What can you do with linux on ps3

Brain Writings

The installation manual for the Yellow Dog Linux version for PS3 stated, “It was fully intended that you, a PS3 owner, could play games, watch movies, view photos, listen to music, and run a full-featured Linux operating system that transforms your PS3 into a home computer.”

Can you run Linux on a PS3?

PS3 can’t run Microsoft Windows or Apple’s OS X but it can run Linux operating systems. There are many Linux varieties, but our favorite is Ubuntu. Once the partition is made, the OS can be loaded from the Ubuntu disc using the “Install Other OS” function under “Settings” in the PS3 menu.

Can I run Ubuntu on PS3?

Installing Ubuntu Connect USB keyboard and mouse to PS3. Insert the disk with Ubuntu iso image into PS3. Select [Settings] -> [System Settings] -> [Default System] -> [Other OS]. This will boot PS3 with other OS.

Do Playstations use Linux?

Linux for PlayStation 2 (or PS2 Linux) is a kit released by Sony Computer Entertainment in 2002 that allows the PlayStation 2 console to be used as a personal computer….Linux for PlayStation 2.

Linux kit running successfully with Window Maker.
Developer Sony Computer Entertainment
Platforms PlayStation 2 SCPH-50000 and earlier

Can PS5 run Linux?

We can forget spending on a Windows license, though, because the PS5 runs on Linux so we can get that for free – all it’ll cost us is our sanity as we try and manage the vagaries of the terminal and getting Proton to work okay.

What happened to Yellow Dog Linux?

Yellow Dog Linux (YDL) is a discontinued free and open-source operating system for high-performance computing on multi-core processor computer architectures, focusing on GPU systems and computers using the POWER7 processor. The original developer was Terra Soft Solutions, which was acquired by Fixstars in October 2008.

Can I use my PS3 as a computer?

So, it is not possible to turn your PS3 into a Windows PC. However, you can run Windows programs on your PS3. Then again, there are a lot of limitations in this method as well. Still, you could give it a try if you have already installed Ubuntu or any other Linux varieties on your PS3.

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Can you mine with a PS3?

The answer is yes. A PS3, depending on which version we are talking about, is just a computer able to run Linux and, therefore, able to mine cryptocurrency.

Can the PS5 run Linux?

Can you run Linux on a PS4?

When the Sony PS3 was released, it was shipped with support for Linux installation on the console. This was later removed in updates, and the idea was scrapped entirely with the PS4. However, there exists a method to get Linux running on the PS4, and you can even play PC games through Steam if they have Linux ports.

What does being a Yellow Dog Democrat mean?

Yellow Dog Democrats was a political term applied to voters in the Southern United States who voted solely for candidates who represented the Democratic Party. The term is now more generally applied to refer to any Democrat who will vote a straight party ticket under any circumstances.


Запускаем GNU/Linux на PS3

Как вам уже известно, Sony убрала возможность запускать OtherOS на приставке Sony Playstation 3. Для некоторых гиков именно запуск GNU/Linux на PS3 был причиной покупки. Но благодаря работе сторонних разработчиков это вновь стало возможным. На прошивке с версией 3.55 без каких-либо дополнительных устройств (USB jailbreak device, USB JIG).

Небольшое видео для привлечения внимания:

UPDATE: теперь всё стало гораздо проще — можно запускать Debian GNU/Linux прямо с флешки без установки TFTP и NFS серверов. См. инструкцию.

Используемые средства

Для запуска ядра Linux будет использоваться загрузчик AsbestOS и программа для внесения изменений в память lv2patcher. Для работы lv2patcher необходимо, чтобы системные файлы были предварительным образом изменены (работали системные вызовы peek и poke, а также функция lv1_undocumented_function_114 была модифицирована: 0x2D5A47: 00 -> 01). Эти изменения уже сделаны в большинстве модифицированных прошивок (CFW).


  • Waninkoko V2;
  • kmeaw’s CFW;
  • Wutangrza’s CFW;
  • PS3MFW от KaKaRoTo (с соответствующими опциями, включенными при сборке).


Для запуска AsbestOS необходима последняя версия lv2patcher’а — v9. В ней появилась возможность модифицировать содержимое гипервизора (lv1), а также выполнять перезагрузку (lv1_panic).


Для того, чтобы lv2patcher смог запустить AsbestOS, загрузчик надо предварительно записать во флеш-память приставки. Сделать это просто так нельзя — раздел /dev_flash защищён от записи. Но для этого существует специальная программа — AsbestOS installer (версия для ps3 fat). Просто запустите её и подождите, пока завершится процесс установки.

Теперь все приготовления на PS3 завершены. Поскольку AsbestOS использует сеть для загрузки ядра, то необходимо настроить компьютер, подключённый к локальной сети, чтобы он мог быть использован в качестве загрузочного сервера. Предположим, что на этом компьютере установлена Ubuntu. Чтобы поднять сервер, нам понадобятся пакеты dhcp3-server, tftpd-hpa и nfs-kernel-server.


DHCP-сервер нужен загрузчику, чтобы получить IP-адрес и адрес TFTP-сервера. Вот пример работающей конфигурации для ISC DHCP server:
option domain-name «example.org»;
option domain-name-servers,;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
ddns-update-style none;
log-facility local7;
subnet netmask range;
filename «kboot.conf»;
option routers;

Поправьте этот файл в соответствии с адресным пространством вашей сети.


Сразу после получения адреса, AsbestOS пытается скачать с TFTP-сервера файл конфигурации. В примере выше был указан файл kboot.conf. Нам хватит минимальной конфигурации, и поэтому этот файл будет состоять лишь из одной строки:

linux=’vmlinux video=ps3fb:mode:2 root=/dev/nfs rw ip=dhcp nfsroot= panic=5′

Как видно из неё, нам также нужно положить образ ядра в директорию tftp-сервера и назвать его vmlinux. Ссылка на готовое ядро будет указана в следующем разделе.

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Так как жёсткий диск приставки не будет использован для хранения GNU/Linux, а корневая файловая система нужна для работы, то мы воспользуемся возможностью Linux использовать nfs в качестве корня. Добавим строку в /etc/exports:

Кстати, файловую систему можно взять здесь, а ядро и модули к нему — тут.

Всё готово. Запускаем lv2 patcher, выбираем новый пункт меню «Linux» и нажимаем «X». Через несколько секунд ядро проинициализирует framebuffer и выведет на экран два ряда пингвинов.

А как бы вы стали использовать старую (новую?) возможность PS3?


Can you run Linux on PS3?

The PlayStation 3 does not have Linux pre-installed. However, Sony included an option in the XMB menu soon after the PlayStation 3 launched that allowed booting into Linux from the hard drive or from a Live CD that the distributor’s kernel would boot.

Which Linux is the best for PS3?

Can you install Linux on PlayStation?

Linux is the best-known and most used open-source operating system that gained a worldwide user base. Installing Linux can make a world of difference in your PS4s. So, if you are interested in learning about installing Linux onto your old Playstation4 console, here is a complete walkthrough about installing the same.

What OS does the PS3 run?

The PlayStation 3 system software, is the updatable firmware and operating system of the PlayStation 3. The base operating system used by Sony for the PlayStation 3 is a fork of both FreeBSD and NetBSD known internally as CellOS or GameOS. It uses XrossMediaBar as its graphical shell.

How to convert PS3 to Linux PC?

Select «System Settings,» then «Format Utility» from the menu of the PS3. Choose «Custom» and allot 10 GB to the «Other OS.» Choose «Quick Format,» then restart. Once the partition is made, the OS can be loaded from the Ubuntu disc using the «Install Other OS» function under «Settings» in the PS3 menu.

(EP 12) Installing Red Ribbon Linux to PS3 HDD

How to install Linux on PlayStation 3?

Go to Settings->System Settings, and select Install Other OS. The PS3 will search for a suitable bootloader and find otheros. bld on the CD. Select Start and the PS3 will install the bootloader.

How much RAM did the PS3 have?

Did PS3 have a RAM?

How do I install an operating system on my PS3?

  1. Select Settings > System Update.
  2. Select Update via Internet. Download the latest update data from the Internet. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the operation.

Is PS3 outdated?

Sony has announced that the PS3 is officially ending production. After 11 years and 3 model redesigns, Sony has finally decided that the PS3 has seen its day.

Which consoles can run Linux?

Linux has been ported to several game consoles, including the Xbox, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, GameCube, and Wii which allows game developers without an expensive game development kit to access console hardware. Several gaming peripherals also work with Linux.

What platforms can Linux run on?

Linux is a Unix-like, open source and community-developed operating system (OS) for computers, servers, mainframes, mobile devices and embedded devices. It is supported on almost every major computer platform, including x86, ARM and SPARC, making it one of the most widely supported operating systems.

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Which Linux is best in the world?

Ubuntu Server is arguably the most popular Linux distro thanks to its high flexibility, scalability, and secure enterprise data centers. The latest version of Ubuntu Server runs on all major architectures, including ARM, x86, Power, s390x, and RISC-V.

Do any games run better on Linux?

Minecraft gets an astonishing 22% more FPS in linux (tested with an AMD GPU) A Hat in Time gets 7% to 19% more FPS (AMD) Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO) gets 15% more FPS (NVIDIA) Detroit: Become Human gets about 7% more FPS (NVIDIA)

Can you turn your PS3 into a PC?

There are PS3 emulators where you can download vulkan-1. dll file, and use it to turn your device into a PC. When you’ve got your stuff, you’ll want to put a copy of the operating system you’ll probably be on. Here’s a guide to setting up Yellow Dog PS3.

Can ps5 run Linux?

No. You could install Linux on the PS2 and PS3, but nothing like that is possible with the current consoles. Linux just does not work with hardware, why is that?

What can you do with an old PS3?

A jailbroken PS3 can do a multitude of things. For example it can run an emulator to play a bunch of retro games via ROMs (including PS3 without discs), you can customise the user interface, you can install your own hard drive, and you can even play homebrew games.

Why was PS3 CPU so powerful?

A Cell system running all eight SPEs — PS3 developers had access to six, with a seventh reserved for the system and the eighth disabled — and fully optimized code was literally an order of magnitude more capable than its contemporaries.

What was the PS3 lifespan?

Is PS3 more powerful than PC?

But the PS3 is a pretty powerful box and it’s probably more powerful than 90 percent of the PCs out there.” Pachter also said that “the [Xbox] 360 is probably more powerful than 85 percent of the PCs out there.”

What GPU does the PS3 have?

NVIDIA includes 256 MB GDDR3 memory, which are connected using a 128-bit memory interface. The GPU is operating at a frequency of 550 MHz, memory is running at 650 MHz. Its power draw is rated at 58 W maximum. The console’s dimensions are 325 mm x 98 mm x 274 mm, and it features a igp cooling solution.

Is PS3 a powerful console?

The reason the PS3 was so powerful compared to previous hardware was that it used what’s called Cell Processing instead of traditional x86, resulting in a huge leap in graphical horsepower.

How powerful was the PS3 supercomputer?

In November 2010, the Air Force Research Laboratory created a powerful supercomputer, nicknamed the «Condor Cluster», by connecting together 1,760 consoles with 168 GPUs and 84 coordinating servers in a parallel array capable of 500 trillion floating-point operations per second (500 TFLOPS).

Can Xbox 360 run Linux?

Save this answer. The short answer is you can install linux on xbox 360 hard drive. But all the solutions I’ve seen include putting vmlinux on a flash drive for Xell to launch before you get access to the hard drive and all the applications like internet browser, text editor, etc., on it.


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