Wahoo kickr v6 wifi

Wahoo KICKR V6 and Updated KICKR Bike Released

Did you know that 2022 is the 10th anniversary of the Wahoo KICKR? Time flies. While it wasn’t technically the first smart trainer, we have the KICKR to thank for really kick(r)ing off the smart trainer revolution which turned into a smart trainer explosion when Zwift arrived on the scene.

Wahoo’s KICKR has always been a solid product, but steady iterations since 2012 have earned it a reputation as an accurate, powerful, reliable trainer. Couple that with Wahoo’s reputation for stellar customer support and it’s no surprise that this is the most popular trainer on Zwift.

Today Wahoo announced the latest version of the KICKR, which we’ll simply call the KICKR V6 since it’s the sixth generation. Wahoo has also announced the new version of their KICKR Bike, which will be KICKR Bike V2. Both devices are receiving the same three upgrades: wifi connectivity, ERG easy ramp, and an internal odometer. There are also some price changes and other tweaks worth mentioning.

Last week I sat down with Tyler Harris, Product Manager of Indoor at Wahoo, to discuss all things KICKR. Let’s dive into today’s freshly announced KICKR updates, with some insights from Tyler.

WiFi Connectivity

This is arguably the biggest feature upgrade for the new KICKR and bike.

A bit of history: Wahoo rolled out direct connect capability with the KICKR V5, giving us the ability to have our KICKR connection via a “hard wire” instead of ANT+ or Bluetooth. This feature has proved rock-solid and is also supported by all major indoor cycling platforms.

What Wahoo has done with wifi connectivity on today’s newly-announced KICKR and Bike essentially removes the need for a Direct Connect dongle, at least in most situations. The data protocol used by the KICKR and Bike for wifi communication is the same as the direct connect protocol, so it works out of the box with any platform that supports direct connect.

That means stable wifi connections from your trainer to Zwift, without the need for a direct connect box or ethernet cable.

Wahoo says connecting via wifi delivers data to your software 65% faster than Bluetooth or ANT+. (This will be partially dependent on the quality of your wifi connection, but wifi does generally have lower latency than Bluetooth, so it makes sense.)

One side benefit of wifi connectivity is the ability to deliver firmware updates automatically to your KICKR or KICKR Bike. Tyler explained that, if your trainer/bike stays powered on, Wahoo simply pings their server every 11 hours or so to check for firmware updates. If one is found, it can be automatically installed. The same check will be done within the first few seconds of powering on your KICKR or Bike.

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ERG Easy Ramp

If you’ve done many ERG workouts, you’ve probably experienced that awkward moment when you needed to stop/pause your workout, then resume it. This can be a painful experience, especially if you’re in the middle of a high-wattage interval.

Wahoo’s ERG Easy Ramp feature ramps you up to the target wattage over an interval of approximately 10 seconds, letting you build your pedal power from zero to target wattage instead of trying to “box jump” straight to 600 watts.


Both the new KICKR and Bike will now track usage via an internal odometer which can be read using the Wahoo app. When we spoke to Tyler, he said this feature will be especially useful when buying or selling a used KICKR or KICKR Bike. He compared it to buying a used car. If it has 400 miles on it – it’s basically new! But if it has 20,000 miles on it, that will significantly impact the value.

Wahoo KICKR V6 Feature Highlights

Items in bold are new features/upgrades from the previous gen 5 model:

  • WiFi connectivity
  • ERG Easy Ramp
  • Odometer
  • MSRP: $1299 USD (increased from $1199 USD)
    • £1,099.99 GBP, €1,299.99 EURO, $1,879.99 CAD, $1,799.95 AUD, ¥175,550 JPN

    Wahoo KICKR Bike Feature Highlights

    Items in bold are new features/upgrades from the previous gen 1 model:

    • WiFi connectivity
    • ERG Easy Ramp
    • Odometer
    • Direct Connect capability
    • MSRP: $3999 USD (increased from $3499 USD)
      • £3,499.99 GBP, €3,999.99 EURO, $5,299.99 CAD, $6,299.95 AUD, ¥495,000 JPN

      In addition to the list above, we spoke with Tyler about two other issues in the original KICKR Bike which have been addressed in the new model:

      • Motor redesign: resonant frequency noises in the 68-72 rpm range have been addressed
      • Seat and handlebar height adjusting: steering tube and seat tube tolerances have been tightened and quick release bushings improved in order to address the issue of people breaking quick release skewers while trying to tighten down their handlebars and seat.

      Pricing & Availability

      Astute observers will note that USD pricing (see above) has increased by $100 for the KICKR and $500 for the KICKR Bike. Tyler explained that this was due to well-known challenges relating to supply chain, logistics, and general inflation.

      The KICKR V6 is available today at wahoofitness.com, while the new KICKR Bike will be available for purchase in 2-3 weeks.

      Full Review Coming Soon

      I’ve got the KICKR V6 here in the Zwift Insider Pain Lab, and I’m putting it through its paces. Preliminary results are showing exactly what I would expect after riding thousands of miles on the V5: accurate power, that splendid KICKR road feel, and now a solid connection via wifi to Zwift.

      Watch for a full review in the coming weeks.


      Differences Between Wahoo KICKR Versions

      Wahoo’s KICKR is the most popular smart trainer in the world, and for good reason – it was one of the first, it’s built like a tank, and it’s backed by Wahoo’s solid support and distribution network.

      Now in its 6th generation, things can get a little confusing if you’re looking to buy a used KICKR or pick up some new/old stock at a bargain price.

      Buy a New Wahoo KICKR

      Here’s a complete rundown of all the differences between each KICKR generation so you can tell them apart visually and understand the evolution of this smart trainer.

      Identifying Your KICKR Generation

      Each KICKR has a few unique characteristics which make it easy to identify visually.

      KICKR v1 (’14)

      • Carry handle is black and directly mounted to downsloping bar
      • Power plug is beneath that handle on the underside of the downsloping bar
      • No LED lights

      KICKR v2 (’16)

      • Downsloping bar completely envelopes the rear axle assembly and has a straight plastic cap
      • Flywheel side of pulley is not recessed

      KICKR v3 (’17)

      • Downsloping bar ends flush with the rear axle, has a welded top, with a slight bulge in the center where the axle travels through
      • Flywheel side of pulley is not recessed

      KICKR v4 (’18)

      • Downsloping bar ends flush with the rear axle, has a welded top, with a slight bulge in the center where the axle travels through
      • Flywheel side of pulley is recessed

      KICKR v5 (’20)

      • Includes an RJ11 (phone jack) Direct Connect port just above the power plug
      • Wider AXIS feet used for all contact points

      KICKR v6 (’22)

      SKU/Part # Identification

      KICKR models can be identified by the Part# on the white sticker on the drive side of the flywheel plastics:

      Model SKU/Part #
      KICKR v6 (2022) WFBKTR122
      KICKR v5 (2020) WFBKTR120
      KICKR v4 (2018) WFBKTR118
      KICKR v3 (2017) WFBKTR117
      KICKR v2 (2016) WFBKTR116
      KICKR v1 (< 2016) WFBKTRNR11

      Hardware Differences Between KICKR Models

      Model Year Belt Type Flywheel Accuracy Notes
      2014 (Gen 1) Timing 12lb 3% The only model with a strain gauge, a slanted handle, and no LED indicators.
      2016 (Gen 2) Timing 12lb 2%
      2017 (Gen 3) Timing 12lb 2%
      2018 (Gen 4) V 16lb 2% First model to include built-in cadence and support multiple Bluetooth connections.
      2020 (Gen 5) V 16lb 1% First model to include auto-calibration, an RJ11 port, and AXIS feet.
      2022 (Gen 6) V 16lb 1% First model to include WiFi

      Compatibility/Feel Differences Between KICKR Models

      Model Year Noise Level Climb compatible Thru Axle compatibility Responsiveness
      2014 (Gen 1) Noisy No 12×142 with adapter kit Decent
      2016 (Gen 2) Quieter than previous No Same as previous Better than previous
      2017 (Gen 3) Same as previous Yes (Usually) 12×142 and 12×148 Same as previous
      2018 (Gen 4) Very quiet Yes Same as previous Same as previous
      2020 (Gen 5) Same as previous Yes Same as previous Race mode supported
      2022 (Gen 6) Same as previous Yes Same as previous Same as previous


      Трейнер велотренажер Wahoo KICKR V6

      Трейнер велотренажер Wahoo KICKR V6

      Снимите заднее колесо с велосипеда, подключите велосипед к Wahoo KICKR Power Trainer, загрузите приложение для совместимого устройства iOS, Android или ПК, и вы получите готовый полноценный велотренажер с естественным ощущением педали, передачей и измерение мощности. Вы можете настроить свое устройство на фиксированный уровень сопротивления, динамически изменяющийся уровень мощности или использовать приложение, которое изменяет уровень сопротивления в соответствии с заранее запланированным упражнением или виртуальным маршрутом. Время использования вашего велосипеда увеличивается, тренировки становятся более реалистичными, и вы поддерживаете и улучшаете свою физическую форму даже в зимние месяцы. Ощущения от вождения почти как на настоящей дороге.
      Силовая передача с прямым подключением является более современной альтернативой подключенным через кольцо, поэтому уровень звука практически бесшумный. Он работает как с шоссейными, так и с горными велосипедами, независимо от типа тормоза. Вы также можете использовать датчик измерения частоты педалирования без KICKR, когда позже вы перейдете к более эффективному сезону езды на велосипеде на открытом воздухе.

      Wahoo Kickr — это самое эффективное и точное тренировочное сопротивление на рынке, поэтому оно также одобрено на официальных соревнованиях. Wahoo KICKR выдает сопротивление до 2200 Вт, поэтому вы можете кататься по самым крутым горам и по самым сложным интервалам. Широкие ножки устройства делают его очень прочным, но их можно сложить для удобства хранения.

      Пересмотренная версия имеет более гибкие собачки для более естественного ощущения при вращении педалей, когда велосипед раскачивается из стороны в сторону, а также другие небольшие улучшения с точки зрения долговечности и ранее отмеченных ошибок.
      Точное измерение мощности с задней панели, +/- 1%, автоматическая калибровка
      Регулируемое электромагнитное сопротивление, не более 2200 Вт
      Максимальное увеличение: 20%
      Маховик: 7,2 кг
      Ножки AXIS, которые адаптируются к движению: +/- 5°
      Совместимость с Bluetooth, ANT+, ANT+ FE-C
      Поддерживает три одновременных соединения Bluetooth
      Благодаря своей бесшумности подходит и для жилых квартир.
      Совместимость с колесами от 24 до 29 дюймов.
      Крепление, сквозная ось: 12×142, 12×148 мм
      Монтаж, QR: 130/135 мм
      Поставляется с совместимым с 11-28 Shimano/SRAM 11-скоростным задним переключателем (обгонная муфта также поддерживает 8/9/10-скоростные кассеты) и прокладкой 1,8 мм для 10-скоростных переключателей.
      Рабочее напряжение: 100-240 В 50/60 Гц 1,7 А
      Совместимые устройства: iPhone (4S или новее), iPad (3-го поколения или новее), Android (проверьте совместимость на веб-сайте производителя), ПК (Windows Ant+ и OS X Bluetooth LE), ANT+, FE-C
      Совместимые программы: Wahoo Fitness, Trainerroad, Zwift, Bkool, Strava, VeloReality, Kinomap, VirtualTraining, Perfpro studio, Rouvy, PeriPedal, .
      Размеры: в рабочем состоянии 71 х 51 х 43,2 см (ножки открыты), 51 см х 23 см х 43,2 см (ножки сложены)

      Функциональные особенности размер втулки: 12×142, 12×148 мм
      Размеры, см (В*Ш*Г) (в собранном состоянии): 71 см на 21 см.
      Вес, кг 21
      Гарантия, мес 24
      Габариты Упаковки Д*Ш*В (см) 31*55*60
      Вес Упаковки(кг) 25


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