VS Code extensions.

    File >Preferences >Settings

"http.proxy": "http://niranjan:password@"

Complete Settings which works in my case:

// VSCode: Place your settings in this file to overwrite the default settings < "http.proxy": "http://user:pass@proxy.com:8080", "https.proxy": "http://user:pass@proxy.com:8080", "http.proxyStrictSSL": false >

From documentation:
Additionally, use «http.proxyStrictSSL»: false if your proxy server uses a self-signed certificate.
Note: VS Code supports http and https proxies, but not SOCKS proxies.


problems with proxy in vscode

But it doesn’t work when I try to install new extensions I get a connected timeout error. I also try to configure the proxy as system environment variable with the same result. Could you help me? Is it a bug or I’m doing something wrong? Is there another way to download extensions? Thank you very much!

Same problem here. It used to work but now in version 1.8.1 the log shows Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED

They added a new setting to the configuration named «http.proxyAuthorization» but this does not work. I found that someone already reported it: github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/17502

7 Answers 7

Setting Up VS code behind proxy (Proxy script pac file) in Windows 10 to install extensions and updates

  1. Locate the Proxy script path from Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
  2. From the proxy pac file locate the proxy server domain name/port details (chose one that allows internet connection if there are many)
  3. In VS Code go to File > Preferences > Settings and search for «Proxy»
  4. Enter the proxy server url in the Http: Proxy (http.proxy) setting field
  5. Un-tick check box for Http: Proxy Strict SSL ( http.proxyStrictSSL)
  6. Restart VS code

In VS code: File -> Preferences ->Settings.

It works for me. And will work for you too. It appears that in http.proxy you have added «domain» after «http://» which is not required.

I was having issues too. Try adding:

to your settings.json file.

Here is a solution in Windows 7.

Change the system proxy to your proxy, like localhost:3128 , in Internet Options => Connections => LAN Settings.

After a version (1.35.0 maybe), the proxy settings in the Settings of vscode seems not working. My proxy is down as soon as I update. Finally, I fixed the problem by changing the system proxy.

Thanks, your solution gave me an idea to make it a more generic solution. What I did was, I went to Internet Options => Connections => LAN Settings, and then I checked the «Automatically detect setting» and un-checked all other boxes. and it worked like a charm.

As @Yan QiDonge mentioned you can do that.

But if you want to have a more generic solution, this is what I did. What I did was, I went to Internet Options => Connections => LAN Settings, and then I checked the «Automatically detect setting» and un-checked all other boxes. and it worked like a charm.

If you are using yarn run this command it worked for me

«yarn config set strict-ssl false»


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Network Connections in Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is built on top of Electron and benefits from all the networking stack capabilities of Chromium. This also means that VS Code users get much of the networking support available in Google Chrome.

Common hostnames

A handful of features within VS Code require network communication to work, such as the auto-update mechanism, querying and installing extensions, and telemetry. For these features to work properly in a proxy environment, you must have the product correctly configured.

If you are behind a firewall that needs to allow specific domains used by VS Code, here’s the list of hostnames you should allow communication to go through:

  • update.code.visualstudio.com — Visual Studio Code download and update server
  • code.visualstudio.com — Visual Studio Code documentation
  • go.microsoft.com — Microsoft link forwarding service
  • vscode.blob.core.windows.net — Visual Studio Code blob storage, used for remote server
  • marketplace.visualstudio.com — Visual Studio Marketplace
  • *.gallery.vsassets.io — Visual Studio Marketplace
  • *.gallerycdn.vsassets.io — Visual Studio Marketplace
  • rink.hockeyapp.net — Crash reporting service
  • bingsettingssearch.trafficmanager.net — In-product settings search
  • vscode.search.windows.net — In-product settings search
  • raw.githubusercontent.com — GitHub repository raw file access
  • vsmarketplacebadges.dev — Visual Studio Marketplace badge service
  • az764295.vo.msecnd.net — Visual Studio Code download CDN
  • download.visualstudio.microsoft.com — Visual Studio download server, provides dependencies for some VS Code extensions (C++, C#)
  • vscode-sync.trafficmanager.net — Visual Studio Code Settings Sync service
  • vscode-sync-insiders.trafficmanager.net — Visual Studio Code Settings Sync service (Insiders)
  • vscode.dev — Used when logging in with GitHub or Microsoft for an extension or Settings Sync
  • *.vscode-unpkg.net — Used when loading web extensions
  • default.exp-tas.com — Visual Studio Code Experiment Service, used to provide experimental user experiences

Proxy server support

VS Code has exactly the same proxy server support as Google Chromium. Here’s a snippet from Chromium’s documentation:

"The Chromium network stack uses the system network settings so that users and administrators can control the network settings of all applications easily. The network settings include: - proxy settings - SSL/TLS settings - certificate revocation check settings - certificate and private key stores" 

This means that your proxy settings should be picked up automatically.

Otherwise, you can use the following command-line arguments to control your proxy settings:

# Disable proxy --no-proxy-server # Manual proxy address --proxy-server==[:][;. ] | [:] | "direct://" # Manual PAC address --proxy-pac-url= # Disable proxy per host --proxy-bypass-list=(|)[:][;. ] 

To learn more about these command-line arguments, see Chromium Network Settings.

Authenticated proxies

Authenticated proxies should work seamlessly within VS Code with the addition of PR #22369.

The authentication methods supported are:

When using VS Code behind an authenticated HTTP proxy, the following authentication popup should appear:


Note that SOCKS5 proxy authentication support isn’t implemented yet; you can follow the issue in Chromium’s issue tracker.

See Chromium HTTP authentication to read more about HTTP proxy authentication within VS Code.

SSL certificates

Often HTTPS proxies rewrite SSL certificates of the incoming requests. Chromium was designed to reject responses which are signed by certificates which it doesn’t trust. If you hit any SSL trust issues, there are a few options available for you:

  • Since Chromium uses the OS’s certificate trust infrastructure, the preferred option is to add your proxy’s certificate to your OS’s trust chain. See the Chromium Root Certificate Policy documentation to learn more.
  • If your proxy runs in localhost , you can always try the —allow-insecure-localhost command-line flag.
  • If all else fails, you can tell VS Code to ignore all certificate errors using the —ignore-certificate-errors command-line flag. Warning: This is dangerous and not recommended, since it opens the door to security issues.

Legacy proxy server support

Extensions don’t benefit yet from the same proxy support that VS Code supports. You can follow this issue’s development in GitHub.

Similarly to extensions, a few other VS Code features don’t yet fully support proxy networking, namely the CLI interface. The CLI interface is what you get when running code —install-extension vscodevim.vim from a command prompt or terminal. You can follow this issue’s development in GitHub.

Due to both of these constraints, the http.proxy , http.proxyStrictSSL and http.proxyAuthorization variables are still part of VS Code’s settings, yet they are only respected in these two scenarios.


Here are some helpful links that might help you troubleshoot networking issues in VS Code:


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